17:36:02 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 17:36:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/02/28-ws-policy-eds-irc 17:36:51 RRSAgent, bye 17:44:31 action: everyone to incorporate the xml:base test case 17:44:31 Created ACTION-173 - Incorporate the xml:base test case [on Everyone Everyone - due 2007-03-07]. 17:46:04 Action: everyone to incorporate the media type test case 17:46:06 Created ACTION-174 - Incorporate the media type test case [on Everyone Everyone - due 2007-03-07]. 17:50:20 Action: everyone to incorporate the UDDI scenarios to the CVS 17:50:20 Created ACTION-175 - Incorporate the UDDI scenarios to the CVS [on Everyone Everyone - due 2007-03-07]. 17:56:47 Action: everyone to incorporate the external policy attachment test case 17:56:47 Created ACTION-176 - Incorporate the external policy attachment test case [on Everyone Everyone - due 2007-03-07]. 18:57:47 FrederickH has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:58:36 prasad has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:59:19 zakim, this is edit 18:59:28 Zakim has joined #ws-policy-eds 18:59:33 zakim, this is edit 18:59:33 ok, FrederickH; that matches WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM 18:59:46 Meeting: WS-Policy Editors Conference Call 18:59:58 Chair: Frederick Hirssch 19:00:02 s/ss/s 19:00:16 Scribe: Maryann Hondo 19:01:06 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Feb/0120.html 19:01:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:02:04 +Prasad_Yendluri 19:02:04 zakim, who is here? 19:02:06 On the phone I see Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri 19:02:07 On IRC I see prasad, FrederickH, RRSAgent, asir, trackbot 19:02:12 Give me 5 minutes 19:02:31 Regrets: Felix 19:02:44 Regrets: Toufic 19:03:51 Topic: Administrative 19:05:03 zakim, list participants 19:05:06 As of this point the attendees have been Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri 19:06:05 Present: Frederick, Prasad 19:06:14 Link to editors action list is http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 19:07:48 +[IBMCambridge] 19:08:11 Present+ Maryann 19:08:18 ScribeNick: Maryann 19:08:31 maryann has joined #ws-policy-eds 19:08:39 scribe: maryann 19:08:53 +??P8 19:08:55 Present+ Asir 19:09:02 zakim, who is here? 19:09:02 On the phone I see Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri, [IBMCambridge], ??P8 19:09:04 On IRC I see maryann, Zakim, prasad, FrederickH, RRSAgent, asir, trackbot 19:09:05 zakim, who is here? 19:09:05 On the phone I see Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri, [IBMCambridge], ??P8 19:09:07 On IRC I see maryann, Zakim, prasad, FrederickH, RRSAgent, asir, trackbot 19:09:28 zakim, [IBMCambridge] is maryann 19:09:28 +maryann; got it 19:10:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Feb/0120.html 19:10:12 rrsagent, make logs public 19:10:19 Link to editors action list is http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 19:10:38 Chair is frederick 19:10:44 Scribe is Maryann 19:10:59 next week, chair will be Maryann 19:11:28 and frederick will scribe 19:11:53 frederick requests moving the call back an hour 19:12:57 asir, question -- when and where we are meeting at the F2F 19:13:31 frederick, who plans to be at the F2F? 19:13:33 who will be at f2f: frederick, prasad, asir yes, maryann maybe 19:14:58 frederick, requested including the following in the mail : who is chair, who is scribe and who plans to attend the F2F 19:15:14 frederick: we generally try to meet at the end 19:15:26 prasad: we didn't yet discuss it for this F2F 19:15:37 POR is at http://www.w3.org/2007/01/18-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html#item04 19:16:17 current plan : 15th 3-5 19:17:00 prasad: to check on logistics 19:17:56 prasad: we will use the same room as the WG meeting 19:18:17 TOPIC: last minutes 19:18:38 frederick: any objections? 19:18:40 no 19:18:47 TOPIC: open actions 19:19:23 TOPIC: Action 100 still open 19:19:34 TOPIC: Action 153 19:19:47 asir to extend the due date 19:20:03 TOPIC: Action 154 - guidelines 19:20:38 checked in after resolving build problem 19:21:48 see http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy-eds/2007Feb/0109.html 19:22:20 Action 154- is closed 19:22:47 TOPIC: action 161 on David O ( how to publish on WG home page) 19:22:55 asir: this is about the test framework 19:23:08 asir: this is still open, and we can just extend the date 19:23:40 TOPIC: action 169 on prasad, perpetual, update acks 19:23:49 asir: change the date to extend 19:24:11 TOPIC: 171 on david to send to chairs 19:24:38 171 is related to WG http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicy/actions/237 19:24:49 asir: 171 is related to WG 237 19:25:00 prasad: WG 238 19:25:30 TOPIC: action 172 on david o 19:25:41 asir: there is an action to WG 238 19:26:06 editorial action 171 can be closed 19:26:24 s/171/172 19:27:21 prasad updated the action item and closed it with a link to WG 238 19:27:32 TOPIC: new actions 19:28:05 TOPIC: new action 173 -- xml base test case 19:28:12 asir will take 173 19:28:40 TOPIC: 174 - media type test case 19:28:47 asir: can we talk about this 19:29:01 asir: recommend we maintain two documents 19:29:19 asir: part 1 - round 1,2,3 19:29:28 asir part 2- cover round 4 19:29:38 media type should go in part 2 19:30:09 prasad: the description would have to change 19:30:29 asir: have you seen the table? it was sent to the mailing group list 19:31:12 here is the grouping 19:31:13 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-policy/2007Feb/att-0170/ws-policy-features-02-27-2007.html 19:32:00 asir: look at the round 4 column 19:33:43 asir -- round 4 is part 2 19:33:51 prasad: what is part 2? 19:33:59 its a separate document right? 19:34:17 asir: there is one doc in cvs and lets call that part 1 19:34:27 and create a new document and call it part 2 19:35:01 asir: you'll have to update some of the references 19:36:11 frederick: there are two documents, one that covers rounds 1-3 and one that covers round 4 19:36:45 frederick: and the names can reflect something like interop testing part one and part two 19:37:12 frederick: the changes seem to be rather small 19:37:25 asir: more narrative text needs to be added 19:37:37 frederick: i will take this one 19:37:53 frederick: and it also includes updates to dates and such 19:38:07 asir: you need to wait until the uddi tests are added 19:38:24 asir: you will need to make some other changes 19:38:38 frederick: right, restructure the document to reflect the round 4 19:39:37 TOPIC: Action 175 inclorporate UDDI scenarios 19:39:52 prasad: i will take that, but I need to understand what needs to be done 19:39:57 asir: date needs to be changed 19:40:08 asir: w3c licesne 19:40:15 asir: update the list of editors 19:40:24 asir: retitle the document as round 4 19:41:06 asir: each of the rounds has a separate directory 19:41:47 asir: all the test cases have archive format, look at how it is currently done 19:42:16 asir: give numbers to the test cases 19:42:54 prasad: mentioned references to existing policies 19:43:13 asir (to cut and paste here) 19:44:28 policy 23 ... http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/ws/policy/interop/Round1/Policy23.xml 19:45:22 prasad: ignore last suggestion 19:45:57 prasad: done with 175 19:46:16 TOPIC: action 176 19:47:06 assign to dave 19:47:46 prasad: updated the AI with details on what needs to be done 19:47:59 asir: related to wsdl 1.1 identifiers 19:48:13 prasad: add to round 4 testing 19:48:29 asir: action 242 in working group 19:48:58 asir: we need to note this is related 19:49:51 asir: also related to 243 19:50:28 s/243/240 19:50:50 asir: we need test case numbers 19:51:05 asir: test case needs to be unique within the document 19:51:27 asir: also need to create the files in cvs 19:51:49 for the test cases 19:52:11 input and output in round 4 19:53:05 have a diretory for external media attachment, one for uddi, and one for media type 19:53:20 1. This is related WSDL 1.1 element identifiers (for WSDL 1.1) 2. Add this to 2nd test cases document that captures all round 4 test cases 3. See also pending output coming fom WG AI http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicy/actions/242 4. See also output coming out of WG AI 240 for WSDL 2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicy/actions/240 5. Assign a test case number when incorporating into the document for round 4 6. Create separate files fo 19:53:55 asir: someone needs to inform dave, 19:54:03 frederick: i will notify him 19:54:24 frederick: any other items? 19:54:33 frederick: what do we do when we report? 19:54:43 asir: summarize the documents 19:55:08 Zakim, list participants 19:55:08 As of this point the attendees have been Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri, asir, maryann 19:55:11 prasad: what about the static ip? 19:55:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:55:42 RRSAgent, generate minutes 19:55:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/28-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html FrederickH 19:57:12 Regrets: Dave, Toufic 19:57:18 RRSAgent, generate minutes 19:57:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/02/28-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html FrederickH 19:58:41 -maryann 19:58:48 -Frederick_Hirsch 20:02:54 -asir 20:02:55 WS_Policy(editors)2:00PM has ended 20:02:56 Attendees were Frederick_Hirsch, Prasad_Yendluri, asir, maryann 20:03:06 maryann has left #ws-policy-eds 20:26:40 prasad has left #ws-policy-eds 21:59:27 Zakim has left #ws-policy-eds