14:39:44 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 14:39:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/14-hcls-irc 14:39:50 rrsagent, set log member 14:40:00 rrsagent, set log public 14:40:16 Meeting: HCLS IG Telco 14:40:30 Chairs: Eric Neumann and Tonya Hongsermeier 14:55:29 Marja has joined #hcls 14:59:53 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has now started 14:59:54 + +1.617.794.aaaa 15:00:02 Sean has joined #HCLS 15:00:38 +??P17 15:00:39 -??P17 15:00:42 +??P17 15:00:45 zakim, dial ivan-home 15:00:48 ok, ivan; the call is being made 15:00:52 +Ivan 15:00:57 +??P16 15:01:20 + +1.650.283.aabb 15:01:35 +Eric_Neumann 15:01:50 sstephen has joined #hcls 15:02:07 + +7.476.69.aacc 15:02:36 tslater has joined #hcls 15:03:07 ted can't join the audio today. 15:03:09 +Vipul_Kashyap 15:03:22 +Tanya_Hongsermeier 15:03:38 vipul has joined #hcls 15:03:47 + +1.519.498.aadd 15:04:34 Tanya said she is at the airport too 15:04:50 Tonya has joined #hcls 15:05:21 Zakim, who's here? 15:05:21 On the phone I see +1.617.794.aaaa, ??P17, Ivan, ??P16, +1.650.283.aabb, Eric_Neumann, +7.476.69.aacc, Vipul_Kashyap, Tanya_Hongsermeier, +1.519.498.aadd 15:05:23 zakim, who is noisy? 15:05:24 On IRC I see Tonya, vipul, tslater, sstephen, Sean, Marja, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan 15:05:34 ivan, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P17 (4%), Vipul_Kashyap (47%), Tanya_Hongsermeier (19%), +1.519.498.aadd (20%) 15:05:42 mscottm has joined #hcls 15:05:56 zakim, +1.617.794.aaaa is Sean 15:05:56 +Sean; got it 15:06:12 zakim, who is noisy? 15:06:15 +??P49 15:06:23 ivan, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: 10 (48%), Ivan (39%), Vipul_Kashyap (43%), Tanya_Hongsermeier (45%) 15:06:35 zakim, P49 is scott 15:06:35 sorry, ivan, I do not recognize a party named 'P49' 15:06:48 zakim, ??P49 is Scott 15:06:48 +Scott; got it 15:07:21 zakim, who is here? 15:07:21 On the phone I see Sean, ??P17, Ivan, ??P16, +1.650.283.aabb, Eric_Neumann, +7.476.69.aacc, Vipul_Kashyap, Tanya_Hongsermeier, +1.519.498.aadd, Scott 15:07:23 On IRC I see mscottm, Tonya, vipul, tslater, sstephen, Sean, Marja, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan 15:07:43 present: susie, helen, 15:08:00 - +7.476.69.aacc 15:08:17 +Marja 15:08:25 present: aj 15:08:36 tonya: no new persons on the call 15:08:48 ... agenda is the f2f agenda in october 15:09:17 ... there is a proposal in the http://www.w3.org/mid/F2F92B1BD5EABC4EA6ECB96CD2EE8786021DCD61@PHSXMB1.partners.org 15:09:42 ... I would like the TF-s to feed back, who will be there from the tf-s, who will represent and what will be the goal 15:09:47 ... susie, you sent me some notes 15:10:03 .. .where everybody brings their rdf data and you try to bind them together 15:10:12 ... also a uri resolution for ontologies from alan 15:10:26 ... for the bio ontology who wil be there? 15:10:34 vipul: helen will be there 15:10:52 ... we will having a meeting next week, and we should have it by then 15:11:03 tanya: if you do break out session? 15:11:10 +Bill_Bug 15:11:35 vipul: we need to discuss a discussion with the biordf group, look at their datasets and decide which one can populate an ontology 15:12:26 tanya: susie, do you want to comment on vipul's proposal 15:12:43 susie: I would also like to hear from the other tf-s to see and hear what they do 15:12:51 +Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:13:08 tanya: so probably after some intros and establishement of the goals we will need a 10-15 minutes updates from the task forces 15:13:16 ... is that o.k.? 15:13:24 BillBug has joined #hcls 15:13:33 susie: yes, we can also talk about the areas we want to cooperate in 15:14:17 ... having too much break out sessions would not be o.k. because people want to work with others 15:15:51 tonya: instead of calling break out session, we should rather have joint collaboration sessions 15:16:10 ... likewise, there is a lot of work between protocol and biont groups 15:16:30 chimezie has joined #hcls 15:16:34 ... it would be good if each tf would propose efforts, collaboration topics for the f2f 'break-in' sessions 15:17:13 susie: we are interested in the ontologies, for us it would be very useful, their conversion to rdf 15:17:43 vipul: one thing: we would a collaboratively mapping session with the biordf 15:17:54 ... the initial info sharing is obviously important 15:18:07 ... also, between ourselves and aptt group 15:18:55 helen: two people from agfa will be there, we will have a good group 15:19:04 ... i would like a session on the health care domain ontology 15:19:09 The demos on the BIOONT seed ontology page using the PaTO Phenotype formalism could provide an excellent systematic approach to use when doing joint BIOONT BioRDF mapping at the meeting. 15:19:13 ... mentioneing hl7 and gallon 15:19:20 + +1.412.683.aaee 15:19:41 ... what health care domain ontologies would really mean, which part of hl7 would be useful for us 15:19:51 http://www.opengalen.org/open/crm/ 15:20:10 It would also be commensurate with the approach being recommended by both the OBO Foundry and the National Center for Biomed. Ontology. 15:20:14 Don_ has joined #HCLS 15:20:16 ... we have a bunch a discussion, a session on health care domain ontology, what context we look at 15:20:32 vipul: have you use cases to drive that exersize? 15:20:51 helen: I will send it to you (I do not have my compure now) 15:21:11 ... I am pretty sure there will be scenarios to evaluate the usefullness 15:21:27 vipul: maybe we could take a good scenario and work on that together 15:22:16 tonya: we also have to be clear what we are talking about 15:22:45 ... is there a listing of the kind of use cases that cross all three of the task forces? 15:23:19 vipul: we started the exersize with the parkinson use case, but we are concentraing on the celular aspect 15:23:37 ... but helen may have more interesting requirements and we could incorporate those 15:23:52 helen: we have three use cases and we will have to work on how to make them more clear 15:24:06 vipul: if you looked at the parkinson use case? 15:24:21 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ParkinsonUseCase 15:24:33 ericn: tonya and I will work on collecting use cases on the wiki, and 15:24:50 This is the URL for the Parkinson Use Case 15:24:57 ... that will help on deciding what the use cases are 15:25:26 ... we should also have the drug and effi. task force; I will have a phone call tomorrow with them 15:25:35 ... they should be involved as well 15:25:44 Stroke Management ACPP usecase: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HclsigDscussionTopics/HclsSubGroupACPP/Stroke 15:26:20 Chimezie is it possible to identify similarities at the informatics level with the Parkinson's Disease Use Case? 15:26:28 ACC/AHA Guideline Usecase (Myocardial Infarction): http://www.acc.org/clinical/guidelines/stemi/exec%5Fsumm/index.htm#top 15:26:50 I would think so. 15:26:51 -Eric_Neumann 15:27:00 tonya: anyone from the sci publishing group? 15:27:07 aj: I will not be in amsterdam 15:27:26 ... i tried to figure who would be interested working with me, and this did not lead to anybody:-( 15:27:49 tonya: let us consentrate on the three tf-s on this call 15:28:02 ... is there any other collaboration topic that we could add to the list? 15:28:14 ... we have presentation, and then break-in sessions 15:28:22 ... is that o.k. for day 1? 15:28:46 tonya: for day 2, we propose that at some point the different tf-s have to present their progress on the previous day 15:28:46 Helen and Chimezie, should we set up a time to figure out overlap? 15:28:50 ... does this make sense? 15:28:51 ACC/AHA Guideline Usecase (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Indications): http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/reprint/83/3/1125.pdf 15:29:14 susie: how much time will have? 15:29:25 ... maybe time at the end of the 2nd day for the reports 15:29:26 vipul: I don't know if helen is on irc, but it sounds like a good idea 15:29:52 tonya: to day2 morning will be break-in, reports in the afternoon 15:30:13 helen: everyone would have a 1-2 page slide on the discussions 15:30:26 ... you can produce 1-2 pages on what the key points are 15:30:35 ... that would be useful 15:30:42 Could you and helen join in BIONT, Tuesday, 19th Sept? 15:30:49 tonya: that is for the reporting 15:30:59 susie, vipul: sounds good 15:31:04 When is the ACPP TCon 15:31:07 ? 15:31:23 Tuesdays' @ 3:00pm EST 15:31:38 tonya: so an opening session, another session for each task force present their goals, and then a series of sessions 15:31:50 vipul: could you shoot an email to that effect. I'll be sure to attend? 15:32:11 Sure ... 15:32:13 ... then having 'hack points', where things could be hacked together 15:33:06 helen: what does susie want to do with the ontologies I would bring 15:33:16 vipul: mapping the ontology to data sources 15:33:33 helen: but in our case we do not have data for those ontologies 15:34:10 susie: our group converted lots of data to rdf, but it would also make sense to look at how these data set can be mapped on ontologies 15:34:41 tonya: helen, could think on some corresponding activities for the acpp group for the second day 15:35:07 susie: there is also the uri issue 15:35:23 vipul: it would be a great use for the groups to understand lsid 15:35:43 susie: when i revise the agenda suggestion, i will send it to the whole group 15:36:06 ... for the uri discussion we are not really sure where people usually use 15:36:19 ... collect the various statements and what people believe they are 15:36:26 ... i will send out an email 15:37:27 ivan: your voice just dropped off 15:38:01 Daniel has joined #hcls 15:38:12 ivan: it would be good if the tf-s would have a goal on what they want publish and when 15:38:39 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:38:39 On the phone I see Sean, ??P17, Ivan, ??P16, +1.650.283.aabb, Vipul_Kashyap, Tanya_Hongsermeier, +1.519.498.aadd, Scott, Marja, Bill_Bug, Chimezie_Ogbuji, +1.412.683.aaee 15:38:51 sean: will there be a facility to dial in 15:38:54 ? 15:39:25 I am the 1.412.683.aaee 15:39:38 Zakim: 1.412.683.aaee is Don_ 15:39:45 Zakim, 1.412.683.aaee is Don_ 15:39:45 sorry, chimezie, I do not recognize a party named '1.412.683.aaee' 15:39:59 Zakim, +1.412.683.aaee is Don_ 15:39:59 +Don_; got it 15:41:07 next meeting should be the 28th 15:42:06 - +1.519.498.aadd 15:42:07 -??P16 15:42:07 -??P17 15:42:08 -Bill_Bug 15:42:10 -Chimezie_Ogbuji 15:42:10 -Sean 15:42:16 -Don_ 15:42:33 - +1.650.283.aabb 15:42:34 -Marja 15:46:07 bye 15:46:14 goodbye 15:46:16 Sean has left #HCLS 15:46:24 by 15:46:25 bye 15:47:46 -Vipul_Kashyap 15:52:35 -Tanya_Hongsermeier 15:52:37 -Scott 15:52:38 -Ivan 15:52:38 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 15:52:39 Attendees were Ivan, +1.650.283.aabb, Eric_Neumann, +7.476.69.aacc, Vipul_Kashyap, Tanya_Hongsermeier, +1.519.498.aadd, Sean, Scott, Marja, Bill_Bug, Chimezie_Ogbuji, Don_ 15:52:45 zakim, bye 15:52:45 Zakim has left #hcls 15:52:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:52:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/14-hcls-minutes.html ivan 15:53:04 rrsagent, bye 15:53:04 I see no action items