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Current Text: 3.11 MEASURES For each property in the CSS Style (2.3.4 CSS Style) whose value is a numeric measure of length: If the value is non-zero and the unit is not "em", "ex" or "%", and the property is not a margin, border or padding box property (see also 3.20 SCROLLING (partial)), FAIL PASS Proposed Text: 3.11 MEASURES For each property in the CSS Style (2.3.4 CSS Style) whose value is a numeric measure of length stated together with a unit: If the value is non-zero and the unit is not "em" or "ex", and the property is not a margin, border or padding box property (see also 3.20 SCROLLING (partial)), FAIL [The point being that % is not in fact a unit and the case of line height which can be a multiplier and % are ruled out by looking only at those numeric units of measure that are stated together with a unit. The case of a bald number (no unit) being used incorrectly will be picked up by the CSS validity check]