20:59:01 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 20:59:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/11/02-wai-wcag-irc 20:59:13 rrsagent, make log world 20:59:19 meeting: WAI WCAG 20:59:25 chair: Gregg_Vanderheident 20:59:32 chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:59:39 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has now started 20:59:46 +Judy 21:00:06 David has joined #wai-wcag 21:00:13 Gez has joined #wai-wcag 21:00:28 +[IPcaller] 21:00:40 Zakim, IPcaller is LucaMascaro 21:00:40 +LucaMascaro; got it 21:00:43 +David_MacDonald 21:00:51 +Sofia_Celic 21:00:58 zakim, call Cooper-Ottawa 21:00:58 ok, Michael_Cooper; the call is being made 21:01:00 +Cooper 21:01:40 +??P8 21:01:56 +[IPcaller] 21:01:57 zakim, [IPcaller] is Makoto_Ueki 21:01:57 +Makoto_Ueki; got it 21:02:00 +??P6 21:02:03 +[IPcaller] 21:02:05 +Tim_Boland 21:02:08 zakim, ??P6 is Ben_and_Gregg 21:02:08 +Ben_and_Gregg; got it 21:02:10 Tim has joined #wai-wcag 21:02:12 zakim, [IPcaller] is Bengt_Farre 21:02:12 +Bengt_Farre; got it 21:02:14 +Bruce_Bailey 21:02:30 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:02:30 On the phone I see Judy, LucaMascaro, David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic (muted), Cooper, ??P8, Makoto_Ueki, Ben_and_Gregg, Bengt_Farre, Tim_Boland, Bruce_Bailey 21:02:57 Zakim, mute me 21:02:57 LucaMascaro should now be muted 21:03:02 zakim, ??P8 is Cynthia_Shelly 21:03:02 +Cynthia_Shelly; got it 21:03:21 +Becky_Gibson 21:03:40 scribe: David 21:03:56 becka11y has joined #wai-wcag 21:04:00 RRSAgent, pointer? 21:04:00 See http://www.w3.org/2006/11/02-wai-wcag-irc#T21-04-00 21:04:04 Loretta has joined #wai-wcag 21:04:10 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 21:04:14 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006OctDec/0067.html 21:04:24 +[IPcaller] 21:04:25 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006OctDec/0067.html 21:04:38 zakim, IP is Sorcha_Moore 21:04:38 sorry, Michael_Cooper, I do not recognize a party named 'IP' 21:04:44 zakim, [IP is Sorcha_Moore 21:04:44 +Sorcha_Moore; got it 21:04:53 zakim, mute Sorcha_Moore 21:04:53 Sorcha_Moore should now be muted 21:05:17 agenda+ Announcements, updates, questions 21:05:21 chair+ Loretta_Guarino_Reid 21:05:22 zakim, take up item 1 21:05:22 agendum 1. "Announcements, updates, questions" taken up [from Michael_Cooper] 21:05:29 +[IPcaller] 21:05:43 agenda+ Team C Issues for 19 October 2006 (from issue 739 on) 21:05:44 +[IPcaller.a] 21:05:55 Zakim, IPcaller.a is Roberto_Ellero 21:05:55 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 21:05:59 zakim, [IPcaller] is Gez_Lemon 21:05:59 +Gez_Lemon; got it 21:06:04 zakim, mute Roberto_Ellero 21:06:04 Roberto_Ellero should now be muted 21:06:14 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:06:14 On the phone I see Judy, LucaMascaro (muted), David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic (muted), Cooper, Cynthia_Shelly, Makoto_Ueki, Ben_and_Gregg, Bengt_Farre, Tim_Boland, Bruce_Bailey, 21:06:17 ... Becky_Gibson, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore (muted), Gez_Lemon, Roberto_Ellero (muted) 21:06:23 agenda+ Editor's Issues for 19 October 21:06:33 agenda+ Oct 2006 Face to Face Resolutions 21:07:48 agenda? 21:08:04 agenda+ Plan for addressing cognitive issues 21:08:48 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 21:08:49 zakim, close this item 21:08:50 agendum 1 closed 21:08:51 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:08:52 2. Team C Issues for 19 October 2006 (from issue 739 on) [from Michael_Cooper] 21:10:13 zakim, take up item 5 21:10:13 agendum 5. "Plan for addressing cognitive issues" taken up [from Michael_Cooper] 21:10:34 topic: how to address cognitive issues. 21:10:53 ScribeOptions: -scribeOnly 21:10:59 Ryladog has joined #wai-wcag 21:13:21 ben has joined #wai-wcag 21:14:50 ack b 21:15:56 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2006/10/25-27_ftf-minutes#Cognitive_Discussion 21:16:16 q+ 21:16:36 ack j 21:17:25 q+ 21:18:20 ack judy 21:19:32 + +1.713.790.aaaa 21:20:11 zakim, +1.713 is John_Slatin 21:20:11 +John_Slatin; got it 21:23:29 +Sean_Hayes 21:23:44 +q 21:23:47 q+ 21:24:26 ack l 21:24:54 zakim, close this item 21:24:54 agendum 5 closed 21:24:55 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:24:56 2. Team C Issues for 19 October 2006 (from issue 739 on) [from Michael_Cooper] 21:25:04 zakim, take up item 2 21:25:04 agendum 2. "Team C Issues for 19 October 2006 (from issue 739 on)" taken up [from Michael_Cooper] 21:26:11 Topic: 739 21:26:45 sean has joined #wai-wcag 21:27:19 q+ 21:27:41 ack r 21:27:59 ack ry 21:28:04 zakim, mute Roberto_Ellero 21:28:04 Roberto_Ellero should now be muted 21:28:49 -Judy 21:29:06 judy has left #wai-wcag 21:29:13 Resolution: close 739 with Ben's edits 21:30:00 q+ to say problem is if the media _does_ load but you still need alt 21:30:08 topic: 786 21:31:26 ack m 21:31:26 Michael_Cooper, you wanted to say problem is if the media _does_ load but you still need alt 21:35:21 q+ 21:36:02 ack ry 21:38:39 ack b 21:39:21 q+ 21:39:57 ack b 21:40:03 q+ 21:41:02 q+ to say I agree with Ben, and also would like to document Gez's technique 21:41:13 q- 21:42:05 q+ 21:42:48 ack g 21:42:54 ack l 21:43:43 Action: Gz to write a no-ebed technique demonstration 21:43:54 s/Gz/Gez 21:44:30 action 1 = Gez to write a no-embed technique demonstration 21:44:52 scribeOptions: -trustRRSAgent 21:44:57 Resolution: Accept 786 as revised 21:46:33 topic: 975 21:51:39 Resolution: accept 975 as revised 21:52:16 topic: 1160 21:52:48 resolution: accept 1160 as amended 21:58:14 ACK C 22:00:32 ACK C 22:02:10 Resolution: send 1201 back to team C 22:02:52 topic: 1321 22:03:25 topic: correction 1329 22:14:49 -Sorcha_Moore 22:15:12 +[IPcaller] 22:15:31 [IPcaller] is 22:15:33 zakim, [IP is Sorcha_Moore 22:15:33 +Sorcha_Moore; got it 22:17:39 thank you, Michael! 22:18:07 q? 22:18:21 resolution: split 1329 into 2 issues, close 1.3.6 issue, break out issue on 1.3.1 and leave it open , 22:18:52 topic: 964 22:19:05 Resolution: leave 964 open 22:19:30 Topic: 695 22:24:17 -Tim_Boland 22:29:15 q+ 22:30:02 q- 22:35:45 ack c 22:36:13 -Roberto_Ellero 22:38:40 zakim, mute Bruce 22:38:40 Bruce_Bailey should now be muted 22:41:35 -LucaMascaro 22:46:51 \me coming right up 22:47:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2006Aug/0003 22:50:38 resolution: accept issue 695 as proposed removing the recommedation for the use of quotations marks. 22:55:06 resolution: close 698 with a message pointing out that there is already a failure for this situation. 22:58:19 Resolution: Accept proposed Font Scaling resolution from f2f 23:01:38 q+ to reopen informative sections of doc discussion 23:01:47 Resolution: Accept font scaling language: if we can find proper wording, there should be at least one SC dealing with font scaling 23:01:49 If we can find proper wording, there should be a SC at least at Level 3 that deals with scaling and reflow (font and other?) 23:01:50 If we can find proper wording, there should be a SC at least at Level 3 that deals with scaling and reflow (font and other?) 23:02:45 ack m 23:02:45 Michael_Cooper, you wanted to reopen informative sections of doc discussion 23:02:53 ack c 23:03:18 q+ 23:03:25 ack l 23:06:00 ack c 23:07:15 becka11y has left #wai-wcag 23:09:27 Sorcha has left #wai-wcag 23:09:32 Ryladog has joined #wai-wcag 23:09:34 -Sorcha_Moore 23:09:52 -Becky_Gibson 23:11:37 Resolution: If it's a SC it must be testable. 23:11:49 zakim, who's muted? 23:11:49 I see Sofia_Celic, Bruce_Bailey muted 23:12:06 zakim, unmute Bruce 23:12:06 Bruce_Bailey should no longer be muted 23:13:42 Resolution: Accept f2f "Everything at L1 or L2 can be applied to all web content." 23:14:47 Action: Gregg to explore recasting photosensitive issue into angle of view. 23:15:26 Resolution:acept f2f "SC 1.3.4 should be folded into SC 1.3.1, with text descriptions provided as a fallback technique when a technology does not provide a mechanism to describe a relationship." 23:17:27 Resolution: Proceed with developing a hybrid approach to the the "baseline" concept that includes rules for using technologies and sufficient techniques for conformance. 23:17:40 s/the the/the 23:18:36 ccept F@F Proposed consensus on Guideline 4.2 issues: 23:18:37 Move handling of alternate versions from 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 to conformance (there is a logic flaw by keeping 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 in as success criteria; content that is suppose to pass 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 would fail all or some of the other success criteria) 23:18:39 keep 4.2.2 and 4.2.4 as success criteria 23:19:07 Resolution: Accept F@F Proposed consensus on Guideline 4.2 issues: 23:19:08 Move handling of alternate versions from 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 to conformance (there is a logic flaw by keeping 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 in as success criteria; content that is suppose to pass 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 would fail all or some of the other success criteria) 23:19:10 keep 4.2.2 and 4.2.4 as success criteria 23:19:34 s/F@F/F2F 23:20:42 Resolution:Accept F2F 23:20:43 Proposed consensus on Level AAA issues: 23:20:45 AAA conformance means all applicable level 3 success criteria are met 23:20:46 Those making conformance claims can report progress towards higher level if they specify particular success criteria they have met. 23:20:48 No A+ or AA+ claim languages, only A or AA etc. 23:21:37 -Cynthia_Shelly 23:21:39 -Sofia_Celic 23:21:40 -Ben_and_Gregg 23:21:41 -Gez_Lemon 23:21:41 -Cooper 23:21:42 -Makoto_Ueki 23:21:44 -Bengt_Farre 23:21:45 -David_MacDonald 23:21:47 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 23:21:48 -John_Slatin 23:21:49 -Bruce_Bailey 23:21:50 -Sean_Hayes 23:21:52 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 23:21:54 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has ended 23:21:56 Attendees were Judy, LucaMascaro, David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic, Cooper, Makoto_Ueki, Tim_Boland, Ben_and_Gregg, Bengt_Farre, Bruce_Bailey, Cynthia_Shelly, Becky_Gibson, 23:21:59 ... Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore, Roberto_Ellero, Gez_Lemon, Katie_Haritos-Shea, +1.713.790.aaaa, John_Slatin, Sean_Hayes, [IPcaller] 23:22:06 sean has left #wai-wcag 23:22:42 bengt has left #wai-wcag 23:35:57 Present: Judy_Brewer, Luca_Mascaro, David_MacDonald, Sofia_Celic, Michael_Cooper, Cynthia_Shelly, Makoto_Ueki, Ben_Caldwell, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Bengt_Farre, Tim_Boland, Bruce_Bailey, Becky_Gibson, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore, Gez_Lemon, Roberto_Ellero, John_Slatin, Sean_Hayes 23:36:12 Michael? are you generating minutes or am I? 23:36:46 was gonna ask - I can, thought it'll be later 23:37:04 s/thought/though 23:37:11 ok 23:58:07 ben has left #wai-wcag