12:47:52 RRSAgent has joined #htmltf 12:47:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc 12:48:02 Meeting: RDF-in-XHTML Task Force 12:48:12 zakim, this will be rdfxhtml 12:48:12 ok, RalphS; I see SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 12:48:21 rrsagent, please make record public 12:49:01 Previous: 2006-09-19 http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html 12:57:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0028.html 12:58:19 RalphS has changed the topic to: 25 Sep RDFXHTML TF Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0028.html 13:02:20 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM has now started 13:02:27 +Ralph 13:02:39 zakim, dial steven-617 13:02:39 ok, Steven; the call is being made 13:02:40 +Steven 13:03:51 MarkB_ has joined #htmltf 13:04:29 +EliasT 13:05:15 benadida has joined #htmltf 13:05:22 hey there, just dialing in now 13:05:39 +??P1 13:05:46 zakim, i am ? 13:05:46 +MarkB_; got it 13:05:58 EliasT has joined #htmltf 13:07:34 +[IPcaller] 13:07:44 zakim, i am IPcaller 13:07:44 ok, benadida, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 13:08:34 zakim, who's on the call? 13:08:36 On the phone I see Ralph, Steven, EliasT, MarkB_, [IPcaller] 13:08:53 Zakim, IPCaller is benadida 13:08:53 +benadida; got it 13:08:53 zakim, ipcaller is Ben 13:08:54 sorry, RalphS, I do not recognize a party named 'ipcaller' 13:08:59 Topic: Review of Action Items 13:09:09 action items: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0021 13:09:16 action -1 13:09:34 ACTION: Ben to find Elias's question and link to relevant discussion in the past [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action04] 13:09:42 -- done 13:10:28 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0024.html updated the issues list with comments from Elias and Lee [Ben 2006-09-22] 13:11:17 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0025.html 13:11:44 Ben: DanC commented too 13:11:58 ... we have to be sure everyone agrees that this is what HTML means 13:12:22 ... the point is that if we use the RDFa rules on existing HTML it should not cause wierd triples or triples not intended by the author 13:12:58 Ben: we can continue to discuss this 13:13:52 zakim, q+ 13:13:53 I see MarkB_ on the speaker queue 13:14:47 Ralph: two questions -- that HTML intended these triples in the past and that some spec documents that HTML intends these triples 13:15:27 Mark: though we cannot retrospectively add semantics, now that we are talking about modules we have additional opportunities 13:16:12 ... so it may be easier to answer DanC's question; in the case of a module we don't have control over the whole language but we can look at a way to flag documents 13:16:29 Steven has left #htmltf 13:16:33 [DONE] ACTION: Ben to put together Lee and Elias's emails into the issues list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action11] 13:16:46 Steven has joined #htmltf 13:16:57 --> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf/2006Sep/0024.html 13:17:28 action -2 13:18:05 ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc.. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action01] 13:19:47 -- continues 13:21:21 ACTION: Ben prepare a sample XHTML2 document for Steven 13:21:50 ACTION: All TF members take a look and comment on showstopper issues only [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action02] 13:21:55 -- done 13:22:07 Steven: this was supposed to be in preparation for the HTML WG f2f 13:22:16 action -5 13:22:26 ACTION: Ben make sure RDFA bookmarklet runs locally [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action06] 13:22:27 -- continues 13:22:48 ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining discussion topics [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action07] 13:22:48 -- continues 13:22:58 ACTION: Ben update the issues list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action08] 13:22:58 -- continues 13:22:58 ACTION: Ben write a prototype hGRDDL profile for XHTML 1 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action09] 13:22:58 -- continues 13:23:01 ACTION: Mark contact schneegans.de folk about connecting with our work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action10] 13:23:28 Mark: this seems to be more related to HTML WG than to the TF 13:23:46 ... schneegans is using schemas to validate, so the point was to note the existence of our schemas 13:24:26 Ben: we'd hoped to get them to try validating using Mark's XHTML 1.1 module 13:24:45 Mark: but they seem to be using RelaxNG, contrary to what I'd remembered 13:25:08 Ralph: it's worth sending even the 1-line message to see if we can get them engaged directly 13:25:26 Mark: correction, they are using XML Schemas. I will send the 1-line message 13:26:07 Topic: Better b-node support? 13:26:22 Ben: Ivan brought this up; if you want a list of bibtex references on a page 13:26:39 ... often you really don't want to name the nodes; e.g. author nodes 13:27:14 ... you'd like to be able to copy & paste a chunk of HTML without having to make unique [local] IDs 13:27:29 ... how serious a problem do we think this is? 13:27:29 ... do we want more support for bnodes? 13:27:40 ... people who engage in complex modelling often want bnodes 13:27:58 ... but maybe RDFa is not a place for complex graphs 13:28:16 q+ to note that SWD WG is supposed to produce a Requirements Document 13:29:01 Mark: I couldn't quite get what it was that Ivan was saying that we could not do 13:29:08 RalphS, you wanted to note that SWD WG is supposed to produce a Requirements Document 13:30:05 zakim, q+ 13:30:05 I see MarkB_ on the speaker queue 13:30:44 Ralph: we can't resolve this bnode question without the SWD WG, and the SWD WG has a RDFa Requirements document on its schedule 13:31:48 Mark: how does RDF/XML handle this? 13:32:19 :DJDKWBDADIH05 a bibtex:Article; 13:32:32 Ralph: rdf:nodeID but I want to see a full example from Ivan 13:33:50 ACTION: Ben mail a full example of the need for bnode support 13:35:17 Mark: there's also a question of what we're comparing against 13:35:35 Topic: Building Test Documents 13:36:21 Ben: I'm hoping that Elias and other implementors will send items for an FAQ 13:36:31 Elias: are you thinking of a WiKi? 13:36:40 Ben: on the rdfinfo site, but perhaps a WG Note 13:37:19 Ralph: I think a WiKi is a good idea 13:38:15 Elias: I'm happy to start a page on esw.w3.org 13:38:49 ... my overall feeling is that there is an overall lack of clarity in our documents and they are stale 13:39:59 Ralph: open questions should be on our issues list 13:40:32 Elias: let's give priority to publishing updated documents 13:41:30 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2006Sep/0000.html 13:42:19 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/swdwg-charter#sec2 13:43:53 Topic: Complete Specification of RDFa; RDFa Syntax Document? 13:44:12 Ben: previously we had considered that the XHTML2 document would contain the normative specification of RDFa 13:44:31 ... but currently there is a lot of detail that is not present in the XHTML2 draft 13:44:46 ... the syntax document is out of date 13:44:56 ... has the HTML WG integrated everything it intends to integrate? 13:45:23 Steve: I think the best thing is that XHTML2 include RDFa by reference and there is a separate RDFa document 13:45:23 ... so RDFa is defined as a module in itself 13:45:43 ... so others can also refer to the RDFa module 13:46:13 q+ Steven, RDFa will be a module? 13:46:14 ... from a visibility point of view I think it is a good idea to keep a separate RDFa syntax document 13:46:24 Mark: I agree with Steven 13:46:31 q+ to Steven, RDFa will be a module? 13:46:55 ... as we're working on defining an XHTML 1.1 Modularization Module we may be able to incorporate this in XHTML2 without change 13:47:08 q+ to speak to priorities 13:47:31 EliasT, you wanted to Steven, RDFa will be a module? 13:47:42 Elias: is RDFa not going to be native in XHTML2 ? 13:48:03 Steven: yes, RDFa will be native in XHTML2. As far as I am concerned XHTML2 is the true target. 13:48:13 ... there have been requests to back-port it to XHTML 1.1 13:48:23 Ben: a lot of XHTML2 is defined using XHTML modularization 13:48:29 Steven: correct but we are redoing the modules for XHTML2 13:48:46 Ben: but "module" does not mean "optional" 13:49:18 Steven: correct; XHTML2 core will be a set of modules 13:49:18 RalphS, you wanted to speak to priorities 13:51:03 Steven: I had claimed a while ago that what we want to do in XHTML 1.1 was not possible without changes to XHTML 1.1 but Shane pointed out a way to permit this with a 1-line change 13:51:27 s/XHTML 1.1/XHTML Modularisation 1.1/ 13:51:36 s/XHTML 1.1/XHTML Modularisation 1.1/ 13:51:57 Ralph: but which do we want to do first? the XHTML2 module or the XHTML 1.1 module? 13:52:13 Steven: they will be the same thing, though the implementation of the modularization is different 13:52:58 Mark: I vote for focussing attention on an XHTML 1.1 module and everything associated with that 13:53:19 ... make sure it all works with XHTML 1.1, including Ben's bookmarklet 13:53:19 ... get the whole story right on "current" documents 13:53:35 ... once the XHTML 1.1 module is done then it will be easy to import that into XHTML 2 13:53:50 ... timing-wise it is important to keep the current momentum from implementors going 13:54:10 ... so clarifying the discrepancies between our two documents is an important part of this 13:55:01 Ralph: so an XHTML 1.1 RDFa module specification could be the separate document that Steven suggests 13:55:16 Mark: there is no need for XHTML2 to be on the critical path for RDFa 13:55:21 Ralph: I agree 13:56:02 Ben: we had previously agreed that the RDFa syntax document would be obsoleted and the XHTML2 spec would contain everything 13:56:04 ... that's why we let the RDFa syntax document go stale 13:56:17 ... but I agree with the new direction to focus on an XHTML 1.1 module 13:56:53 Elias: it is confusing that the word "module" means different things between XHTML1 and XHTML2 13:56:59 zakim, q+ to try to answer Elias' question on 'modules'. 13:56:59 I see MarkB_ on the speaker queue 13:57:14 q+ to ask about future telecon schedule 13:57:39 Elias: we should work out the problems in the XHTML 1.1 13:58:36 Topic: Telecon Time 13:58:46 Ben: will this time on Mondays be acceptable until at least October 9? 13:58:49 Mark, Elias, Ralph: ok 13:59:26 [gotta go to next telecon; someone please scribe remaining important points] 13:59:29 -Ralph 13:59:58 Ben: RDFa syntax to be XML generic, or XHTML specific? 14:00:21 MarkB: modularization can be used for generic XML, I think 14:00:30 Steven: that's right 14:00:38 ... as long as the host language uses modules 14:00:59 MarkB: so, it depends on how generic we think of modularization 14:01:16 ... we would like RDFa to be usable anywhere, but we're defining it as an XHTML module. 14:01:39 ... the spec we're dealing with is XHTML Modularization 1.1, not XHTML 1.1 14:01:51 ... XHTML 1.2 could be built using the techniques of XHTML Modularization 1.1 14:02:37 ... because some folks are using schemas to validate XHTML, they're effectively creating a new language. 14:02:56 Steven: modularization includes rules about naming. XHTML = certain required modules 14:06:19 Ben: I think we should focus on XHTML in the RDFa Syntax 14:06:22 Mark: agreed 14:09:00 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/swdwg-charter#sec2 14:15:53 ACTION: Ben to put together a work plan for the next 6-9 months of the TF 14:17:27 -MarkB_ 14:17:28 -EliasT 14:17:30 -benadida 14:17:31 -Steven 14:17:32 SW_BPD(rdfxhtml)9:00AM has ended 14:17:34 Attendees were Ralph, Steven, EliasT, MarkB_, benadida 14:17:38 rrsagent, make minutes 14:17:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-minutes.html Steven 14:17:49 it's that simple isn't it? I keep forgetting :) 14:18:18 almost :-) 14:18:21 Chair: Ben 14:18:47 rrsagent, make minutes 14:18:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-minutes.html Steven 14:19:59 s/[gotta go to next telecon; someone please scribe remaining important points]/Scribenick: benadida/ 14:20:04 rrsagent, make minutes 14:20:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-minutes.html Steven 14:21:00 rrsagent, bye 14:21:00 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-actions.rdf : 14:21:00 ACTION: Steven to put together sample XHTML2 doc with all mime type, etc.. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action01] [3] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-18-05 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben prepare a sample XHTML2 document for Steven [4] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-21-21 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben make sure RDFA bookmarklet runs locally [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action06] [6] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-22-26 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining discussion topics [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action07] [7] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-22-48 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben update the issues list [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action08] [8] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-22-58 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben write a prototype hGRDDL profile for XHTML 1 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action09] [9] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-22-58-2 14:21:00 ACTION: Mark contact schneegans.de folk about connecting with our work [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/19-htmltf-minutes.html#action10] [10] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-23-01 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben mail a full example of the need for bnode support [11] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T13-33-50 14:21:00 ACTION: Ben to put together a work plan for the next 6-9 months of the TF [12] 14:21:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/25-htmltf-irc#T14-15-53 14:21:02 zakim, bye 14:21:02 Zakim has left #htmltf