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The outcome was a heavy defeat for the new House Democractic leadership. Ways and means committee chairman Dan Rostenkowski looked particularly inept. He took a vacillating, off-again, on-again, stand and eventually lost control of his committee. Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, failed to recognize the strength of the drive for a capital-gains cut. Finally, but too late, he helped draft the Democratic alternative - which combined deductible IRA contributions for everybody with an increase in the tax rate on people with incomes over $200,000 . The capital gains cut, he declared, was "designed to keep Leona Helmsley's dream alive - that only little people pay taxes." Republicans retorted, in effect, There you go again, proposing a tax increase . "Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, and Democrats gotta raise taxes" was the way one G.O.P. quip put it.