IRC log of urw3 on 2008-03-05

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*** Welcome to the W3C IRC Network KenL
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*** End of /MOTD command.
*** KenL [45ff11e9@] has joined #urw3
*** KenL Ken @trackbot-ng
*** Channel created on Sat Mar  1 17:06:50 2008
*** Zakim #urw3
*** Zakim [rrs-bridgg@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> zakim, this will be INC_URW3
<Zakim> ok, KenL; I see INC_URW3()9:30AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
<KenL> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> INC_URW3()9:30AM has not yet started, KenL
<Zakim> On IRC I see KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<KenL> Meeting: URW3 telecon
<KenL> Chair: Ken Laskey, Kathy Laskey
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Approve minutes from previous meeting.  Note, the minutes are linked from
<Zakim> agendum 1 added
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Review status of action items from previous meeting.
<Zakim> agendum 2 added
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments.
<Zakim> agendum 3 added
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Discussion of final report. Please be prepared to discuss any issues or concerns you have. Are we ready to approve the final report?  Does it need additional work?  If so, what does it need?
<Zakim> agendum 4 added
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Discuss path to wrapping up the URW3 XG's work.
<Zakim> agendum 5 added
*** claudia [8d1a4726@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Discuss next steps to decide if there should be follow-on work and how we should proceed.
<Zakim> agendum 6 added
<KenL> zakim, agenda+ Other business
<Zakim> agendum 7 added
<KenL>  zakim, list agenda
<Zakim> I see 7 items remaining on the agenda:
<Zakim> 1. Approve minutes from previous meeting.  Note, the minutes are linked from [from KenL]
<Zakim> 2. Review status of action items from previous meeting [from KenL]
<Zakim> 3. Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments [from KenL]
<Zakim> 4. Discussion of final report. Please be prepared to discuss any issues or concerns you have. Are we ready to approve the final report?  Does it need additional work?  If so, what
<Zakim> ... does it need? [from KenL]
<Zakim> 5. Discuss path to wrapping up the URW3 XG's work [from KenL]
<Zakim> 6. Discuss next steps to decide if there should be follow-on work and how we should proceed [from KenL]
<Zakim> 7. Other business [from KenL]
<KenL> good morning/afternoon, Claudia
<claudia> good morning to you
<claudia> I'm trying to connect by skype
<claudia> but calling both the english and the france number I have invalid code as reply
*** cgi-irc [51828d4a@] has joined #urw3
<Zakim> INC_URW3()9:30AM has now started
<Zakim> +[IPcaller]
*** cgi-irc is now known as trevor
<Zakim> + +1.703.993.aaaa
*** Paulo [bd0604fd@] has joined #urw3
<trevor> trevor will be joining via audio in a couple of minutes
<Zakim> +??P17
*** Kathy [81ae5918@] has joined #urw3
<Paulo> who is there
<Kathy> ken, have you put in the agenda?
<Kathy> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller], +1.703.993.aaaa, ??P17
<Zakim> On IRC I see Kathy, Paulo, trevor, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<Zakim> +??P19
<Kathy> zakim, +1.703.993.aaaa is Kathy
<Zakim> +Kathy; got it
<Zakim> +Ken_Laskey
<Paulo> zakim, who's here
<Zakim> Paulo, you need to end that query with '?'
<KenL> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller], Kathy, ??P17, ??P19, Ken_Laskey
<Zakim> On IRC I see Kathy, Paulo, trevor, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<Paulo> zakim, ??P17 is Paulo
<Zakim> +Paulo; got it
*** mjpool [26694f32@] has joined #urw3
<Kathy> hello, trevor.  don't see you on the phone
<Zakim> + +1.541.753.aabb
<Kathy> zakim, list agenda
*** trevor [51828d4a@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<Zakim> I see 7 items remaining on the agenda:
<Zakim> 1. Approve minutes from previous meeting.  Note, the minutes are linked from [from KenL]
*** cgi-irc [51828d4a@] has joined #urw3
<Zakim> 2. Review status of action items from previous meeting [from KenL]
<Zakim> 3. Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments [from KenL]
<Zakim> 4. Discussion of final report. Please be prepared to discuss any issues or concerns you have. Are we ready to approve the final report?  Does it need additional work?  If so, what
*** FrancisFung [1815912a@] has joined #urw3
<Zakim> ... does it need? [from KenL]
<Zakim> 5. Discuss path to wrapping up the URW3 XG's work [from KenL]
<Zakim> 6. Discuss next steps to decide if there should be follow-on work and how we should proceed [from KenL]
<Zakim> 7. Other business [from KenL]
<Zakim> + +1.508.788.aacc
<Zakim> +??P24
*** cgi-irc [51828d4a@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
*** Thomas [51d3fd4f@] has joined #urw3
<Thomas> hi
*** Mirek [vacuram@] has joined #urw3
<Mirek> Hello
*** cgi-irc [c1712509@] has joined #urw3
*** cgi-irc is now known as trevor
<Zakim> +??P25
*** Mitch [44a2fa06@] has joined #urw3
<Mitch> Hi there!
<KenL> Hi Mitch
<Zakim> +??P12
*** trevor [c1712509@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
*** Matthias [d9ab8149@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> for those on IRC, we'll be starting soon but a lot of people are just coming on
*** trevor [51828d4a@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> Scribe: Mike Pool
*** nico [c1ccbbf3@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> ScribeNick: mjpool
<nico> hi there
<Zakim> + +0147366aadd
<Matthias> hi
<trevor> zakim, 0147366aadd is me
<Zakim> sorry, trevor, I do not recognize a party named '0147366aadd'
<trevor> zakim, +0147366aadd is me
*** nico [c1ccbbf3@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<Zakim> +trevor; got it
<Mirek> zakim, +??P12 is me
<Zakim> sorry, Mirek, I do not recognize a party named '+??P12'
*** nico [c1ccbbf3@] has joined #urw3
<KenL> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller], Kathy, Paulo, ??P19, Ken_Laskey, +1.541.753.aabb, +1.508.788.aacc, ??P24, ??P25, ??P12, trevor
<Zakim> On IRC I see nico, trevor, Matthias, Mitch, Mirek, Thomas, FrancisFung, mjpool, Kathy, Paulo, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 1. "Approve minutes from previous meeting.  Note, the minutes are linked from" taken up [from KenL]
<mjpool> zakim, ??P19 is me
<Zakim> +mjpool; got it
<Mirek> zakim, ??P25 is me
<Zakim> +Mirek; got it
<mjpool> Paulo moved to approve the minutes
<Zakim> -Paulo
<Kathy> Paulo moved to approve
<Kathy> No discussion; minutes approved
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 2. "Review status of action items from previous meeting" taken up [from KenL]
<mjpool> next agendum
* Zakim thinks agendum 2 was just opened
<Kathy> previous ACTION (1): Mitch to add UncAnn tag to speaker use case.
<Matthias> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see [IPcaller], Kathy, mjpool, Ken_Laskey, +1.541.753.aabb, +1.508.788.aacc, ??P24, Mirek, ??P12, trevor
<Zakim> On IRC I see nico, trevor, Matthias, Mitch, Mirek, Thomas, FrancisFung, mjpool, Kathy, Paulo, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<Matthias> I guess [IPcaller] means Skype
<mjpool> Previous Action 1: We verified that Mitch added 'UncAnn' to the  speaker use case.
<mjpool> Bravo, Mitch!
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (2):  Kathy to set up appointment and recommendation use cases telecon with authors of those use cases.
<Matthias> zakim, [IPcaller] is me
<Zakim> +Matthias; got it
<KenL> previous ACTION (2):  Kathy to set up appointment and recommendation use cases telecon with authors of those use cases.
<Zakim> +??P6
<claudia> claudia
<mjpool> A recommendation use case telecon was held.
<KenL> telecon held and issues by authors resolved
<KenL> uncertainty ontology is not language for tagging uncertainties
<KenL> not part of XG charter to develop such tagging
<mjpool> There was some discussion of the use case ontology in that meeting.  It was noted that the charter was not to construct a fully robust ontology for representing uncertainties
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (3): Paulo and the rest of the editing team to point to specific example of how use case should look for section 5.
<Matthias> I was on the telecon about recommendation too and think that Kathy's description was exhaustive
<mjpool> Paulo used the discovery use case as the example, and most of the use cases in the report follow that format closely.
<mjpool> with the exception of use case 15, the health care example
<mjpool> Use case 3 also seems to be a non sequitur
<mjpool> Resolution:  The example use case is the discovery use case, Section 5.1
<Kathy> Exemplary use case is Discovery,
<mjpool> s/example/examplary/
<Kathy> Exemplary means it's in the right form
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (4): Paulo seek copyright permission to include excerpts from book chapter.
<Kathy> Paulo sent email seeking copyright permission
<mjpool> Paulo sent an email requesting copyright permission.  No response yet
<mjpool> ACTION: Paulo to continue to pursue copyright permission
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-12 - Continue to pursue copyright permission  [on Paulo Costa - due 2008-03-12].
<Kathy> Tracker is following our actions
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (5): Ken to remove write permissions from wiki pages after March 2.
<Kathy> this is doen
<mjpool> Ken removed write permissions
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (6): Paulo on behalf of editing team to follow up coming up with section 5 format by sending format to all use case authors, with email pointing to specific weak points or omissions in use case that needs to be addressed.
<mjpool> Paulo created an html page and circulated it to the group
<mjpool> Previous ACTION (7): Trevor to go through IRC log and make first stab at pulling together a coherent view of discussion
<Paulo> line dropped, will be back in a minute
<mjpool> Trevor sent an email summarizing this discussion
<mjpool> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 3. "Editing team report on status of final report and completion status of work assignments" taken up [from KenL]
<KenL> work assignments at
<KenL> draft report at
<Kathy> paulo has final word on this but he has dropped off the line!
<Zakim> +[IPcaller]
<mjpool> Report from Paulo: 
<mjpool> Section 1: updated with Claudia's edits
<mjpool> Section 3: Trevor sent some suggested edits
<mjpool> Section 4: Talks only about ontologies, it should also discuss rule languages and uncertainty
<Thomas> I can take care of the changes in Sec 4.2
<mjpool> Section 5:  With a couple of exceptions, the use cases follow the correct format
<mjpool> Exception 1: 5.3 is not a use case.  There is no description of the charter use case.  The content is useful but it should be elsewhere, perhaps as an introductory comment on the use cases.
<mjpool> (It refers to a charter use case but doesn't describe it.)
<mjpool> peter is not on the call, but he's the author.  Trevor concurred that it  does not belong where it is.
<mjpool> Francis?
<Kathy> zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see Matthias, Kathy, mjpool, Ken_Laskey, +1.541.753.aabb, +1.508.788.aacc, ??P24, Mirek, ??P12, trevor, ??P6, [IPcaller]
<mjpool> are you on?
<Zakim> On IRC I see nico, trevor, Matthias, Mitch, Mirek, Thomas, FrancisFung, mjpool, Kathy, Paulo, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<KenL> Francis, are you there?
<mjpool> Can you comment on Section 5.3?
<FrancisFung> sorry, I had to step away for  a sec
<mjpool> Resolution: Use case 3 should be removed as a use case and relevant content should be merged into other sections of the report as appropriate
<mjpool> This will cause problems with numbering and we'll need to update the appendix
<mjpool> Ken says that the content in the appendix referring to Use Case 3.  he thinks the content is good but it should be elsewhere
<mjpool> Section A.3 is linked to Section 5.3
<mjpool> Content from A.3 should perhaps be moved to the introduction of the appendix
<trevor>  i think peter included this to introduce refinements to the uncertainty ontology
<mjpool> Francis agreed with the suggestion that content from Section 5.3 should be moved to the Use Case introduction and that content from A.3 should be moved to the appendix introduction.
<mjpool> Responsibility for the removal of 5.3 and A.3 and integration of content elsewhere falls to the editing team.
<mjpool> ACTION: Paulo to move content from 5.3 and A.3 to more appropriate sections
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-13 - Move content from 5.3 and A.3 to more appropriate sections [on Paulo Costa - due 2008-03-12].
<mjpool> Exception 2: The health care use case has a very different format
<mjpool> We believe that Vipal had been asked to reformat that use case
<mjpool> We may want to ask Vipal again to link the "Healthcare and Life Sciences" to content in the Appendix.
<Thomas> Vipul has filled in the text in Sec 5.15
<Thomas> it's more like a collection of use cases
<Thomas> i agree
<mjpool> Paulo suggested that we might create a distinct section and not refer to it as a use case but just a discussion
<mjpool> ken suggested that we leave it as it is and annotate it to reflect that it had been developed elsewhere
<mjpool> We may want to leave it in the report but not that it's just a discussion of types of use cases rather than a use case itself
<mjpool> s/not/note/
<mjpool> Possible Resolution for Use Case 16:  Leave it as Section 5.15, but add an introductory paragraph noting that it's different from the other use cases and drawn from a different source but that it's suggestive of other use cases that are relevant to the group's charter
<nico> keep in the report but moved from that place ?
<mjpool> note that it was also part of work done to have communication between working group
<mjpool> Section 6 and 7, no comments received.
<mjpool> We should start working on Section 7.2 now in light of the collected material. 
<mjpool> (Paulo's suggestion)
<mjpool> Kathy: Can we reopen the Wiki to gather content for Sections 6.3 and 7.2
<mjpool> ?
<claudia> to open the wiki is a good idea
<mjpool> Kathy: We also need to comment on the other recommendations
<trevor> i agree - there have been a lot of emails recently !
<mjpool> Opening the wiki would allow us to reopen discussion and collaborate
<mjpool> Ken: We'd have to be clear that the Wiki is open but *only* for Sections 6 and 7.
<Kathy> and we should note on the front page of the wiki that it's only open for sections 6&7
<mjpool> Ken will just open the whole Wiki, but we should all note that we should only be editing 6 and 7
<mjpool> Action: Ken to reopen the Wiki
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-14 - Reopen the Wiki [on Ken Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<mjpool> Appendix: No comments have been received on the appendix. 
<mjpool> Paulo notes that we still have 4 items that need to be complete
<KenL> zakim, list actions
<Zakim> I don't understand 'list actions', KenL
<claudia> can you write the section
<claudia> can you write the section?
<mjpool> A.2.7, A.9.6, A.12.7, A.13.6
<claudia> ok
<Kathy> a12.7 should have reference to Clemen book on decision analyssi
<mjpool> Kathy: A.12.7 should have reference to Clemen book on Decision analysis
<mjpool> Paulo: If Ken is reopening the Wiki, then people should use that opportunity to add content for those sections.
<mjpool> Kathy:  Those sections have authors, can we ping them?
<mjpool> Action: Paulo to ping authors for incomplete appendix sections.
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-15 - Ping authors for incomplete appendix sections. [on Paulo Costa - due 2008-03-12].
<KenL> rrsagent, what actions?
<mjpool> When Ken opens the section, we're now agreeing that changes can be made to Sections 6, 7, a.2.7, a.9.6, a.12.7, a.13.6?
<mjpool> Kathy: If we enter issues in tracker, it's a useful way to track items as opposed to trying to keep track of many emails.  However, the tracker items do go to the public list
<mjpool> Ken will try to change the settings so that tracker items don't go to the public list.
<mjpool> Action:   Ken to try to change the settings on tracker so that tracker items don't go to the public list.
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-16 - Try to change the settings on tracker so that tracker items don't go to the public list. [on Ken Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<Kathy> You can see all the open actions at
<KenL> Tracker open issues page:
<mjpool> this page  shows all open issues.  Ken will identify the sections as products and a product called 'all'.  When entering issues we should be sure to tag with the right product
<mjpool> If you write an email to discuss a point, create an issue in tracker and grab the URI of the email from our email archives
<Kathy> You can see all the open actions at
<mjpool> (Ken's directive)
<mjpool> if you edit an issue, go to the 'add notes' section and create link to the email hyperlink
<mjpool> if it was resolved in an email or the resolution was discussed in an email
<mjpool> Should emails already sent  be reentered in tracker?  Ken: Yes, that would be useful, although we can simply use a link to the email in the description.
<mjpool> Kathy: should we wait on this to find out whether tracker issues can be kept on the private list? 
<mjpool> Ken: No, regardless of the resolution of the "tracker to public list" issue, we should use tracker to track issues and actions
<mjpool> ken will make the updates to the acknowledgement section or send them to Paulo.
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 4. "Discussion of final report. Please be prepared to discuss any issues or concerns you have. Are we ready to approve the final report?  Does it need additional work?  If
<mjpool> Action: Ken to get verification from each person that the acknowledgement section information is correct
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-17 - Get verification from each person that the acknowledgement section information is correct [on Ken Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<Zakim> ... so, what does it need?" taken up [from KenL]
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 4 was just opened, Kathy
<mjpool> extraneous stuff
<Kathy> this is some extraneous
<KenL> extra stuff
<Kathy> this is some extraneousstuff
<KenL> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 4 was just opened, KenL
<Kathy> well, we need to have more stuff typed in
<Kathy> well, we need to have more stuff typed in
<Kathy> agendum 5
<KenL> continuing stuff
<KenL> space
<mjpool> Note to mike: material preceeding agendum 4 should actually be *under* agendum 4
<KenL> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 5. "Discuss path to wrapping up the URW3 XG's work" taken up [from KenL]
<mjpool> Kathy: we need to have one more telecon to discuss the final report.
<claudia> availability for what?
<claudia> availability for what?ah ok
<claudia> I should be available
<mjpool> Ken proposes that we do it in one week instead.  We really need to push to get this done
<mjpool> I'm available on the 12th, not the 19th
<Kathy> I am not available 12 march
<claudia> 19 should be better
<Kathy> I am available 19 march
<Thomas> 19
<trevor> trevor - OK for 12 march, uncertain about 19
<Mitch> I am available
<Kathy> ken can chair 12 march
<Kathy> we are talking about availability for telecon at usual time
<mjpool> Action: Ken to set up a telecon, notifying the group and reserving zakim. 
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-18 - Set up a telecon, notifying the group and reserving zakim.   [on Ken Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<Matthias> Ok for me for 12 or 19
<mjpool> Ken: we'll try to meet on the 12th.
<Kathy> one more thing: invited experts have to renew invited expert status
<mjpool> Invited experts need to renew.
<Matthias> how to renew?
<mjpool> There is a new collaborate agreement, but Ken doesn't think it will impose significant new requirements
<mjpool> Here's the link I got to renew:
<KenL> if Invited Experts do not renew, they will lose access
<mjpool> Action: Kathy to send an email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how to do so
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Sorry, couldn't find user - Kathy
<mjpool> To wrap up:  another meeting on March 12.  Issues from tracker will go to the editing team and it's up to them to respond.
<mjpool> Ken: Note that the editing team is not responsible for doing the work, but only to track completion, identify things that are out of scope and assign responsibility
<Kathy> KathrynLaskey
<mjpool> Action: KathyLaskey to send an email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how to do so
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Sorry, couldn't find user - KathyLaskey
<Kathy> KathrynLaskey
<mjpool> Action: KathrynLaskey to send an email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how to do so
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Sorry, couldn't find user - KathrynLaskey
<Paulo> Action: Kathryn Laskey to send an email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how to do so
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-19 - Laskey to send an email reminding invited experts to renew and giving instructions on how to do so [on Kathryn Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<mjpool> Ken: conversations via email should also continue
<mjpool> Action: Ken to write the w3c staff to let them know that we're doing the final editing and putting together the final content and extending our work for a few weeks
* trackbot-ng noticed an ACTION. Trying to create it.
<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-20 - Write the w3c staff to let them know that we're doing the final editing and putting together the final content and extending our work for a few weeks [on Ken Laskey - due 2008-03-12].
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 6. "Discuss next steps to decide if there should be follow-on work and how we should proceed" taken up [from KenL]
<mjpool> Kathy: perhaps we can defer discussion of agendum 6 to next week
<Kathy> Everyone should think about what our next steps should be
<Kathy> This will come out of what we write for Sections 6 and 7
<mjpool> Ken; We should defer this until we have a clearer sense of what we're going to say in Sections 6 and 7
<Kathy> zakim, next agendum
<Zakim> agendum 7. "Other business" taken up [from KenL]
<mjpool> Resolved: Agendum 6 will be deferred to the March 12 meeting
<mjpool> Kathy: ISWC workshop proposals are due at the end of March.
<mjpool> Ken circulated an email about this this morning
<mjpool> Kathy: We need to think about whether we want to do another URSW workshop as there is a lot of overlap between the overseers of that and this group
<mjpool> Meeting was adjourned
<Thomas> bye
<mjpool> Zakim, who's here?
<Zakim> On the phone I see Matthias, Kathy, mjpool, Ken_Laskey, +1.541.753.aabb, +1.508.788.aacc, ??P24, Mirek, ??P12, trevor, ??P6, [IPcaller]
<Zakim> On IRC I see nico, trevor, Matthias, Mitch, Mirek, Thomas, FrancisFung, mjpool, Kathy, Paulo, claudia, Zakim, KenL, Ken, trackbot-ng
<claudia> bye
<Matthias> bye
<Zakim> - +1.508.788.aacc
*** Thomas [51d3fd4f@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<Zakim> -trevor
<Zakim> -Kathy
<Paulo> bye
<Zakim> -??P24
<trevor> bye
<Zakim> - +1.541.753.aabb
<Zakim> -??P12
<KenL> rrsagent, create minutes
*** Paulo [bd0604fd@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC 0.5.4 (2004/01/29)]
*** trevor [51828d4a@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<Zakim> -mjpool
*** mjpool [26694f32@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
*** claudia [8d1a4726@] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
<KenL> rrsagent, set logs member-visible
<Zakim> -??P6
<Zakim> -[IPcaller]