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Term entries in the full glossary starting with the letter "M"

W3C Glossaries

Showing results 41 - 60 of 73


From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

Data about data on the Web, including but not limited to authorship, classification, endorsement, policy, distribution terms, IPR, and so on. A significant use for the Semantic Web.

From RDF Semantics (2004-02-10) | Glossary for this source

(adj.). Concerned with the true nature of things in some absolute or fundamental sense.

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

Technology allowing one to pay for Web site access in very small amounts as one browses.
minimal constraint, principle of

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

The idea that engineering or other designs should define only what they have to, leaving other aspects of the system and other systems as unconstrained as possible.
MIT (Massachusetts institute of technology)

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

See LCS. Cohost of W3C. mobile devices
Pagers, phones, handheld computers, and so on. All are potentially mobile Internet devices and Web clients.
mixed content

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (2004-02-04) | Glossary for this source

An element type has mixed content when elements of that type MAY contain character data, optionally interspersed with child elements.
mixed content

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2000-10-06) | Glossary for this source

An element type has mixed content when elements of that type may contain character data, optionally interspersed with child elements.
mixed initiative

From Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) Version 2.0 (2004-03-16) | Glossary for this source

A computer-human interaction in which either the computer or the human can take initiative and decide what to do next.

From Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (2005-01-18) | Glossary for this source

The type of communication channel used for interaction . This might be, for example, visual, gestural or based on speech. It also covers the way an idea is expressed or perceived, or the manner in which an action is performed. This definition is based on unpublished work of the Multimodal Interaction group.
model binding expression

From XForms 1.0 (2003-10-14) | Glossary for this source

An [XPath 1.0] PathExpr used in a binding that declares a model item property.

model item

From XForms 1.0 (2003-10-14) | Glossary for this source

An instance data node with associated constraints.

An XForms-specific annotation to an instance data node.

model item property

From XForms 1.0 (2003-10-14) | Glossary for this source

An XForms-specific annotation to an instance data node.

model theory

From RDF Semantics (2004-02-10) | Glossary for this source

(n.) A formal semantic theory which relates expressions to interpretations.

From XSL Transformations (XSLT) 2.0 (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

Modes allow a node in a source tree to be processed multiple times, each time producing a different result. They also allow different sets of template rules to be active when processing different trees, for example when processing documents loaded using the document function (see ) or when processing temporary trees.

From Modularization of XHTML (2001-04-10) | Glossary for this source

an implementation of a modularization model; the process of composing or de-composing a DTD by dividing its markup declarations into units or groups to support specific goals. Modules may or may not exist as separate file entities (i.e., the physical and logical structures of a DTD may mirror each other, but there is no such requirement).the abstract design of the document type definition (DTD) in support of the modularization goals, such as reuse, extensibility, expressiveness, ease of documentation, code size, consistency and intuitiveness of use. It is important to note that a modularization model is only orthogonally related to the document model it describes, so that two very different modularization models may describe the same document type.
modularization model

From Modularization of XHTML (2001-04-10) | Glossary for this source

the abstract design of the document type definition (DTD) in support of the modularization goals, such as reuse, extensibility, expressiveness, ease of documentation, code size, consistency and intuitiveness of use. It is important to note that a modularization model is only orthogonally related to the document model it describes, so that two very different modularization models may describe the same document type.

From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

A module is a fragment of XQuery code that conforms to the Module grammar and can independently undergo the static analysis phase described in . Each module is either a main module or a library module.

From Modularization of XHTML (2001-04-10) | Glossary for this source

an abstract unit within a document model expressed as a DTD fragment, used to consolidate markup declarations to increase the flexibility, modifiability, reuse and understanding of specific logical or semantic structures.

From QA Framework: Specification Guidelines (2005-08-17) | Glossary for this source

A collection of semantically related features that represents a unit of functionality.
module declaration

From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

A module declaration serves to identify a module as a library module. A module declaration begins with the keyword module and contains a namespace prefix and a URILiteral.

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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