12:27:26 RRSAgent has joined #tsdtf 12:27:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tsdtf-irc 12:27:30 ChrisR has joined #tsdtf 12:27:31 Zakim has joined #tsdtf 12:27:43 zakim, this will be TSD 12:27:47 ok, shadi; I see WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 12:28:00 meeting: TSD TF 12:28:09 chair: CarlosV, Christophe 12:28:35 Christophe has joined #tsdtf 12:28:39 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert-tsdtf/2006Sep/0045.html 12:29:03 agenda+ Continue discussion on TCDL 12:29:11 agenda+ Start of test production phase 12:29:57 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has now started 12:29:59 +Shadi 12:30:44 +Christophe_Strobbe 12:31:00 +[IPcaller] 12:31:01 Michael has joined #tsdtf 12:31:04 CarlosI has joined #tsdtf 12:31:29 zakim, ipcaller is really Chris 12:31:29 +Chris; got it 12:31:46 carlosV has joined #tsdtf 12:31:50 +Cooper 12:32:29 +??P2 12:33:04 zakim, ??p2 is really CarlosI 12:33:04 +CarlosI; got it 12:33:10 +ThomasT 12:33:28 zakim, thomasT is really CarlosV 12:33:28 +CarlosV; got it 12:34:54 regrets: Vangelis 12:35:08 zakim, who is on the call? 12:35:08 On the phone I see Shadi, Christophe_Strobbe, Chris, Cooper, CarlosI, CarlosV 12:36:55 scribe: Shadi 12:36:59 scribenick: Shadi 12:37:28 zakim, take up agendum 1 12:37:28 agendum 1. "Continue discussion on TCDL" taken up [from shadi] 12:38:24 CV: CV, CS, and SAZ had brief call about exntesion to help finalize TCDL work 12:38:49 CV: TCDL 2.0 will remain a BenToWeb spec on BenToWeb namespace 12:39:50 CV: validation of TSD TF metadata will happen according to TCDL 2.0 12:40:21 ...and additionally a second step will be needed to check the usage of the TCDL 2.0 is according to TSD TF requirements 12:40:50 ...current proposal for the second step would be Schematron but there may be other mechanisms 12:45:50 SAZ: initial proposal to have two separate schemas (BenToWeb one and TSD TF one) has flaws 12:47:46 + +43.732.246.8aaaa 12:48:05 zakim, aaaa is really Daniela 12:48:05 +Daniela; got it 12:48:44 SAZ: the proposal is to have one schema, and a second step for checking the metadata content 12:49:56 CI: i am concerned that referencing TCDL 2.0 will imply endorsement by W3C 12:50:15 +Tim_Boland 12:50:37 ...we only need specific parts of it, why not just use it as we like 12:50:56 ...we just need metadata to store our information 12:51:07 ...we are spending too much time on this part 12:52:35 Tim has joined #tsdtf 12:53:53 SAZ: shouldn't compare TFs, the other was a tools database 12:55:15 ...these tests may have a large impact, and we should spend adequate time thinking about the metadata 12:55:33 ...referencing the spec does not imply endorsement 12:55:53 CI: people will imply endorsement, even if you don't like it 12:56:05 ...and there are contravesial things in there 12:58:17 SAZ: assuming that the TSD TF documentation clarifies that there is no endorsement of the TCDL 2.0 12:58:54 ...and assuming that there is a mechanism to check that the metadata published on W3C reflects this usage 12:59:04 ...are you still concerned? 12:59:23 CI: worried but can live with the solution 12:59:37 ...it is a contraversial and sensitive area 13:02:13 SAZ: note that TCDL 2.0 does not make assumptions on user testing, it only provides a mechanism to describe tests that are carried out by users 13:04:04 CI: still a tricky area in web accessibility 13:06:22 RESOLUTION: review TCDL 2.0 to make sure it contains the TSD TF requirements, then document how TCDL 2.0 will be used in the context of the TF (with special care of any potential endorsement misinterpretation) 13:11:11 CV: discussion extensibility model still pending 13:11:44 ...model B will lead to a more chaotic metadata 13:12:05 ...we may need to add extension points 13:12:18 ...but all over the place may be tough 13:13:10 CS: in BenToWeb we tried to add new elements as optional to avoid compatibility issues 13:15:30 SAZ: third model would be to keep the BenToWeb schema as the master, then use schematron or something else to verify the content of the metadata 13:15:43 TB: sounds like an interesting option 13:15:50 CS: i agree 13:16:38 CV: second stage to ensure that the task force restrictions are applied 13:19:29 RESOLUTION: adopt BenToWeb extension model (model A of extension points) 13:22:01 RESOLUTION: adopt a two-stage model to validate the metadata according to the BenToWeb schema, then a second verification step to ensure that the TSD TF contraints are adhered 13:22:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert-tsdtf/2006Sep/att-0019/BenToWeb_TCDL_W3C_Submission_DraftF.html 13:24:08 SAZ: will there be a way to add other pointers in the location element? 13:24:57 CS: yes 13:25:14 CV: we are not there yet, section "technologies" 13:26:06 CS: "baseline" not finalized by WCAG WG yet (or reopened) 13:26:26 ...seems to be inline to exclude specific parts of a technology 13:27:58 SAZ: what is the impact of the changes to baseline by WCAG WG on the tests development 13:28:41 CS: hard to judge at the moment 13:29:37 SAZ: worried about implications 13:29:59 ...maybe can try to develop non-baseline dependent tests first 13:30:42 -Tim_Boland 13:30:45 CV: doesn't really impact TCDL 2.0 as much, more the test development 13:35:39 -Chris 13:35:41 -Shadi 13:35:41 ChrisR has left #tsdtf 13:35:42 -CarlosI 13:35:43 -Daniela 13:35:45 -CarlosV 13:35:47 -Christophe_Strobbe 13:36:01 action: everyone to review the link on the agenda (and above) 13:36:11 -Cooper 13:36:13 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has ended 13:36:14 Attendees were Shadi, Christophe_Strobbe, Chris, Cooper, CarlosI, CarlosV, +43.732.246.8aaaa, Daniela, Tim_Boland 13:36:33 zakim, bye 13:36:33 Zakim has left #tsdtf 13:38:06 Christophe has left #tsdtf 13:38:46 rrsagent, make logs world 13:39:09 rrsagent, make minutes 13:39:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tsdtf-minutes.html shadi 13:39:17 rrsagent, make logs world 13:39:31 rrsagent, bye 13:39:31 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tsdtf-actions.rdf : 13:39:31 ACTION: everyone to review the link on the agenda (and above) [1] 13:39:31 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tsdtf-irc#T13-36-01