<HTML xmlns:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time" >
   .time    { behavior: url(#default#time2);}
<?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2">
<PRE style="position:absolute; top:20; left:350">
<B>TIMER: <SPAN id="Timer" class="time" dur="1" repeatCount="indefinite" onrepeat="innerText=parseInt(document.body.currTimeState.activeTime)">0</SPAN>
<B>AUTHOR: </B>Debbie Newman(debbien@microsoft.com)
<B>VERSION: </B>01/31/2001, v1
<B>MODULE: </B>Timing and Synchronization Module/Elements
Feature: timeContainer
<B>FILE NAME: </B>media_timeContainer_excl.htm
<B>MEDIA COMPONENTS: </B>videos/coffee.mpg (natural duration is 10.83 seconds)
0-2 seconds: nothing<br>
2-4 seconds: video plays but does not move<br>
4-6 seconds: video continues to play and moves down<br>
at 6 seconds: video jumps to original top and over 200 pixels<br>
6-8 seconds: video continues to play and moves left<br>
8-12.8 seconds: video continues to play but does not move<br>
at 12.8 seconds: the video ends and is removed<br><br>
<t:video begin="2" src="../videos/coffee.mpg" timeContainer="excl" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" >
  <t:animate attributeName="left" begin="4" dur="2" from="200" to="0" />
  <t:animate attributeName="top" begin="2" dur="4" from="0" to="200" />
<!-- Main Test Div -->
<DIV align=left style="position: absolute; top:50; left:10; width:400; height:450">
<t:video begin="2" src="../videos/coffee.mpg" timeContainer="excl" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" >
  <t:animate attributeName="left" begin="4" dur="2" from="200" to="0" />
  <t:animate attributeName="top" begin="2" dur="4" from="0" to="200" />