13:45:41 RRSAgent has joined #vmtf 13:45:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-vmtf-irc 13:45:53 Meeting: SWBPD Vocab Management Task Force 13:48:52 tbaker has joined #vmtf 13:59:25 SW_BPD(VMTF)9:00AM has now started 13:59:32 +JacekK 14:00:27 aliman, RalphS, @danbri_? Anyone else here yet? 14:01:07 +??P4 14:01:59 +Ralph 14:02:38 zakim, jacekk is really TomB 14:02:38 +TomB; got it 14:02:43 +Danbri 14:03:45 Previous: 2005-11-15 http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes 14:03:48 Chair: Tom 14:04:25 Ralph: no progress on testing apache config options w/W3C site 14:04:33 tom's report has "provenance is supported by using the final URI from the chain of redirects as the name of the graph; different URIs represent different versions of a vocabulary." 14:05:28 ACTION: Ralph confirm either 22 Nov or 6 Dec with Matthieu and Ted or propose an alternative [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action01] 14:05:30 -- done 14:05:31 in 'issues under discussion', http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0122.html 14:05:50 [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph check configurations on W3C site [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action04] 14:06:28 danbri: two deployment models, one: 14:06:35 [DONE] ACTION: Tom to prepare excerpts from last telecon for inclusion in new Editor's Draft [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action06] 14:06:41 put resource in as named graph 14:06:52 second model: redirect thru generated ID 14:06:53 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0122.html VM Task Force progress report [Tom 2005-11-22] 14:07:18 sparql people did not want to force this issue 14:07:26 danbri will look for reference. 14:08:24 -TomB 14:08:33 any volunteers to scribe? 14:09:16 [DONE] ACTION: Alistair to move draft into VM space [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action05] 14:09:38 looking around http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#rdfDataset cant find the exact point i want to make 14:09:39 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/ Configuring Apache HTTP Server for RDFS/OWL Ontologies Cookbook 14:09:57 +Tom_Baker 14:10:00 i'm back 14:10:19 [DONE] ACTION: Alistair to add purl.org case to draft note [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action03] 14:10:27 [DONE] ACTION: Alistair investigate PURL use case and add to configuration options [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2005/11/15-vmtf-minutes.html#action02] 14:12:26 have there been any volunteers to scribe in the meantime? 14:14:10 report - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0122.html 14:14:13 DanBri: I looked at Tom's summary and it looked good 14:15:52 Alistair: the requirements section of the cookbook could use more attention 14:16:08 ... Peter Patel-Schneider disagreed with some of the requirements as stated and proposed softer ones 14:16:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0125.html 14:16:18 ... message from pps 14:16:28 q+ to ask about Ian Davis's proposal to RE-redirect purl.org URIs 14:16:28 [[ 14:16:31 For any HTTP URI used as an identifier in the Semantic Web 14:17:05 q+ to note the OWL DL vs Full issue getting more urgent (ISWC feedback) 14:17:07 For any HTTP URI used as an identifier in the Semantic Web 14:17:08 1/ there should be a way of finding a machine-processable document that 14:17:10 provides some information about the formal meaning of that identifier; 14:17:12 and 14:17:13 2/ there should be a way of finding a human-readable document that 14:17:15 provides some information about the intended meaning of that identifier. 14:17:24 +Vivien 14:17:54 vivien has joined #vmtf 14:19:51 [VM] Agenda for 15 Nov Telecon -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0004.html 14:20:18 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0074.html agenda for discussion purposes 14:23:31 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#requirements Requirements 14:23:55 q+ to say i prefer defaulting to the xhtml 14:25:01 q- 14:25:09 (I'd like an apache config eg that allows the administrator to decide easily which vresion is the default) 14:25:44 q+ to propose that, with Vivien, we focus on the examples in the yellow boxes 14:25:50 Alistair: I revised the requirements to say that RDF should be served by default and make the client specifically request HTML 14:26:13 ack danb 14:26:13 danbri_, you wanted to note the OWL DL vs Full issue getting more urgent (ISWC feedback) and to say i prefer defaulting to the xhtml 14:26:28 q- 14:27:44 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe1 14:27:47 q- 14:28:02 Topic: Example 1: Hash Static Configuration, Minimal 14:28:08 http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/#Example1 14:28:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe1 14:28:32 Alistair: example 1 in the two versions should be the same 14:29:00 (wouldn't a plain ALias directive do the job here?) 14:29:06 Vivien: another alternative is to set the .rdf named file as the directory index 14:29:08 (rewrite module is overkill?) 14:29:22 Alistair: directory index technique only works for "/" namespaces 14:29:25 ACK DANBRI 14:29:52 DanBri: it looked like aliases would work; using rewrite may be overkill 14:30:38 ... but perhaps I'm prematurely optimizing and symmetry across examples is better 14:31:09 Ralph: unless there is a significant performance hit, I'd go with using the same kind of recipe for all cases 14:31:20 DanBri: performance hit may only be in extreme cases 14:31:34 Vivien: use of rewrite should not be much of a performance hit 14:32:11 example 3: Slash Static Configuration, Minimal 14:32:19 http://bignosebird.com/apache/a9.shtml "There is a performance penalty for placing RewriteEngine directives in your .htaccess file, but I recommend doing so for the following reasons."[..] 14:32:20 Topic: ITEM 5: Slash Static Configuration, Minimal 14:32:51 Alistair: I changed the configuration between the old and new drafts 14:33:02 -> http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/#Example3 old 14:33:19 Alistair: index.rdf rewrites to the .rdf 14:33:33 ... I discovered that this implementation creates a circularity 14:34:02 ... leads to namespace/index.rdf but namespace/* matches another patter so there was a special rewrite rule to break out 14:34:08 ... I simplified this in the new draft 14:34:12 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe2 14:34:48 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/mod/mod_dir.html#directoryindex 14:34:59 Vivien: it may be easier to use DirectoryIndex to replace the last RewriteRule 14:35:40 Alistair of we redirect example2/x back to example2/ will this interfere? 14:36:21 s/ of/: if/ 14:36:35 ... the 303 redirect is there to comply with the TAG resolution of httpRange-14 14:38:02 Topic: ITEM 4: Hash Static Configuration, Good Practice 14:38:12 -> http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/#Example2 old text 14:38:27 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe3 new text 14:38:55 Alistair: I changed this recipe to reduce the number of directory levels 14:39:38 Vivien: I wondered why this recipe did not use built-in content negotiation 14:40:06 ... e.g. given both index.xml and index.rdf apache can be configured to select based on client Accept: 14:40:18 Alistair: we don't really need a redirect for the HTML content 14:40:34 ... but for the RDF content we want to redirect to a version or snapshot of the ontology 14:41:01 ... you can use this new URI in, e.g. SPARQL queries, to ask for properties of this version of the ontology 14:41:44 Vivien: this is similar to the W3C Technical Report Latest Version/ This Version redirects 14:42:02 ... on the W3C servers we use symlinks for the Latest Version 14:42:14 q+ to ask about symlinks 14:42:29 RewriteRule ^example3.rdf$ example3-content/2005-10-31.rdf [R=303] 14:42:38 RewriteRule ^example3.html$ example3-content/2005-10-31.html [R=303] 14:43:10 Vivien: with rewrite rules like these you can use apache content negotiation 14:43:30 Alistair: is this enough to trigger the automatic content negotiation? 14:43:35 Vivien: I think so 14:44:03 RewriteRule ^example3(\.rdf)?$ example3-content/2005-10-31.rdf [R=303] 14:44:18 Alistair: there's a possible alternative configuration, then, for recipe 3 14:45:21 Vivien: this rewrite rule avoids symlinks, as you can only use symlinks if you have access to the filesystem 14:45:37 ... folks with FTP-only access can't use symlinks 14:45:52 Topic: ITEM 6: Slash Static Configuration, Best Practice (Single Document) 14:46:03 -> http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/#Example4 old 14:46:10 RewriteRule ^example4/(.*) example4-content/2005-10-31.html#$1 [R=303,NE] 14:46:16 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe4 new text 14:46:41 Vivien: example4/ will go to .html# 14:46:49 RewriteRule ^example4/ example4-content/2005-10-31.html [R=303,NE] 14:46:52 ... the pattern should probably be (.+) 14:47:11 Alistair: is # followed by nothing a problem? if not, this saves a rule 14:47:30 Vivien: not sure, though certainly browsers will go to the top of the document 14:47:46 RewriteRule ^example4/(.+) example4-content/2005-10-31.html#$1 [R=303,NE] 14:48:35 Ralph: whether or not it's legal to have nothing after '#', it's clearly a different URI from the no-# one 14:48:41 ... this might or might not be important to us 14:49:10 Vivien: still worth considering whether built-in content negotiation can be used here 14:49:27 Alistair: can't see how to make built-in negotiation work with the $1 substitution 14:50:08 Topic: ITEM 7: Slash Static Configuration, Best Practice (Multiple Documents) 14:50:14 -> http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/#Example5 old text 14:50:25 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe5 new text 14:50:31 Alistair: this changed between old and new 14:50:35 ... new has more directives 14:50:46 ... to avoid having to assume that index and multiviews are enabled for the documentation directory 14:51:51 Ralph: will the new version still work if MultiViews is on 14:51:54 ... ? 14:52:14 Vivien: since you are using explicit extensions in the new version it shouldn't matter if MultiViews is on or off 14:52:28 Alistair: I turned off MultiViews because I saw some funny behavior in the rewriting 14:52:52 ... can't remember the details right now 14:53:10 ... because of trailing '/' on some of the URIs there was some automatic rewriting going on 14:53:27 ... turning off MultiViews fixed this for me 14:54:09 ... is it true that turning off MultiViews in .htaccess will cascade down to subdirectories? 14:54:15 Vivien: yes 14:54:20 http://www.example.com/foo/bar/test/ 14:54:42 apache will look for .htaccess in test/ first, then in bar/, then in foo/ 14:54:51 RalphS, can we remain on the bridge beyond 15:00? 14:54:52 ... each one will overwrite the previous rules 14:55:01 yes, but I have HTML TF call at 15:00 14:55:02 RewriteRule ^example5/.* example5-content/2005-10-31.rdf [R=303] 14:56:04 Alistair: the next set of recipes have to do with PURLs 14:58:22 Topic: Recipe 6. PURL Hash Configuration, Minimal 14:58:31 -> http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#recipe6 text 14:59:22 Ralph: PURL is "Persistent URL" 14:59:38 ... it's a deployed service, using 302 redirects currently, which is important to one of our major customers 14:59:52 ... allows people to publish persistent URIs when they don't own their own server 15:00:34 vivien@han-solo:~$ HEAD -S http://purl.oclc.org/net/swbp-vm/example7/ 15:00:34 HEAD http://purl.oclc.org/net/swbp-vm/example7/ --> 302 Found 15:00:34 HEAD http://isegserv.itd.rl.ac.uk/VM/http-examples/example7.rdf --> 200 OK 15:01:14 rrsagent, please make this log public 15:01:36 Tom: I didn't realize we'd need individual PURLs for each property 15:01:46 -Ralph 15:03:43 http://purl.oclc.org/ 15:03:54 http://purl.oclc.org/maint/choose_redirect.html 15:04:01 [[ For example, if the partial redirect http://purl.foo.com/bar/ exists and is associated with the URL http://your.web.server/your/servers/web/root/ then an attempt to resolve the partial redirect PURL http://purl.foo.com/bar/some/other/stuff.html will resolve to the URL http://your.web.server/your/servers/web/root/some/other/stuff.html 15:04:01 ]] 15:05:16 alistair: will revise Recipe 7, 9, and 10 for partial redirects 15:05:30 ACTION alistair: revise 7,9,10 for partial redirects 15:08:21 -Danbri 15:09:41 everything vivien said for 4 and 5 we can take on board for 9 and 10 15:10:13 -Vivien 15:11:15 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Nov/0074.html 15:11:20 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:11:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-vmtf-minutes.html RalphS 15:16:45 vivien has left #vmtf 15:36:36 zakim, list attendees 15:36:36 As of this point the attendees have been Ralph, TomB, Danbri, Tom_Baker, Vivien 15:36:39 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:36:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/11/22-vmtf-minutes.html RalphS 15:39:52 -Tom_Baker 15:39:54 -??P4 15:39:56 SW_BPD(VMTF)9:00AM has ended 15:39:58 Attendees were Ralph, TomB, Danbri, Tom_Baker, Vivien 15:50:06 aliman has left #vmtf 18:07:51 Zakim has left #vmtf 18:17:42 danbri_ has left #vmtf