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Term entries in the full glossary starting with the letter "S"

W3C Glossaries

Showing results 101 - 120 of 235


From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

A sequence containing exactly one item is called a singleton.

From XML Path Language (XPath) 2.0 (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

A sequence containing exactly one item is called a singleton.
singleton focus

From XSL Transformations (XSLT) 2.0 (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

A singleton focus based on a node N has the context item (and therefore the context node) set to N, and the context position and context size both set to 1 (one).
site maps

From Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (1999-05-05) | Glossary for this source

A site map provides a global view of the organization of a page or site.
size and color of non-text content

From User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (2002-12-17) | Glossary for this source

This document includes some checkpoints to ensure that the user is able to control the size and color of visually rendered text content (checkpoints 4.1 and 4.3). This document does not in general address control of the size and color of visually rendered non-text content (e.g., images).Note: A user agent may implement resizing functionalities as part of conformance to other specifications (e.g., Scalable Vector Graphics [SVG]).
SMIL (Synchronized multimedia integration language)

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

A language for creating a multimedia presentation by specifying the spatial and temporal relationships between its components. A W3C recommendation.

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

The formal set of conventions governing the format and processing rules of a SOAP message. These conventions include the interactions among SOAP nodes generating and accepting SOAP messages for the purpose of exchanging information along a SOAP message path.The embodiment of the processing logic necessary to transmit, receive, process and/or relay a SOAP message, according to the set of conventions defined by this recommendation. A SOAP node is responsible for enforcing the rules that govern the exchange of SOAP messages (see 2. SOAP Processing Model). It accesses the services provided by the underlying protocols through one or more SOAP bindings.A SOAP receiver's expected function in processing a message. A SOAP receiver can act in multiple roles.The formal set of rules for carrying a SOAP message within or on top of another protocol (underlying protocol) for the purpose of exchange (see 4. SOAP Protocol Binding Framework). Examples of SOAP bindings include carrying a SOAP message within an HTTP entity-body, or over a TCP stream.An extension of the SOAP messaging framework (see 3. SOAP Extensibility Model). Examples of features include "reliability", "security", "correlation", "routing", and "Message Exchange Patterns" (MEPs).A SOAP Module is a specification that contains the combined syntax and semantics of SOAP header blocks specified according to the rules in 3.3 SOAP Modules. A SOAP module realizes zero or more SOAP features.A template for the exchange of SOAP messages between SOAP nodes enabled by one or more underlying SOAP protocol bindings (see 4. SOAP Protocol Binding Framework). A SOAP MEP is an example of a SOAP feature (see 3.2 SOAP Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs)).An entity, typically software, that produces, consumes or otherwise acts upon SOAP messages in a manner conforming to the SOAP processing model (see 2. SOAP Processing Model).

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

The formal set of conventions governing the format and processing rules of a SOAP message. These conventions include the interactions among SOAP nodes generating and accepting SOAP messages for the purpose of exchanging information along a SOAP message path.

SOAP application

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

An entity, typically software, that produces, consumes or otherwise acts upon SOAP messages in a manner conforming to the SOAP processing model (see 2. SOAP Processing Model).
SOAP application

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

A software entity that produces, consumes or otherwise acts upon SOAP messages in a manner conforming to the SOAP processing model.

SOAP binding

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

The formal set of rules for carrying a SOAP message within or on top of another protocol (underlying protocol) for the purpose of exchange (see 4. SOAP Protocol Binding Framework). Examples of SOAP bindings include carrying a SOAP message within an HTTP entity-body, or over a TCP stream.
SOAP binding

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

The formal set of rules for carrying a SOAP message within or on top of another protocol (underlying protocol) for the purpose of exchange. Examples of SOAP bindings include carrying a SOAP message within an HTTP entity-body, or over a TCP stream.

SOAP body

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

A collection of zero or more element information items targeted at an ultimate SOAP receiver in the SOAP message path (see 5.3 SOAP Body).
SOAP body

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

A collection of zero or more element information items targeted at an ultimate SOAP receiver in the SOAP message path.

SOAP envelope

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

The outermost element information item of a SOAP message.
SOAP envelope

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

The outermost element information item of a SOAP message.

SOAP fault

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

A SOAP element information item which contains fault information generated by a SOAP node.
SOAP fault

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

A SOAP element information item which contains fault information generated by a SOAP node.

SOAP feature

From SOAP Version 1.2 Part 1: Messaging Framework (2003-06-24) | Glossary for this source

An extension of the SOAP messaging framework (see 3. SOAP Extensibility Model). Examples of features include "reliability", "security", "correlation", "routing", and "Message Exchange Patterns" (MEPs).
SOAP feature

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

An extension of the SOAP messaging framework typically associated with the exchange of messages between communicating SOAP nodes. Examples of features include "reliability", "security", "correlation", "routing", and the concept of message exchange patterns.

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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