
The document saved/private/Origo/ProcessAgreementInPrincipleRequest.xsd has been classified as being possibly an Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Nodes Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
advanced QualifiedLocalAttributes .[@attributeFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@attributeFormDefault)
basic SchemaVersion ./@version
basic DocumentationElement .//xs:annotation/xs:documentation/ (.., ., .//*, .//@*)
basic IdentifierName .//.[matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$")]/ (@name)
basic NonIdentifierName .//.[@name and not(matches(@name, "^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_]0 31)$"))]/ (@name)
basic GlobalElement ./xs:element[@name and @type and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic ElementMinOccurs0 .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and (not(@maxOccurs) or @maxOccurs = '1')]/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[@minOccurs = '0' and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
basic ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:element[(not(@minOccurs) or @minOccurs = '1') and @maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@minOccurs, @maxOccurs)
advanced ElementMaxOccursFinite .//xs:element[@maxOccurs and not(@maxOccurs = '0' or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs = 'unbounded')]/ (@maxOccurs)
basic AttributeOptional .//xs:attribute[@use = 'optional']/ (@use)
advanced AttributeDefault .//xs:attribute[@default] / (@default)
basic GlobalSimpleType ./xs:simpleType[@name]/ (., @name)
basic GlobalComplexType ./xs:complexType[@name]/ (., @name)
advanced SimpleTypeEnumerationType .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@base,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' ]/ (., @base, xs:enumeration/(., @value))
advanced ComplexTypeChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
basic ComplexTypeAttribute .//xs:complexType/xs:attribute[@name]/ (., @name)
basic ComplexTypeSequence .//xs:complexType/xs:sequence/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
advanced ExtendedSimpleContent .//xs:complexType/xs:simpleContent/xs:extension[@base]/ (.., ., ./@base, xs:attribute/ (., @name))
advanced ChoiceElement .//xs:choice/xs:element/(.)
basic SequenceElement .//xs:sequence/xs:element/(.)
basic NillableElement .//xs:element[@nillable = 'true' and not(@minOccurs = '0')]/ (@nillable)
basic ElementTypeReference .//xs:element[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic AttributeTypeReference .//xs:attribute[@name and @type and namespace-uri-from-QName(resolve-QName(@type,.)) != 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' and contains(@type, ':')]/ (., @name, @type)
basic BooleanElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:boolean')]
advanced IDAttribute .//xs:attribute/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:ID')]
basic IntElement .//xs:element/@type[resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:int')]
advanced StringSimpleTypePattern .//xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:pattern[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced IntSimpleTypePattern .//xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:int')]/xs:pattern[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:minLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string')]/xs:maxLength[@value]/ (.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedStringMinMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:string') and xs:minLength/@value and xs:maxLength/@value]/ (., @base, xs:minLength/(., @value), xs:maxLength/(., @value))
advanced SimpleTypeRenamed .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base and count(./*) = 0]/ (., @base)
advanced RestrictedMinInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxInclusive .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxInclusive[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
basic ComplexTypeSequenceExtension .//xs:complexType/xs:complexContent[xs:extension[@base]/xs:sequence]/ (., xs:extension/ (., @base, xs:sequence/(., xs:element/(., @name))))
advanced ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:choice[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@maxOccurs)
advanced ChoiceMaxOccursFinite .//xs:choice[@maxOccurs and not(@maxOccurs = '0' or @maxOccurs = '1' or @maxOccurs = 'unbounded')]/ (@maxOccurs)
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeTotalDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:totalDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:totalDigits/(., @value))
advanced DecimalSimpleTypeFractionDigits .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction[@base/resolve-QName(.,..) = xs:QName('xs:decimal') and xs:fractionDigits/@value]/ (., @base, xs:fractionDigits/(., @value))
advanced ComplexTypeExtension .//xs:complexType/xs:complexContent/xs:extension[@base]/(., @base, ../(.))

<xsd:schema TargetNamespace targetNamespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/aip/v1.0/ProcessAgreementInPrincipleRequest" TargetNamespace elementFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalElements attributeFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalAttributes version="1.0 Draft C" SchemaVersion >
<xsd:element GlobalElement ElementTypeReference name="process_aip_request" IdentifierName GlobalElement ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProcessAIPRequest" GlobalElement ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder element for the content of the ProcessAIPRequest.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="AccountHolderType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States if the Loan is held by one person or more than one person.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Single" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Joint" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="AddressLineType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A single line in an address that is not a postcode.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/SimpleAddress-1-2-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: AddressTypes-v1-4.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: AddressLineType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPersonalDetails
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Age" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of whole years since a person's birth.
<xsd:restriction RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive base="xsd:int" RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive >
<xsd:minInclusive RestrictedMinInclusive value="0" RestrictedMinInclusive />
<xsd:maxInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive value="150" RestrictedMaxInclusive />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="CardType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The different types of credit or debit card available within the UK.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="American Express" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Cirrus" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Delta" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Diners Club" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Discover" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Maestro" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="MasterCard" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Solo" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Switch" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Switch And Maestro" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Visa" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Visa UK Electron" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ConformType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Prime" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Sub Prime" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="CurrencyCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: List of defined Currency Codes used within Origo Mortgage messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="EUR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GBP" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Pound Sterling
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Date" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeRenamed base="xsd:date" SimpleTypeRenamed />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Decimal-2DP-Amount" NonIdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A decimal amount with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="DependantType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Brother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Daughter" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Father" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Granddaughter" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandfather" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandmother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandson" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Husband" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Mother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Other" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Partner" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Sister" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Wife" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="DepositSourceType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States the financial vehicle being used as a source for the down payment on a property.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Builder or Seller" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Concessionary" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Equity" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Gift" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Homebuy" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Housing Association or Registered Social Landlord" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Loan" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Other" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Savings" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Tenants Incentive Scheme" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="EmploymentContractType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Contract" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Permanent Full Time" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Permanent Part Time" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Piece Work" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Seasonal" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Temporary" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FamilyNameType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: That part of a person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/PersonFamilyName-2-0-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: PersonDescriptiveTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PersonFamilyNameType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="EmailAddressType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The string of characters that identifies an addressee's post box on the Internet.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/InternetEmailAddress-1-1-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: CommonSimpleTypes-v1-3.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: EmailAddressType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9A-Za-z'\.\-_]{1,127}@[0-9A-Za-z'\.\-_]{1,127}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FreeText" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An string which can contain any number of characters but cannot be null.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FSARefType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: FSA Reference Number. Either a 6 or 7 digit number. Leading zeroes are not expected.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/Pages/Doing/Regulated/Returns/psd/technical/index.shtml
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: FSAFeedCommon-v1-2.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: FSARefType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.fsa.gov.uk/XMLSchema/FSAFeedCommon-v1-2
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: By convention, Origo will use the names 'FirmFSARef' or 'PrincipalOrNetworkFSARef' for elements of this type.
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[1-9]{1}[0-9]{5,6}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="GenderType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category describing the sex of an Applicant, i.e. Male, Female, Unknown, Not specified.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source amendments: Renamed Government standard GenderCurrentType to GenderType.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Not Known" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Male" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Female" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Not specified" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="GeographicRegion" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unique code representing a constituent internal part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="England" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Scotland" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Northern Ireland" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Wales" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Unknown" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
'Unknown' should be used in cases of ambiguity regarding a location. For example, a property situated on the border between Scotland and England.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="GivenNameType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The forename or given name of a person.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/PersonGivenName-1-0-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: PersonDescriptiveTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PersonGivenNameType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="InvestmentVehicleType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Endowment" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Other" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="LifeRelationshipType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The relationships that can exist between two people or between a person and a company that are important in the context of life, pension and investment products.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Boyfriend" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Brother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Business Partner" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Civil Partner" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Cohabitant" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Common Law Spouse" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Daughter" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Debtor" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Dependant" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Employer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Father" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Fiancée" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Girlfriend" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Goddaughter" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Godfather" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Godmother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Godson" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Granddaughter" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandfather" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandmother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Grandson" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Husband" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Legal Guardian" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Mother" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Partner" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Relative" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Sister" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Wife" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="LoanPurposeType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Buy to Let" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Commercial" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Residential" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="MonthTerm" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unit of time measured in calendar months.
<xsd:restriction RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive base="xsd:int" RestrictedMinInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive >
<xsd:maxInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive value="11" RestrictedMaxInclusive />
<xsd:minInclusive RestrictedMinInclusive value="0" RestrictedMinInclusive />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="MortgageReason" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of the purchasing position of a person with respect to a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="First Time Buyer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Next Time Buyer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Porting" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="MortgageType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether a Mortgage Loan is being used for personal or investment purposes.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Buy To Let" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Residential" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="NameTitleType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Standard form of address that is used to precede a person's name.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/PersonTitle-2-0-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: PersonDescriptiveTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PersonNameTitleType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="NationalityType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The country of which a person is a citizen either by birth or by naturalisation. An enumerated list of Alpha-2 country codes as used in the ISO 3166-1 standard.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/list-en1.html
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: N/A
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: N/A
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: N/A
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AF" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: AFGHANISTAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AX" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ÅLAND ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ALBANIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="DZ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ALGERIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: AMERICAN SAMOA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AD" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ANDORRA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ANGOLA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AI" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ANGUILLA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AQ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ANTARCTICA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ARGENTINA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ARMENIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ARUBA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AU" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: AUSTRALIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: AUSTRIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: AZERBAIJAN
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BAHAMAS
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BAHRAIN
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BANGLADESH
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BARBADOS
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BELARUS
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BELGIUM
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BELIZE
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BENIN
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BERMUDA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BHUTAN
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BOLIVIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BOTSWANA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="BV" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BOUVET ISLAND
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BRAZIL
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="BN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BULGARIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BURKINA FASO
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: BURUNDI
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CAMBODIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CAMEROON
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CANADA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CAPE VERDE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CAYMAN ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CF" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CHAD
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CHILE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CHINA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CX" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CHRISTMAS ISLAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COLOMBIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COMOROS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CONGO
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CD" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COOK ISLANDS
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COSTA RICA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: COTE D'IVOIRE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CROATIA
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CUBA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CY" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CYPRUS
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: CZECH REPUBLIC
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: DENMARK
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="DJ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: DJIBOUTI
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="DM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: DOMINICA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ECUADOR
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: EGYPT
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SV" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: EL SALVADOR
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GQ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: EQUATORIAL GUINEA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ERITREA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ESTONIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ETHIOPIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="FK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="FO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FAROE ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="FJ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FIJI
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="FI" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FINLAND
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FRANCE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FRENCH GUIANA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FRENCH POLYNESIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GABON
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GAMBIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GEORGIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="DE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GERMANY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GHANA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GIBRALTAR
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GREECE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GREENLAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GD" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GRENADA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GP" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUADELOUPE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUAM
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUATEMALA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUERNSEY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUINEA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUINEA-BISSAU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GY" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: GUYANA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HAITI
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HONDURAS
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HONG KONG
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: HUNGARY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="IS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ICELAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="IN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: INDIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ID" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: INDONESIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: IRAQ
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: IRELAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="IM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ISLE OF MAN
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ISRAEL
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ITALY
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: JAMAICA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: JAPAN
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: JERSEY
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: JORDAN
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KAZAKHSTAN
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KENYA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KIRIBATI
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KUWAIT
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="KG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: KYRGYZSTAN
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LATVIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LEBANON
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LESOTHO
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LIBERIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
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<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LIECHTENSTEIN
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LITHUANIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: LUXEMBOURG
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MACAO
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MADAGASCAR
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MALAWI
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MALAYSIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MALDIVES
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MALI
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MALTA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MARSHALL ISLANDS
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MARTINIQUE
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MAURITANIA
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MAURITIUS
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MAYOTTE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MEXICO
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MONACO
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MONGOLIA
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MONTENEGRO
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MONTSERRAT
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MOROCCO
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
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ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MOZAMBIQUE
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<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: MYANMAR
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NAMIBIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NAURU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NP" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NEPAL
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NETHERLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NEW CALEDONIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NZ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NEW ZEALAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NI" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NICARAGUA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NIGER
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NIGERIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NU" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NIUE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NF" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NORFOLK ISLAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="MP" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="NO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: NORWAY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="OM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: OMAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PAKISTAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PALAU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PANAMA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PAPUA NEW GUINEA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PY" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PARAGUAY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PERU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PHILIPPINES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PITCAIRN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: POLAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PT" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PORTUGAL
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: PUERTO RICO
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="QA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: QATAR
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="RE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: REUNION
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="RO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ROMANIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="RU" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: RUSSIAN FEDERATION
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="RW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: RWANDA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAINT HELENA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="KN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="LC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAINT LUCIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="PM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="WS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAMOA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAN MARINO
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ST" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SAUDI ARABIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SENEGAL
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="RS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SERBIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SEYCHELLES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SIERRA LEONE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SINGAPORE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SLOVAKIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SI" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SLOVENIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SB" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SOLOMON ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SOMALIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ZA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SOUTH AFRICA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ES" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SPAIN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="LK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SRI LANKA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SD" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SUDAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SURINAME
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SJ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SZ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SWAZILAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SWEDEN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="CH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SWITZERLAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SY" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TJ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TAJIKISTAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TZ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: THAILAND
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TIMOR-LESTE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TOGO
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TK" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TOKELAU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TO" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TONGA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TT" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TUNISIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TR" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TURKEY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TURKMENISTAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TV" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: TUVALU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UGANDA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UKRAINE
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="AE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GB" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UNITED KINGDOM
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="US" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UNITED STATES
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UY" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: URUGUAY
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UZ" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: UZBEKISTAN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VU" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: VANUATU
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: VENEZUELA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: VIET NAM
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VG" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="VI" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="WF" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: WALLIS AND FUTUNA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="EH" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: WESTERN SAHARA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="YE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: YEMEN
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ZM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ZAMBIA
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ZW" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
ISO 3166 (English) short country name: ZIMBABWE
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="OccupationClassificationType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Administrative and Secretarial Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Associate Professionals and Technical Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Elementary Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Managers and Social Officials" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Personal Service Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Process Plant and Machine Operatives" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Professional Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Sales and Customer Service Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Skilled Trades Occupations" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="OtherIncomeSourceType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Car Allowance" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Child Tax Credit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="GMU and UMT (Medical Staff) Guaranteed" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Invalidity Benefit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="London/Regional Weighting" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Maternity Pay" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Mortgage Subsidy" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Other State Benefits" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Receipts" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Second Income" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Special Duties Allowance" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Travel Allowance" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Unsocial Hours Payments" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Working Tax Credit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="PercentageType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A percentage (e.g. for VAT or discounts) defined as a proportion or rate per hundred parts.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/Percentage-1-1-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: FinancialTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PercentageType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/GDSCFinancialTypes
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[\-\+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,3}|[\-,\+]{0,1}[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,16}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="PostCodeType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Complex pattern for postcode, which matches definition, accepted by some parsers is: "(GIR 0AA)|((([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][0-9]?)|(([A-Z-[QVX]][0-9][A-HJKSTUW])|([A-Z-[QVX]][A-Z-[IJZ]][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY])))) [0-9][A-Z-[CIKMOV]]{2})"
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/SimpleAddress-1-2-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: bs7666-v2-0.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PostCodeType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/bs7666
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? [0-9][A-Z-[CIKMOV]]{2}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="RemortgageReason" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of the purpose of a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Remortgage" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Product Transfer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ResidentialStatusType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Family or Friend" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Home Owner" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Mortgage Free" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Renting Employer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Renting Housing Association" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Renting Local Authority" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Renting Private" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="RestrictedStringType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A string which must adhere to the regular expression in the pattern element.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: CommonSimpleTypes-v1-3.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: RestrictedStringType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[A-Za-z0-9\s~!"@#$%&'\(\)\*\+,\-\./:;<=>\?\[\\\]_\{\}\^£€]*" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="SelfCertificationReasonType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Commission or Bonus Based Income" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Creditors Deadline/Auction Sale" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Existing Borrower" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Other" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Second Income Source as Non PAYE" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="TelephoneNumberType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number, including any exchange or location code, at which a person or organisation can be contacted by telephonic means.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/UKTelephoneNumber-2-0-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: CommonSimpleTypes-v1-3.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: TelephoneNumberType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/core
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9 \-]{1,20}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="TenureType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Common Hold" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Freehold" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Leasehold" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="TypeCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A free format code for a given type with up to 50 characters.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="UKTaxYearType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number that uniquely identifies the Tax Year for which related data items are valid. The Tax Year runs 6th April to 5th April of the following year
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/UKTaxYear-2-0-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: FinancialTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: UKTaxYearType
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/financial/GDSCFinancialTypes
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[1-2]{1}[0-9]{3}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="YearTerm" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unit of time measured in calendar years.
<xsd:restriction IntSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:int" IntSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern IntSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9]{1,3}" IntSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AIPRequestReferenceData" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Request Reference Data
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The set of data that enables a Mortgage Intermediary or a Lender to track a Mortgage Loan request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: When reference data is being used then at least one of Mortgage Intermediary Case Reference or Lender Case Reference must be present.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="2" ChoiceMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_case_reference" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Case Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code provided by a Lender that enables the association of related Agreement In Principle and Key Facts Illustration documents.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the reference information for the AIP Request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Lender Case Reference is generated by the Lender. To ensure absolute uniqueness of this reference, Origo recommends that the Lender prefixes the Lender Case Reference by his own Lender code, e.g. LDR1, LDR2.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Lender Case Reference used in the Request message may be a reference provided by the Lender in a previous Response message. It is an optional data item, but Origo recommends the use of it to enable a MI to correlate an Applicant’s AIPs for the same Lender. In the future, this may be used by the MI and the Lender to associate Pre Offer KFIs with AIPs.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="mi_case_reference" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Intermediary Case Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code supplied by the Mortgage Intermediary that enables the association of related Agreement In Principle and Key Facts Illustration documents.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the reference information for the AIP Request.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The MI Case Reference is generated by the MI. It is an optional data item, but Origo recommends the use of it to enable a MI to track associated Pre Offer KFIs and AIPs through their internal systems for an Applicant.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AdditionalEmploymentIncome" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Additional Employment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount of additional employment related earnings over, and above, wages, i.e. Allowance, Overtime, Commission and Bonus.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of the data elements Regular Amount or Guaranteed Amount must be present.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="regular_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Regular Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total annual monetary amount the Applicant receives on a regular basis, in addition to wages or salary, for employment related work.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Guaranteed Amount is not present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="guaranteed_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Guaranteed Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total annual monetary amount the Applicant is guaranteed to receive, in addition to wages or salary, for employment related work.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Regular Amount is not present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Applicant" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Applicant
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person seeking to enter into a Mortgage Loan contract.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameStructure" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Applicant Name Structure
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The Applicant's full name, containing the title, given names and family name.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="gender" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:GenderType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Gender Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category describing the sex of an Applicant, i.e. Male, Female, Unknown, Not specified.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date_of_birth" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date of Birth
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a person was born or is officially deemed to have been born.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="credit_search_authority_granted" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Search Authority Granted Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant has given the Lender the authority to run a credit search for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="life_relationship_status_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:LifeRelationshipType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Life Relationship Status Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The status of the Applicant with respect to legal marriage or civil partnership.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_of_dependants" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Dependants
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of people who rely on the Applicant for financial support.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The design makes the entry of the number of applicant dependants mandatory – even if this number is 0. The Lender will then know for definite the number of dependants that an applicant has.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: In theory, the number of applicant dependants could be determined by adding the number of Dependant detail elements present in the message. However, not all Lenders require details of the applicant’s dependants. If this approach was taken, there would be the risk that all information about dependants would be missed from the request message. Using a separate element to hold a definitive number of dependants therefore removes this risk.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="nationality" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NationalityType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Nationality Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The country of which the Applicant is a citizen either by birth or by naturalisation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="residency_expiry_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Residency Expiry Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant's right to reside in the UK ceases.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Right to Reside in the UK Indicator is False.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="right_to_reside_in_the_uk" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Right to Reside in the UK Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant has indefinite rights to reside in the UK.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Nationality Type indicates that the Applicant is not an EU national.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="conform_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ConformType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Conform Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States the Applicant's degree of conformity to a Lender's borrowing requirements.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="retirement_age" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Age" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Retirement Age
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The age at which the Applicant intends to retire from employment.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="current_postal_address" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:CurrentPostalAddress" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Current Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The postal location where the Applicant currently resides.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record current postal address details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="dependant" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Dependant" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Dependant
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person who relies on the Applicant for financial support.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any dependants the Applicant provides financial support for.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="previous_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PreviousName" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Previous Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A former name held by the Applicant, before it was changed.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any previous names for an Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="credit_history" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:CreditHistory" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit History
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the history of a number of key areas the Lender uses to measure the Applicant's credit worthiness, e.g. Bankruptcy, Credit Defaults, Rental Arrears, CCJs, etc.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the credit history of an Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="previous_postal_address" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PreviousPostalAddress" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Previous Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The postal location where the Applicant previously resided.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record previous postal address details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="employment_history" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:EmploymentHistory" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment History
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the current occupation and the history of how a person has been occupied whilst earning wages which are paid by an employer or as a self-employed person..
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record occupation information for the Applicant and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant"s affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Income" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: All monies received on a regular basis from different sources, e.g. employments, investments, rents, pensions, etc.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record income details for the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="borrowing_commitment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:BorrowingCommitment" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Borrowing Commitment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details any current financial obligations that have been established for the purpose of gaining a level of borrowing, i.e. Credit Cards or Loans.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="non_borrowing_commitment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NonBorrowingCommitment" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Non Borrowing Commitment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details any current financial obligations which are paid on a regular basis that do not constitute a level of borrowing. An example is a Maintenance arrangement.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record a non-borrowing commitment for an Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of Monthly Maintenance Payment Amount or Other Monthly Payment Amount must be present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AppointedRepresentative" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Appointed Representative
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person acting as a Mortgage Intermediary who is not directly regulated by the FSA but who can carry out regulated business via the Principal of an associated regulated firm.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="agency_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Agency Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code, prescribed by the Lender, which can be used to identify the Mortgage Intermediary and may also identify any Third Party involved in the Mortgage sale and the commission rate.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to identify the Mortgage Intermediary requesting a check. It may also aid identification of any associated Third Parties. It may be supplied in addition to the FSA Ref.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="FirmFSARef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FSARefType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Firm FSA Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number given by the UK FSA which identifies a firm that has registered with the UK FSA.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to identify the Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="PrincipalOrNetworkFSARef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FSARefType" ElementTypeReference nillable="true" NillableElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Principal Firm FSA Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number given by the UK FSA which uniquely identifies a principal firm or network.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used in conjunction with the Appointed Rep's FSA ref to identify the associated Network.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Bankruptcy" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bankruptcy
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The action of being declared insolvent.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="registration_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bankruptcy Registration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant was declared insolvent.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="discharged_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bankruptcy Discharged Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant was declared solvent following bankruptcy.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant has had their bankruptcy discharged.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="BorrowingCommitment" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="credit_card" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:CreditCard" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Card
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the details of each current Credit Card commitment made by the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the details of any credit cards the Applicant currently has commitments for and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's credit worthiness.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="secured_loan" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:SecuredLoan" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Secured Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A loan secured on property or assets.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the details of any secured Loans the Applicant currently has and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's credit worthiness.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="unsecured_loan" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:UnsecuredLoan" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unsecured Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A loan that is not secured against a particular asset.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the details of any unsecured Loans the Applicant currently has and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's credit worthiness.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="CCJ" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: County Court Judgement
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Abbreviated as CCJ. A ruling made against a person or company for debt in the county court. This is as a result of the person or company failing to maintain or make payments on the debt to a creditor.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="registration_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: CCJ Registration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the CCJ was established.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="settled_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: CCJ Settled Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the CCJ was satisfied.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the CCJ has been satisfied.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: CCJ Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount owed by the Applicant to the creditor that lodged the CCJ.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FreeText" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: CCJ Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Information about the creditor that lodged the CCJ against the Applicant.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="CreditCard" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Card
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the details of each current Credit Card commitment made by the Applicant.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="card_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:CardType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Card Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The type of credit card held by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="name_of_issuer" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Name of Issuer
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The organisation that supplied the Applicant with a credit card.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="balance_paid_off_monthly" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Balance Paid Off Monthly Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant clears the outstanding amount on their credit card each calendar month.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount_remaining_after_loan_repaid" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Total Amount Remaining After Loan Repaid
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount outstanding on the credit card after completion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="card_held_term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Card Held Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The period of time, in Years and Months, that the Applicant has had their credit card with the card issuer.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_payment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Monthly Payment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount the Applicant pays to the creditor each calendar month.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="outstanding_balance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Outstanding Balance
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount owed by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_1_3_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 1-3 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 1-3 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_4_6_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 4-6 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 4-6 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_7_12_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 7-12 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 7-12 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_13_24_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 13-24 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 13-24 months.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="CreditDefault" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Default
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The act of failing to meet payments on an unsecured credit agreement.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="registration_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Default Registration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the Credit Default was notified to the credit reference agency.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="settled_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Default Settled Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the credit reference agency recorded that the Credit Default was satisfied.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Credit Default has been settled.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="CreditHistory" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit History
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the history of a number of key areas the Lender uses to measure the Applicant's credit worthiness, e.g. Bankruptcy, Credit Defaults, Rental Arrears, CCJs, etc.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="refused_mortgage" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Refused Mortgage Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant has previously been declined for a Mortgage.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="rental_arrears" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RentalArrears" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Rental Arrears
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The state where the renters of a property have failed to make one or more of the payments due on their accommodation to the owner or their appointed representative, typically with reference to an amount of rent outstanding.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any rental arrears the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="ccj" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:CCJ" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: County Court Judgement
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Abbreviated as CCJ. A ruling made against a person or company for debt in the county court. This is as a result of the person or company failing to maintain or make payments on the debt to a creditor.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any CCJs the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="bankruptcy" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Bankruptcy" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bankruptcy
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The action of being declared insolvent.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any bankruptcy the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="credit_default" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:CreditDefault" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Credit Default
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The act of failing to meet payments on an unsecured credit agreement.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any credit defaults the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="iva" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:IVA" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Individual Voluntary Arrangement
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Abbreviated as IVA. An agreement between a person with debts and their creditors as to how their debt will be discharged. Such a scheme requires the approval of a court and is under control of a supervisor and insolvency practitioners.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any IVAs the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="previous_loan" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PreviousLoan" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Previous Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the details of a previous Loan commitment made by the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any previous loans the Applicant was involved in and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="property_repossession_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repossessed Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant has had ownership of a Property claimed by a Lender
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record historical information about any Property repossessions the Applicant has incurred and used by the Lender to assess the credit worthiness of the Applicant.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="CurrentPostalAddress" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Current Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The postal location where the Applicant currently resides.
<xsd:complexContent ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:extension ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension base="aip:PostalAddress" ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequenceExtension >
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="residential_status" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:ResidentialStatusType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Residential Status Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The living circumstances of the Applicant, e.g. Homeowner, Renting Private, etc.
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="start_date" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Address Start Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant moved to the relevant address.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Dependant" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Dependant
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person who relies on the Applicant for financial support.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="age" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Age" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Dependant's Age
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The age in years of the person who relies on the Applicant for financial support.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="relationship_to_applicant" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:DependantType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Dependant's Relationship to Applicant Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The relationship between the person applying for the Mortgage and the person who relies on them for financial support.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DirectlyAuthorised" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Directly Authorised
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person acting as a Mortgage Intermediary who works for a firm that is regulated by the FSA and that is also authorised to conduct mortgage business in accordance with UK FSA legislation.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="agency_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Agency Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code, prescribed by the Lender, which can be used to identify the Mortgage Intermediary and may also identify any Third Party involved in the Mortgage sale and the commission rate.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to identify the Mortgage Intermediary requesting a check. It may also aid identification of any associated Third Parties. May be supplied in addition to the FSA Ref.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="FirmFSARef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FSARefType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Firm FSA Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number given by the UK FSA which identifies a firm that has registered with the UK FSA.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to identify the Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Employed" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employed
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the employment history of an individual as a consequence of entering into a contract with an employer.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="start_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Start Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date from which the Applicant commenced the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the start of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant ceased working in the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the end of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the applicant ceased working in the occupation in question.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="employment_contract" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:EmploymentContractType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment Contract Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States what sort of work the Applicant is currently employed in.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the Applicant's employment status, e.g. Contract, Temporary, Seasonal, etc.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="occupation_classification" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:OccupationClassificationType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Classification Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The UK Government issued Standard Occupational Classification. These classifications have been taken from the UK government list, see http://www.statistics.gov.uk/methods_quality/soc/structure.asp.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the classification of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="occupation_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FreeText" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The description of the job performed by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="probationary_period_end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Probationary Period End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant is due to complete the trial period stipulated by the current employer.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the end of the probationary period for the Employment.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant is currently working in the Probationary Period for the employer.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="EmploymentHistory" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment History
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the current occupation and the history of how a person has been occupied whilst earning wages which are paid by an employer or as a self-employed person..
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="employed" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Employed" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employed
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the employment history of an individual as a consequence of entering into a contract with an employer.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record occupation information where the Applicant has been Employed and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant"s affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="self_employed" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:SelfEmployed" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Employed
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the history of a person working for them-selves.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record occupation information where the Applicant has been Self Employed and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant"s affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="full_time_student" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Occupation" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Full Time Student
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the occupation of a person whereby the majority of their time is deemed to be spent as a person in full-time study.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the period(s) when an Applicant has been a Full Time Student.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="not_earning" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Occupation" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Not Earning
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the occupation of a person whereby the majority of their time is deemed to be spent as a non-earner.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the period(s) when the Applicant has deemed to be not earning.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="retired" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Occupation" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Retired
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the occupation of a person whereby the majority of their time is deemed to be spent as a person in retirement.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the period(s) when an Applicant has been retired.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="home_maker" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Occupation" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Home Maker
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the occupation of a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the period(s) when an Applicant has been a home-maker.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="EmploymentIncome" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount of employment related earnings.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="gross_basic_annual_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Gross Basic Annual Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total employment income the Applicant makes per annum, inclusive of tax.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="net_monthly_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Net Monthly Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total employment income the Applicant makes in a calendar month after tax has been deducted.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="allowance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Allowance
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary compensation the Applicant receives from their employer for expenses incurred as a result of their job.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record allowance income for the Applicant and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant’s affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="overtime_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AdditionalEmploymentIncome" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Overtime Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant receives from working over and above their normal working hours.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any income received for overtime for the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of the data elements Regular Amount or Guaranteed Amount must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="commission_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AdditionalEmploymentIncome" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Commission Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant earns as an incentive from their employment.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any income received from commission for the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of the data elements Regular Amount or Guaranteed Amount must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="bonus_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AdditionalEmploymentIncome" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bonus Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant receives for performance related work.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any income received from bonuses for the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of the data elements Regular Amount or Guaranteed Amount must be present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="IVA" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Individual Voluntary Arrangement
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Abbreviated as IVA. An agreement between a person with debts and their creditors as to how their debt will be discharged. Such a scheme requires the approval of a court and is under control of a supervisor and insolvency practitioners.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="registration_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: IVA Registration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the IVA was established.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="settled_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: IVA Settled Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the IVA was satisfied.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the IVA is settled.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: IVA Monthly Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount paid to the IVA each calendar month.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the IVA is not settled.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="predicted_end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: IVA Predicted End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the IVA is expected to finish.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the IVA is not settled.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="repaid_on_completion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: IVA Repaid on Completion Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the IVA will be repaid when the Mortgage funds are released.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the IVA is not settled.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Income" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: All monies received on a regular basis from different sources, e.g. employments, investments, rents, pensions, etc.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="employment_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:EmploymentIncome" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount of employment related earnings.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record income details where the Applicant has been Employed and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="self_employment_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:SelfEmploymentIncome" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Employment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money earned through being Self Employed.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record income details where the Applicant has been Self Employed and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant"s affordability for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="other_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:OtherIncome" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Other Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Non-employment related monies received on a regular basis from sources that are not classified as Investments, Rents, Pensions, Housing Benefits, or Maintenance arrangements.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record other income details for the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="pension_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Pension Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant receives from pension income.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record pension income details for the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="rental_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Rental Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant receives from the leasing of properties.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record rental income details of the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="housing_benefit_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Housing Benefit Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money received from the government for housing assistance.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record housing benefit income details for the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="maintenance_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:MaintenanceIncome" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Maintenance Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money received from alimony.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record maintenance income details for the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="investment_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Investment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money the Applicant receives from investments.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record investment income details of the Applicant.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="InterestOnlyLoanPortion" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Interest Only Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where only the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The method of repayment is implied through the existence or omission of a loan portion class, i.e. a) Interest Only Loan Portion: then Repayment Method = "Interest Only"
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time that is planned to repay a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the term, in years and months, of the Interest Only portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="loan_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Portion Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The actual monetary amount of a portion of a Mortgage Loan, including fees.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the loan amount of the Interest Only portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="investment_vehicle" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:InvestmentVehicleType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Investment Vehicle Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The method by which the interest only portion of a Mortgage is to be repaid on completion of the term.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record how the loan amount for the Interest Only portion of the Mortgage Loan is to be repaid on completion of the term.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="JointLiability" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Joint Liability
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The act of the responsibility of a Mortgage Loan being shared with other persons.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Liability Shared With Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the person the Applicant shares the Loan liability with.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="liability_shared_with_applicant" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Liability Shared With Applicant Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the person who is sharing the liability of a current loan is also an associated Applicant for the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="LoanApplication" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Application
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The key information about a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="deposit_source" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:DepositSourceType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Deposit Source Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The financial vehicle being used as a source for the down payment on a property.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="right_to_buy" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Right to Buy Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Loan Application is for a Right to Buy case.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Right to Buy status is required to validate the Product.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="regulated_business" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Regulated Business Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator for whether the sale of a Mortgage Loan is subject to FSA regulation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="property" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Property" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Property
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Any heritable property and all improvements, buildings or structures on heritable property, from boundary line to boundary line.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record Property information which is used by the Lender in the assessment of the AIP.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_loan_part" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageLoanPart" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Loan Part
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A part of a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the details of a part of the Mortgage Loan for the AIP Request.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_intermediary_contact" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageIntermediaryContact" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Intermediary Contact
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The contact details for a Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Enables the Lender to contact the Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="applicant" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Applicant" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Applicant
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person seeking to enter into a Mortgage Loan contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record Applicant information for the AIP Request and used by the Lender assess whether the Applicant meets lending criteria.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product_loan_criteria" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:LoanApplicationProductCriteria" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Identifier Loan Criteria
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Information pertinent to a Loan Application that enables a Lender to verify Product selection.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: If a specific Product Code is specified for a part of the mortgage loan, these criteria are used by the Lender to verify that the Product identified by the Product Code is valid for the Mortgage Loan criteria.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: If Product Search Criteria are specified for a part of the mortgage loan (i.e. a product search is required), these criteria are used by the Lender to perform the product search.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="LoanApplicationProductCriteria" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Application Product Criteria
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Information about a Mortgage Loan that is relevant to a Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to select a Product
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category that describes the non-commercial Mortgage Loan with respect to personal or investment purposes that the Loan is being used for, i.e. Residential or Buy to Let.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="conform_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ConformType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Conform Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category for the element of risk with respect to a Lender’s 'standard lending criteria' that an Applicant or a Product conforms to, e.g. Prime, Sub Prime.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="non_conform_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Non Conform Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The category of a Sub-Prime Mortgage Sector.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Conform Type is "Sub Prime" and the "Sub Prime" status of the Mortgage is used to validate the Product.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageReason" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Reason Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category of the purchasing position of a person with respect to a Mortgage Loan, i.e. "First Time Buyer", "Next Time Buyer", or "Porting".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="remortgage_reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RemortgageReason" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Remortgage Reason Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category of the purpose of a remortgage Loan, i.e. "Remortgage" or "Product Transfer".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Not valid for Mortgage Reason of "First Time Buyer".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="cash_reserve_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Cash Reserve Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount that is pre-authorised by a Lender but which is not included in the initial drawdown of funds. Can be used by an Applicant at a later date for further lending without the need to undergo further credit reassessment.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MaintenanceIncome" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Maintenance Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money received from alimony.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Non Employment Income Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount the Applicant receives on a regular basis from a variety of non-Employment related sources.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="subject_to_court_order" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Maintenance Subject to Court Order Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Maintenance is as result of a Court Order.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MonetaryAmount" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A financial amount. This will be a numeric value held within the textnode, of the element, that is implemented using this structure. An attribute will be defined within the implemented element to define the currency of the amount to be specified.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="aip:Decimal-2DP-Amount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="aip:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The type of currency used in a financial amount.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MortgageIntermediaryAuthorisation" NonIdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="appointed_representative" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:AppointedRepresentative" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Appointed Representative
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person acting as a Mortgage Intermediary who is not directly regulated by the FSA but who can carry out regulated business via the Principal of an associated regulated firm.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Set of details to be used to identify an Appointed Representative.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="directly_authorised" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:DirectlyAuthorised" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Directly Authorised
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person acting as a Mortgage Intermediary who works for a firm that is regulated by the FSA and that is also authorised to conduct mortgage business in accordance with UK FSA legislation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Set of details to be used to identify a Directly Authorised Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MortgageArrears" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Arrears
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The state where a person has failed to make one or more payments on a Loan secured on a Property, typically with reference to an amount outstanding.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="registration_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Arrears Registration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the creditor registers Mortgage arrears with a credit reference agency.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant has been in arrears for Mortgage payments on a current Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="settled_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Arrears Settled Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the creditor notifies the credit reference agency that the debt has been settled.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant has been in arrears for Mortgage payments on a current Mortgage Loan and the Mortgage Arrears have been settled.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MortgageLoanPart" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Loan Part
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A part of a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The method of repayment is implied through the existence or omission of the Loan Portion classes, i.e. Loan Portion Repayment Method Interest Only = "Interest Only" Loan Portion Repayment Method Repayment = "Repayment" Loan Portion Repayment Method Interest Only + Repayment = "Part & Part"
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product_identifier" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProductIdentification" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Identifier
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An identifier for a specific Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to select the requested Product for the AIP Request where the Product Code is known.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency : Required if product_search_criteria is not present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product_search_criteria" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProductSearchCriteria" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder element for the data required to search for a product if the product code is not known.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if product_identifier is not present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="interest_only_loan_portion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:InterestOnlyLoanPortion" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Interest Only Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where only the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to specify the Interest Only Loan Portion for the AIP where the method of repayment is "Interest Only" or "Part & Part".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of Interest Only Loan Portion or Repayment Loan Portion must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="repayment_loan_portion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RepaymentLoanPortion" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repayment Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where both the capital and the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to specify the Repayment Loan Portion for the AIP where the method of repayment is "Repayment" or "Part & Part".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of Interest Only Loan Portion or Repayment Loan Portion must be present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="NameStructure" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Collection of information describing someone's name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: PersonDescriptiveTypes-v1-1.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source notes: This mirrors the CitizenNameStructure in the AddressAndPersonalDetails namespace and supersedes it.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: PersonNameStructure
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/PersonDescriptives
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source amendments: Element 'PersonGivenName' made mandatory; 'PersonRequestNameType' and 'PersonNameSuffixType' removed; Element names changed to lower case with underscore space separation.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="name_title" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameTitleType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Standard form of address that is used to precede a person's name.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="given_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:GivenNameType" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: 'GivenName' elements contain what would have traditionally been called forenames and middle names
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="family_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FamilyNameType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: That part of a person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="NonBorrowingCommitment" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Non Borrowing Commitment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details any current financial obligations which are paid on a regular basis that do not constitute a level of borrowing. An example is a Maintenance arrangement.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: At least one of Monthly Maintenance Payment Amount or Other Monthly Payment Amount must be present.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_maintenance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Monthly Maintenance Payment Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monthly monetary amount paid by the Applicant to contribute to the cost of living to another person. This may include CSA payments.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Other Monthly Payment Amount is not present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="other_monthly_payment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Other Monthly Payment Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount that the Applicant pays each calendar month to non-borrowing commitments, e.g. School Fees, Ground Rents, Service Charge.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Monthly Maintenance Payment Amount is not present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Occupation" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details how the Applicant has been occupying the greater amount of their time, e.g. Not Earning, Retired, Employed, Self Employed.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="start_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Start Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date from which the Applicant commenced the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the start of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant ceased working in the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the end of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the applicant ceased working in the occupation in question.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="OtherIncome" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Other Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Non-employment related monies received on a regular basis from sources that are not classified as Investments, Rents, Pensions, Housing Benefits, or Maintenance arrangements.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Non Employment Income Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount the Applicant receives on a regular basis from a variety of non-Employment related sources.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="other_income_source" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:OtherIncomeSourceType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Other Income Source Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The classification of the supplementary earnings that the Applicant receives.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PostalAddress" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The address of a postal delivery point. This is usually a building and usually comprises a name/number, street, town and county/state/province and sometimes country.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/SimpleAddress-1-2-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: AddressTypes-v1-4.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: UKPostalAddressStructure
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPersonalDetails
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source amendments: Element 'Line' minOccurs changed from 2 to 1; Element 'Postcode' made mandatory; Element names changed to lower case with underscore space separation.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="line" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AddressLineType" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="5" ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A single line in an address that is not a postcode.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="postcode" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PostCodeType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code that specifies a specific delivery location.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PreviousLoan" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Previous Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains the details of a previous Loan commitment made by the Applicant.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="secured_loan" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Secured Loan Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the cash advance relates to a Secured Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="outstanding_balance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Outstanding Balance
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount owed by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_firm_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Firm Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the financial institution that has loaned money to the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="initial_payment_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Initial Payment Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date that the Applicant made the first payment.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="last_payment_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Last Payment Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant made the final payment for the Previous Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_payment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Monthly Payment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount the Applicant pays to the creditor each calendar month.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_of_payments_missed" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed on Previous Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total number of payments the Applicant missed on a previous Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant missed payments on the Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_of_mortgage_arrears" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Mortgage Arrears on Previous Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total number of Mortgage Arrears incurred on a previous Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant incurred any mortgage arrears on the Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="total_mortgage_arrears_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Total Mortgage Arrears Amount on Previous Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount of arrears the Applicant incurred on a previous Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the Applicant incurred any mortgage arrears on the Loan.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PreviousName" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:complexContent ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:extension ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension base="aip:NameStructure" ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequenceExtension >
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="date_of_name_change" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date of Name Change
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant altered their name.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PreviousPostalAddress" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Previous Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The postal location where the Applicant previously resided.
<xsd:complexContent ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:extension ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension base="aip:PostalAddress" ComplexTypeSequenceExtension ComplexTypeExtension >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequenceExtension >
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="residential_status" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:ResidentialStatusType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Residential Status Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The living circumstances of the Applicant, e.g. Homeowner, Renting Private, etc.
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="start_date" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Address Start Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant moved to the relevant address.
<xsd:element SequenceElement ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension name="end_date" IdentifierName ElementTypeReference ComplexTypeSequenceExtension type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Address End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant moved from the relevant address.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ProcessAIPRequest" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Request
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The Request message wrapper for the AIP.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mi_authorisation" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageIntermediaryAuthorisation" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder element for data required to check that the Mortgage Intermediary is authorised to request this AIP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Lender must verify that the MI has the appropriate authorisation to perform the requested AIP.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="loan_application" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:LoanApplication" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Application
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The key information about a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the Loan Application details for the AIP Request.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="aip_request_reference_data" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AIPRequestReferenceData" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: AIP Request Reference Data
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The set of data that enables a Mortgage Intermediary or a Lender to track a Mortgage Loan request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the reference information for the AIP Request.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Message Content Identifier
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The identifier of a Request or of a Response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides a mechanism to electronically identify the component of the message to be digitally signed using a Web Services Framework.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ProductIdentification" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Identification
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The identifiers which are used to specify a product. This can either be through a Product Code or through a set of product attributes, known as a Product Set.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The identifier used by a Mortgage Lender to identify a specific Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to identify the Mortgage Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Product Code in this request message is the preferred method for identifying a Product. Using the Product Code explicitly identifies the Product requested by the Applicant.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Property" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Property
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Any heritable property and all improvements, buildings or structures on heritable property, from boundary line to boundary line.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="geographic_region" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:GeographicRegion" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Geographic Region Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The locality within the UK where a property is situated.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="property_value" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Property Value
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary value of a Property.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency 1: If Product is present, at least one of Purchase Price or Property Valuation Amount must be present.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency 2: If Product is not present, Property Valuation Amount is Optional.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="purchase_price" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Purchase Price
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount that is to be paid for a Property.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency 1: If Product is present, at least one of Purchase Price or Property Valuation Amount must be present.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency 2: If Product is not present, Property Valuation Amount is Optional.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="postal_address" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PropertyPostalAddress" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Property Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The postal address of the property being secured against the mortgage loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="tenure" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TenureType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Tenure Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The legal title in which land is owned by an individual.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unexpired_lease_years" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:YearTerm" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unexpired Lease Years
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The remaining period of the Leasehold agreement in years.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Tenure Type is "Leasehold".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="applicant_main_residence" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Applicant Main Residence Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant will use the property as their primary home.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Mortgage Type is "Residential".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_rental_income" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Expected Monthly Rental Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount the Applicant is expected to receive on the letting of the property per calendar month.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Mortgage Type is "Buy to Let".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PropertyPostalAddress" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The address of the mortgage property postal delivery point. This is usually a building and usually comprises a name/number, street, town and county/state/province and sometimes country.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source info: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/html/noframes/SimpleAddress-1-2-Release.htm
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source file: AddressTypes-v1-4.xsd
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source name: UKPostalAddressStructure
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source namespace: http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/people/AddressAndPersonalDetails
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Source amendments: Element 'Line' minOccurs changed from 2 to 1; Element 'Postcode' made mandatory; Element names changed to lower case with underscore space separation.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="line" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AddressLineType" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="5" ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A single line in an address that is not a postcode.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="postcode" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PostCodeType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code that specifies a specific delivery location.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RentalArrears" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Rental Arrears
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The state where the renters of a property have failed to make one or more of the payments due on their accommodation to the owner or their appointed representative, typically with reference to an amount of rent outstanding.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_1_3_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 1-3 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 1-3 months.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: One of the "Payments Missed *" fields must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_4_6_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 4-6 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 4-6 months.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: One of the "Payments Missed *" fields must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_7_12_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 7-12 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 7-12 months.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: One of the "Payments Missed *" fields must be present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_13_24_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 13-24 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 13-24 months.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: One of the "Payments Missed *" fields must be present.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RepaymentLoanPortion" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repayment Loan Portion
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific portion of a Mortgage Loan where both the capital and the interest is to be repaid.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The method of repayment is implied through the existence or omission of a loan portion class, i.e. a) Interest Only Loan Portion: then Repayment Method = "Interest Only"
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time that is planned to repay a portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the term, in years and months, of the Repayment portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="loan_amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Portion Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The actual monetary amount of a portion of a Mortgage Loan, including fees.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the loan amount of the Repayment portion of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="SecuredLoan" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Secured Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A loan secured on property or assets.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="held_as_subprime_product" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Held as Sub Prime Product Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not a Current Loan held by the Applicant is subject to specialist lending.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's credit worthiness.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="purpose" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:LoanPurposeType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Loan Purpose Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States if the Loan is for personal or investment purposes.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used to record the reason for taking out the Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="time_with_lender_years" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:YearTerm" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Time With Lender Years
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time, in years, that the Applicant has had a current Loan with a Lender.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mortgage_arrears" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MortgageArrears" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Arrears
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The state where a person has failed to make one or more payments on a Loan secured on a Property, typically with reference to an amount outstanding.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record any arrears on Mortgage Loans the Applicant currently has and used by the Lender to assess the Applicant's credit worthiness.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="expected_last_payment_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Expected Last Payment Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date that the Applicant expects to make the final payment.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="single_joint" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AccountHolderType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Single or Joint Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates the number of Applicants participating in the Mortgage Loan, i.e. "Single" for one Applicant, "Joint" for multiple Applicants.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="repay_loan_on_completion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repay Loan on Completion Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant intends to pay off the Loan on completion of the Mortgage.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_firm_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Firm Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the financial institution that has loaned money to the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="joint_liability" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:JointLiability" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Joint Liability
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The act of the responsibility of a Mortgage Loan being shared with other persons.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the person's name the Loan is shared with and also to indicate if that person is one of the Applicants for this Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_payment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Monthly Payment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount the Applicant pays to the creditor each calendar month.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="outstanding_balance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Outstanding Balance
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount owed by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_1_3_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 1-3 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 1-3 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_4_6_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 4-6 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 4-6 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_7_12_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 7-12 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 7-12 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_13_24_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 13-24 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 13-24 months.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="SelfEmployed" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Employed
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Details the history of a person working for them-selves.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="start_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Start Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date from which the Applicant commenced the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the start of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation End Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the Applicant ceased working in the occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the end of the period of the Applicant's occupation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if the applicant ceased working in the occupation in question.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="percentage_of_business_owned" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PercentageType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Percentage of Business Owned
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The percentage of the business owned by the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="self_employed_verified" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Employed Verified Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant's self employment can be verified by a third party.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="self_certification_reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:SelfCertificationReasonType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Certification Reason Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States why the Applicant cannot provide conventional evidence of their earnings.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Self Employed Verified Indicator is False.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="employment_contract" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:EmploymentContractType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Employment Contract Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States what sort of work the Applicant is currently employed in.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="occupation_classification" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:OccupationClassificationType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Classification Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The UK Government issued Standard Occupational Classification. These classifications have been taken from the UK government list, see http://www.statistics.gov.uk/methods_quality/soc/structure.asp.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="occupation_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Occupation Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The description of the job performed by the Applicant.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record self employment details.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="SelfEmploymentIncome" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Self Employment Income
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money earned through being Self Employed.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="profit_year" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:UKTaxYearType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Profit Year
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The year for which the pre-tax profits apply.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="net_profit" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Net Profit
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The company gains net of tax.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="drawings" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Drawings
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount that the Applicant takes from their business as wages per annum.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="TermYearsAndMonths" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in years and months.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="years" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:YearTerm" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in years.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="months" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonthTerm" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in months.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnsecuredLoan" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unsecured Loan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A loan that is not secured against a particular asset.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="time_with_lender_years" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:YearTerm" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Time With Lender Years
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time, in years, that the Applicant has had a current Loan with a Lender.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="expected_last_payment_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Expected Last Payment Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date that the Applicant expects to make the final payment.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="single_joint" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AccountHolderType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Single or Joint Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates the number of Applicants participating in the Mortgage Loan, i.e. "Single" for one Applicant, "Joint" for multiple Applicants.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="repay_loan_on_completion" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Repay Loan on Completion Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the Applicant intends to pay off the Loan on completion of the Mortgage.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="lender_firm_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Lender Firm Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the financial institution that has loaned money to the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="joint_liability" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:JointLiability" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Joint Liability
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The act of the responsibility of a Mortgage Loan being shared with other persons.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to record the person's name the Loan is shared with and also to indicate if that person is one of the Applicants for this Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="monthly_payment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Monthly Payment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount the Applicant pays to the creditor each calendar month.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="outstanding_balance" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Outstanding Balance
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The total monetary amount owed by the Applicant.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_1_3_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 1-3 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 1-3 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_4_6_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 4-6 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 4-6 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_7_12_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 7-12 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 7-12 months.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="number_payments_missed_13_24_months" NonIdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:int" IntElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Payments Missed in 13-24 Months
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The number of payments the Applicant has missed in 13-24 months.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MortgageIntermediaryContact" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mortgage Intermediary Contact
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The contact details for a Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Intermediary Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The full name of a Mortgage Intermediary.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="postal_address" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PostalAddress" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Postal Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A description which uniquely identifies a postal delivery location.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="telephone_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TelephoneNumberType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Telephone Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number, including any exchange or location code, at which a person or organisation can be contacted by telephone means.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fax_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TelephoneNumberType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fax Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number, including any exchange or location code, at which a person or organisation can be contacted by a facsimile machine.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="mobile_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:TelephoneNumberType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Mobile Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number by which a person or organisation can be contacted by a mobile telephone network.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="email" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:EmailAddressType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Email Address
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The string of characters that identifies an addressee's post box on the Internet, e.g. enquiries@bigcompany.com.
<!-- START : Types required to support the interface of the ProvideProductList service to support product search -->
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ProductSearchCriteria" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="product_set" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:ProductSet" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Set
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A set of characteristics that enables a Product to be identified.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ProductSet" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Product Set
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A set of characteristics that enables a Product to be identified.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: All data elements are used to identify a Product where the product code is unknown.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="offset_product" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Offset Product Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not a Product is an Offset Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines whether to search for an offset product. If this is not present the both types of product may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="current_account_product" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Current Account Product Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator for whether or not the Mortgage is a Current Account type of Mortgage. A Current Account Mortgage consolidates a mortgage, savings and current account in one account.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines whether to search for a current account product. If this is not present the both types of product may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="flexible_payments" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Flexible Payments Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not a Product allows for flexible payments such as overpayments, underpayments or payment holidays.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines whether to search for a flexible payments product. If this is not present the both types of product may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="rate_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:RateType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Rate Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A category that describes the kind of interest rate being charged.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines the rate type to be used for the product search. If this is not present a product qith any rate type may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement name="rate_stepped" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence type="xsd:boolean" BooleanElement minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Rate Stepped Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the interest rate is stepped between the initial rate and the revert rate.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines whether to search for a product where the interest rate is stepped. If this is not present the both types of product may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="initial_rate" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PercentageType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Initial Rate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The starting percentage at which interest will be charged at the beginning of a Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines the initial rate to use when searching for products. If this is not present a product with any initial rate may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="initial_rate_term" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:InitialRateTerm" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Initial Rate Term
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The period of time that an initial interest rate is applicable.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose : Defines the initial rate term to use when searching for products. If this is not present a product with any initial rate term may be returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="revert_rate_margin" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:PercentageType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Revert Rate Margin
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The percentage variance from the Initial Rate that a Mortgage Loan will be charged at after the Initial Interest Rate term expires.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: May be used by the Lender in Product selection.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if Revert Rate Margin is required to identify a Product.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: If the Product Code is not present, and Revert Rate Margin is required to identify the Product and is also not present, then the Lender will need to return an appropriate Error message requesting that the Mortgage Intermediary supply the Revert Rate Margin in a subsequent AIP Request message.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="third_party_indicator" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="aip:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Third Party Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator of whether or not the required Product is to indicate a Third Party, i.e. Mortgage Club or Packager, involved in the sale of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Used by the Mortgage Intermediary to indicate Third Party involvement and may also be used by the Lender in Product selection.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if a Third Party is involved in the sale of the Mortgage Loan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This enables the Lender to identify a product based on whether or not a Third Party was involved in a Mortgage sale. This covers the scenario where the Lender has one product for the Mortgage Intermediary and another product for specific Third Party channels, e.g. for a preferential procuration fee.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="InitialRateTerm" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The length of time that a starting interest rate is applicable.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="initial_rate_term_end_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The end date of a starting rate of interest.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="initial_rate_term_length" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="aip:TermYearsAndMonths" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A period of time measured in years and months of a starting rate of interest.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="RateType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator that describes the kind of interest rate being charged.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="aip:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Capped" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Discounted" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Fixed" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Tracker" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Variable" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<!-- END : Types required to support the interface of the ProvideProductList service to support product search -->

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).