20:59:37 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 20:59:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/24-wcag-teamc-irc 20:59:40 rrsagent, make log world 20:59:47 meeting: WCAG Team C 20:59:52 chair: Michael Cooper 20:59:59 scribeNick: Michael 21:02:07 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2006Jul/0024.html 21:02:09 Andi has joined #wcag-teamc 21:02:14 hey Michael 21:02:15 Christophe has joined #wcag-teamc 21:02:20 hi Christophe 21:02:22 hi 21:02:26 hi 21:03:22 might be just us 3 today - Becky is on vacation 21:08:04 Sofia has joined #wcag-teamc 21:08:06 regrets: Becky Gibson 21:08:58 topic: 672 21:16:36 resolution: take to survey 21:16:53 topic: 770 21:21:21 resolution: take to survey 21:21:36 topic: 1079 21:23:35 resolution: take to survey 21:23:58 topic: 1115 21:24:40 resolution: take to survey 21:26:11 topic: 1120 21:27:15 resolution: take to survey 21:27:38 topic: 665 21:35:00 resolution: take to survey (with change from Andi) 21:39:41 topic: 667 21:40:06 resolution: take to survey 21:40:45 topic: 796 21:54:39 resolution: take to survey with changes discussed in call (move to 1.1.1, add caveat about leetspeak to definition of non-text content) 21:57:46 present: Andi Snow-Weaver, Christophe_Strobbe, Michael_Cooper, Sofia_Celic 21:57:55 rrsagent, bye 21:57:55 I see no action items