21:22:33 RRSAgent has joined #ws-policy-eds 21:22:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-ws-policy-eds-irc 21:23:01 Zakim has joined #ws-policy-eds 21:24:37 zakim, this will be WS_Policy(editors) 21:24:37 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, prasad 21:30:39 fsasaki has joined #ws-policy-eds 21:31:11 zakim, this will be edit 21:31:11 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled near this time, fsasaki 21:41:05 zakim, this will be edit 21:41:05 ok, fsasaki; I see WS_Policy(editors)5:00PM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 21:55:48 toufic has joined #ws-policy-eds 21:55:55 hey guys 21:56:09 FrederickHirsch has joined #ws-policy-eds 21:56:09 i am just about to leave the meeting where i am 21:56:16 and go to my hotel room 21:56:17 i' 21:56:21 i'll pick up from there 21:56:29 in about 10 minutes or so 21:57:49 WS_Policy(editors)5:00PM has now started 21:57:55 +Frederick_Hirsch 21:59:32 zakim, who is on the bridge? 21:59:32 I don't understand your question, FrederickHirsch. 21:59:34 Toufic, you are the chair this week 22:01:28 We will waitr for to start the call 22:01:31 zakim, who is here 22:01:31 FrederickHirsch, you need to end that query with '?' 22:01:34 +Toufic 22:01:37 zakim, who is here? 22:01:37 On the phone I see Frederick_Hirsch, Toufic 22:01:38 On IRC I see FrederickHirsch, toufic, fsasaki, Zakim, RRSAgent, prasad, trackbot 22:02:11 +Prasad_Yendluri 22:03:07 Meeting: WS-Policy editors meeting 22:03:15 i can chair next week 22:04:05 Chair: Prasad 22:04:11 Scribe: Prasad 22:04:34 Present: Frederick, Prasad, Toufic 22:04:59 Regrets: maryann, Asir, Umit 22:05:40 Topic: Next week's arrangements 22:05:45 Chair: Toufic 22:05:58 q+ 22:06:00 +Felix 22:06:26 q- 22:06:27 Present+ Felix 22:06:47 Next week's Scribe: TBD 22:07:03 Next week's reportter: Prasad 22:07:20 rrsagent, make log public 22:07:45 Topic: Editors Meeting Scedule vs WG meeting schedule 22:08:01 s/Sced/Sched 22:08:26 Frederick: No meeting 27th Dec 22:08:37 All Agree 22:10:42 Topic: Editorial AIs pending and from today's WG call 22:10:46 http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open 22:11:22 Prasad: All the AIs on editors from today's WG call are icluded above already 22:12:46 AI 85 22:12:57 AI 84 Closed 22:14:30 felix on 85: sorry for the delay, still did manage to get the tracker updated, I'll continue to work on it 22:14:39 AI 87 is Pending 22:14:55 AI 88 closed 22:15:15 AI 91 closed 22:15:47 AI 92 - MTOM owner: Frederick 22:17:20 AI 93 owner: Toufic 22:17:54 AI 94 Owner: Toufic 22:19:45 AI 95 Owner: Umit 22:20:53 AI 96 - editorial comments by Asir on Guidelines. Owner: Asir 22:22:03 Prasad: That is the end of all editorial AIs carried fwd from before and the ones that came out of today's meeting 22:23:24 -Frederick_Hirsch 22:23:27 -Toufic 22:23:28 -Felix 22:23:45 rrsagent, draft minutes please 22:23:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html prasad 22:24:22 rrsagnet, make logs public visible 22:24:49 rrsagent, make logs public visible 22:24:49 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make logs public visible', prasad. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:27:02 s/waitr for to/wait for you to/ 22:27:11 rrsagent, draft minutes please 22:27:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/12/06-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html prasad 22:28:57 s/Chair: Toufic/Next week's Chair: Toufic/ 22:29:15 rrsagent, draft minutes please 22:29:38 -Prasad_Yendluri 22:29:40 WS_Policy(editors)5:00PM has ended 22:29:42 Attendees were Frederick_Hirsch, Toufic, Prasad_Yendluri, Felix