19:18:26 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-teama 19:18:26 logging to http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-irc 19:18:35 zakim, this will be wcag 19:18:35 "wcag" matches WAI_WCAG(WCAG1)4:00PM, WAI_(WCAG2)4:00PM, and WAI_WCAG_(WCAG3)4:00PM, wendy 19:18:43 zakim, this will be wcag1 19:18:43 ok, wendy; I see WAI_WCAG(WCAG1)4:00PM scheduled to start in 42 minutes 19:19:57 ben has joined #wcag-teama 19:35:18 Gez has joined #wcag-teama 19:48:34 gregg has joined #wcag-teama 19:49:41 ColonelSmith has joined #wcag-teama 19:58:57 ben_ has joined #wcag-teama 20:00:00 WAI_WCAG(WCAG1)4:00PM has now started 20:00:07 +??P1 20:00:46 +Alex_Li 20:01:59 -Alex_Li 20:02:10 +Gez_Lemon 20:02:25 zakim, code? 20:02:25 the conference code is 9224 (tel:+1.617.761.6200), wendy 20:02:26 +Christophe_Strobbe 20:02:31 zakim, ??P1 is Gregg_and_Ben 20:02:31 +Gregg_and_Ben; got it 20:02:50 +[IPcaller] 20:02:52 zakim, who is here? 20:02:52 On the phone I see Gregg_and_Ben, Gez_Lemon, Christophe_Strobbe, [IPcaller] 20:02:54 On IRC I see ben_, ColonelSmith, gregg, Gez, RRSAgent, Zakim, wendy 20:03:12 +[IPcaller.a] 20:04:19 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:04:43 +Alex_Li 20:05:16 zakim, [IPcaller] is Makoto 20:05:16 +Makoto; got it 20:05:53 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:06:44 -Makoto 20:06:53 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:06:53 On the phone I see Gregg_and_Ben, Gez_Lemon (muted), Christophe_Strobbe, [IPcaller.a], Alex_Li 20:07:16 wendy has left #wcag-teama 20:08:05 -[IPcaller.a] 20:08:33 +[IPcaller] 20:08:52 +[IPcaller.a] 20:09:34 +[IPcaller.aa] 20:11:02 -[IPcaller] 20:11:30 -[IPcaller.a] 20:11:45 +??P20 20:12:22 +??P16 20:15:40 + +064893aaaa 20:16:02 -??P20 20:16:17 zakim, +064893aaa is David_MacDonald 20:16:17 +David_MacDonald; got it 20:16:22 zakim who's on the phone? 20:17:02 RRSAgent, pointer? 20:17:02 See http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-irc#T20-17-02 20:17:10 agenda? 20:17:47 agenda+ What we have and don't. 20:18:02 agenda+ Key issues for this Guideline 20:18:13 agenda+ Introduce the format (with new example) 20:18:21 agenda+ Fill out the Guide Doc 20:18:39 agenda+ Confirm success criteria 20:19:00 agenda+ Action plan 20:19:12 zakim, take up item 1 20:19:12 agendum 1. "What we have and don't." taken up [from ben_] 20:19:21 RRSAgent, make log world 20:19:30 RRSagent, generate minutes 20:19:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html ben_ 20:20:05 Meeting: WCAG Team A Meeting 20:20:16 chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:20:42 Guideline 3.2: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/#consistent-behavior 20:25:17 q+ 20:41:21 new issue: how can L1 SC1 be violated? Is using scripting or other methods to rewrite the page/DOM at the same URI and same page title a violation? 20:43:27 -??P16 20:44:54 issue: for L2 SC1, do we need to define "same order" to clarify that this does not apply to expanding navigation menus or sublists inserted in the middle? 20:44:59 ack Gez 20:45:01 ack Ben 20:45:36 +[IPcaller] 20:45:58 -[IPcaller] 20:46:16 action: ben to draft a definition of "same order" to clarify above issue 20:46:52 +[IPcaller] 20:47:22 zakim, [IPcaller] is Takayuki_Watanabe 20:47:22 +Takayuki_Watanabe; got it 20:47:33 -Takayuki_Watanabe 20:48:16 +??P16 20:48:57 -??P16 20:49:21 +??P16 20:49:51 -??P16 20:50:23 guide doc should clarify what components are 20:52:16 http://juicystudio.com/wcag/changecontext.html 20:53:30 test 92: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/tests/test92.html 20:54:55 new issue: should "user interface control" in the definition of change of context be removed or qualified? 20:57:24 new issue: "complete change of content" should it say "significant"? "near-complete"? "80%" (ex. is leaving a logo or a navbar in place, but changing everything else a complete change?) 21:09:39 new issue: L3 SC1 - Alex's traffic light example - is use of "the same" appropriate here? (perhaps revise to say, "graphical components that appear on multiple pages, including graphical links, are associated with the same functionality and text equivalent wherever they appear") 21:12:15 does the current wording of L3 SC1 imply that they should have the same functionality? if so, should we add? 21:17:14 issue: does using script to validate form data (per guideline 2.5 example from Gez - http://juicystudio.com/wcag/validation.html) violate L3 SC2? 21:20:23 agenda? 21:20:30 zakim, close item 1 21:20:30 agendum 1, What we have and don't., closed 21:20:31 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:20:32 2. Key issues for this Guideline [from ben_] 21:20:49 zakim, close item 2 21:20:49 agendum 2, Key issues for this Guideline, closed 21:20:50 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 21:20:51 3. Introduce the format (with new example) [from ben_] 21:21:01 zakim, take up agendum 3 21:21:01 agendum 3. "Introduce the format (with new example)" taken up [from ben_] 21:24:12 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2005/09/end-to-end/text-equiv-informative.html 21:24:37 + +39.064.893.aabb 21:24:52 + +1.213.408.aacc 21:49:05 - +39.064.893.aabb 21:51:18 action: Christophe draft guide doc for L3 SC2 21:51:53 action: Alex draft guide doc for L3 SC1 21:52:21 action 3 = Alex draft guide doc for L2 SC1 21:52:53 action: Gez draft guide doc for L2 SC2 21:55:52 action: Neil draft guide doc for L2 SC3 22:00:05 agenda? 22:00:11 zakim, close item 3 22:00:11 agendum 3, Introduce the format (with new example), closed 22:00:12 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:00:13 4. Fill out the Guide Doc [from ben_] 22:00:18 zakim, close item 4 22:00:18 agendum 4, Fill out the Guide Doc, closed 22:00:19 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:00:20 5. Confirm success criteria [from ben_] 22:00:26 zakim, close item 5 22:00:26 agendum 5, Confirm success criteria, closed 22:00:27 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 22:00:28 6. Action plan [from ben_] 22:01:28 zakim, close item 6 22:01:28 agendum 6, Action plan, closed 22:01:29 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 22:02:28 -Alex_Li 22:02:30 - +1.213.408.aacc 22:02:31 -Christophe_Strobbe 22:02:32 -Gregg_and_Ben 22:02:32 -Gez_Lemon 22:02:47 -[IPcaller.aa] 22:06:09 ColonelSmith has left #wcag-teama 22:07:48 disconnecting the lone participant, David_MacDonald, in WAI_WCAG(WCAG1)4:00PM 22:07:50 WAI_WCAG(WCAG1)4:00PM has ended 22:07:52 Attendees were Alex_Li, Gez_Lemon, Christophe_Strobbe, Gregg_and_Ben, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Makoto, +064893aaaa, David_MacDonald, Takayuki_Watanabe, +39.064.893.aabb, +1.213.408.aacc 22:12:00 RRSAgent, generate minutes 22:12:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html ben_ 22:17:58 Gez has left #wcag-teama 22:24:33 action: gregg draft guide doc for L1 SC1 22:27:38 action: ben draft guide doc for L2 SC1 22:27:48 action: david draft guide doc for L2 SC4 22:27:54 RRSAgent, generate minutes 22:27:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html ben_ 23:19:53 ben_ has left #wcag-teama