14:51:28 RRSAgent has joined #rif 14:51:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/07/04-rif-irc 14:56:30 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:56:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/07/04-rif-minutes.html sandro 14:57:21 Harold has joined #rif 14:57:39 StanDevitt has joined #rif 14:57:57 patranja has joined #rif 14:59:18 SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started 14:59:25 +Sandro 14:59:49 csma has joined #rif 14:59:50 MarkusK has joined #rif 14:59:59 +[NRCC] 15:00:12 zakim, [NRCC] is me. 15:00:13 +Stan_Devitt 15:00:14 +Harold; got it 15:00:32 MoZ has joined #rif 15:00:36 +DavidHirtle 15:00:42 +Axel_Polleres 15:00:55 +PaulaP 15:01:06 Zakim, what is the code ? 15:01:06 the conference code is 74394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), MoZ 15:01:17 AxelPolleres has joined #rif 15:01:23 -Axel_Polleres 15:01:42 + +1.705.756.aaaa 15:01:47 Zakim, topic is '4 July Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Jul/0000.html' 15:01:47 I don't understand you, csma 15:01:57 +Axel_Polleres 15:02:02 +??P0 15:02:39 Zakim, who is here? 15:02:39 On the phone I see Sandro, Harold, Stan_Devitt (muted), DavidHirtle, PaulaP (muted), +1.705.756.aaaa, Axel_Polleres (muted), ??P0 15:02:42 On IRC I see AxelPolleres, MoZ, MarkusK, csma, PaulaP, StanDevitt, Harold, RRSAgent, DavidHirtle, Zakim, sandro, trackbot, Keep 15:02:57 DaveReynolds has joined #rif 15:03:07 JeffP has joined #rif 15:03:07 +Christian 15:03:16 zakim, christian is me 15:03:16 +csma; got it 15:03:18 MoZ has changed the topic to: 4 July Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Jul/0000.html 15:03:31 +??P9 15:03:32 +Dave_Reynolds (was ??P9) 15:04:17 +??P11 15:04:23 +[IPcaller] 15:05:39 johnhall has joined #rif 15:06:14 +??P8 15:06:43 Donald_Chapin has joined #rif 15:06:58 zakim, ipcaller is me 15:06:58 sorry, Donald_Chapin, I do not recognize a party named 'ipcaller' 15:07:45 zakim, mute me 15:07:45 sorry, Donald_Chapin, I do not see a party named 'Donald_Chapin' 15:07:52 Zakim, [ipcaller is Donald_Chapin 15:07:52 sorry, MoZ, I do not recognize a party named '[ipcaller' 15:07:56 -??P8 15:08:04 I can give it a try 15:08:09 zakim, take a victim 15:08:09 I don't understand 'take a victim', csma 15:08:38 +[IPcaller] 15:08:46 +Donald_Chapin (was [IPcaller]) 15:09:05 zakim, mute me 15:09:05 Donald_Chapin should now be muted 15:09:08 csma: Next Meeting: 11 July 2006 15:09:13 +1 15:09:28 ... to accept the minutes 15:09:29 PROPOSED: accept minutes of June 27 meeting 15:09:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Jun/0182.html 15:10:00 csma: minutes accepted 15:10:46 RESOLVED: accept http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rif-wg/2006Jun/0182.html as minutes of June 27 meeting 15:10:51 csma: Agenda amendments? 15:10:59 ... no 15:11:02 Can't connect to phone - says 74394# is invalid 15:11:15 zakim, what is the code? 15:11:15 the conference code is 74394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), sandro 15:11:19 Action review [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/products/4] 15:11:24 -??P0 15:11:27 very very strange, johnhall. :-( 15:11:31 csma: any comments? 15:11:45 3. Liaison 15:12:11 Action review [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/products/3] 15:12:14 +[IPcaller] 15:12:27 Zakim, IPcaller is me 15:12:27 +johnhall; got it 15:12:35 +??P13 15:12:36 csma: Action about PRR draft still open becuase I haven't checked with Fair Isaac 15:12:42 zakim, unmute me 15:12:42 Donald_Chapin should no longer be muted 15:12:51 Is SPARQL connected with some action item? 15:12:52 zakim, mute me 15:12:52 johnhall should now be muted 15:12:55 zakim, who is talking? 15:13:07 sandro, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: csma (8%), Donald_Chapin (82%), +1.705.756.aaaa (4%) 15:13:15 zakim, mute me 15:13:15 Donald_Chapin should now be muted 15:13:19 zakim, who is here? 15:13:19 On the phone I see Sandro, Harold, Stan_Devitt (muted), DavidHirtle, PaulaP (muted), +1.705.756.aaaa, Axel_Polleres (muted), csma, Dave_Reynolds, JeffP, MarkusK (muted), 15:13:22 ... Donald_Chapin (muted), johnhall (muted), ??P13 15:13:23 On IRC I see Donald_Chapin, johnhall, JeffP, DaveReynolds, AxelPolleres, MoZ, MarkusK, csma, PaulaP, StanDevitt, Harold, RRSAgent, DavidHirtle, Zakim, sandro, trackbot, Keep 15:13:29 q+ 15:13:38 csma: nothing new on Liaison 15:14:10 Zakim, aaaa is PFPS 15:14:10 +PFPS; got it 15:14:17 zakim, who is here? 15:14:17 On the phone I see Sandro, Harold, Stan_Devitt (muted), DavidHirtle, PaulaP (muted), PFPS, Axel_Polleres (muted), csma, Dave_Reynolds, JeffP, MarkusK (muted), Donald_Chapin 15:14:20 ... (muted), johnhall (muted), ??P13 15:14:22 On IRC I see Donald_Chapin, johnhall, JeffP, DaveReynolds, AxelPolleres, MoZ, MarkusK, csma, PaulaP, StanDevitt, Harold, RRSAgent, DavidHirtle, Zakim, sandro, trackbot, Keep 15:14:54 Action: csma and Chris Welty to solve the SPARQL liaison problem 15:14:54 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:15:54 zakim, P13 is MoZ 15:15:54 sorry, sandro, I do not recognize a party named 'P13' 15:15:57 ack axel 15:16:00 zakim, ?P13 is MoZ 15:16:00 sorry, sandro, I do not recognize a party named '?P13' 15:16:01 ack moz 15:16:05 zakim, ??P13 is MoZ 15:16:05 +MoZ; got it 15:16:09 zakim, who is here? 15:16:09 On the phone I see Sandro, Harold, Stan_Devitt (muted), DavidHirtle, PaulaP (muted), PFPS, Axel_Polleres, csma, Dave_Reynolds, JeffP, MarkusK (muted), Donald_Chapin (muted), 15:16:11 ack ??p13 15:16:13 ... johnhall (muted), MoZ 15:16:14 On IRC I see Donald_Chapin, johnhall, JeffP, DaveReynolds, AxelPolleres, MoZ, MarkusK, csma, PaulaP, StanDevitt, Harold, RRSAgent, DavidHirtle, Zakim, sandro, trackbot, Keep 15:16:18 q- 15:16:29 4. Use Cases and Requirements 15:16:38 Review actions [http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/products/6] 15:17:23 regrets on behalf of JosDeBruijn 15:17:41 I substitute for DERI 15:18:01 csma: Is the action on JosDB done? 15:18:02 I think continued 15:18:32 latest draft (I believe): 15:18:35 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/ucr/draft-20060628 15:18:38 q+ 15:18:48 csma: any comments on UC&R? 15:18:50 q+ 15:19:00 ... Dave sent an email on this 15:19:57 s/Dave/David 15:22:08 +1 to remove the link to the CSF and keep the requirement 15:22:37 Suggest leaving in the CSF, update the diagram to match, leave the other CSF's for future iterations 15:23:12 csma: anyone support remove the requirement altogether? 15:23:18 ... no reply 15:24:15 StanD has joined #rif 15:24:21 csma: two options, one from Paula the other from DaveR 15:25:43 +1 for change diagram 15:25:53 csma: we can ask Frank to change that 15:26:20 csma: anyone object? 15:26:29 ... no reply 15:26:39 q+ 15:26:47 Action: csma to ack Frank to do the modification 15:26:47 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:27:33 ack axel 15:28:46 AxelP: shall we add a note in the XML requirement? 15:29:13 +1 to Dave 15:29:26 DaveR: we need some mechanism to track things we want to do after the release 15:29:30 +1 to make open issues visible. 15:29:43 sandro: it is more of a design issue 15:30:04 DaveR: A wiki page can do the job 15:30:36 q? 15:30:46 q+ 15:30:50 q+ 15:31:07 ack daver 15:32:36 DaveR: three items on the todo list 15:32:54 ... one on UC 2.5 15:33:04 csma: David 15:33:08 Zakim, who is making noise? 15:33:19 MoZ, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: PaulaP (19%), Dave_Reynolds (89%) 15:33:27 q? 15:33:46 Zakim, mute PaulaP 15:33:46 PaulaP should now be muted 15:34:00 Action on DavidH to add the three items to the consider/document issue list 15:34:22 Action: on DavidH to add the three items to the consider/document issue list 15:34:22 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:34:28 ack axel 15:35:25 +1 the "to consider list" is small scale and leave in Wiki rather than confuse document 15:36:16 +1 if we add a reference to the to be considered list 15:36:23 q? 15:36:33 ack paulap 15:36:44 I noticed that too, Paula 15:36:54 PaulaP: the requirement is not clean 15:37:16 ... under interoperability 15:37:19 Yes, should be linked in I think 15:38:28 csma: we agreed to remove it from the diagram 15:39:11 Action: on Frank to remove the complain models, requirement from the interoperability diagram 15:39:11 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:39:25 q+ 15:40:03 ack david 15:40:15 csma: other comments on the doc? 15:40:22 q+ 15:40:28 zakim, unmute me 15:40:28 Donald_Chapin should no longer be muted 15:40:31 q+ 15:41:09 AxelP: some minor issues that I can send to the mailing list 15:43:09 Action: Axel to send a list with small edits by tomorrow night 15:43:09 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:43:18 Action: AxelP to email the list per some small edit for the doc by July 5 15:43:18 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:44:35 Action: Axel to send another mail with issues "to be considered" and add it to the wiki within 2 weeks 15:44:37 Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel 15:44:37 ack don 15:44:52 q- 15:45:21 Can someone paste the URL of the issues list? 15:45:36 new issues list: 15:45:37 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/UCR/Document_issues 15:45:50 old issues list: 15:45:57 http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/wiki/WD-DC (section 2) 15:46:04 I assume we're not talking about: http://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wg/track/issues/open 15:46:14 q+ 15:47:17 q- 15:47:20 csma: it is not easily accessable 15:47:25 q+ 15:47:25 zakim, mute me 15:47:25 q? 15:47:26 Donald_Chapin should now be muted 15:47:30 ... other comments? 15:48:46 -StanDevitt 15:49:15 csma: I wll send an email to the list about the consider list 15:49:22 ... for the details 15:50:19 yes, it is clear 15:51:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:51:33 On the phone I see Sandro, Harold, DavidHirtle, PaulaP (muted), PFPS, Axel_Polleres (muted), csma, Dave_Reynolds, JeffP, MarkusK (muted), Donald_Chapin (muted), johnhall (muted), 15:51:37 ... MoZ 15:51:37 csma: resolution: the WG will publish the public draft of UCR with no other modification than the ones that we just discussed 15:51:55 that is: 15:52:05 csma: who is in favour of the resolution? 15:52:12 q+ 15:52:16 PROPOSED: publish the public draft of UCR with no other modification than the ones that we just agreed to 15:52:32 Sandro/W3C YES 15:52:45 Harold/NCR YES 15:52:47 MoZ/Innovimax YES 15:52:53 Paula/REWERSE - YES 15:53:18 PFPS/Bolzano YES 15:53:27 AxelP: is there a timeline for the next version? 15:53:36 csma: between 3-6 months 15:53:50 zakim, unmute me 15:53:50 johnhall should no longer be muted 15:54:02 Axel/DERI_Innsbruck: YES 15:54:11 MarkusK/FZI YES 15:54:34 comment: we should not again postpone comments over more than one iteration 15:54:59 Dave Reynolds/HP YES 15:55:00 CSMA(with ILOG Hat)/ILOG: YES 15:55:19 Jeff Pan / Aberdeen: YES 15:55:20 JeffP/ABDN YES 15:55:30 Donald/OMG YES 15:55:47 zakim, mute me 15:55:47 johnhall should now be muted 15:56:09 csma: resolution adapted 15:56:25 DavidH/NCR YES 15:56:29 RESOLVED: publish the public draft of UCR with no other modification than the ones that we just agreed to 15:56:59 no urgent issues 15:57:02 csma: AOB? 15:57:06 (David Hirtle is the alternate for NRC.) 15:57:14 +1 15:57:16 +1 adjourn 15:57:23 +1 15:57:23 +1 15:57:27 bye 15:57:30 -MoZ 15:57:34 -MarkusK 15:57:36 -Harold 15:57:37 -PaulaP 15:57:37 -Dave_Reynolds 15:57:40 -Axel_Polleres 15:57:41 -johnhall 15:57:42 -Donald_Chapin 15:57:42 -PFPS 15:57:48 -DavidHirtle 15:57:54 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:57:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/07/04-rif-minutes.html sandro 15:58:11 RRSAgent, make record public 15:58:27 DavidHirtle has left #rif 16:01:02 -Sandro 16:01:03 -JeffP 16:01:13 -csma 16:01:15 SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended 16:01:16 Attendees were Sandro, Stan_Devitt, Harold, DavidHirtle, Axel_Polleres, PaulaP, +1.705.756.aaaa, csma, Dave_Reynolds, JeffP, MarkusK, Donald_Chapin, johnhall, PFPS, MoZ, StanDevitt