13:31:46 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 13:31:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/11/17-hcls-irc 13:32:17 zakim, set logs public 13:32:17 I don't understand 'set logs public', eneumann 13:32:39 zakim, set log public 13:32:39 I don't understand 'set log public', eneumann 13:33:11 zakim, make minutes public 13:33:11 I don't understand 'make minutes public', eneumann 13:33:19 rrsagent, set logs public 13:33:24 jim has joined #hcls 13:38:53 Kerstin: need for indiv identifiers 13:39:32 ... what makes a good URI schema? 13:40:20 ... PG type for results 13:41:49 JimMcGurk: In touch with Becky Kush and Frank Newby regarding PGx... 13:42:01 ... they are interested in working with DSE 13:43:44 Can Observations handle PG/Biomarker Vector context graphs? 13:51:56 Stephen: PGx standards discussion with Joyce Hernandez (Merck) 13:52:17 Observation ontology? 13:53:21 Kerstin: Classify Observ types in SDTM per Events, Findings, etc.; e.g., BP needs patient position to be fully qualified... 13:56:25 ... sharing ontologies for specific studies and analyses 13:57:22 NCI Thesaurus and CDISC? 14:05:21 Kerstin: CDISC data repository terms from NCI; currently just strings, should be URIs; Code lIsts, human readable AND machine processable 14:09:10 Kerstin: How to define URI with appropriate authority... 14:15:19 Kerstin: ODM to RDF not necessary if we address SDTM elements; data + metadata , codelists and definitions embedded in one study, instead use references to metadata and defs 14:17:36 Jim: SDTM is stateless (was data updated?), so ODM states necessary; can we inlcude state (version) info into SDTM RDF model? 14:20:21 DublinCore equivalent for SDTM? 14:22:57 Include Provenance data from clinical-- how best to capture provenance.... 14:33:06 ACTION: Eric: initial outline for SDTM draft to be written and put on the WIKI 14:33:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:33:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/11/17-hcls-minutes.html eneumann 14:33:28 rssagent, bye 14:33:34 by errsagent 14:33:43 be rrsagent 14:33:50 bye rrsagent 14:33:58 rrsagent, bye 14:33:58 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/11/17-hcls-actions.rdf : 14:33:58 ACTION: Eric: initial outline for SDTM draft to be written and put on the WIKI [1] 14:33:58 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/11/17-hcls-irc#T14-33-06