20:00:41 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 20:00:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-irc 20:00:46 zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG() 20:00:46 ok, rscano, I see WAI_WCAG()3:00PM already started 20:00:47 +John_Slatin 20:00:49 +Becky_Gibson 20:00:51 zakim, this is WAI_WCAG 20:00:51 ben, this was already WAI_WCAG()3:00PM 20:00:52 Sorcha has left #wai-wcag 20:00:53 ok, ben; that matches WAI_WCAG()3:00PM 20:00:56 +??P3 20:01:04 zakim, ??P3 is Ben_Caldwell 20:01:04 +Ben_Caldwell; got it 20:01:15 zakim, who is on the phone? 20:01:15 On the phone I see Alex_Li, Andi_Snow_Weaver, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell 20:01:15 Sorcha has joined #wai-wcag 20:01:16 thanks, roberto! 20:01:17 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 20:01:23 ;-) 20:01:31 RRSAgent, do not start a new log 20:01:35 +[IPcaller] 20:01:43 RRSAgent, make log world 20:01:44 +[IPcaller.a] 20:01:50 Meeting: WCAG Weekly Telecon 20:01:55 +[IPcaller.aa] 20:01:57 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:01:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2006AprJun/0042.html 20:02:04 Chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden and John_Slatin 20:02:13 +Wendy 20:02:16 zakim, [IPcaller.a is Roberto_Scano 20:02:16 sorry, rscano, I do not recognize a party named '[IPcaller.a' 20:02:18 Zakim, .aa] is LucaMascaro 20:02:18 sorry, LucaMascaro, I do not recognize a party named '.aa]' 20:02:31 zakim, [IPcaller.a] is Roberto_Scano 20:02:31 +Roberto_Scano; got it 20:02:32 Zakim, +[IPcaller.aa] is LucaMascaro 20:02:32 sorry, LucaMascaro, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller.aa]' 20:02:37 zakim, i am Roberto_Scano 20:02:37 ok, rscano, I now associate you with Roberto_Scano 20:02:40 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:02:44 Zakim, [IPcaller.aa] is LucaMascaro 20:02:44 +LucaMascaro; got it 20:02:54 Regrets: Roberto_Castaldo, Sebastiano_Nutarelli, Bruce_Bailey, Yvette_Hoitink 20:03:02 agenda+ Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon 20:03:06 zakim, who is making noise? 20:03:09 agenda+ Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon 20:03:11 +??P16 20:03:16 +Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:03:17 agenda+ should we have an upper limit on seizure disorder? 20:03:18 rscano, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Alex_Li (51%), Andi_Snow_Weaver (20%), John_Slatin (19%), Loretta_Guarino_Reid (34%), LucaMascaro (90%), 20:03:21 ... Roberto_Scano (33%) 20:03:24 zakim, mute me 20:03:24 Roberto_Scano should now be muted 20:03:27 Zakim, mute me 20:03:27 LucaMascaro should now be muted 20:03:36 +Christophe_Strobbe 20:03:59 zakim, who is on the phone? 20:03:59 On the phone I see Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [IPcaller], Roberto_Scano (muted), LucaMascaro (muted), Wendy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, ??P16, 20:04:02 ... Gregg_Vanderheiden, Christophe_Strobbe 20:04:10 judy has joined #wai-wcag 20:04:24 scribe: Christophe 20:05:34 IP caller sorcha moore 20:05:49 zakim, ??P16 is Katie_Haritos-Shea 20:05:49 +Katie_Haritos-Shea; got it 20:05:57 zakim, who is on the phone? 20:05:57 On the phone I see Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, [IPcaller], Roberto_Scano (muted), LucaMascaro (muted), Wendy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, 20:06:00 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Christophe_Strobbe 20:06:06 zakim, [IP is Sorcha_Moore 20:06:06 +Sorcha_Moore; got it 20:06:34 Andi has joined #wai-wcag 20:07:00 agenda? 20:08:36 Organisations who are considering WCAG 2.0 implementation (for CR phase): contact John, Judy and Wendy. 20:09:16 +[IPcaller] 20:09:55 After LC there will be a five week review period; reviewers will be asked to use a format defined by the WG (spreadsheet or web based). 20:10:07 zakim, +[IPcaller] is Marco_Bertoni 20:10:07 sorry, rscano, I do not recognize a party named '+[IPcaller]' 20:10:15 zakim [IPcaller is Marco_Bertoni 20:10:25 zakim, [IPCaller] is Marco_Bertoni 20:10:25 +Marco_Bertoni; got it 20:10:39 zakim, mute Marco_Bertoni 20:10:39 Marco_Bertoni should now be muted 20:11:18 WG participants - contact Ben if you are available for proofreading. 20:11:39 03zakim, I am Marco_Bertoni01 20:12:13 zakim, marco_bertoni is Marco_Bertoni 20:12:13 +Marco_Bertoni; got it 20:12:22 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:12:22 On the phone I see Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore, Roberto_Scano (muted), LucaMascaro (muted), Wendy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, 20:12:26 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Christophe_Strobbe, Marco_Bertoni.a (muted) 20:13:58 +Michael_Cooper 20:13:59 unanimous consent: 20:13:59 (from Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon) 20:13:59 Definition of "general flash threshold", Failure due to using script to make div or span a user interface control in HTML, Issue 505, Issue 835, Issue 1014, Issue 1144 20:14:12 (from Team B Survey (13 April)) 20:14:12 Adding links at the top of the page to each area of the content, Providing Heading elements at the beginning of each section of content, Providing a list of links to all other Web units, Identifying content's relationship to a larger collection, Using an icon or text to indicate current location within navigation bars, Providing a function to search an on-line dictionary, Providing the pronunciation immediately following the word, Linking to pronunciations 20:14:22 Michael has joined #wai-wcag 20:14:38 zakim, take up agendum 1 20:14:38 agendum 1. "Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon" taken up [from ben] 20:14:50 Resolution: accept all of today's survey items that are marked as 'accept' or 'accept with edits':... 20:14:58 ... (from Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon): Definition of "general flash threshold", Failure due to using script to make div or span a user interface control in HTML, Issue 505, Issue 835, Issue 1014, Issue 1144 20:15:28 ... (from Team B Survey (13 April)) :(from Team B Survey (13 April)) Adding links at the top of the page to each area of the content, Providing Heading elements at the beginning of each section of content, Providing a list of links to all other Web units, Identifying content's relationship to a larger collection, Using an icon or text to indicate current location within navigation bars, Providing a function to search an on-line dictionary, Providing 20:18:02 for who need results of questionnaire: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/teamb20060413/results 20:19:13 ack Katie 20:20:27 Topic: What constitutes EMPTY alt text? 20:24:32 ack Katie 20:26:43 Christophe has joined #wai-wcag 20:26:57 IWA/HWG don't agree to use " " or " " 20:28:11 ok 20:28:13 q+ 20:28:51 q+ gregg 20:28:55 ack Rob 20:29:17 Only alt="" vs. alt="" or alt=" " for spaces and decorative images. 20:29:35 -Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:30:08 zakim, mute me 20:30:08 Roberto_Scano should now be muted 20:30:27 q+ 20:30:31 Zakim, unmute me 20:30:31 LucaMascaro should no longer be muted 20:30:35 +Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:30:44 ack gregg 20:31:15 zakim, who's making noise? 20:31:26 wendy, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ben_Caldwell (9%), Gregg_Vanderheiden (82%), Loretta_Guarino_Reid (14%), Sorcha_Moore (68%), Katie_Haritos-Shea 20:31:29 ... (14%) 20:31:31 zakim, mute sorcha 20:31:31 Sorcha_Moore should now be muted 20:32:08 There's already a lot of content that uses alt=" "; this is only a technique, not normative content. 20:32:54 zakim, who's making noise? 20:33:05 wendy, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: John_Slatin (14%), LucaMascaro (21%) 20:33:11 gregg has joined #wai-wcag 20:33:16 q? 20:33:24 ack katie 20:33:28 ack luca 20:34:19 zakim, mute me 20:34:19 Roberto_Scano was already muted, rscano 20:34:34 Zakim, mute me 20:34:34 LucaMascaro should now be muted 20:34:48 Screen readers ignore img elements with alt="" or alt=" " (normal space in alt); there appears to be no difference. 20:36:07 -Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:36:33 zakim, Ben_Caldwell has Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:36:33 +Gregg_Vanderheiden; got it 20:38:28 Running two words together and just put a spacer image is a failure but not a common one. 20:39:51 s/Running two words/gv add a technique - Running two words 20:40:59 Resolution: leave technique unchanged (alt=" " is acceptable, but alt="" is recommended); non-breaking spaces and other types of white space are not allowed. 20:41:50 Topic: Updates to WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0 Mapping 20:43:26 */ me Action item -GV to review techniques to make sure they agree with ALT decision and to add a note about avoiding "running two words together" problem 20:44:16 action: editors review the updated mapping and check with Christophe and Andi to make sure that edits are incorporated and that the issues are addressed. 20:44:54 action: GV to review techniques to make sure they agree with ALT decision and to add a note about avoiding "running two words together" problem 20:45:46 zakim, close this item 20:45:46 agendum 1 closed 20:45:47 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:45:48 2. Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon [from ben] 20:45:49 zakim, take up agendum 2 20:45:49 agendum 2. "Misc. Questions for 13 April 2006 Telecon" taken up [from ben] 20:46:48 Topic: Failure due to using scripting events instead of anchor or area elements to create links 20:47:59 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:47:59 On the phone I see Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore (muted), Roberto_Scano (muted), LucaMascaro (muted), Wendy, 20:48:02 ... Andi_Snow_Weaver, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Christophe_Strobbe, Marco_Bertoni.a (muted), Michael_Cooper 20:48:05 Ben_Caldwell has Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:48:55 Resolution: change title to "Failure due to using scripting events to create links" 20:50:19 Topic: General Technique: Including a character cue whenever color cues are used (e.g. asterisk next to red items) 20:51:02 q+ 20:52:53 Resolution: accept technique with change of title to "General Technique: Including a character cue whenever color cues are used", and updated example so that it does not use an asterisk 20:53:26 +Judy 20:53:33 action: John to contact Makoto about example for character cue other than asterisk 20:53:52 Topic: General Technique: Adding a link at the beginning of a block of repeated content to go to the end of the block 20:54:03 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:54:42 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:55:42 Resolution: accept the technique with edits that address Makoto's concern 20:55:51 ... about translation 20:55:56 Topic: Using frame elements to group blocks of repeated material 20:58:36 Resolution: accept the technique with edits that address the concern about frame titles 20:58:41 Topic: Providing links to navigate between related Web units 21:00:18 Resolution: accept with edits 21:00:21 Topic: Providing a concept map 21:01:38 q+ 21:02:26 ack andi 21:02:30 ack gregg 21:02:44 -Judy 21:04:37 Topic: Providing a checkbox on the first page of a multipart form that allows users to ask for longer session timeout or no session timeout 21:04:37 Resolution: remove the technique (move to boneyard) 21:06:46 Resolution: accept technique (session timeout) with edits to procedure and expected results. 21:07:28 Topic: should we have an upper limit on seizure disorder? 21:11:18 Resolution: add note "3. The flashing is below 50 hz." to the definition of general flash 21:12:06 Topic: definition of Level 3 conformance 21:13:29 Resolution: add note "3. The flashing is below 50 hz." to the definition of red flash 21:19:51 Resolution: make all descriptions of AAA conformance "50% of all Level 3 success criteria that apply to the content" 21:20:14 -Alex_Li 21:20:32 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 21:20:33 Sorcha has left #wai-wcag 21:21:00 -Wendy 21:21:00 zakim, unmute me 21:21:01 LucaMascaro should no longer be muted 21:21:02 -John_Slatin 21:21:04 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 21:21:05 -Christophe_Strobbe 21:21:07 -Becky_Gibson 21:21:09 -Michael_Cooper 21:21:10 -Roberto_Scano 21:21:12 -Sorcha_Moore 21:21:14 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:21:14 -LucaMascaro 21:21:15 On the phone I see Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Marco_Bertoni.a (muted) 21:21:16 Ben_Caldwell has Gregg_Vanderheiden 21:21:44 LOL 21:21:59 night guys and girls! 21:22:42 rscano has left #wai-wcag 21:22:45 night everyone 21:22:46 thanks, everyone! 21:22:54 marco_bertoni has left #wai-wcag 21:23:01 -Marco_Bertoni.a 21:23:47 Andi has left #wai-wcag 21:24:17 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 21:24:19 -Ben_Caldwell 21:24:21 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has ended 21:24:22 Attendees were Alex_Li, Andi_Snow_Weaver, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Wendy, Roberto_Scano, LucaMascaro, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Christophe_Strobbe, 21:24:24 ... Katie_Haritos-Shea, Sorcha_Moore, Marco_Bertoni, Michael_Cooper, Judy 21:25:08 Present: Alex_Li, John_Slatin, Becky_Gibson, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Sorcha_Moore, Roberto_Scano, Luca_Mascaro, Wendy, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Christophe_Strobbe, Marco_Bertoni, Michael_Cooper, Ben_Caldwell, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Judy_Brewer 21:29:25 Christophe has left #wai-wcag 21:35:28 judy has joined #wai-wcag 21:35:47 hi judy, we finsiehd a few minutes ago 21:35:53 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has now started 21:35:57 whoops, make that "finished" 21:36:00 +Judy 21:36:02 -Judy 21:36:03 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has ended 21:36:04 Attendees were Judy 21:36:12 yikes! 21:36:17 zakim, bye 21:36:17 Zakim has left #wai-wcag 21:36:20 21:36:23 RRSAgent, bye 21:36:23 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-actions.rdf : 21:36:23 ACTION: editors review the updated mapping and check with Christophe and Andi to make sure that edits are incorporated and that the issues are addressed. [1] 21:36:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-irc#T20-44-16 21:36:23 ACTION: GV to review techniques to make sure they agree with ALT decision and to add a note about avoiding "running two words together" problem [2] 21:36:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-irc#T20-44-54 21:36:23 ACTION: [3] 21:36:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-irc#T20-52-53 21:36:23 ACTION: John to contact Makoto about example for character cue other than asterisk [4] 21:36:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/04/13-wai-wcag-irc#T20-53-33