13:54:43 RRSAgent has joined #dse1 13:54:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/02-dse1-irc 13:55:08 rrsagent, set log world-visible 13:55:29 Kerstin: include MedDRA code 13:59:15 Bo: 1) Apply more traditional tools to extracted (queried) graph subsets 14:00:45 ... 2) New approaches to finding important patterns 14:05:10 Possible application of PageRank to complex clinical data 14:07:13 Applying Time Ontology properly... 14:08:51 CDISC ontology: either close to current CDISC SDTM implementation, ... 14:08:54 ... or real SW approach, using multiple semantics 14:15:25 Bo: important to not be limited by SDTM, but use full potential of SW 14:23:01 Bo will try and put an example together with biomarkers in clinical trials 14:26:13 rrsagent, scribe is eneumann2 14:26:13 I'm logging. I don't understand 'scribe is eneumann2', eneumann2. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:26:19 scribe: eneumann2 14:26:35 planning to attend clinical ontology meeting in DC 14:28:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:28:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/02-dse1-minutes.html eneumann2 14:29:33 -Kerstin_Forsberg 14:29:36 -Eric_Neumann 14:29:38 - + 14:29:39 SW_HCLS(DSE)8:30AM has ended 14:29:40 Attendees were Eric_Neumann, +, Kerstin_Forsberg, Sean_Martin 14:29:52 rrsagent, bye 14:29:52 I see no action items