20:29:31 RRSAgent has joined #ws-arch 20:29:35 RRSAgent, where am I? 20:29:35 See http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-29-35 20:29:53 WS_ArchWG()3:30PM has now started 20:29:57 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-arch/2004Jan/0046.html 20:30:00 + +1.703.818.aaaa 20:30:14 Meeting: Web Services Architecture Working Group call 20:31:52 +[Fujitsu] 20:31:59 +Hugo 20:32:11 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 20:32:19 +Roger 20:32:43 Roger has joined #ws-arch 20:32:55 zakim, who is here? 20:32:55 On the phone I see Mike.Champion, [Fujitsu], Hugo, Roger 20:32:56 On IRC I see Roger, dbooth, RRSAgent, fgm, Zakim, mchampion, mario, bijan, hugo 20:33:17 +Abbie 20:33:45 +Mario 20:33:58 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 20:34:24 hi guys. i'm going to have zakim call me at my hotel in munich. would someone please ask the receptionist to connect to my in room 449? thanks. 20:34:29 zakim, call dbooth-munich 20:34:29 ok, dbooth; the call is being made 20:34:30 +Dbooth 20:34:32 my network connection is very flakey 20:35:24 dbooth2 has joined #ws-arch 20:35:26 -Dbooth 20:35:52 hugo? mike? 20:36:00 hi david 20:36:19 dbooth2, yes? 20:37:38 +Katia_Sycara 20:37:53 dbooth2, we didn't get anything on the bridge 20:37:56 zakim, who is here? 20:37:56 On the phone I see Mike.Champion, [Fujitsu], Hugo, Roger, Abbie, Mario, Katia_Sycara 20:37:58 On IRC I see dbooth2, Roger, RRSAgent, fgm, Zakim, mchampion, mario, bijan, hugo 20:39:44 yinleng has joined #ws-arch 20:39:53 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 20:40:04 david, will you be able to call in? 20:40:35 +Sinisa 20:41:06 mitrepauld has joined #ws-arch 20:41:08 .nick scribe 20:41:21 dbooth2 has joined #ws-arch 20:41:58 Any corrections on minutes? 20:41:58 No 20:42:45 zakim, call dbooth-munich 20:42:45 ok, dbooth2; the call is being made 20:42:46 +Dbooth 20:43:16 ACTION: Katia to review Policy and Message models and update OWL by next week. [done] 20:43:19 +PaulD 20:43:29 -Dbooth 20:43:59 +??P12 20:44:26 zakim, +??P12 is gerald 20:44:26 sorry, mchampion, I do not recognize a party named '+??P12' 20:44:32 +??P13 20:44:49 zakim, p12 is gerald 20:44:49 sorry, scribe, I do not recognize a party named 'p12' 20:45:20 zakim, ??P13 is yinleng 20:45:20 +yinleng; got it 20:45:44 ACTION: dbooth to clarify term "service provider" and "service requester" and expand glossary [done] 20:46:12 ACTION: Mike to add and wordsmith text in 3.11 choreography [pending] 20:46:25 zakim, ??P12 is gerald 20:46:25 +gerald; got it 20:46:29 ACTION: Mike to propose changes to WS Reliability section in stakeholders perspective [pending] 20:46:41 ACTION: MikeC to ping DavidOrchard for his input on the Resource [done] 20:46:55 ACTION: Suresh to review doc and propose text on EBXML [dropped] 20:47:25 ACTION: dbooth to remove the Management Model from section 2 [done] 20:48:35 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 20:48:37 +Dbooth 20:48:52 ACTION: YinLeng to verify that the Management Stakeholder section is using the correct text [done] 20:50:21 ACTION: YinLeng to verify that management terms are ok in Glossary [done] 20:50:33 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 20:50:40 ACTION: MikeC to add Abbie's security text to next week's agenda [done] 20:51:19 topic: Abbie's security 20:52:51 3 questions at teh editors call: 20:52:53 dbooth2 has joined #ws-arch 20:53:03 any existing text from security needs to be incorporated? 20:53:22 what about the requirements, duplication with requirements doc 20:53:40 should the securities spec be in the arch or in roger's list 20:53:57 Roger: needs to be preserved 20:54:36 roger: abbie's list is a good section. Needs to be preserved. 20:55:36 hugo: we had a section on trust and discovery added to abbies section 20:56:23 duplication of requirements less obvious now, so it is now good glue for the security section 20:57:09 the technologies: only place in the arch where technologies discussed. taken out for now. 20:57:52 Roger: I think the security specs deserve attention. The section is useful. 20:58:43 Abbie: i'm relaxed about this 20:58:53 Abbie: I added it because it was requested 20:59:09 Gerald: I want to see security addressed 20:59:49 scribe votes for annex 21:00:06 Mike propose an annex 21:00:20 frank 21:01:00 Roger: I like the idea. The text has a higher level of consensus than my list. 21:01:40 dbooth, you're on IRC but not able to call in? 21:02:05 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/arch/wsa/wd-wsa-arch-review2.html?rev=1.100#id2281640 21:02:16 -Abbie 21:02:22 ACTION: hugo will incorporate Abbies list of security specs as an appendix 21:02:23 ACTION: Hugo will incoporate Abibie's security as an annex 21:04:15 The initial version of the OWL models are in http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~softagents/WSA_Ontologies/ 21:04:47 Topic: Mike's revision of 1.6 21:04:48 http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/arch/wsa/wd-wsa-arch-review2.html?rev=1.100&content-type=text/html;%20charset=iso-8859-1#service_oriented_architecture 21:04:53 rrsagent, where am i? 21:04:53 See http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T21-04-53 21:06:45 Roger: hugo's version reads more smoothly 21:07:02 Roger: SOA has two arch constraints: small set of simple interfaces 21:07:14 Roger: descriptive messages 21:09:15 rat hole 21:09:43 Roger suggests using mike wording: Messages sent in a platform-neutral, standardized format delivered through the interfaces. 21:10:55 Avoid "self-descriptive" 21:12:39 Agreed. 21:12:50 Description is part of SOA. 21:13:02 Third SOA constraint: describe everythign to death 21:13:46 1.6.3 WWW is a SOA? 21:13:50 +??P30 21:14:14 Third SOA constraint: Services, messages are described in a machine processable format 21:14:19 zakim, ? is Hao 21:14:19 +Hao; got it 21:14:30 Roger: section of REST is paltry 21:15:13 Roger: we can be more aggressive about what we mean 21:15:31 Roger: I proposed some text 21:16:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2004Jan/0144.html 21:17:04 oger: what should we say about REST? 21:17:31 Dbooth: Our arch permits both RESTful and non-RESTful Web services 21:17:47 Roger: No critical analysis of REST 21:18:18 soap 1.2 provides the guidelines 21:18:50 Note that I have replaced in the document my #2 constraint by Mike's 21:19:17 Mario: REST does not include intermediaries security etc. 21:19:34 Roger: We should write a critical analysis of REST, SOAP etc 21:19:58 Mike: Will draft something 21:20:02 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 21:21:01 Roger: The world needs something on the meaning of REST 21:21:15 zakim, who is talking? 21:21:26 Roger, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Mike.Champion (77%), [Fujitsu] (13%), Mario (4%), Katia_Sycara (4%), PaulD (34%) 21:21:29 ACTION: mike will draft text on REST 21:21:37 Frank, I've just checked CVS, the current version of section 3.8 is old, not my latest 21:24:56 zakim, who is talking? 21:25:06 Roger, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: [Fujitsu] (34%), Mario (4%), PaulD (19%) 21:26:23 Yin Leng: set of mgmt "operations" since wsdl 1.2 has single "interface" 21:27:24 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 21:28:42 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2004Jan/0122.html 21:30:34 +Abbie 21:32:30 Roger: we need a common reference version of the arch 21:33:34 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 21:34:58 pauld: The WWW is a SOA? Maybe not ... 21:35:40 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 21:36:00 We should all print the document at 4pm US Pacific time on Friday so that we are all looking at the same version. 21:36:34 US pacific time is UTC-8. 21:37:03 Any other comments on Abbie's security text? 21:37:53 Liberty Alliance to go into security annex list 21:38:29 Topic: agenda for the F2F 21:39:53 Time proportional to pages 21:40:29 +1 21:40:36 Introduction needs a disproportionate amount of time 21:41:03 Reliability needs time 21:41:54 Remaining issues 21:42:08 The future and what we don't do 21:43:26 MEP in 21:43:33 MEP text needs special thinking 21:48:50 Editorial comment: how about dropping 3.6? It seems vestigial 21:49:24 paulD: registry model seems blurry 21:50:09 davidB: authoratative applies to registry not to its contents 21:50:24 topic: mail lists 21:50:55 pauld: registries some are authoratative others are not. 21:51:11 how do you spell authorotative? 21:51:53 Mike: registries are auth...ive because people tend to go there 21:53:09 everyone is in agreement 21:53:26 ACTION: DavidB to revise wording on autho...ive 21:53:46 Should we say "recognized" place rather than "authoritative" place to look? 21:54:14 topic: end of life as we know it 21:54:51 davidB: please ask your AC rep to voice your opinion 21:55:28 Katia: what happens to document, editing etc. 21:56:07 Only mechanical changes can be sanctioned 22:00:20 W3C can only promote the doc if there is an obvious continuation of some kind 22:00:37 private individuals and companies can mention and reference it 22:00:41 dbooth has joined #ws-arch 22:00:51 SWSL intends to reference it 22:01:26 Mike: plan to use it for evangelical purposes 22:02:12 Roger: also intends to pretend that its authorotative 22:03:12 dbooth2 has joined #ws-arch 22:04:41 Got to go now, have a good f2f! 22:04:53 -yinleng 22:05:59 got to go too, bye 22:06:04 -PaulD 22:07:08 -gerald 22:08:46 http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/02144_f.html 22:10:11 yinleng has left #ws-arch 22:11:54 -Abbie 22:12:06 -Mario 22:12:14 -Roger 22:12:16 -Hao 22:12:17 -Mike.Champion 22:12:20 -Hugo 22:12:21 -Sinisa 22:12:22 -Katia_Sycara 22:12:36 RRSAgent, please excuse us 22:12:36 I see 14 open action items: 22:12:36 ACTION: Katia to review Policy and Message models and update OWL by next week. [done] [1] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-43-16 22:12:36 ACTION: dbooth to clarify term "service provider" and "service requester" and expand glossary [done] [2] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-45-44 22:12:36 ACTION: Mike to add and wordsmith text in 3.11 choreography [pending] [3] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-46-12 22:12:36 ACTION: Mike to propose changes to WS Reliability section in stakeholders perspective [pending] [4] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-46-29 22:12:36 ACTION: MikeC to ping DavidOrchard for his input on the Resource [done] [5] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-46-41 22:12:36 ACTION: Suresh to review doc and propose text on EBXML [dropped] [6] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-46-55 22:12:36 ACTION: dbooth to remove the Management Model from section 2 [done] [7] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-47-25 22:12:36 ACTION: YinLeng to verify that the Management Stakeholder section is using the correct text [done] [8] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-48-52 22:12:36 ACTION: YinLeng to verify that management terms are ok in Glossary [done] [9] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-50-21 22:12:36 ACTION: MikeC to add Abbie's security text to next week's agenda [done] [10] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T20-50-40 22:12:36 ACTION: hugo will incorporate Abbies list of security specs as an appendix [11] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T21-02-22 22:12:36 ACTION: Hugo will incoporate Abibie's security as an annex [12] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T21-02-23 22:12:36 ACTION: mike will draft text on REST [13] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T21-21-29 22:12:36 ACTION: DavidB to revise wording on autho...ive [14] 22:12:36 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/22-ws-arch-irc#T21-53-26