Specifications & Documentation
Page Contents
See also Tutorials, Presentations & Papers and Translations.
Working Drafts
The following documents have W3C Working Draft status, which means they have been reviewed by a W3C Working Group prior to publication.
- SKOS Core Guide
2nd W3C Public Working Draft 2 November 2005. Alistair Miles and Dan Brickley eds. [press release]This document is a guide using the SKOS Core Vocabulary, for readers who already have a basic understanding of RDF concepts. It is the authoritative guide to recommended usage of the SKOS Core Vocabulary at the time of publication.
- SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification
2nd W3C Public Working Draft 2 November 2005. Alistair Miles and Dan Brickley eds. [press release]This document gives a reference-style overview of the SKOS Core Vocabulary as it stands at the time of publication. It is the authoritative human-readable account of the SKOS Core Vocabulary at the time of publication. It also describes the policies for ownership, naming, persistence and change by which the SKOS Core Vocabulary is managed.
- Quick
Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web
W3C Working Draft 17 May 2005. Alistair Miles ed.This document describes in brief how to express the content and structure of a thesaurus, and metadata about a thesaurus, in RDF.
Editor's Drafts
The following documents are "Editor's Drafts", which means they may not have been reviewed by anybody and have no status whatsoever within the W3C process.