17:00:22 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 17:00:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/08/15-wcag-teamc-irc 17:00:26 rrsagent, make log world 17:00:34 meeting: WCAG Team C (supplemental meeting) 17:00:39 chair: Michael_Cooper 17:00:42 scribe: Michael 17:01:07 Christophe has joined #wcag-teamc 17:01:15 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2006Aug/0016.html 17:01:32 regrets: Andi_Snow-Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly 17:03:56 present: Christophe_Strobbe, Michael_Cooper, Becky_Gibson 17:04:34 topic: 1088 17:05:57 Andi has joined #wcag-teamc 17:06:03 this is baseline, hold in that category 17:06:54 Andi has left #wcag-teamc 17:08:04 topic: 1117 17:11:23 resolution: add note that multiple situations may apply to instructions for situations 17:11:57 resolution: take to survey 17:12:18 topic: 1170 17:19:13 resolution: take to survey 17:19:23 topic: 1196 17:27:52 resolution: modify first bullet to clarify it's about transactions, clarify intent of second in requirement, 3rd handled by resolution to 1170 17:32:08 resolution: take to survey 17:33:54 topic: 773 17:39:37 becka11y has joined #wcag-teamc 17:40:22 resolution: take to survey 17:40:24 topic: 1089 17:41:04 resolution: take to survey 17:41:10 topic: 1097 17:42:08 resolution: take to survey 17:42:15 topic: 1166 17:42:39 resolution: take to survey 17:42:45 topic: 1167 17:49:00 resolution: survey a straw poll comparing Greg's example to Michael's, asking which one ticket purchasing should fall under 17:49:09 topic: 1169 17:50:56 Christophe has joined #wcag-teamc 17:51:37 Christophe has left #wcag-teamc 17:51:37 Christophe has joined #wcag-teamc 17:56:54 action: Michael to add clarification in HtM that UI to restart not required in all circumstance, but "stopped" w/o restart might be a problem in some (e.g., stock ticker). Explore is SC needs to change to match this intent (...content that presents information...). 17:57:23 topic: 1287 17:58:52 resolution: take to survey 17:59:00 topic: 1305 18:01:41 action: Michael to flesh out proposal and attempt to clarify issue 18:03:36 rrsagent, bye 18:03:36 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/15-wcag-teamc-actions.rdf : 18:03:36 ACTION: Michael to add clarification in HtM that UI to restart not required in all circumstance, but "stopped" w/o restart might be a problem in some (e.g., stock ticker). Explore is SC needs to change to match this intent (...content that presents information...). [1] 18:03:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/15-wcag-teamc-irc#T17-56-54 18:03:36 ACTION: Michael to flesh out proposal and attempt to clarify issue [2] 18:03:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/08/15-wcag-teamc-irc#T18-01-41