ISSUE-95: Some points for future improvements after FPWD
Some points for future improvements after FPWD
- State:
- Product:
- Canonical EXI
- Raised by:
- Youenn Fablet
- Opened on:
- 2013-09-12
- Description:
- The section 1.4 on “limitations” may be beefed up (through a specific appendix) to help the users understand what may break or not the canonicalization.
Section 2.3, the note about insignificant xsi:type may also be illustrated with xsi:type=xsd:anyType profile case.
Section 2.4.5 is a bit fuzzy. Maybe it should be added that the convention must be agreed by both parties or even stronger requirements (must be able to express the convention within EXI options for instance?).
Section 4.2
I am still unsure about how is described the EXI header removal in section 4.2.
The EXI header removal seems more related to the signature process than to the canonicalization per se.
For instance, It seems strange to state that once canonicalized, a EXI stream loses its EXI header.
It would be simpler to state that in case of signature, only the EXI body is canonicalized and then signed.
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- AW: RE: ISSUE-95: Some points for future improvements after FPWD (from on 2016-08-16)
- Agenda for 16 August EXI Telecon (from on 2016-08-15)
- Agenda for 09 August EXI Telecon (from on 2016-08-08)
- RE: ISSUE-95: Some points for future improvements after FPWD (from on 2016-08-08)
- ISSUE-95: Some points for future improvements after FPWD [Canonical EXI] (from on 2013-09-12)
Related notes:
Section 1.4 (i.e. Limitations) was merged into the previous section because it was not really describing limitations, and would more naturally fit into the context of the previous section (i.e. Applications).
Takuki Kamiya, 8 Aug 2016, 23:10:06Section 2.3 as of the time of the time of YF's comments is now section 4.4 as of 2016-08-08.
Takuki Kamiya, 8 Aug 2016, 23:16:05Canonical EXI now always contains EXI header.
Takuki Kamiya, 8 Aug 2016, 23:22:12The remaining points were all addressed in:
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