18:36:25 RRSAgent has joined #ua 18:36:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/11/02-ua-irc 18:36:34 zakim, this will be wai_u 18:36:34 ok, jallan; I see WAI_UAWG()2:00PM scheduled to start in 24 minutes 18:36:47 chair: Jim Allan 18:37:05 meeting: UAWG Conference Call 18:37:12 Scribe: JR 18:44:56 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2006OctDec/0019.html 18:55:12 WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has now started 18:55:19 +Jim_Allan 18:56:58 JR has joined #ua 19:00:45 +[IPcaller] 19:01:07 +[IBM] 19:01:37 zakim, [IBM] is parente 19:01:37 +parente; got it 19:01:40 Zakim, [IPcaller] is really JR 19:01:40 +JR; got it 19:02:46 +[IBM] 19:03:08 cklaws has joined #ua 19:03:13 Zakim, [IBM] is really cklaws 19:03:13 +cklaws; got it 19:03:15 zakim, [IBM] cklaws 19:03:15 I don't understand '[IBM] cklaws', jallan 19:05:35 Topic: 9.4 Restore viewport state history (P1) 19:06:19 JA: When written made sense...but now with AJAX etc...needs some work... 19:06:53 JA: e.g. AJAX updates lost 19:07:31 CL: Could have similar situations with HTML forms 19:07:47 JA: Had issues with that at our school 19:08:48 parente has joined #ua 19:09:23 JA: Same prob with streaming lie content..can't go back. 19:09:28 lie=live 19:13:23 JR's comments from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2006OctDec/0010.html 19:14:13 CL: 3 State variables have to match the last time content was modified 19:16:04 JA: With AJAX etc. there may be lots more states in the requence... 19:16:24 JA: So if constantly retreiveing hard to go back. 19:17:08 CL: So maybe needs to be a statement added about the content as well as the state 19:19:07 PP: What about first exclusion 19:21:16 JR: What about AJAX Word Processor? 19:21:22 All: Discussion... 19:22:01 PP: Firefox has Fastback...stores entire state of page whenever you leave page...lets you return back quickly... 19:22:18 PP: SUspect remembers location of focus. 19:23:25 JR: An aside: Weird that content can't disable back button 19:23:36 CL: Yeas same with wikis etc 19:24:10 CL: In IE if I'm editing wiki I press back, I lose entry 19:24:54 PP: In the background things are weird - some operations do a refresh from smae URL (page load) some do not 19:25:56 JA: May be complicated by config setting to always get newest stuff. 19:28:52 JR: In oS world, close gives Save dialog. 19:29:03 JR: Don't get that in browser Back 19:29:30 JA: 3 states do not refer to content added 19:31:41 JR: So what's the accessibility angle... 19:32:28 JA: Just tried in firefox to click mid-page link, followed it.. 19:32:42 JA: ANd then came back...but was at the top. 19:33:09 JR: re access angle: don't think it is preserve content when back pushed since all people want this 19:33:26 CL, PP: Javascript can be involved... 19:33:40 since it can direct focus back to first link. 19:35:46 JR: Maybe we could be more clear about types of pages... 19:36:22 JR: 2 kinds of pages - plain page with usable URL, application page with non-reuable URL part of a process 19:37:05 JA: All we can have it do is try - but if content overrides base behaviour, ua can't do anything. 19:38:16 JA: We have agreement - browser has base functionalityto save the 3 states - but content can change this as can user config 19:38:24 JR: ok 19:38:58 JA: Also have comment with ex. 4 (If the user activates a broken link...)... 19:39:19 JA: Thinks this is doing more 19:40:38 JR: Agree 19:40:54 JA: What does HPR do? 19:41:28 CL: Could do this - but haven't. 19:43:01 JA: ex. 5 is just a subset 19:43:14 PP: None of new AJAX functions covered 19:44:12 CL: Some of these are browser functions. 19:44:58 PP: RPC remote procedure call? 19:46:09 JA: PP can you send a link to support more stuff we can add to 6 to make it more representative 19:46:42 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLHttpRequest 19:46:57 oops to add to 5 19:47:12 PP: But question is do we want to add AJAX stuff? 19:48:09 JA: Should we add this link to the references? 19:48:56 Topic: 9.6 Show event handlers (P2) 19:49:50 CL: HPR did this 19:49:54 JA: Jaws will 19:50:00 JA: In 7 19:51:23 JA: WHat about this scenario - in new Firefox there is a built in form field spell checker... 19:52:10 JA: As soon as I press SPACE it checks last word - right click does pop up of context sensitive menu. 19:52:45 CL: But what triggered the function? 19:54:13 JR: This is handler in browser not content 19:54:56 JR: Javascript extensions are considered browser not content right? 19:55:59 JR: So how does Jaws work? 19:56:15 these are the input event handlers to check for: onclick, ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseover, onmouseout, onfocus, onblur, onkeypress, onkeydown, and onkeyup 19:56:52 CL: This is what we do in HPR 19:57:23 JA: List automatically on element focus 19:57:54 CL: HPR doesn't list them all automatically 19:59:33 CL: Needed this menu to trigger things that keyboard can't usually do 20:02:11 JA: no meeting next week 20:02:13 bye 20:02:18 -JR 20:02:56 -cklaws 20:02:57 -parente 20:03:00 -Jim_Allan 20:03:02 WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has ended 20:03:03 Attendees were Jim_Allan, parente, JR, cklaws 20:03:56 Note: no meeting 10 November or 24 November 20:04:34 rrsagent, make minutes 20:04:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/11/02-ua-minutes.html jallan 20:04:55 rrsagent, set logs public 20:05:06 zakim, bye 20:05:06 Zakim has left #ua 20:05:13 rrsagent, bye 20:05:13 I see no action items