15:52:43 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:52:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-irc 15:53:04 rrsagent, set minutes public 15:53:04 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set minutes public', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:53:25 hey eric 15:54:49 rrsagent, set draft public 15:54:49 I'm logging. I don't understand 'set draft public', eneumann. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:55:02 rrsagent, set log public 15:57:55 zakim, this will be hcls 15:57:55 ok, ivan, I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM already started 15:57:55 samwaldmatthias has joined #hcls 15:58:30 zakim, dial ivan-home 15:58:30 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:58:30 -Christophe_Poulain 15:58:30 +Christophe_Poulain 15:58:30 +Ivan 15:58:57 +[IPcaller] 15:59:01 thats me. 15:59:10 (IPcaller) 15:59:20 zakim, ipcaller is matthias 15:59:20 +matthias; got it 16:01:36 BillBug has joined #hcls 16:02:18 +Bill_Bug 16:05:04 +??P42 16:05:29 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:05:55 zakim, +P42 is mscottm 16:05:56 +Vipul_Kashyap 16:05:58 sorry, eneumann, I do not recognize a party named '+P42' 16:06:12 +Don_Doherty 16:06:29 zakim, P42 is mscottm 16:06:29 sorry, eneumann, I do not recognize a party named 'P42' 16:06:36 +Kei 16:06:45 vipul has joined #hcls 16:06:49 zakim, ??P42 is mscottm 16:06:50 +mscottm; got it 16:07:03 (to Ivan, thanks) 16:08:58 zakim, who's here? 16:08:58 On the phone I see Christophe_Poulain, Ivan, matthias, Bill_Bug, mscottm, Vipul_Kashyap, Don_Doherty, Kei 16:09:00 On IRC I see vipul, mscottm, BillBug, samwaldmatthias, RRSAgent, Zakim, eneumann, ivan, chimezie 16:09:03 + +1.519.498.aaaa 16:10:41 zakim, aaaa is helenchen 16:10:41 +helenchen; got it 16:13:49 Eric: Frame the issues that came up 16:14:11 Eric: One liner to submit to Kei 16:14:45 Eric: Ideas and concepts exist outside our group and should be referred to without making it a big deal 16:15:00 Eric: some concepts B2B, Translational Medicine 16:15:10 Kei: OK to define these terms in our own context 16:16:16 Eric: Could Kei point to article that we can refer to... 16:16:26 Vipul: http://www.translational-medicine.com 16:16:58 Eric: Translational Medicine has a crisp definition as referred to the FDA Critical Path 16:17:22 Eric: But B2B is not well defined... 16:17:52 Kei: Give summary of what he has received 16:20:58 Kei: Current paper covers many of the "one-liner" viewpoints 16:21:18 q? 16:21:20 Kei: Paper may need to be shortened a little bit 16:21:47 summary of BMC one-liners: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2006Dec/0019.html 16:21:49 Kei: Personal preference is to describe different aspects of the HCLS group 16:22:04 q+ 16:22:11 Kei: Vision should not be too ambitious and should be realistic 16:22:18 q? 16:22:38 q+ 16:22:49 ack ivan 16:23:10 Ivan: If we have problems with size, describing things separately is not feasible 16:23:23 Ivan: Have some acknowledgement about groups 16:23:30 +1 16:23:39 Kei: Lot of the sections, including the introduction can be shortened... 16:24:02 Ivan: Let's have the paper in a presentable form and then cut the paper short 16:24:12 ack BillBug 16:24:48 Bill: Is it going to be a vision paper? How is meant to interpolate with the E-Science/OBO Foundry proects 16:25:55 q+ 16:26:29 Kei: E-Science link is important 16:27:20 Bill: Could be as simple as participants of those projects are participants of the HCLS group 16:28:34 ack ivan 16:28:50 Ivan: Which other papers will be in this issue? 16:29:19 Kei: papers describing Biopax, Neuroscience data integration, the relationship between e-science and neuroscience, biological ontologies 16:30:58 Bill: Who is the editor? 16:31:22 Kei: huajun Chen and yiming wang are the two editors, who were also organizers of the Beijing workshop 16:32:07 Kei: BMC Bioinformatics asked them to submit 8 papers. They could select only 4-5 papers... Hence they approached us 16:32:15 zakim, who's talking? 16:32:27 eneumann, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: helenchen (23%), Bill_Bug (59%), Kei (9%) 16:32:59 Ivan: We can move the semantic web introduction into the editorial ... would give us space... part of some comprehensive collection 16:33:14 zakim, who's talking? 16:33:25 eneumann, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: helenchen (61%), Vipul_Kashyap (10%), Kei (13%) 16:34:59 Eric: 4 of the one liners mentioned vision 16:35:10 Eric: Matthias proposed a blending 16:35:32 Matthias: Best compromise that can be made and most enjoyable things from the readers viewpoint 16:35:58 q 16:36:17 q+ 16:36:51 ack vipul 16:37:51 Eric: continues to be many different use scenarios 16:38:12 RDF data, capturing semantics for inferencing, pure vocabulary, tagging approach 16:38:49 Eric: controlled vocabulary is mainstream 16:39:11 helen: focus on use case 16:39:19 vipul: +1 to use cases 16:40:07 helen: too premature to call it results.. 16:40:09 +1 16:40:58 helen: liked the comprehensive use case Parkinson's Disease 16:41:03 q+ 16:41:19 ack vipul 16:41:23 endorse focus on multi-perspective view of Parkinson's use case - and how SemWebTech is particular useful in each context. 16:42:29 Eric: Use case needs to be enough to add the problems and what can we add to make it easy 16:43:19 Eric: Trying to bring together large digital collections... Represent the metadata in different RDF forms and postpone the standardization piece... 16:43:34 q+ 16:45:05 ack vipul 16:45:31 -helenchen 16:45:50 Eric: mappings need to be dealt with but not in a defacto standard mode 16:47:22 +helenchen 16:48:07 Just for the record: When asked, Kei told me that his name is pronounced as "Kay". 16:48:20 TR def: http://www.fda.gov/oc/initiatives/criticalpath/whitepaper.html 16:49:24 ACTION: Kei to develop the "theme" for the paper based on the already gathered input 16:50:57 (theme also includes objectives) 16:52:08 +Alan_Ruttenberg 16:54:44 Ivan: Need permission of publishers to post the papers on the W3C website 16:55:00 "translational research -- multidisciplinary scientific efforts directed at "accelerating therapy development" (i.e., moving basic discoveries into the clinic more efficiently)" 16:55:09 Vipul summarized the book chapter content he was invited to submit to the rest of the group 16:57:19 Kei: Will put out the perspectives over the weekend 16:58:51 ACTION: TC for Dec 14, Helen Chen scribing 16:59:02 -helenchen 16:59:09 -Bill_Bug 16:59:15 -Alan_Ruttenberg 16:59:26 -Vipul_Kashyap 16:59:27 -Kei 16:59:28 -Christophe_Poulain 16:59:29 -Ivan 16:59:30 -Don_Doherty 16:59:31 -mscottm 16:59:36 -matthias 16:59:37 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:59:38 Attendees were Christophe_Poulain, Ivan, matthias, Bill_Bug, Vipul_Kashyap, Don_Doherty, Kei, mscottm, +1.519.498.aaaa, helenchen, Alan_Ruttenberg 17:00:11 zakim, bye 17:00:11 Zakim has left #hcls 17:00:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:00:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-minutes.html ivan 17:00:29 rrsagent, bye 17:00:30 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-actions.rdf : 17:00:30 ACTION: Kei to develop the "theme" for the paper based on the already gathered input [1] 17:00:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-irc#T16-49-24 17:00:30 ACTION: TC for Dec 14, Helen Chen scribing [2] 17:00:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/12/07-hcls-irc#T16-58-51