The World Wide Web Consortium

Steve Bratt, <>

3 view of the Earth from space

Overview of the World Wide Web Consortium

On the Occasion of the Opening of the W3C China Office

Steve Bratt
Chief Executive Officer
World Wide Web Consortium


27 April 2006

What is the World Wide Web Consortium?

Mission: Leading the Web to its Full Potential

Founded by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee in 1994, W3C is:

Graph of Globe
  • From a Web of Documents ...
  • ... toward One Web:
    • of Information and Services
    • on Everything
    • for Everyone

W3C logo

(Membership / Benefits / New "At a Glance" brochure)

Organization: International Web Standards Body

Expanding base of international operations

Map of W3C's 3 Hosts and 16 Offices (Apr 2006)

Process: Developing Standards at W3C

(Views of the Process: Life of Working Group, Recommendation Track)

People: International Leadership and Cooperation

Expanding base of the world's leading technology organizations and technologists

Map of W3C Membership, circles related to number of Members per country (Mar 2006)

W3C Membership by Country (Apr 2006)

Who are W3C's Members?

"Third-class companies make products; second-class companies develop technology; first-class companies set standards."

* popular saying in Chinese business and government, from "China’s Post-WTO Technology Policy: Standards, Software and the Changing Nature of Techno-Nationalism", by Richard P. Suttmeier and Yao Xiangkui.

Why Do People Participate in W3C?

(Membership / Benefits / How to join W3C / "At a Glance" brochure)

Case for Expanding Global Participation

Small globe

W3C Actions to Expand Global Participation

Small globe

Importance of China's Participation (2005 statistics)

Total Internet users by language (2005)

Role of W3C's Offices in China and Elsewhere

Beihang University, Advanced Computing Technologies, School of Computer Science & Engineering“To promote adoption of W3C recommendations among developers, application builders, and standards setters, and to encourage inclusion of stakeholder organizations in the creation of future recommendations by joining W3C”

China Office: Advanced Computing Technologies, School of Computer Science & Engineering of Beihang University; Manager: Prof. Huai Jinpeng

W3C Engineers the Foundation of the Web

W3C technology stack

Leading Edge: Web of Information & Services

Metro Map illustrating power of a Web of linked information and services

Leading Edge: Web on Everything

Photos of Web on phones, TV, refrigerator, cars, plane

Leading Edge: Web for Everyone

Children's hands on globe


Street vendors selling food near Forbidden City, Beijing (May 2005)
  • W3C is an active int'l organization
  • Building wide-array of Web standards
  • Innovating toward a Web ...
    • of Information and Services
    • on Everything
    • for Everyone
  • Come innovate with us!

W3C logo