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Reference Test Case SAP Engineering

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The goal of this test case is the definition, creation and implementation of a weather service, i.e., a service that provides weather forecast for a given time and location. After the service has been implemented, described and finished, it is uploaded to a marketplace and made publicly available.


Kay Kadner, SAP

Type of use case

basic, enabling technology

Focus on Role

Service Engineer

Implementation status


Description of Reference Test case

System Setup
  1. USDL Editor
  2. USDL Marketplace
  3. Service Development Environment (e.g., Eclipse)
Use case description

The service engineer (SE) of a company has the task to provide a service via USDL.

  1. Create the business logic
    1. The Service Engineer
    2. uses
    3. Eclipse to
    4. create the Java code and WSDL description of the new Weather Service. The method is called "gibWetterberichteGebietAsString" and requires five parameters (boundaries as GPS latitude and longitude points, time). It returns a string that contains the prognosis for the given area.
  2. Create the USDL description
    1. The Service Engineer
    2. uses
    3. the USDL Editor
    4. to add details about his service. E.g., WSDL-Import for creating technical functions, Capabilities, Provider, Price. This description includes
      • Short and long description
      • person (Michael Vanetti, Machabäer Str. 305, 50668 Köln, Phone: +49-335511-1234432100) as provider
      • technical and functional interface description (method name, parameter names, access profile with URL)
      • price details (plan with flatrate for 1000€ per month, plan with 2€ per use, both with 19% VAT)
      • organization (V-Mind GmbH) as business owner, having Michael Vanetti as representative
      • target consumers (Customers of car insurance companies)
      • service levels (Authentication, 10ms service time)
  3. Make the new service publicly available
    1. The Service Engineer
    2. uses the USDL Editor to upload
    3. the USDL file and business logic to the USDL repository
    4. to publish the service.