17:20:31 RRSAgent has joined #ua 17:20:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/07-ua-irc 17:20:41 rrsagent, set logs public 17:21:36 title: UAWG teleconference 17:21:44 Chair: Jim Allan 17:21:55 Regrets: Jan Richards 17:57:12 WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has now started 17:57:19 +Jim_Allan 17:59:13 +[IBM] 17:59:44 zakim, [ibm] is pparente 17:59:44 +pparente; got it 17:59:57 parente has joined #ua 18:01:39 +DPoehlman 18:05:08 +[IBM] 18:05:28 cklaws has joined #ua 18:05:31 zakim, [ibm] is cklaws 18:05:31 +cklaws; got it 18:07:10 topic: 6.6 Programmatic notification of changes (P1) 18:08:01 AJAX issues, 18:08:16 cl: not all events are referenced in the dom 18:08:59 pp: CSS allows creation of text, does w3 say anything about this and accessibility 18:10:44 there is a disconnect between dom text and css text 18:10:54 cl: different specifications 18:13:09 AJAX - html + css+ javascript, accessibility tools can access dom for js events and html, but css changes are difficult. 18:13:32 Topic: 6.7 Conventional keyboard APIs (P1) 18:15:08 need technique: for key-bindings from UA and from author 18:16:21 cl: HPR added additional modifier for accesskey (alt-shift) to avoid UA conflicts 18:16:48 pp: also problems with keybindings with assistive technology 18:17:20 cl: dhtml makes use of accesskey to fire events. 18:18:05 pp: in gmail - uses single key for navigation 18:18:27 ja: same model for screen readers, single key navigation 18:18:59 cl: author problem, how to not conflict with AT, when they are not AT experts 18:19:52 dp: TAB used in edit fields. in Safari, if you hit TAB you exit a form control. 18:20:21 +Aaron_Leventhal 18:20:24 pp: javascript based text editors can insert TAB character in the edit field 18:22:29 cl: single key navigation may conflict with onkeypress or onkeydown javascript events 18:23:04 al: screen reader arrow keys only work when you are in screenreader browse mode. 18:23:52 al: screen reader captures many keys, they have a pass through function 18:24:34 al: screen reader gets access first (hooking into os), it has choice to use it and pass it on, or just pass it on 18:24:51 capture first, then bubbling 18:25:26 capture - event starts at html then moves down tree 18:25:49 bubbling: focus first priority, then move to root 18:27:21 some keystrokes (alt to focus menus) UI will grab before it goes to content, other keystrokes UI will allow to go to content 18:28:11 no good documents of how is should and does work (capture and bubble) 18:29:27 conflicts between keypress, keydown, keyup - depends on the key, the OS, and UA 18:29:55 dependent on keyboard api 18:31:07 example: key held down, key repeats. does this fire multiple key events 18:32:33 ja: How does the OS accessibility keyboard functions work with AT, and UA 18:33:07 al: unsure, documentation and implementation issues 18:34:17 aaronlev has joined #ua 18:34:20 http://www.mozilla.org/access/keyboard/tabindex 18:35:31 al: plug-in keybindings, more conflicts with UA, AT 18:36:16 if plug-in dows not need a key, it should pass it on to the UA, not swallow it. 18:36:33 should have some pass through to the UA function 18:37:41 cl: if stand-alone plug-in, standard practice - should not swallow keys that the application does not need 18:38:46 pp: chaining, if something higher up the api chain gets a key lower level api may not see the event 18:39:47 ja: this is related to 6.10 18:40:35 ja: also UA extensions keybinding conflicts 18:41:29 al: big conflicts. keybinding negotiation (extension, content access key, plugins) 18:41:51 perhaps assign keys to roles, 18:42:31 or similar to fonts have a list of proposed keys with fallback options 18:44:14 topic 6.6 Programmatic notification of changes (P1) 18:44:43 cl: css adding content to visual rendering, but not to dom 18:45:52 al: difficult to get css information, can tell that it is roman numberals, but not specific item, 18:47:57 is DOM 3 implemented fully? 18:48:35 cl: mutation events in dom2 18:48:49 ja: what is mutation event 18:49:41 cl: attributen name, vlaue, node changed 18:50:31 dom 3 http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-Core-20040407/ 18:51:13 dom 3 load save http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-DOM-Level-3-LS-20040407/ 18:52:54 cl: issues with mutation events, UA implementation of DOM 2 or 3 18:53:37 some AT not listening to dom events and locations 18:56:08 cl: not just limit notifications to AT through the DOM 18:56:32 should include accessibility API 18:57:25 Action: ja to create technique for AT notification of change through accessibility api. 18:57:51 necessary for AT access to be complete. DOM does not provide enough information. 18:58:21 al: no caret indicator in the DOM 18:58:42 AT must rely on accessibility api for caret informaton/location 19:00:18 -cklaws 19:00:20 -Aaron_Leventhal 19:00:21 -DPoehlman 19:00:22 -pparente 19:00:23 -Jim_Allan 19:00:24 WAI_UAWG()2:00PM has ended 19:00:26 Attendees were Jim_Allan, pparente, DPoehlman, cklaws, Aaron_Leventhal 19:01:16 rrsagent, make minutes 19:01:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/09/07-ua-minutes.html jallan 19:01:32 rrsagent, set logs public 19:07:43 jallan has left #ua 20:07:01 Zakim has left #ua