Mobile Web Initiative

The Web on the Move

Marie-Claire Forgue
W3C Head of European Communications
World Wide Web Consortium

27 April 2006


Variety of Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices


Mobile Web Potential

(Source: Informa, 2005)

Usability Problems Nowadays

Mobile crazy!

Tremendous success of Web has huge mobile potential

Mobile Gateway into Digital Universe

Growing Use of the Web

Wider-Reaching Benefits

Improving the user experience and developing mobile Web standards will:

Delphi Navigation Radio Web on refrigerator

W3C's "One Web" vision

W3C's overall mission is to:

With the increasing number and nature of devices, it is important to:

W3C Mobile Web Initiative

MWI to realize potential of mobile Web access:

“Making Web access from a mobile device as simple, easy and convenient as Web access from a desktop device”


Mobile Web Initiative Genesis

W3C Mobile Web Initiative Launch

19 current MWI Sponsors

Logo MWI Sponsor MWI Sponsors Logos

40 Members Participating in the MWI Working Groups

Broad industry support:

  • Afilias Limited
  • America Online, Inc. (AOL)
  • ANEC
  • Argo Interactive Ltd
  • AT&T
  • Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC)
  • Drutt Corporation
  • ETRI
  • France Telecom
  • Fundación CTIC
  • Fundación ONCE
  • Go
  • Google, Inc.
  • Indus Net Technologies
  • Infraware
  • Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications (IIT), NCSR
  • Internet Content Rating Association
  • Mobileaware, Ltd.
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • mTLD Top Level Domain Limited
  • NeoMtel
  • Nokia
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • Openwave Systems Inc.
  • Opera Software
  • Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
  • Segala
  • Sevenval AG
  • SK Telecom
  • T-Online International AG
  • Telecom Italia SpA
  • Telefónica de España, SAU
  • The Boeing Company
  • TIM Italia SpA
  • University of Helsinki
  • Vodafone
  • Volantis Systems Ltd

Industry is Cooperating

End users and mobile industry chain all benefit from cooperation!

Key players that need to cooperate for making mobile web work

Mobile Web Best Practices

MWI Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group

Sample of Mobile Web Practices

Sample of 6 best practices extracted from the full set of guidelines at

MWI best practices (2)

Shared Device Repository

MWI Device Description Working Group

MWI Future Work


Contact information:

MWI Sponsors at the W3C Chinese Office Launch