22:58:18 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 22:58:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/03/06-wcag-teamc-irc 22:58:21 rrsagent, make log world 22:58:27 rrsagent, do not start a new log 22:59:16 meeting: WCAG Team C 22:59:43 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2006Mar/0002.html 22:59:51 chair: Michael Cooper 22:59:58 scribe: Michael 23:00:44 WAI_WCAG()6:00PM has now started 23:00:51 +Michael_Cooper 23:01:42 Sofia has joined #wcag-teamc 23:02:34 +Sofia_Celic 23:02:53 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 23:03:36 Andi has joined #wcag-teamc 23:05:06 +Tim_Boland 23:05:55 topic: Ensuring the only way to get to an inaccessible version is from a link from the accessible version, and the inaccessible version is not indexed in the search engine 23:27:15 resolution: take to survey 23:33:39 topic: Failure due to using the blink element 23:34:19 resolution: take to survey 23:34:32 Failure due to using the text-decoration:blink property 23:34:36 topic: Failure due to using the text-decoration:blink property 23:43:43 resolution: discussion of user CSS to override author CSS problems confusing, if we want that it should be its own technique 23:46:29 action: Michael to discuss with Becky if we can get Mozilla to provide an option to turn off blinking 23:50:21 resolution: take to survey 23:50:53 topic: Allowing users to complete an activity without any time limit 23:56:36 resolution: ok to poll users 23:56:41 topic: Failure caused by defaulting to non-conforming version as a result of content negotiation 23:56:46 resolution: ok to poll users 23:57:24 topic: Failure due to a script that causes a blink effect without a mechanism to stop the blinking at 3 seconds or less 23:58:26 resolution: ok to poll users 00:02:08 topic: Failure due to an object or applet, such as Java or Flash, that has blinking content without a mechanism to pause the content that blinks for more than three seconds 00:02:10 resolution: ok to poll users 00:04:25 topic: Failure due to having a session timeout without a mechanism for saving user's input and re-establishing that information upon re-authentication 00:06:38 resolution: mechanism to restart movement does not have to be the same as the mechanism to pause it 00:08:51 resolution: idea of creating a separate technique about automatically restarting content after pausing when user didn't request restart - move to boneyard for later development 00:10:05 resolution: issue of resuming where movement stopped vs "jumping ahead" in real time (stock ticker) - move to boneyard for future development 00:10:16 resolution: ok to poll users 00:11:24 topic: agenda planning 00:12:31 resolution: non-controversial edits can be advanced without running by Team C again 00:15:47 -Tim_Boland 00:15:48 -Sofia_Celic 00:15:50 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 00:15:53 -Michael_Cooper 00:15:54 WAI_WCAG()6:00PM has ended 00:15:56 Attendees were Michael_Cooper, Sofia_Celic, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Tim_Boland 00:16:25 zakim, bye 00:16:25 Zakim has left #wcag-teamc 00:16:29 rrsagent, bye 00:16:29 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/06-wcag-teamc-actions.rdf : 00:16:29 ACTION: Michael to discuss with Becky if we can get Mozilla to provide an option to turn off blinking [1] 00:16:29 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2006/03/06-wcag-teamc-irc#T23-46-29