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The sublanguage of positive conditions in RIF-BLD determines what can appear as a body of a rule (also known as the if-part, antecedent, or condition part of the rule) supported by RIF-BLD. As explained in Section Overview, RIF-BLD corresponds to definite Horn rules.

To make RIF dialects suitable as Web languages, RIF supports XML Schema primitive data types and some other data types. In addition, RIF promotes the use of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (or IRIs) RFC 3987 to refer to individuals, predicates, and functions.

To ensure extensibility and to provide for future higher-order dialects based on formalisms such as HiLog and Common Logic, RIF does not draw a sharp boundary between the symbols used to denote individuals from symbols used as names for functions or predicates. Instead, all constant, predicate, and function symbols are drawn from the same universal set. RIF dialects control the contexts in which the different symbols can occur by attaching signatures to these symbols.

RIF-BLD carefully selects signatures for the symbols so that the corresponding logic will be first-order: each symbol has a unique role as a symbol that represents an individual object, a function symbol of a particular arity, or a predicate symbol of a particular arity. However, dialects extending RIF-BLD will be allowed to use signatures in less restrictive fashions so that symbols could be polymorphic (i.e. be allowed to occur in several different contexts; e.g., as individuals and as predicates) and polyadic (i.e take a varying number of arguments).

We begin by describing a syntax, which is more general than what RIF-BLD permits. This syntax can be used in the various dialects that extend RIF-BLD. Then we introduce the notion of a signature and specify the restrictions on the way signatures are allowed to be assigned to symbols. Next we define the presentation syntax using EBNF and describe the corresponding XML-based exchange syntax. Finally, we give a model-theoretic semantics to RIF-BLD.


In this document we will introduce two related but distinct syntaxes:

Symbols and Signatures

The alphabet of RIF Condition Language consists of a countably infinite set of constant symbols Const, a countably infinite set of variable symbols Var (disjoint from Const), connective symbols And and Or, quantifier Exists, the symbol =, and auxiliary symbols, such as "(" and ")". In the RIF presentation syntax, variables are written as Unicode strings preceded with the symbol "?". The syntax for constant symbols is given in Section Symbol Spaces below.

The language of RIF-BLD is the set of formulas constructed using the above alphabet according to the rules spelled out below.

The basic language construct is called term, which is defined inductively as follows:

This definition is very general. It makes no distinction between constant symbols that represent individuals, predicates, and function symbols. The same symbol can occur in multiple contexts at the same time. For instance, if p, a, and b are symbols then p ( p ( a ) p ( a p c ) ) is a term. Even variables and general terms are allowed to occur in the position of predicates and function symbols, so p ( a ) ( ?v ( a c ) p ) is also a term. To control the context in which any given symbol can occur in a RIF dialect, the language associates a signature with each symbol (both constant and variable symbols).

Signatures. Let SigNames be a non-empty, partially-ordered finite or countably infinite set of signature names. We require that this set includes at least the name atomic, which represents the context of atomic formulas. Dialects are free to introduce additional signature names. For instance, as we shall soon see, RIF-BLD also introduces another signature, term{ }. The partial order on SigNames is dialect-specific (see, the specifics for RIF-BLD later); it is used in the definition of well-formed terms below.

We use the symbol < to represent the partial order on SigNames. Informally, α < β means that terms with signature α can be used wherever terms with signature β are allowed.

A signature is a statement of the form η{e1, ..., en, ...} where η ∈ SigNames is the name of the signature and {e1, ..., en, ...} is a countable set of arrow expressions. Such a set can thus be infinite, finite, or even empty. In RIF-BLD, signatures can have at most one arrow expression. Other dialects (such as HiLog, for example) may require polymorphic symbols and thus allow signatures with more than one arrow expression in them.

An arrow expression is defined as follows:

A set S of signatures is coherent iff

Well-formed Terms and Formulas

Signatures help control the context in which various symbols can occur through the notion of well-formed formulas. This is done using the notion of well-formed terms, as explained next.

Each constant and variable symbol is associated with exactly one signature from a coherent set of signatures. Different symbols can be associated with the same signature, but no symbol can be associated with more than one signature. The equality symbol, =, is also given a signature. This signature may vary from dialect to dialect, but RIF requires that it contains only the arrow expressions of the form (κ κ) ⇒ atomic (i.e., the arguments must have the same signature and the result must be atomic). Since signature names uniquely identify signatures in coherent signature sets, we will often use signature names to refer to signatures. For instance, we may say that symbol f has signature atomic rather than that "f has signature atomic{ }" or that "f has signature named atomic."

Note that according to the above definition f ( ) and f are distinct terms.

More general formulas are constructed out of atomic formulas with the help of logical connectives. The condition sublanguage of RIF-BLD defines the following general well-formed condition formulas.

Examples. We illustrate the above definitions with the following examples. In addition to atomic, the examples also use another signature, term{ }. As we shall soon see, this signature is used in RIF-BLD.

Consider the term p ( p ( a ) p ( a b c ) ). If p has the (polymorphic) signature mysig{(term)⇒term, (term term)⇒term, (term term term)⇒term} and a, b, c each has the signature term{ } then p ( p ( a ) p ( a b c ) ) is a well-formed term with signature term{ }. If instead p had the signature mysig2{(term term)⇒term, (term term term)⇒term} then p ( p ( a ) p ( a b c ) ) would not be a well-formed term since then p ( a ) would not be well-formed (in this case, p would have no arrow expression which allows p to take just one argument).

For a more complex example, let r have the signature mysig3{(term)⇒atomic, (atomic term)⇒term, (term term term)⇒term}. Then r ( r ( a ) r ( a b c ) ) is well-formed. The interesting twist here is that r ( a ) is a Boolean rather than an individual, but this is allowed by the arrow expression (atomic term)⇒ term, which is part of r's signature. If r's signature were mysig4{(term)⇒atomic, (atomic term)⇒atomic, (term term term)⇒term} instead, then r ( r ( a ) r ( a b c ) ) would be not only a well-formed term, but also a well-formed atomic formula.

An even more advanced example of using signatures is when the right-hand side of an arrow expression is something other than term or atomic. For instance, let John, Mary, NewYork, and Boston have signatures term{ }; flight and parent have signature h2{(term term)⇒atomic}; and closure has signature hh1{(h2)⇒p2}, where the signature p2 has the form p2{(term term)⇒atomic}. Then flight ( NewYork Boston ), closure ( flight ) ( NewYork Boston ), parent ( John Mary ), and closure ( parent ) ( John Mary ) would be well-formed formulas. Such formulas are allowed in languages like HiLog, which support predicate constructors like closure in the above example.

Symbol Spaces

Throughout this document, the xsd: prefix stands for the XML Schema namespace URI, the rdf: prefix stands for, and rif: stands for the URI of the RIF namespace, Syntax such as xsd:string should be understood as a compact uri -- a macro that expands to a concatenation of the character sequence denoted by the prefix xsd and the string string. In the next version of this document we intend to introduce a syntax for defining prefixes for compact URIs.

*** Define CURIs. ***

The set of all constant symbols in RIF has a number of predefined subsets, called symbol spaces, which are used to represent XML Schema data types, data types defined in other W3C specifications, such as rdf:XMLLiteral, and to distinguish other sets of constants. Constant symbols that belong to the various symbol spaces have special presentation syntax and semantics.

Formally, a symbol space is a named subset of the set of all constants, Const. The semantic aspects of symbol spaces will be described in Section Model Theory for Condition Language of RIF BLD. Each symbol in Const belongs to a symbol space.

Each symbol space has an associated lexical space and a number of identifiers.

To refer to a constant in a particular RIF symbol space, we use the following presentation syntax:


where LITERAL is a Unicode string, called the lexical part of the symbol, and SYMSPACE is an identifier of the symbol space in the form of an absolute IRI string. LITERAL must be an element in the lexical space of the symbol space. For instance, 1.2^^xsd:decimal and 1^^xsd:decimal are legal symbols because 1.2 and 1 are members of the lexical space of the XML Schema data type xsd:decimal. On the other hand, a+2^^xsd:decimal is not a legal symbol, since a+2 is not part of the lexical space of xsd:decimal.

RIF-compliant implementations must support the following symbol spaces. Rule sets that are exchanged through RIF can use additional symbol spaces as explained below.

The lexical spaces of the above symbol spaces are defined in the document XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes.

Symbols with an ill-formed lexical part. RIF constant symbols that belong to one of the aforesaid RIF-supported symbol spaces must be well-formed, i.e., their lexical part must belong to the lexical space associated with the symbol space. For instance, 123^^xsd:long has a correct lexical part, since 123 belongs to the lexical space of the data type xsd:long. In contrast, abc^^xsd:long is ill-formed, as it does not have a correct lexical part. A compliant RIF-BLD interpreter must reject ill-formed symbols.

Symbols with undefined symbol spaces. RIF allows symbols of the form LITERAL^^SYMSPACE where SYMSPACE is not one of the pre-defined RIF symbol spaces. These are treated as "uninterpreted" constant symbols in the RIF language and the lexical space of such a symbol space is considered to be the set of all Unicode strings. Dialects that extend RIF-BLD might appropriate some of the symbol spaces, which are left undefined in RIF-BLD, and give them special semantics.

Signatures Used in RIF-BLD

RIF-BLD presents a much simpler picture to the user by restricting the set of well-formed terms to a specific coherent set of signatures. Namely, the signature set of RIF-BLD contains the following signatures:

RIF-BLD requires no extra syntax for declaring signatures, since signatures can be inferred. Indeed, RIF-BLD requires that each symbol is associated with a unique signature. Therefore, the signature can be determined from the context in which the symbol is used. If a symbol is used in more than one context, the parser should treat it as a syntax error. If no errors are found, all uniterms and atomic formulas are guaranteed to be well-formed. As a consequence, signatures are not part of the RIF-BLD language and term, atomic, and bi_atomic are not reserved keywords.

Builtin predicates are not subject to the above signature inference rule. The signatures of the builtin predicates are defined by List_of_functions_and_operators.

In dialects that extend RIF-BLD, signature inference may not always be possible. We expect that most dialects will use signature inference and RIF does not define any special sublanguage for signatures. However, signature inference may not always be possible or desirable in some dialects. In these cases, we expect those dialects to introduce their own primitives for defining signatures.

EBNF for the Presentation Syntax of the RIF-BLD Condition Language

The overall structure of the syntax used in the RIF-BLD condition sublanguage is depicted on the following diagram.

The central syntactic class of RIF, CONDITION, is specified recursively through its subclasses and their parts. The Equal class has two side roles. Two pairs of roles distinguish between the declare and formula parts of the Exists class, and between the operation (op) and arguments (arg) of the Uniterm class, where multiple arguments are subject to an ordered constraint (the natural "left-to-right" order).

The syntactic classes are partitioned into classes that will not be visible in serializations (written in all-uppercase letters) and classes that will be visible in instance markup (written with a leading uppercase letter only).

The three classes Var, CONDITION, and ATOMIC are used in the syntax of Horn Rules.

We now give an EBNF for the RIF presentation syntax. This syntax is somewhat abstract in nature. In particular, it does not address the concrete details of how constants and variables are represented. For instance, it ignores the issues that have to do with delimiters, such as white spaces and escape symbols. Instead, white space is informally used as a delimiter. For instance, TERM* is to be understood as TERM* ::= | TERM TERM*. This is done on purpose, since RIF's presentation syntax is intended to be used for specifying semantics and to illustrate the main RIF concepts through examples. It is not intended as a concrete syntax for a rule language. RIF defines a concrete syntax only for exchanging rules, and that syntax is XML-based.

EBNF grammar

  CONDITION   ::= 'And' ' ( ' CONDITION* ' ) ' |
                  'Or' ' ( ' CONDITION* ' ) ' |
                  'Exists ' Var+ ' ( ' CONDITION ' ) ' |
  ATOMIC      ::= Uniterm | Equal
  Uniterm     ::= Const ' ( ' TERM* ' ) '
  Equal       ::= TERM ' = ' TERM
  TERM        ::= Const | Var | Uniterm
  Const       ::= LITERAL '^^' SYMSPACE
  Var         ::= '?' VARNAME

The above is a standard syntax for a variant of first-order logic. The application of a constant (Const) symbol to a sequence of terms is called a Uniterm (Universal term); it can play the role of a term or an atomic formula depending on the syntactic context in which the application occurs. The non-terminal ATOMIC stands for atomic formula. The Exists formula, where Var+ stands for the list of variables that are free in CONDITION, is an existential formula. It is the only kind of quantified formulas in RIF-BLD, but other dialects may add universal quantification. The And formula defines conjunctions of conditions, and 'Or' denotes disjunctions. Finally, CONDITION assembles everything into what we earlier called RIF condition formulas.

Note that individuals, function symbols, and predicate symbols all belong to the same set of symbols Const. This syntax is more general than what RIF-BLD actually permits. As explained in Section Symbols and Signatures a set of signatures further restricts this syntax to allow only the standard first-order logic terms.

RIF-BLD presentation syntax does not commit to any particular vocabulary for the names of variables or for the literals used in constant symbols. In the examples, variables are denoted by Unicode character sequences beginning with a ?-sign. Constant symbols have the form: LITERAL^^SYMSPACE, where SYMSPACE is an IRI string that identifies the symbol space of the constant and LITERAL is a Unicode string from the lexical space of that symbol space.

In the condition language of RIF-BLD, a variable can be free or quantified. All quantification is explicit and the variables introduced by quantification must also occur in the quantified formula. Variables that are not explicitly quantified are free.

Conditions with free variables are used as queries and also in the if part of a rule. In the latter case, the free variables in a condition formula must also occur in the then part of the rule. We shall see in Section Horn Rules that such variables are quantified universally outside of the rule, and the scope of such quantification is the entire rule. For instance, the variable ?Y in the first RIF condition of Example 1 is quantified, existentially, but ?X is free. However, when this condition occurs in the if part of the second rule in Example 1, then this variable is quantified universally outside of the rule. (The precise syntax for RIF rules is given in Section Horn Rules.)

Example 1 (A RIF condition in and outside of a rule)

 RIF condition:
                        Exists ?Y ( condition ( ?X ?Y ) ) 

 RIF Horn rule:
        Forall ?X ( then_part ( ?X ) :-  Exists ?Y ( condition ( ?X ?Y ) ) )

XML Syntax

The XML serialization for RIF-BLD presentation syntax given in this section is alternating or fully striped (e.g., Alternating Normal Form). Positional information is optionally exploited only for the arg role elements. For example, role elements (declare and formula) are explicit within the Exists element. Following the examples of Java and RDF, we use capitalized names for class elements and names that start with lowercase for role elements.

The all-uppercase classes in the presentation syntax, such as CONDITION, become XML entities. They act like macros and are not visible in instance markup. The other classes as well as non-terminals and symbols (such as Exists or =) become XML elements with optional attributes, as shown below.

Classes, roles and their intended meaning

- And     (conjunction)
- Or      (disjunction)
- Exists  (quantified formula for 'Exists', containing declare and formula roles)
- declare (declare role, containing a Var)
- formula (formula role, containing a CONDITION formula)
- Uniterm (atomic or function-expression formula)
- op      (operation role)
- arg     (argument role)
- Equal   (prefix version of term equation '=')
- side    (left-hand and right-hand side role)
- Const   (predicate symbol, function symbol, or individual, with optional 'type' attribute)
- Var     (logic variable)

For the XML Schema Definition (XSD) of the RIF-BLD condition language see Appendix Specification.

The XML syntax for symbol spaces utilizes the type attribute associated with XML term elements such as Const. For instance, a literal in the xsd:dateTime data type can be represented as <Const type="xsd:dateTime">2007-11-23T03:55:44-02:30</Const>.

The following example illustrates XML serialization of RIF conditions.

Example 2 (A RIF condition and its XML serialization):
  We use the prefix bks as an abbreviation for
  and curr for

a. RIF condition

  And ( Exists ?Buyer ( purchase^^rif:local ( ?Buyer
                                              book^^rif:local ( ?Author bks:LeRif^^rif:iri )
                                              curr:USD^^rif:iri ( 49^^xsd:integer ) )
        ?Seller=?Author )

b. XML serialization

            <op><Const type="rif:local">purchase</Const></op>
                <op><Const type="rif:local">book</Const></op>
                <arg><Const type="rif:iri">bks:LeRif</Const></arg>
                <op><Const type="rif:iri">curr:USD</Const></op>
                <arg><Const type="xsd:integer">49</Const></arg>

Translation Between the Presentation and the XML Syntaxes

The translation between the presentation syntax and the XML syntax is given by a table as follows.

Presentation SyntaxXML Syntax
And (
  . . .
   . . .
Or (
  . . .
   . . .
  . . .
  variablen (
   . . .
predfunc (
  . . .
   . . .
  <arg> argumentn</arg>
left = right
<Const type="space">name</Const>

Model Theory for Condition Language of RIF BLD

The first step in defining a model-theoretic semantics for a logic-based language is to define the notion of a semantic structure, also known as an interpretation. (See end note on the rationale.) In this section we define basic semantic structures. This definition will be extended in Extension of Semantic Structures for Frames when we introduce frame syntax.

Basic semantic structures

Semantic structures are used to assign a truth value to each formula. Currently, by formula we mean anything produced by the CONDITION production in the presentation syntax. Later on, formulas will also include rules. We first define the notion of a truth value formally and then introduce semantic structures. Next we give the semantics to symbol spaces and, finally, define truth values of formulas with respect to semantic structures.

Truth values. The set of truth values is denoted by TV. For RIF-BLD, TV includes only two values, t (true) and f (false). (See end note on truth values.)

In RIF, TV has a total or partial order, called the truth order, and denoted with <t. In RIF-BLD, f <t t, and it is a total order. (See end note on ordering truth values.)

Semantic structures. A basic semantic structure, I, is a tuple of the form <D,IC, IV, IF, IR>.

Here D is a non-empty set of elements called the domain of interpretation of I. We will continue to use Const to refer to the set of all constant symbols and Var to refer to the set of all variable symbols.

The other components of I are total mappings defined as follows:

We also define the following mapping, I, based on the mappings IC, IV, and IF:

Semantics of symbol spaces. Symbol spaces affect the domain of I and the mapping IC as follows. First, some symbol spaces, called primitive data types, have a value space, denoted VSsymsp, and a mapping from the lexical space to the VSsymsp, denoted Lsymsp, where symsp is an identifier for the symbol space.

The value space and the lexical-to-value-space mapping are defined as part of the data type definition and do not depend on I. For every primitive datatype symsp it must hold that:

RIF-BLD does not impose restrictions on the interpretation of constants (the mapping IC) in symbol spaces which are not primitive datatypes. Other dialects may do so. An example of such a restriction is that no constant in a particular symbol space may be mapped to an element in the value space of any XML Schema data type.

The above semantics is not limited to any particular set of symbol spaces or primitive data types. Any symbol space is covered as long as its lexical space is well-defined, and any data type is acceptable as long as its value space and the lexical-to-value mapping are known.

The primitive data types that are currently supported by RIF, xsd:long, xsd:integer, xsd:decimal, xsd:string, xsd:time, and xsd:dateTime, rdf:XMLLiteral, and rif:text, are required to be covered by every interpretation. Their value spaces and the lexical-to-value space mappings are defined as follows:

The value space of a data type should not be confused with the lexical space. Lexical spaces define the syntax of the constant symbols that belong to the various primitive data types. In contrast, value spaces define the meaning of the constants in data types. The lexical and the value spaces are often not even isomorphic. For instance, 1.2^^xsd:decimal and 1.20^^xsd:decimal are two legal constants in RIF because 1.2 and 1.20 belong to the lexical space of xsd:decimal. However, these two constants are interpreted by the same element of the value space of the xsd:decimal type. Therefore, 1.2^^xsd:decimal = 1.20^^xsd:decimal is a RIF tautology. Likewise, RIF semantics for data types implies certain inequalities. For instance, abc^^xsd:stringabcd^^xsd:string is a tautology, since IC must map these two constants into distinct elements in the value space of xsd:string. On the other hand, abc^^rif:localabcd^^rif:local is not a tautology in RIF, since IC is not restricted over the lexical space of rif:local and these two constants can be mapped to the same element in D in some semantic structures and to different elements in others.

Semantics of undefined symbol spaces. Section Symbol Spaces addressed the syntactic aspects of the treatment of "unknown" symbol spaces, i.e., symbol spaces that are not defined by the RIF specification. It defined the lexical space of those symbols as the set of all Unicode strings. Semantically, unknown symbol spaces are treated as follows. First, they are not assigned any value space. Thus, such symbol spaces are not considered to be primitive data types by RIF even though they may be viewed as data types by some concrete rule languages that use RIF for exchange. Second, RIF does not impose any restrictions on the mapping IC over the unknown symbol spaces.

Truth valuation of formulas. Observe that the notion of signatures from Section Symbols and Signatures is used only to constrain the syntax and does not appear in the definition of the semantic structure. This is because when we define truth valuations for formulas, below, all formulas are assumed to be well-formed.

Truth valuation for well-formed formulas in RIF-BLD is determined using the following function, denoted ITruth: