21:11:11 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 21:11:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/31-wcag-teamc-irc 21:11:17 RRSAgent, make log world 21:11:33 shawn has joined #wcag-teamc 21:12:25 at the end: rrsagent, draft minutes 21:12:38 scribe: Andi 21:12:47 present: Becky, Sofia, Andi 21:12:59 regrets: Cynthia, Christophe, Michael 21:13:10 Topic: WCAG Team C Weekly Meeting 21:14:21 ben has left #wcag-teamc 21:14:37 note in particular http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2003/template.html#topic2 21:14:39 shawn has left #wcag-teamc 21:15:55 topic: 669 21:16:02 resolution: take 669 to survey as proposed 21:16:05 topic: 670 21:16:12 resolution: take 670 to survey as proposed 21:16:58 topic: 676 21:23:23 resolution: take 676 to survey as proposed 21:26:51 topic: 875 21:29:46 resoultion: take 875 to survey as amended 21:33:04 topic: 763 21:33:20 resolution: take 875 to survey as amended 21:33:35 resolution: take 763 to survey as proposed 21:38:50 topic: 682 21:40:30 take 683 to survey as amended 21:52:56 topic: 668 21:53:06 resolution: take 668 to survey as amended 21:55:26 topic: 673 21:56:08 resolution: modify 673 per Christophe's comments on the list and take to survey 21:59:44 topic: 674 21:59:50 resolution: take 674 to survey as amended 22:01:16 topic: 675 22:01:27 resolution: take 675 to survey as amended 22:03:22 topic: 677 22:05:54 resolution: amend 677 - change "text description" to "description" and take to survey 22:07:28 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:07:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/07/31-wcag-teamc-minutes.html Andi 22:08:10 becka11y has left #wcag-teamc 23:30:39 Zakim has left #wcag-teamc