22:57:33 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teamc 22:57:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/01/16-wcag-teamc-irc 22:57:42 rrsagent, make log world 22:58:07 meeting: WCAG Team C 16 January 2006 22:58:11 chair: Michael Cooper 22:58:16 scribe: Michael 22:58:26 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag-teamc/2006Jan/0035.html 22:58:54 Andi has joined #wcag-teamc 22:59:02 Hi Michael 22:59:57 hi Andi 23:00:19 rrsagent, off 23:04:40 zakim, who's here? 23:04:40 On the phone I see Michael_Cooper, Sofia_Celic, Andi_Snow_Weaver, [IPcaller], Tim_Boland 23:04:42 On IRC I see Sofia, Makoto, Andi, RRSAgent, Zakim, Michael 23:05:02 zakim, [IP is Makoto_Ueki 23:05:04 +Makoto_Ueki; got it 23:07:17 topic: issues for guidelines 2.2, 2.5, 4.2 23:10:21 1108 - agree needs clarification, TTF please do! 23:15:20 1110: suggest general technique about when refresh important and permitted - don't want to forbid e.g., status update functionality 23:15:52 scribe: Andi 23:22:14 1243: Recommend considering technique submitted by Sofia http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Using_script_to_deactivate_blinking_content 23:23:49 1249: Agree with comments in issue. No changes necessary. 23:25:00 1251: dup of 1243 23:26:16 1243: Also consider technique documented in the issue 23:29:33 1274: OBE - no longer have SC having to do with following specifications. 23:31:11 1819: reject - it's a good idea to define a standard way for users to disable blinking but this is out of scope for WCAG. 23:36:53 1884: from security perspective, always require server-side validation. From accessibility perspective, though, requiring ssv is out of scope. It is a good idea to have server side validation techniques though so we recommend adding one. Client side or server side validation should be sufficient depending on the baseline. 23:42:15 1885: Recommend adding as an optional technique 23:44:48 1886: reject - the best way to identify errors could depend on context. We've done what we think we should in the SC and don't recommend any additional standardization. 23:47:50 1887: disagree with 1st paragraph - if provide error notification in an accessible way as errors occur, this could really benefit people with disabilities 23:48:33 1887: disagree with 2nd paragraphy - links to fields in errors is a good idea but should not be forced upon all forms 23:50:06 1887: also recommend rejecting suggestion in 3rd paragraph - doesn't fit the SC. 23:53:32 1889: reject - 2.5.1 does not require providing suggestions to correct the error. That's the fundamental difference between 2.5.2 and 2.5.1. 00:02:50 1890: investigate further - if popup window is a change of context, then remove the techniques. But if it is not a change of context, this should be allowed as it is similar to popups for logging in. 00:04:38 would be good if team members could look through wiki for 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, and 4.2 inserting notes if appropriate or starting a discussion on the mailing list. 00:05:03 -Tim_Boland 00:05:05 -Sofia_Celic 00:05:15 -Makoto_Ueki 00:05:16 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 00:05:16 -Michael_Cooper 00:05:17 WAI_WCAG()6:00PM has ended 00:05:18 Attendees were Michael_Cooper, Sofia_Celic, Andi_Snow_Weaver, [IPcaller], Tim_Boland, Makoto_Ueki 00:05:27 rrsagent, generate minutes 00:05:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/01/16-wcag-teamc-minutes.html Michael 00:05:35 Andi has left #wcag-teamc 00:08:19 meeting: WCAG Team C teleconference 00:08:24 zakim, bye 00:08:24 Zakim has left #wcag-teamc 00:11:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 00:11:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2006/01/16-wcag-teamc-minutes.html Michael 00:13:38 rrsagent, bye 00:13:38 I see no action items