See also: IRC log
<JacekK> last call minutes
JacekK: Minutes approved, no dissagreement
<scribe> ACTION: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [PENDING] [recorded in]
<JacekK> ACTION: bns to check if it's useful [recorded in]
two March telcons will shift one hour for US
Telcoms fixed to CET
March 13 or 20th are the dates that will move
Discussion in WS DEscription and TAG to move WSDL Operational Safety to move to SAWSDL
Not decided but in discussion
Would result in a change to specification, ie. use model reference instead of specification attribute
<amit_john_karthik> what would then "operational safty" annotations will be wityh respect to?
Change text in sections about element, attribute and type annotations to point to XML Schema components (per CR issue 1)
Change text in secions for attribute to have only XML schema component reference
JacekK: No further points and resolved to give this issue to the editors
RESOLUTION: CR issue 5 resolved to remove reference to attribute declaration wsdl component
JacekK: Can people with implementations email me with plans and status for implementations
<amit_john_karthik> we have link abouthe tools we have
JacekK: will Implement RDF mapping by early march
Carlos: our spec using SAWSDL is moving along
Brahamanda: Changes discussed last time implemented, effect part still to be implented (next week)
JacekK: possibly close issue 33, do people think that text in section 3.7 shold be kept
Joel: Yes this looks about right
Claudio: thinks that it should stay where it is now, useful for end user to exploit
JacekK: Largly formality. We will resolve issue 33 with the current text and location
... intention with SAWSDL as ground base for future standards, will formalise this in future standards
RESOLUTION: issue 33 resolved to keep section 3.7 in Usage Guide
JacekK: text from Karthik giving more detail
Karthik: Text ready for next conf call
JacekK: Close Issue 32, no substantial changes to usage guide
RESOLUTION: issue 32 closed with no changes to the spec or usage guide
Jacek: Discuss 2 issues emailed prior to conf call
Carine: Does it make sense to ask WSDL working group what they think is the extending of an interface?
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to ask WS-Desc WG about propagation of annotations in the component model [recorded in]
Jacek: Will record these issues and we will discuss the issues next week. Interim discussions on mailing list