19:04:11 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 19:04:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-ws-policy-eds-irc 19:04:24 maryann has joined #ws-policy-eds 19:04:30 zakim, this will be edit 19:04:30 ok, prasad, I see WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM already started 19:04:41 thanks prasad 19:04:45 +Toufic_Boubez 19:05:10 +Prasad_Yendluri 19:05:16 +Felix 19:05:18 +Frederick_Hirsch 19:06:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Mar/0022.html 19:07:09 agenda for today 19:07:16 fhirsch has joined #ws-policy-eds 19:07:37 Scribe: Frederick Hirsch 19:07:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Mar/0022.html 19:07:43 ScribeNick: fhirsch 19:08:03 Chair: Maryann Hondo 19:08:07 +??P9 19:08:18 zakim, who is here? 19:08:18 On the phone I see [IBMCambridge], Toufic_Boubez, Prasad_Yendluri, Felix, Frederick_Hirsch, asir 19:08:20 On IRC I see fhirsch, maryann, RRSAgent, Zakim, prasad, toufic, fsasaki, asir, trackbot 19:08:39 Regrets: Dave Orchard 19:08:59 Present: Toufic, Prasad, Felix, Frederick, Asir, Maryann 19:09:04 Topic: Administrative 19:09:27 Roles for F2F 19:10:34 felix, did you update the interop scenarios link on the WG home page? 19:10:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Feb/0120.html 19:10:51 asir, yes, I did 19:11:05 chair order after today is Asir, Prasad, Toufic, Dave, Frederick 19:11:29 scribe order after today is Asir, Prasad, Toufic, Dave 19:11:41 Maryann cannot attend editors meeting during F2F 19:11:55 Reminder - editors meeting is 3-5 Thursday at F2F 19:12:25 Toufic will not be able to attend F2F editors meeting 19:12:56 asir Need to consider how and when to deliver WSDL identifiers to working group. Addition to agenda. 19:13:28 maryann will be at F2F, so can give editors report 19:13:40 prasad notes that Maryann needs to register 19:14:42 maryann will leave wed afternoon 19:15:54 at f2f reporter is maryann, chair asir, scribe prasad 19:16:28 toufic have to leave thursday morning 19:17:01 maryann will scribe first part, prasad second 19:17:15 editors will meet on wed lunch during f2f and also at 3pm 19:17:29 Editors's F2F new time Wed at Noon 19:18:00 s/Noon/Noon or Duing Lunch Break/ 19:18:07 frederick requests editors call an hour later 19:18:28 toufic ok with it 19:18:31 asir ok 19:18:36 I am ok 19:18:39 prasad ok 19:18:45 maryann ok 19:19:32 felix has conflict has hour later, will be 10-15 minutes late 19:19:40 asir does not work for Dave 19:22:02 Dave O says 1 PM Pacific works for him 19:22:07 exploring 2 hours later as possibility 19:23:40 what is the conclusion? 19:24:22 No change to time 19:25:55 Topic: Editors AIs 19:26:16 AI 100: Tickler 19:26:23 Keep as is 19:26:30 AI 153: Asir - Done 19:27:06 AI 161: DaveO - Pending 19:27:35 AI 173: Air - Done 19:31:10 AI 169 - Currently owned by Prasad 19:31:27 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2006/ws/policy/generate-acknowledgements.xsl 19:32:28 The above is script to update the Acks files 19:32:58 AI 169 - Reassin to Felix 19:33:15 s/reassin/Reasign/ 19:33:16 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=39293 19:33:49 Felix to figure out if and how to automate 19:33:55 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=39293 19:34:08 http://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=39293&former=1 19:34:11 fhirsch3 has joined #ws-policy-eds 19:34:16 Felix can propose at the F2F meeting of editors 19:34:23 i am back 19:34:38 on irc 19:35:34 s/Reassin/Re-Assign/ 19:36:02 topic: action item 175 19:36:07 done, closed 19:36:14 topic; ai 176 19:36:25 s/;/: 19:36:35 in progress, David Orchard working on 19:36:44 topic: new action items 19:36:48 topic: 177 19:36:54 taken by David Orchard 19:36:58 topic: 178 19:37:11 issue 4332 19:37:18 David Orchard is taking 19:38:07 Topic: WSDL 1.1 19:38:43 asir on work group call, can we deliver for f2f issues 177 & 178 19:38:56 ... David Orchard said he can deliver by end of day tomorrow 19:39:06 ... editors can deliver to work group by end of day Friday 19:39:26 ... minutes should indicate this in message 19:39:37 ... Maryann will deliver draft to working group 19:40:20 ... on Friday 19:40:38 ... need new editorial action for David Orchard to deliver new document 19:41:11 ACTION: David to deliver EI draft to editorial team by end of day tomorrow (issues 177 and 178) 19:41:12 Created ACTION-179 - Deliver EI draft to editorial team by end of day tomorrow (issues 177 and 178) [on David Orchard - due 2007-03-14]. 19:41:52 ACTION: Maryann to deliver draft to working group on Friday 19:41:52 Created ACTION-180 - Deliver draft to working group on Friday [on Maryann Hondo - due 2007-03-14]. 19:43:48 Zakim, list participants 19:43:48 As of this point the attendees have been [IBMCambridge], Toufic_Boubez, Prasad_Yendluri, Felix, Frederick_Hirsch, asir 19:44:04 Topic: F2F 19:44:38 asir agree to edit guidelines and primer during F2F 19:44:53 prasad may have to attend interop at times 19:46:12 asir will plan to deliver updated guidelines and primer the following week 19:47:06 RRSAgent, generate minutes 19:47:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html fhirsch3 19:47:12 -Frederick_Hirsch 19:47:16 -Felix 19:47:18 -[IBMCambridge] 19:47:40 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:47:59 minutes are generated. 19:48:16 do we have to say bye to RRSAgent? 19:48:51 RRSAgent, this is edit 19:48:51 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is edit', fhirsch3. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:49:02 rrsagent, bye 19:49:02 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-ws-policy-eds-actions.rdf : 19:49:02 ACTION: David to deliver EI draft to editorial team by end of day tomorrow (issues 177 and 178) [1] 19:49:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-ws-policy-eds-irc#T19-41-11 19:49:02 ACTION: Maryann to deliver draft to working group on Friday [2] 19:49:02 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/07-ws-policy-eds-irc#T19-41-52