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03 Aug 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

1 Aug 2005

Adventures with Mono

I just wanted some background music for reading and maybe cleaning up my office a little...

But I'm not really willing to manage my own cache of popular music; the RIAA/ASCAP rules cramp my style, which is to store stuff in the web and point to it from whichever of my N machines I happen to be using.

podcasting sure sounds cool, though I'm not sure I grok. I searched for a gnome podcast tool and found monopod. No, there's no debian package for it, but I just got a copy of Edd's Mono: A Developer's Notebook, so I thought I'd try to build monopod from source.

untar it; blow past README and INSTALL and go straight to ./configure && make and so begins the game of hunt-the-build-deps...

checking for mono >= 1.1.6... Package mono was not found

so I counter with

$ sudo apt-get install mono-devel mono-gmcs

but that turns out to be a diversion; what I really needed was...

$ sudo apt-get install libmono-dev

Next hurdle:

checking for gtk-sharp-2.0 >= 1.9.5... Package gtk-sharp-2.0 was not found ...

Easy enough:

$ sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp2

And lo! the configure script wins, but make fails thusly:

./ChannelWindow.cs(144) error CS1501: No overload for method `SetSortFunc' takes `2' arguments

Unfortunately, C# is not like python and Modula-3; it fails the unambiguitiy requirement so I can't tell just by looking at ChannelWindow.cs where SetSortFunc comes from. I can see that it comes from ListStore. Maybe an IDE will teach me the tricks for navigating C# files...

$ sudo apt-get install monodevelop

but starting monodevelop loses with

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException:
Could not find file "/usr/lib/monodoc/monodoc.xml". : /usr/lib/monodoc/monodoc.xml

but thanks to debian package search it's easy enough to find the relevant package:

$ sudo apt-get install monodoc-manual

and now I can open ChannelWindow.cs in monodevelop, but when I hover over ListStore, I don't get any lisp-machine-like context-sensitive help.

There are only a few imports at the top:

using System;
using Gtk;
using Mono.Posix;

So I'm willing to try a brute-force search. Aha... ListStore in the Gtk# docs.

SetSortFunc takes 4 args. How did this code ever compile? I check for version skew... apt-cache policy and the README agree: Gtk# version 1.9.5. I don't get it. I try filling in 0s for the arguments, but C# is too strongly typed for that. I try to figure out what the C# equivalent of None or nil is for a delegate, but it doesn't jump out at me.

Then... duh.. there's a monopod 1.4 release. I grab that, but building it fails with:

Internal() warning CS8018: Could not find the symbol writer assembly (Mono.CSharp.Debugger.dll). This is normally an installation problem. Please make sure to compile and install the mcs/class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger directory.

OK, I give.

In some ways, the mono platform is coming along more quickly than Java, but the fact remains: it takes a long time to deploy a new platform. The MonoDebianPlan shows lots of scary packaging issues.

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See also: #swig notes from tonight's journey.

02 Aug 2005 by Advogato diary for connolly Get Conversations

Les photographes savent-ils conter?

photo: les lèvres d'Euterpe

La photographie est, étymologiquement au moins, l'art d'“écrire avec la lumière”.

Ce qui la distingue radicalement des autres formes d'écriture, cependant, c'est le langage utilisé, celui des formes et des images. Un protolangage à la syntaxe un peu simple, a la grammaire souple, et au vocabulaire infini.

Quelle immense license poetique! Et quelle virtuosité dans son utilisation! En un siècle et demi, dans un monde qui se convainc de ne plus croire en la poésie, la photographie a pondu les plus beaux poèmes. Dans les périodes troubles et les répressions, c'est du cote de l'image que l'on trouve les plus forts brûlots politiques, les documentaires les plus poignants.

Mais de romans, d'épopées, point. J'ai beau chercher, je n'ai encore pas trouve un volume bien convaincant de construction narrative. Nan Goldin, peut-être, et encore, non, ça reste trop documentaire, toujours.

A croire souvent que les photographes cajolent leurs mots en joyau brut, et laissent aux conservateurs, directeurs d'expositions ou d'édition le soin de juxtaposer leurs propositions, avec un résultat qui, il semble, dépasse trop rarement l'inventaire a la Prevert.


Le langage des images est-il trop jeune encore? Les photographes ont-ils abandonné la narration a leurs cadets des images mouvantes? Sont-ils sil amoureux de leurs jolies phrases qu'ils ne voient aucun intérêt a leur faire raconter des histoires?

Ou suis-je en fait encore trop analphabète pour savoir lire la complexité narrative des oeuvres photographiques? Il faudra que je lise phototextualities, peut-être, pour en savoir plus. D'autres ressources intéressantes sur le sujet?

02 Aug 2005 by Mes deux neurones Get Conversations

GIS and Spatial Extensions with MySQL

GIS and Spatial Extensions with MySQL. MySQL 4.1 introduces spatial functionality in MySQL. This article describes some of the uses of spatial extensions in a relational database, how it can be implemented in a relational database, what features are present in MySQL and some simple examples. I’m hoping to understand the commonalities between this and PostGIS. [...]

02 Aug 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Punched up colour

An old debate - how much is it acceptable to “tweak” an image’s colour - resurfaced on BAGnewsNotes. The article drew attention (amongst other things) to the colouring of an image from Iraq: When I mention this following point, some people take me to task for calling out a standard — if fairly recent — [...]

01 Aug 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Business man Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz, CA Santa Cruz, CA

“Do you know what these pages are?”

Anyways, so I went to the internet café and did my regular tour: raed in the middle, riverbend, etc etc..and then I was bored again. I left the internet café heading towards the financial department again. […] “come with us, we have some questions please” they said, and I went with them, searching for answers [...]

01 Aug 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

I made it

This morning, I woke up at 5:30, hopped on a bus to Redmond, and skated from Marymoor Park to Gas Works Park. That was 25 miles of skating in 2 hours, 22 minutes. It was also $100 raised for the Multiple Sclerosis Association of King County. Thanks to everyone for contributing. The best news: no blisters!

31 Jul 2005 by bestkungfu weblog Get Conversations


Ever wondered how fur coats are made?

31 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

CheckRDFSyntax and Schemarama Revisited

So I meant to write about a 1-line piece of Javascript, but ended up with a 5000 word freeform essay on the nature of RDF, XML, validation and so forth. It could probably do with some editing, but for now the words are in pretty much the order they came out of my brain. A [...]

30 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Give until I hurt

I don't have enough going on in my life, so I'm going to start a whole new project today, and I'm going to ask for your help. On Sunday, I will be rollerblading 25 miles, from Marymoor Park in Redmond over the top of Lake Washington and back down to Gas Works Park in Seattle. (You [...]

28 Jul 2005 by bestkungfu weblog Get Conversations

The Masonic Temple The Erotic Museum Musso & Frank Grill - since 1919 Homer phone Before Victoria had her secret...

Change in the air

As most of you have noticed over the last couple of weeks, I've been spending most of my time not blogging here. A lot of that is owing to my work on a number of other projects, including helping to start up the WaSP Accessibility Task Force and my own company. We'll be announcing the new [...]

27 Jul 2005 by bestkungfu weblog Get Conversations

hello planetrdf

I’ve finally updated and customised Wordpress, tweaked the links to use RSS1, and discovered that I can get category-specific feeds, eg. technology. Planet RDF is now taking that category feed (thanks Dave!), which allows me to vent freely on other things without worrying too much about cluttering up a predominantly tech-oriented site. That said, I find [...]

27 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Flickr’d photos via Yahoo! Maps (geo-extended RSS 2.0)

As a contrast to the GML/KML and Google-related posts, here is an annotated Yahoo! map, derrived from geo-extended RSS 2.0 markup. I tried feeding the service a variant of RSS 1.0 last week (albeit with the Yahoo! extensions implicitly in the RSS namespace) and it seemed to work. They don’t yet have worldwide coverage, [...]

27 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Syndicating EXIF location info, nearly

I’ve been trying to get lat/long GPS data embedded in my photos, before I upload them to Flickr, so that will make use of the data. So far, I can only get that site to use explicit “geo:lat=123.345″ based flickr-tagging; embedded EXIF seems ignored. See ongoing discussion in the Flickr GeoTagging group.

27 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Profiling GML for RSS/Atom, RDF and Web developers

I spent some time yesterday talking with Ron Lake about GML, RDF, RSS and other acronyms. GML was originally an RDF application, and various RDFisms can still be seen in the design. I learned a fair bit about GML, and about its extensibility and profiling mechanisms. We discussed some possibilities for sharing data between GML, RSS/Atom [...]

27 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

You are the Star mural 1983 by Thomas Suriya (4) You are the Star mural 1983 by Thomas Suriya (3) You are the Star mural 1983 by Thomas Suriya (2) You are the Star mural 1983 by Thomas Suriya (1) You are the Star mural 1983 by Thomas Suriya

Flickr geoblogging in Bristol

Another screengrab, this time showing photos overlaid using the geobloggers KML feed, derrived from Flickr tagged images.

25 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

Chris Goad on RDF and GML

RDF versus GML, Chris Goad (Sept 2004), GML is the XML language for geography developed by the Open GIS consortium. The third major revision of this specification, known as GML3, was released in January of 2003. RDFMap, when used in conjuction with RDFGeom, constitutes an attempt to develop an alternative approach based on RDF to [...]

25 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

geobloggers: “Network Link” in Google Earth

This is the hidden gem of Google Earth. Adding a “Network Link” allows you to fetch KML data from remote servers. It does this in two ways, Time Based or Location Based. So *anyone* can add dynamic data to Google Maps. Apparently KML is based on GML. I don’t know Keyhole/Google’s work differs. There seems to [...]

25 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

geo/photo raw materials from a walk around Bristol

I’ve just been for a walk around town, taking a few photos on the way, with the camera’s clock sync’d to that of my new GPS. I’ve not yet figured out the best tool to use (other than write my own) for hooking up the photo and location metadata. It’s easy enough to [...]

25 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations


The Pope is widely held to be infallible. This caused a minor schism in the church when, in 1307, he stated “I am not the Pope.” [source: Uncyclopedia]

23 Jul 2005 by danbri's foaf stories Get Conversations

19 Jul 2005 -- advogato diary incremental backup; thanks to titus for some clues.

v1.2 start with the highest number and counts down; with -u, it stops when it finds one that's already up to date.

20 Jul 2005 by Advogato diary for connolly Get Conversations

Web Design World demos

For the Web Design World session I presented today with Molly Holzschlag, I put together a few demo files to show off the advantages of semantic HTML styled with CSS over old, presentational HTML. As promised, they are now available in a zip file for anyone interested.

19 Jul 2005 by bestkungfu weblog Get Conversations

Shopping for a mobile

I have reached the limits of my patience with my Nokia 3650 and T-Mobile. In addition to its frequent failure to ring when I'm called (which I understand is actually common on the T-Mobile network), it's got a nasty habit of shutting itself off for no damned reason whatsoever. So it's history. So I'm asking for [...]

19 Jul 2005 by bestkungfu weblog Get Conversations

L'acte intime

L'univers du brisé, cassé, abîmé, délaissé me passionne, m'attire, m'émeut. Aucune satisfaction morbide, mais bien plus le désir d'exploration de la brêche, cette limite où dans la fissure d'un mur en béton émergera une végétation timide réclamant son droit à l'existence. Mes observations prennent parfois une forme d'éloge de la fracture.

Au fond de la nature pousse une végétation obscure; dans la nuit de la matière fleurissent des fleurs noires.

L'Eau et les Rêves - Gaston Bachelard

Oiseau mort avec feuille d'érable

Pour un philosophe, les premières pages de son livre sont difficiles et graves, car elles l'engagent trop. Le lecteur les veut pleines, claires, rapides, faute de quoi il les taxe de littérature. Le lecteur veut aussi qu'elles lui paraissent directes, c'est-à-dire rattachées à ses propres problèmes, ce qui suppose un accord des esprits, accord que la tâche du philosophe est précisément de mettre en question. La première page est à peine achevée, et voici le fil en filière. On n'a plus le temps de se reprendre, de rectifier, de recommencer. Et, pourtant, si la philosophie est l'étude des commencements, comment s'enseignera-t-elle sans de patients recommencements ? Dans l'ordre de l'esprit, commencer, c'est avoir la conscience du droit de recommencer. La philosophie est une science des origines voulues. À cette condition, la philosophie cesse d'être descriptive pour devenir un acte intime.

Fragments d'un journal de l'homme - Gaston Bachelard

rencontre, exploration

18 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Place à la fiction

Un carnet Web dédié à l'écriture de fiction. À lire et à suivre ? Peut-être. Peut-être pas. Découvrez votre hypertextualité.

littérature, carnet Web

18 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Publiez avec Nabu

Un système de publication qui repose sur des fichiers texte uniquement pour le contenu. Cela vous permettra une fois de plus d'apprendre à programmer en python. Non ce n'est pas une obsession.

CMS, python

18 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Photo : murs en planche de bois

murs en planche de bois rue Saint-Viateur (Allée), Montréal, Québec, Canada - 17 juillet 2005

18 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Citation : La dialectique de la durée, Gaston Bachelard

La conscience pure nous apparaîtra comme une puissance d'attente et de guet, comme une liberté et une volonté de ne rien faire.

La dialectique de la durée - Gaston Bachelard

18 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Impression autour d'un latte

Elle était assise déhanchée sur sa chaise. Ses longs cheveux noirs en cascade sombre sur ses épaules, une aurore boréale de désirs, elle lisait le New-York Times. Sur sa robe noire légèrement fendue des motifs de fleur. De longs cils en direction du jour comme une feuille assoiffée de lumière, elle éclipsait régulièrement à chaque battement l'éclat de ses yeux. Elle est restée là peut-être trente minutes, peut-être plus. L'espace était rayonnant de sa présence.

Je finissais de boire mon latte et j'ai finalement fini mes quelques portraits de l'aube sur Tokyo.

une plante et un bout de sparadrap rose


17 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

Mort chez Flickr

Elle était membre de Flickr et elle s'est tuée en voiture. La mort des individualités rencontrées ou connues par le moyen du réseau donne la place à une expression de condoléances collectives. Je me demande si des sociologues observent ces phénomènes de mort en ligne. Laurent a récemment parlé de la mort d'un carnetier français.

société, mort

17 Jul 2005 by Karl & Cow - Le carnet Web Get Conversations

The data displayed here comes from the following sources: RSS Feeds ( Karl MattMay Dom Yves Dean Danbri Olivier DanC ), Flickr ( Coralie Dean DanC MaxF Simon Hugo MattMay ), Technorati ( w3c ), and ( Karl MattMay )

News aggregation available as an RSS feed.

Unfortunately due to the nature of the content we are unable to guarantee this page is valid XHTML. Some portions are Copyright W3C 2005.

Information on POAK including configuration and source code - Dean Jackson.