20:34:46 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 20:34:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-wcag-teamc-irc 20:34:58 Zakim has joined #wcag-teamc 20:35:14 Zakim, list 20:35:14 I see Team_(wai-wcag)20:09Z active 20:35:15 also scheduled at this time is WAI_WCAG(plan)4:30PM 20:36:57 Meeting: WCAG Team C 20:37:44 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2006Sep/0001.html 20:37:54 Chair: Michael_Cooper 20:59:42 Andi has joined #wcag-teamc 21:02:46 Sofia has joined #wcag-teamc 21:06:13 becka11y has joined #wcag-teamc 21:06:35 scribe: Michael 21:06:48 topic: 673, 674, 1407 21:10:11 resolution: take to survey (673 and 1407 together, 674 separate) 21:10:55 topic: 678 21:11:28 topic: 688 21:16:26 resolution: take to survey with additional response to reviewer 21:16:41 topic: 695 21:16:45 David has joined #wcag-teamc 21:23:00 present: Christophe_Strobbe, Andi_Snow-Weaver, Becky_Gibson, David_MacDonald, Michael_Cooper, Sofia_Celic 21:29:24 action: Michael to put both Christophe's and Gez's approaches in as (mutually exclusive) examples 21:31:12 topic: 698 21:39:02 action: send query to list about approach 21:39:18 topic: 758 21:46:45 action: Michael to reword response to 698 to make it more clear 21:59:14 resolution: take to survey 21:59:28 topic: 1166 22:10:18 resolution: take to survey 22:13:25 rrsagent, make log world 22:13:36 rrsagent, bye 22:13:36 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-wcag-teamc-actions.rdf : 22:13:36 ACTION: Michael to put both Christophe's and Gez's approaches in as (mutually exclusive) examples [1] 22:13:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-wcag-teamc-irc#T21-29-24 22:13:36 ACTION: send query to list about approach [2] 22:13:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-wcag-teamc-irc#T21-39-02 22:13:36 ACTION: Michael to reword response to 698 to make it more clear [3] 22:13:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/09/05-wcag-teamc-irc#T21-46-45