Program for the W3C Workshop on Declarative Models of Distributed Web Applications
This is subject to change. Please send questions to
You can find the main workshop page and list of
position statements nearby.
The plan is to split time between presentations and discussion
periods on particular topics. A workshop dinner is planned at a nearby
venue on the evening of Tuesday, 5th June.
Volunteers will be welcomed for scribing the workshop, as it
is customary to make a public record available after the workshop
end. We also plan to make the presentations public so please be
prepared to provide us with copies, either via email or via a USB
thumb drive. A wireless network will be available during the meeting.
Note that the topics for the discussion periods are still to be confirmed,
but see the list of suggested topics below.
Tuesday 5th June 2007 (Day 1)
Registration starts at 8:30 for a 9am meeting start.
Presentations will be 30 minutes long including time for questions.
It is up to speakers to choose whether to take questions during their
presentation or to leave them to afterwards.
- 0900: Introduction and scene setting by the host (Rotan Hanrahan)
and workshop chairs (Dave
Raggett W3C/Volantis and Kevin Smith,
- 0930: Round table introductions
- 0945: Why
declarative approaches matter by Steven Pemberton, W3C
- 1015: Migrating Web Applications
through Declarative Models by Fabio Paternò, HIIS Laboratory, ISTI
- 1045: Refreshment break (15 mins)
- 1100: Declarative techniques in
Distributed Media Center system by Jari Kleimola and Petri
Vuorimaa, Helsinki University of Technology
- 1130: Using declarative models for
multi-device smart space environments by Sailesh Sathish,
Nokia Research
- 1200: Connecting XForms to Databases
by Oskari Koskimies, Mikko Honkala, Nokia Research Center and Markku
Laine, Helsinki University of Technology
- 1230: Lunch break (1 hour)
- 1330: XML-based solutions for declarative authoring by
Hideki Hiura, Justsystems
- 1400: Compositional Business-Task
Organization by Koiti Hasida, Noriaki Izumi and Akira Mori,
- 1430: The role of Web Services as
a means for browsers to provide services by Lasse Pajunen,
Nokia Research
- 1500: Collage: A Declarative
Programming Model for Compositional Development and Evolution
of Cross-Organizational Applications by Bruce Lucas and
Charlie Wiecha, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
- 1530: Refreshment break and a chance to collect ideas (30 mins)
- 1600: Discussion period (90 mins)
- 1730: 1st day ends
- 1930: Dinner at nearby restaurant Break For
The Border,
which is within an easy walking distance.
Wednesday 6th June 2007 (Day 2)
- 0900: Recap of yesterday's proceedings (Dave/Kevin)
- 0915: From conditional markup to modeling intentions by
Rotan Hanrahan, MobileAware (no slides, see
position paper)
- 0945: Content and Application
Adaptation by Rhys Lewis, Volantis Systems
- 1015: Improving UI portability
by Joerg Heuer, Siemens
- 1045: Refreshment break (15 mins)
- 1100: Declarative Models for
Ubiquitous Web Applications Morfeo-MyMobileWeb by José Manuel
Cantera Fonseca, Ignacio Marín Prendes, Javier Soriano, and
Juan J. Hierro
- 1130: The PUCC Protocol and Service
Descriptor Metadata by Giles Payne, NTT DoCoMo
- 1200: Evolution approaches and emerging
techologies by Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software
- 1230: Lunch break (1 hour)
- 1330: Analyses of usability
considerations for providing secure access to device capabilities
and personal/confidential information by Joshue O Connor, CFIT
- 1400: Discussion period (90 mins)
- 1530: Refreshment break (30 mins)
- 1600: Discussion period (60 mins)
- 1700: Summing up and recommendations
- 1730: Close of Workshop
Some possible discussion topics
In no particular order. We will pick off items according
to participant's interests. We may also be able to use some
of the discussion time for break-out groups that then report
- Multi-level architecture for portable user interfaces
- How XForms and DIAL fit into this picture
- The role of state transition models for declarative UIs
- Possible synergies between XForms and SCXML
- Relationship to Model Driven Approaches and UML/MDE
- Policies for layout and behavior
- Goal based approaches for constructing pages
- Security use cases, requirements and directions
- End-to-end declarative programming models
- Constraint-driven process flows
- Unification of multimodal and multidevice interaction
- Support for device adaptation
- SCXML-based flows
- How are declarative methods surfaced for developers
of Web applications?
- The logistics of involving users in development cycles.
Is it always practicable, and if not how can this be
- Designer's role; implicit and explicit features in
device independent mark up languages
- Which components are missing from W3C's toolkit?
- Modeling long running dynamic user interfaces and
their relationships with data
- The legacy of existing devices and the existing Web,
compared to the things that are going to be built in the next 5 years
- Others as based upon papers/statements of interest etc.
$Date: 2007/06/15 09:32:14 $
Dave Raggett