Glossary of "Web Services Glossary"

Term entries in the "Web Services Glossary" glossary

W3C Glossaries

Showing results 61 - 80 of 116

policy guard

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A policy guard is a mechanism that enforces one or more policies. It is deployed on behalf of an owner.


From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A system entity whose identity can be authenticated. [X.811]

privacy policy

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a person or organization collects, processes (uses) and discloses another party's personal data as a result of an interaction.


From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A set of formal rules describing how to transmit data, especially across a network. Low level protocols define the electrical and physical standards to be observed, bit- and byte-ordering and the transmission and error detection and correction of the bit stream. High level protocols deal with the data formatting, including the syntax of messages, the terminal to computer dialogue, character sets, sequencing of messages etc. [FOLDOC]

provider agent

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

An agent that is capable of and empowered to perform the actions associated with a service on behalf of its owner — the provider entity.

provider entity

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

The person or organization that is providing a Web service.


From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

An agent that relays a message between a requester agent and a provider agent, appearing to the Web service to be the requester.

quality of service

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

Quality of Service is an obligation accepted and advertised by a provider entity to service consumers.

reference architecture

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A reference architecture is the generalized architecture of several end systems that share one or more common domains. The reference architecture defines the infrastructure common to the end systems and the interfaces of components that will be included in the end systems. The reference architecture is then instantiated to create a software architecture of a specific system. The definition of the reference architecture facilitates deriving and extending new software architectures for classes of systems. A reference architecture, therefore, plays a dual role with regard to specific target software architectures. First, it generalizes and extracts common functions and configurations. Second, it provides a base for instantiating target systems that use that common base more reliably and cost effectively. [Ref Arch]


From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

Authoritative, centrally controlled store of information.

requester agent

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A software agent that wishes to interact with a provider agent in order to request that a task be performed on behalf of its owner — the requester entity.

requester entity

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

The person or organization that wishes to use a provider entity's Web service.


From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

Property of an interaction which does not have any significance of taking an action other than retrieval of information. [RFC 2616]

security administration

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

Configuring, securing and/or deploying of systems or applications enabling a security domain.

security architecture

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A plan and set of principles for an administrative domain and its security domains that describe the security services that a system is required to provide to meet the needs of its users, the system elements required to implement the services, and the performance levels required in the elements to deal with the threat environment. A complete security architecture for a system addresses administrative security, communication security, computer security, emanations security, personnel security, and physical security, and prescribes security policies for each. A complete security architecture needs to deal with both intentional, intelligent threats and accidental threats. A security architecture should explicitly evolve over time as an integral part of its administrative domain's evolution. [RFC 2828]

security auditing

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A service that reliably and securely records security-related events producing an audit trail enabling the reconstruction and examination of a sequence of events. Security events could include authentication events, policy enforcement decisions, and others. The resulting audit trail may be used to detect attacks, confirm compliance with policy, deter abuse, or other purposes.

security domain

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

An environment or context that is defined by security models and a security architecture, including a set of resources and set of system entities that are authorized to access the resources. One or more security domains may reside in a single administrative domain. The traits defining a given security domain typically evolve over time. [RFC 2828]

security mechanism

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A process (or a device incorporating such a process) that can be used in a system to implement a security service that is provided by or within the system.

security model

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A schematic description of a set of entities and relationships by which a specified set of security services are provided by or within a system. [RFC 2828]

security policy

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11)

A set of rules and practices that specify or regulate how a system or organization provides security services to protect resources. Security policies are components of security architectures. Significant portions of security policies are implemented via security services, using security policy expressions. [RFC 2828]

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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