ACTION-884: Ask Kai to summarise ACTION-871 and ACTION-872 threads so we can take a resolution on it

Ask Kai to summarise ACTION-871 and ACTION-872 threads so we can take a resolution on it

Jo Rabin
Due on:
November 19, 2008
Created on:
November 13, 2008
Associated Product:
Addendum to BP1 (formerly known as mobileOK Pro)
Related emails:
  1. Completion of addendum, pending acceptance by the group (this impinges on ACTION-848, ACTION-884, ACTION-871, ACTION-872) (from on 2009-02-10)
  2. RE: ACTION-884 Ask Kai to summarise ACTION-871 and ACTION-872 threads so we can take a resolution on it (from on 2009-02-03)
  3. [minutes] BPWG 2008-11-13 (from on 2008-11-13)
  4. ACTION-884 Ask Kai to summarise ACTION-871 and ACTION-872 threads so we can take a resolution on it (from on 2008-11-13)

Related notes:

Closed following F2F review

Jo Rabin, 30 Mar 2009, 17:58:59

Display change log.

Jo Rabin <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux <>, François Daoust <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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