
The document saved/private/Origo/CEPensionSingleContractTxnHistoryResponse.xsd has been classified as being possibly an Advanced XML Schema Patterns for Databinding 1.0 conformant document as it only exhibits the following patterns:

Status Nodes Name XPath
basic TargetNamespace .[@targetNamespace]/ (., @targetNamespace)
basic QualifiedLocalElements .[@elementFormDefault = 'qualified']/ (@elementFormDefault)
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advanced ComplexTypeChoice .//xs:complexType/xs:choice/ (., xs:element/(., @name))
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advanced RestrictedMaxLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:maxLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced RestrictedMinLength .//xs:simpleType/xs:restriction/xs:minLength[@value]/(.., ../@base, ., @value)
advanced ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded .//xs:choice[@maxOccurs = 'unbounded']/ (@maxOccurs)
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advanced SubstitutionGroup .//xs:element[@substitutionGroup]/(.,@name,@substitutionGroup)

<xsd:schema TargetNamespace targetNamespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/ce/v2.1/CEPensionSingleContractTxnHistoryResponse" TargetNamespace elementFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalElements attributeFormDefault="qualified" QualifiedLocalAttributes version="2.1FinalDraft" SchemaVersion >
<!--Import the definitions of the ROOT <mtg:message> element and <mtg:m_control> section from the following schema: -->
<xsd:import ImportSchema namespace="http://www.origostandards.com/schema/mtg/v2" ImportSchema schemaLocation="OrigoMessageHeader.xsd" ImportSchema >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This schema requires v2.0 of the Origo Message Transmission Guidelines (MTG) Schema.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The MTG schema is available from: https://www.origostandards.com/StandardsISEF/Standard.asp?StandardId=26&StandardTypeId=6&hidSTDVersion=2.0
<!-- Local declaration of the <ce:m_content> element -->
<xsd:element GlobalElement ElementTypeReference SubstitutionGroup name="m_content" IdentifierName GlobalElement ElementTypeReference SubstitutionGroup type="ce:MContent" GlobalElement ElementTypeReference substitutionGroup="mtg:m_content" SubstitutionGroup >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: M_Content
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for the specific business content of a particular message.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="AssetType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A list of possible assets which may be invested in under a plan offering a SIPP facility. With the exception of the Plan Bank Account (which is internal to a SIPP/IDPR plan) these will be external (uninsured) assets.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Commercial Property" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="External Bank Account" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Miscellaneous External Asset" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Term Protection" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A life assurance product that covers the life assured in the event that they die within a specified period. Some term protection products also provide cover in the event of critical or terminal illness.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Whole Life Protection" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A life assurance product that pays out a sum assured when the life assured dies. It is a permanent contract, it does not expire like term protection. Because a death claim is certain, whole life products will be most expensive to buy than term protection. Whole life products may also provide cover in the event of critical or terminal illness.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Private Medical Insurance" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A product provides cover against the costs of private medical treatment, enabling the policyholder to obtain private medical care when it is required, with the costs being borne by the insurer.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Endowment" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A life assurance product that pays a specified amount of money on an agreed date or on the death of the life assured, whichever is the earlier. As these contracts guarantee to make a payment (either to the policyholder or their dependants) they offer both life cover and a reasonable investment. A with-profits policy will also provide bonuses in addition to the sum assured. These contracts are often used in the repayment of a personal mortgage or as a form of saving.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Investment Bond" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A life assurance investment product where a single premium is invested in return for either growth or income. These products have an open-ended term.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Guaranteed Bond" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A life assurance investment product where a single premium is invested in return for either growth or income. The products give a guaranteed return on either growth or income and normally must be held for a fixed term.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Broker Bond" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A single premium unit-linked investment product arranged via an intermediary where the premium is paid into a special, managed fund. The intermediary decides how the investment is to be split across a mixture of the life office's other funds and/or collective investments. The fund has its own special price, separate from that of the life office's normal managed fund. The investor usually has to pay an extra fee for the intermediary's advice.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Unit Trust" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A unit trust is similar to an investment trust in that it is a vehicle that allows small private investors to obtain professional investment management over a wide range of investments. However, it is a trust i.e. a trust deed is executed whereby one company, the unit trust manager, agrees to manage the trust in return for certain fees, and another company, the trustee, agrees to hold the investments of the trust for the benefit of the unit holders.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ISA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The Individual Savings Account (ISA) is a tax-free scheme designed by the UK Government to help individuals save. It was introduced on 6 April 1999. It is available to anyone resident and ordinarily resident in the UK who is 18 or over. An ISA can only have a single owner and cannot be assigned or put into trust. There is no minimum investment and no minimum holding period. The components of an ISA can be made up of either cash deposits, stocks and shares and life assurance. Inland Revenue rules apply to the amounts that can be invested per tax year across the different components. ISAs are exempt from income tax and capital gains tax.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Personal Equity Plan" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Personal Equity Plans (PEPs) are tax-free savings plans owned by an individual, run by a PEP manager registered with the Inland Revenue and authorised under the Financial Services Act. They can invest collectively in EU shares, unit trusts, investment trusts and UK corporate bonds.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Open Ended Investment Company" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) have been available in the UK since Jan 1997. It is a company whose business is running an investment fund or several funds. The investor buys shares in the company. The price - and hence the return - reflects the value of the investments in the fund. Unlike an investment trust, the share price is not influenced by the demand for shares as there is no limit to the number of shares that can be issued. OEIC shares may provide growth, income or both.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Investment Funds" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The term used to define a supermarket product which spans both Unit Trusts and OEIC Funds.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Investment Trust" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An investment trust is a limited company whose objective is to invest its shareholders' money in other stocks and shares. (The name is really a misnomer as it is a limited liability company and not a trust.) Investors purchase shares in the investment trust and receive income in the form of dividends which effectively come from the dividends on the shares held by the investment trust.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Shares" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An investment where the investor is a part owner of the company in which they have purchased shares. The value of a share varies according how the market views the worth of the company. If a company is doing well, its shares tend to increase in value, if performing poorly the share value drops.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Gilts" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Gilts are British government stocks, where the investor essentially loans money to the government. The interest rate is fixed and guaranteed by the government. Gilts tend to be less volatile that company shares.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Corporate Bond" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A corporate bond is a loan to a company. The investor can buy or sell the loan on a stock market. There are different types of corporate bonds, but normally the company agrees to repay the loan on a set future date (the 'redemption date'). In the interim, the investor receives interest and can sell the bond to another party. This type of investment is riskier than Gilts as there is often no guarantee on the level of return. If the company goes into liquidation, the investor may lose all their investment.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Employee Share Option Scheme" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A method of sharing company profits with employees. The employer can distribute shares already paid up by the company, either to the employees themselves or to trustees for them. Alternatively, the employer can offer the employees options to acquire shares on favourable terms. Certain schemes may carry tax concessions.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Convertible Bond" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Similar to a Corporate Bond, but with the additional right to convert on a fixed date to a certain number of ordinary shares in the company. Thus, the holder can change their investment from a fixed interest loan to part ownership of the company, sharing in the company's profits via payment of a dividend.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="National Savings" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
These are UK government savings products which can be bought easily through UK post offices. They are guaranteed by the government.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TESSA" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Tax Exempt Special Savings Accounts (TESSAs) were introduced on 1 January 1991. They can be operated by any bank or building society, enabling savers to have a secure, simple, tax-free savings plan. A TESSA lasts for a maximum period of 5 years and must adhere to Inland Revenue rules about investment amounts. After 5 years, the TESSA ceases to be tax-exempt. No new TESSAs can be opened after 5 April 1999, but TESSAs taken out before then can continue for the rest of their 5 year term. At the end of the 5 year term, the proceeds of the TESSA can be transferred into a TESSA-only ISA as a cash component without it counting against the normal ISA annual subscription limit.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Index Linked Securities" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An investment whose return is linked to a particular index e.g. to the Retail Price Index.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Purchased Life Annuity" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An annuity that can be bought from any source, excluding pension funds, which provides an income for life or for a fixed period of time.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Individual Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A pension scheme which is personal to the pension holder rather than related to a particular job. There is no need to alter your personal pension arrangement when you switch from one job to another. There are rules on the amount of annual contribution that can be invested.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Individual Stakeholder Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A type of pension arrangement that, by meeting certain conditions, ensures that the pension holder receives a fair, reasonably low-cost, good value deal. There are rules on the level of management fees that can be charged. The holder can choose when and how often they pay into the scheme; and they can switch from one scheme to another without penalty. It is not tied to a particular occupation.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Self Invested Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Known also as a SIPP, this is a pension that allows the holder to decide how their contributions are invested. The type of investment vehicles that are allowed is defined by the Inland Revenue and covers investment such as stocks and shares on the UK market, securities on the Alternative Investment Market, Stocks and shares in recognized overseas markets, unit trusts, OEICs, Investment Trusts, Deposit Accounts, Commercial Property. The investments are held in trust, and the trustee has to ensure that the investments are only used for providing allowable benefits.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Section 226 Retirement Annuity" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A predecessor of personal pensions, this is an annuity for life for a spouse or dependant which is paid on the death of the pension holder. If the annuitant predeceases the policyholder, the policy can be converted to provide a pension, commencing between age 60 and 75, for the policyholder. The annuity cannot be commuted, assigned or surrendered, although if neither the annuitant nor the policyholder survive to collect an annuity, a return of premiums can be paid.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Section 32" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A type of pension contract that is used to allow paid-up pension rights and entitlements from a previous employment to be transferred. The benefits from section 32 policies are not be available until retirement.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Free Standing AVC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A pension plan where the scheme member can make extra contributions that are separate from the occupational pension. The FSAVC contributions are free standing in that they will be made to a life assurance company through a defined contribution plan. However, the member's total contributions to all schemes, including an FSAVC, cannot exceed certain Revenue limits. The resulting pension fund value can only be used to purchase a compulsory purchase annuity at retirement age. There is no opportunity for the scheme member to commute part of the fund value to a tax free lump sum.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Appropriate Personal Pension Scheme" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This is a personal pension plan that an individual can use for contracting out of the state earnings related pension scheme (SERPS).
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Group Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A group personal pension (GPP) is effectively a series of individual personal pensions provided by a single life insurance company. Both the employer and the employee can contribute to a group personal pension and these contributions will be limited to the Inland Revenue maxima based on the members age. Unlike a final salary pension, a GPP is a defined contribution scheme with no maximum on the retirement benefits, paid as a pension income and/or partial commutation to a tax free lump sum, provided at retirement age. However, the members contributions will be limited by the earnings cap.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Group Stakeholder Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A group stakeholder personal pension is effectively a series of individual stakeholder personal pensions provided by a single life insurance company. A stakeholder pension scheme is a new type of personal pension scheme, which has been available since 6 April 2001. Stakeholder pension schemes must meet strict standards set by the Government, for example, on cost, flexibility, and the way the scheme is run. It is not the same as an occupational pension scheme. Since October 2001, all employers with five or more employees must offer access to a group stakeholder pension scheme, unless they already offer a suitable pension scheme.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Executive Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An executive pension plan is an occupational pension scheme for an individual director or executive, or a small group of executives. They are usually money purchase plans subject to the normal Inland Revenue limits on pensions, lump sum benefits, life cover etc. Often the plans are effected by the directors who can effectively decide their own remuneration. The final salary and accelerated accrual rules used mean that the total contributions from the employer in any one year could be several times higher than the member's annual salary.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Small Self Administered Scheme" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A small self-administered scheme (SSAS) is an occupational pension scheme with less than twelve members which administers its own investments. There are Inland Revenue restrictions on trusteeship and investments. All members must be trustees and agree in writing to any investment decision. A SSAS can invest in the shares of an unlisted company, but the holding must not exceed 30% of the share capital. SASS schemes are money purchase schemes and are subject to the usual maximum benefit rules.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Occupational Scheme - Defined Benefit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An occupational scheme that provides a pension that is a fraction of pay at, or shortly before, retirement. The benefit to the employee is that planning for retirement is made easier because the pension is directly related to the standard of living before retirement. An alternative term used is 'final salary' schemes.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Occupational Scheme - Defined Contribution" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An occupational scheme where contributions are invested for each individual member and their accumulated fund is used to purchase pension benefits when due. The pension depends largely on the investment performance of the fund.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Occupational Scheme - Public Sector" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The civil service, armed forces, NHS, teachers, fire, police and local authorities have access to a public service scheme for retirement benefits and where the scheme rules and regulations are defined by statue. In the case of the principal civil service scheme, there is no direct cost to the scheme member as it is a non contributory scheme. As statutory schemes are either unfunded or notionally funded, there is no need to comply with the minimum funding requirement as pension benefits are guaranteed by statute, unlike private sector employers pension schemes.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Occupational Scheme - Death In Service Only" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
These schemes provide benefits for the dependants and family of an employee if they die in service. DIS benefits are a feature of most pension schemes but this type of scheme provides only this benefit without any retirement pension.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="FURBS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Unapproved schemes are schemes that technically have not been approved by the Inland Revenue and therefore are taxable at some point, either the premium paid as a benefit in kind or when the retirement benefits become payable. Funded Unapproved Retirement Benefit Schemes (FURBS) are schemes where contributions are paid in by the employer to create a fund. The contributions may attract an income tax charge on the contributions as a benefit in kind. The employer is allowed to treat any contributions paid as a business expense. For contributions paid after 6 April 1998 there is a liability to pay employers national insurance contributions. The fund itself will be taxed on income and capital gains made. Any benefits paid to the employee are free of income tax if they are paid out as a lump sum. There are also FURBS that are invested offshore with the tax treatment being slightly different.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="UURBS" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Unapproved schemes are schemes that technically have not been approved by the Inland Revenue and therefore are taxable at some point, either the premium paid as a benefit in kind or when the retirement benefits become payable. Unfunded Unapproved Retirement Benefit Schemes (UURBS) can provide specific benefits to the employees at retirement. Neither the employer or employee fund the pension scheme but a promise to the employee is made for the benefits payable only at retirement. As there are no contributions made to UURBS, there are no income tax or National Insurance liabilities. When the benefits are paid at retirement the income and lump sum commuted is fully taxable to the member and tax allowable for the employer.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Compulsory Purchase Annuity" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A maturing defined contribution pension fund can withdraw a proportion of fund as a tax free lump sum, however the balance must be applied to a compulsory purchase annuity in order to generate income for the pension holder.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Immediate Vesting Personal Pension" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A single premium pension that immediately converts to an annuity.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Income Drawdown" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Rather than convert a pension fund to an annuity, this product allows the pension fund to remain and be re-invested over a period of time, but an income must be taken with minimum and maximum limits. Any residual funds must be converted to an annuity at a later age, as defined by the Inland Revenue.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Phased Retirement" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This product allows the member to defer drawing all of their pension benefits and spreading them over time, up to the age of 75.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Hybrid Income Drawdown/Phased Retirement" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A product which offers both Income Drawdown and Phased Retirement features.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="CurrencyCode" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
List of defined Currency Code Used within Origo Messages. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType > </xsd:restriction>
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Date" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The date in CCYY-MM-DD format, e.g. 2001-12-31. This will be implemented using the XSD base simple type of: date.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeRenamed base="xsd:date" SimpleTypeRenamed />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="DebitCredit" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A transaction type as applied to a financial account.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Credit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Debit" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Decimal-2DP-Amount" NonIdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A decimal amount with a maximum of 2 decimal places.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="DecimalAmount" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A decimal value containing up to twenty digits and five decimal places. Valid values are between -999999999999999.99999 and 999999999999999.99999.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FreeText" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The FreeText type is typically used for Error, Warning or Note elements. It enables a phrase, sentence or paragraph of text to be sent as part of the message. The text will normally be displayed on a screen to a user, to explain some other data supplied in the message. This information may also be included on any printed documentation that could be supplied to a client.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="Frequency" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The frequency of an event.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Weekly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Fortnightly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Four Weekly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Monthly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Quarterly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Termly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Half Yearly" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Annually" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Single" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FSARefType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A unique reference number allocated to an approved Firm by the FSA. Valid format is a six digit number.
<xsd:restriction StringSimpleTypePattern base="xsd:string" StringSimpleTypePattern >
<xsd:pattern StringSimpleTypePattern value="[0-9]{6}" StringSimpleTypePattern />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="FundCodeType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The different types of fund code that may be used. It is intended that Trading Partners within the industry will extent this with a name or some other form of identifier, to include their own fund code values.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ISIN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="MEX" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
This is a code of type MEXID®. MEXID® codes are proprietary to FT Interactive Data. All fund managers will require a license from FT Interactive Data to use these codes. Contact details can be obtained at http://www.ftinteractivedata.com. Origo does not accept any liability, loss, damage, claims, costs and expenses (including legal expenses) arising out of any claim in respect of any infringement of any third party rights arising out of or in connection with the use of MEXID® codes by a user of Origo Standards.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Product Provider Specific" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SEDOL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Service Provider Specific" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MonetaryAmount" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A financial amount. This will be a numeric value held within the textnode, of the element, that is implemented using this structure. An attribute will be defined within the implemented element to define the currency of the amount to be specified.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:Decimal-2DP-Amount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Currency Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which provides a means of uniquely identifying a currency. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="NetGross" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Indication of whether a monetary amount is paid Net or Gross of Tax.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Gross" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="PensionContributionPayer" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A party which makes a payment to a Product Provider for a Pension product.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Personal" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Employer" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Third Party" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ResponseStatus" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The different values that are applicable to response status.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Success" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
All processing and calculations performed successfully.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Warning" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Processing completed with some errors or problems.
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Error" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
No processing was able to be performed.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="ShareCodeType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="SEDOL" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="ISIN" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="EPIC" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="TIDM" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ShareUnitPrice" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:DecimalAmount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Currency Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which provides a means of uniquely identifying a currency. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="SmallNumber" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
A non-negative integer with up to three digits. Valid values are between 0 and 999.
<xsd:restriction RestrictedMaxInclusive base="xsd:nonNegativeInteger" RestrictedMaxInclusive >
<xsd:maxInclusive RestrictedMaxInclusive value="999" RestrictedMaxInclusive />
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitPrice" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
The price of a fund unit, expressed as a decimal amount (with up to 5 decimal places), along with a currency.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:DecimalAmount" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="currency" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:CurrencyCode" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional default="GBP" AttributeDefault >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Currency Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which provides a means of uniquely identifying a currency. Based on the ISO Standard Currency Code list ISO4217.
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="UnitType" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Values to describe the type of units purchased within a fund.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType >
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Income" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Accumulation" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:enumeration SimpleTypeEnumerationType value="Initial" SimpleTypeEnumerationType />
<xsd:simpleType GlobalSimpleType name="YesNo" IdentifierName GlobalSimpleType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
An indicator of whether a condition applies or not.
<xsd:restriction SimpleTypeEnumerationType base="ce:TypeCode" SimpleTypeEnumerationType > </xsd:restriction>
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Updated to include new content for SIPP/IDPR. Also remodelled to allow generation of schema in the same form as that delivered for version 2.0 Final Draft.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="AssetTransactionDetail" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which specifically relates to a particular asset held under a SIPP.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="share_transaction_detail" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:ShareTransactionDetail" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase and/or sale of shares.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the Buy or Sell Share Transaction being applied as part of the Asset Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only applies to Share Based Assets.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_transaction_detail" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransactionDetail" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the Buy or Sell Fund Transaction(s) being applied as part of the Asset Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only applies to Unit Based Assets.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="BControl" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: B_Control
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for control details indicating the success of the enquiry with either a success flag and/or warning and error descriptions.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="enquiry_response_status" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ResponseStatus" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Response Status
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Indicates whether a request has been successful or that there are error or warning messages associated with the response content.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="enquiry_error_note" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:EnquiryErrorNote" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Note
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains details of any errors and warnings generated as a result of an enquiry including pointers to the groups, elements or attributes in the original message which are in error.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Contract" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contract
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An understanding between at least two parties which is enforceable by law and details the Terms and Conditions of their association. In the case of the Financial Services industry this relates to the contract for goods and services between a policyholder and a Product Provider.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="contract_reference_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:AlphaNumber" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contract Reference Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unique identifier for a contract as defined by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Identifies the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="money_in" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MoneyIn" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Money In
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money paid into a contract in exchange for goods and services.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of money in transactions being returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_switch" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundSwitch" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Switch
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The transfer of holdings from one or more Unit-Linked Funds into alternative fund(s).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund switch transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_alteration" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitAlteration" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Any miscellaneous unit transaction, not explicitly defined within the Transaction History Standard, that either reduces or increases the number of units held in a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Unit Alteration structure must not be used when units have been bought or sold under any other defined transaction type.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="encashment" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Encashment" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Encashment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The process of selling some or all of the units held in a particular fund(s) so that the money raised can be used for a different purpose.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of encashments of units from Internal Assets.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: The Encashment structure must be used only when units have been sold for funding (partly or wholly) the following: Tax Free Cash Payment, Income Drawdown Payment; Annuity Purchase, Investment Purchase. It must not be used for other defined or miscellaneous transaction types.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="plan_bank_account_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:PlanBankAccountTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Plan Bank Account Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary transaction that has taken place against the Plan Bank Account, and which may relate to a particular asset.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of transactions against the Plan Bank Account (itself considered a plan asset). These may be direct payments in and out of the Plan Bank Account, or Plan Bank Account transactions associated with transactions against the external assets held under the plan.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DateRange" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="from" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: From Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive earliest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: To Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive latest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="DateRangeSupplied" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="from" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: From Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive earliest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Date from which transactions are being supplied in the response message.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: To Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The inclusive latest date in a Date Range.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Date to which transactions are being supplied in the response message.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="Encashment" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Encashment
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The process of selling some or all of the units held in a particular fund(s) so that the money raised can be used for a different purpose.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Encashment Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date an Encashment monetary amount was deducted from a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the Encashment was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Encashment Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of a specific Encashment.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the Encashment.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MediumDescription" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Encashment Reason
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A proprietary Product Provider description of the reason for the Encashment.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the reason the units were encashed, e.g. to fund the purchase of an External Asset.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of an encashment on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="EnquiryErrorNote" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Note
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Contains details of any errors and warnings generated as a result of an enquiry including pointers to the groups, elements or attributes in the original message which are in error.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="relates_to" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:RelatesTo" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Relates To
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Identifies the group, element or attribute to which the error/warning relates. Will repeat for each element involved in the error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: DATA ITEM "DEPRECATED". This item will be removed from the Standard in the next Major release. It remains part of the current standard for backward compatibility only. The ResponseScope structure of the Transaction History standard caters for the identification of any elements which may require notification through comparison with the request scope.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="short_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MediumDescription" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Short Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A summary of an error/warning.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: At least one of short_description or reason must be present if enquiry_error_note is present.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Reason
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A full definition of an error/warning. This is free format and may contain several pages of text.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: At least one of short_description or reason must be present if enquiry_error_note is present.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference name="code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference type="ce:AlphaNumber" AttributeTypeReference use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A code to identify an error/warning.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference name="sequence_number" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute AttributeTypeReference type="ce:SmallNumber" AttributeTypeReference use="optional" AttributeOptional >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Number
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A number to order an error/warning.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundCode" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Fund Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying an investment fund.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:AlphaNumber" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="fund_code_type" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" AttributeTypeReference use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: There are several official organisations that provide industry standard codes for identifying investment funds. This field indicates which of these standards bodies' codes are being used to describe the Fund Code.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundSwitch" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Switch
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The transfer of holdings from one or more Unit-Linked Funds into alternative fund(s).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference nillable="true" NillableElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Switch Instruction Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a Product Provider received an instruction to carry out a fund switch.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the Product Provider received the instruction to carry out the fund switch.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of a fund switch on the contract.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a fund switch on the contract.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the name of the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCode" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="5" ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Fund Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying an investment fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the fund code for the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitTransaction" ElementTypeReference maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs1MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the units traded within the fund transaction being supplied as part of this Transaction History response.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ExternalAssetFundTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the name of the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCode" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Fund Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying an investment fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the fund code for the fund against which the fund transaction has taken place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ExternalAssetUnitTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the units traded within the fund transaction being supplied as part of this Transaction History response.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="FundTransactionDetail" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:ExternalAssetFundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a transaction against an external asset held under the contract
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only valid where /ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:plan_bank_account_transaction/ce:transaction_type is "Debit".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:ExternalAssetFundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details for the fund transaction selling units as a result of a transaction against an external asset held under the contract
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only valid where /ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:plan_bank_account_transaction/ce:transaction_type is "Credit".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="IntermediaryForAuthentication" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Adviser
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person or firm which acts as a broker between a buyer and seller, providing advice on financial matters.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="FirmFSARef" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FSARefType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Firm FSA Reference
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A unique identifying code given to an Adviser Firm by the FSA.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Identifies the servicing agent for the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MContent" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: M_Content
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for the specific business content of a particular message.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="b_control" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:BControl" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: B_Control
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for control details indicating the success of the enquiry with either a success flag and/or warning and error descriptions.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="intermediary" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:IntermediaryForAuthentication" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Adviser
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A person or firm which acts as a broker between a buyer and seller, providing advice on financial matters.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Identifies the servicing agent for the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="request_scope" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:RequestScope" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Request Scope
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for request parameters being used to refine the content of the message reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Plays back the set of parameters which were sent within the Request message defining the requested scope of the transaction history.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="response_scope" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ResponseScope" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Response Scope
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for parameters defining the scope of the content of the message reply.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Allows a comparison of the scope of the response with the scope of the request through provision of the parameters defining the scope of the transaction history reply.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="contract" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Contract" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contract
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An understanding between at least two parties which is enforceable by law and details the Terms and Conditions of their association. In the case of the Financial Services industry this relates to the contract for goods and services between a policyholder and a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the contract for which the Transaction History is being returned.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute name="id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:ID" IDAttribute use="optional" AttributeOptional form="unqualified" AttributeFormUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Message Content Identifier
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Message Content identifier, providing a mechanism to electronically identify a message if the requirement exists.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="RelatesTo" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Relates To
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Identifies the group, element or attribute to which the error/warning relates. Will repeat for each element involved in the error/warning.
<xsd:attribute ComplexTypeAttribute ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes name="element_id" IdentifierName ComplexTypeAttribute type="xsd:IDREF" IDREFAttribute use="required" AttributeRequired ComplexTypeOnlyAttributes form="unqualified" AttributeFormUnqualified >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Enquiry Error Element Identifier
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An identifier of an element responsible (or partly responsible) for generation of an error/warning in the response to a request.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="MoneyIn" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Money In
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Money paid into a contract in exchange for goods and services.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="contribution" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:PensionContributionTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific monetary payment to a contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of contribution transaction being returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="state_pension_rebate" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:StatePensionRebateTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the state pension rebate transaction being returned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="state_pension_tax_rebate" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:StatePensionTaxRebateTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Tax Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The tax element of a State Pension Rebate, paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the tax rebate element of the State Pension Rebate transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: If this is supplied then the State Pension Net Rebate Transaction (/ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:money_in/ce:state_pension_net_rebate) must also be supplied for the same year. The State Pension Rebate Transaction (/ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:money_in/ce:state_pension_rebate) which constitutes the total rebate amount must not be supplied.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="state_pension_net_rebate" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:StatePensionNetRebateTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Net Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The net element of a State Pension Rebate, paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the net element of the state pension rebate transaction being returned.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: If this is supplied then the State Pension Tax Rebate Transaction (/ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:money_in/ce:state_pension_tax_rebate) must also be supplied for the same year. The State Pension Rebate Transaction (/ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:money_in/ce:state_pension_rebate) which constitutes the total rebate amount must not be supplied.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="transfer_in" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:TransferInTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Transfer In
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The receiving of a Transfer by a pension contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the transfer in transaction details being returned.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PensionContributionTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A specific monetary payment to a contract.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date a contribution monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the regular or single contribution was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of a specific contribution.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the regular or single contribution.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="frequency" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Frequency" ElementTypeReference nillable="true" NillableElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Contribution Frequency
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The regularity of contributions
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: If the contribution is single this will be indicated through a frequency value of "Single". If contribution is regular then the frequency applicable to the contribution will be supplied.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="net_or_gross" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NetGross" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Net or Gross Contribution Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An indicator denoting whether the contribution amount being supplied is net or gross of tax.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides details of whether the regular or single contribution has been quoted Net or Gross.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="payer" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:PensionContributionPayer" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Payer
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A Party who makes a payment to another Party.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides details of who paid the regular or single contribution.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="PlanBankAccountTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Plan Bank Account Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary transaction that has taken place against the Plan Bank Account, and which may relate to a particular asset.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which an Asset Transaction took place.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the date the Asset Transaction took place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MediumDescription" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Description of the transaction taking place against the Asset.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides a medium description of the Asset Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="long_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction Long Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Free text description containing more details of the transaction taking place against the Asset.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides an unlimited free text description of the Asset Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary value of the Asset Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the amount of the Asset Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="transaction_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DebitCredit" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Bank Transaction Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Denotes whether a transaction being applied to a Bank Account is a payment in (Credit) or payment out (Debit).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Denotes if an asset transaction is a credit to the Plan Bank Account (through e.g. sale of asset, cash deposit) or debit (through e.g. purchase of asset or payment out).
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="external_asset_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ExternalAssetTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: External Asset Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for External Asset and Fund/Share level information that relate to a specific Plan Bank Account Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Must be present where the transaction takes place against an External Asset. Omitted where the transaction takes place only against the Plan Bank Account.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="RequestScope" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Request Scope
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for request parameters being used to refine the content of the message reply.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_details_required" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:YesNo" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Details Required Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States whether or not details of fund-level transactions are required.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date_range" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DateRange" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for the range of dates, inclusive of the From and To Dates, specified in the request to be used in identifying transactions to be returned within the reply.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code_type_required" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type Preferred
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Specification of the preferred Fund Code Type to be used in all occurrences of Fund details in a message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To provide the value contained in the request scope of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Must be present if this field was supplied as part of the request message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: Any Fund Code Type requested in the Request will only apply to fund details for internal assets. External asset fund details are outwith the control of the Product Provider.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ResponseScope" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Technical Term: Response Scope
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Placeholder for parameters defining the scope of the content of the message reply.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_details_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:YesNo" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Details Supplied Indicator
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: States whether or not details of fund-level transactions have been supplied in a response message.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: To state the level of detail being returned in the response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Can only be set to "Yes" if the contract is for a unit-linked or unitised product.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date_range_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DateRangeSupplied" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Date Range
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A spread of dates consisting of a From Date and a To Date.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Defines the range of dates, inclusive of the From and To Dates, for which transactions are being returned within the reply.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="fund_code_type_supplied" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundCodeType" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursFinite maxOccurs="5" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursFinite ElementMaxOccursFinite >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Fund Code Type Supplied
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Specification of the Fund Code Type supplied in a response message for all occurrences of Fund details.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the Fund Code Type being supplied for all occurrences of Fund Code for internal assets only in the response.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only supplied if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ShareCode" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Share Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying a share.
<xsd:simpleContent ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:extension ExtendedSimpleContent base="ce:AlphaNumber" ExtendedSimpleContent >
<xsd:attribute ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference name="share_code_type" IdentifierName ExtendedSimpleContent AttributeTypeReference type="ce:ShareCodeType" AttributeTypeReference use="required" AttributeRequired >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Code Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: There are several official organisations that provide industry standard codes for identifying shares.This field indicates which of these standards bodies' codes are being used to describe the Share Code.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the type of Share Code being returned as part of the transaction response.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ShareTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase and/or sale of shares.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Transaction Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount traded in a Share Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the monetary amount of the Share Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="number_of_shares" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DecimalAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Transaction Number of Shares
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The quantity of shares traded in a Share Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the number of shares that were traded in the Share Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ShareUnitPrice" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Price
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount allocated on a given date to a single share for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the Share Price of the shares traded in the Share Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Price Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a price is assigned to a share for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the allocation date of the price of the shares involved in the transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="company_name" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NameString" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Company Name
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The name of the company in which shares are owned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="share_code" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:ShareCode" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Code
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: An industry standard code which, when used in conjunction with a Share Code Type, provides a means of uniquely identifying a share.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the Share Code for the share against which the Share Transaction has taken place.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ShareTransactionDetail" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Share Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase and/or sale of shares.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeChoice >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_share_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:ShareTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Share Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of shares.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of a share purchase as part of a transaction against an external Share Based Asset held under the plan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only valid where /ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:plan_bank_account_transaction/ce:transaction_type is "Debit".
<xsd:element ComplexTypeChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_share_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:ShareTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Share Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of shares.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of a share sale as part of a transaction against an external Share Based Asset held under the plan
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Only valid where /ce:m_content/ce:contract/ce:plan_bank_account_transaction/ce:transaction_type is "Credit".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="StatePensionNetRebateTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Net Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The net element of a State Pension Rebate, paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Net Rebate Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the net element of a State Pension Rebate monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the net element of a State Pension Rebate was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Net Rebate Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The net monetary amount of a State Pension rebate.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the net monetary amount of the State Pension Rebate contribution.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="StatePensionRebateTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Rebate Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date a State Pension Rebate monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date a State Pension Rebate was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Rebate Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of a State Pension rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the State Pension Rebate contribution.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="StatePensionTaxRebateTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Tax Rebate
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The tax element of a State Pension Rebate, paid annually by the Government's pensions agency into the pension fund of a Policyholder who has opted out of the State Second Pension (S2P).
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Tax Rebate Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date the tax element of a State Pension Rebate monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the tax element of a State Pension Rebate was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: State Pension Tax Rebate Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The monetary amount of the tax element of a State Pension rebate.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the tax element of a State Pension Rebate contribution.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="TransferInTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Transfer In
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The receiving of a Transfer by a pension contract.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Transfer In Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date a Transfer In monetary amount was applied to a contract by a Product Provider.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the date the Transfer In was applied to the contract by the Product Provider.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Transfer Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The accumulated cash value of a pension contract that is moved to another pension contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the monetary amount of the Transfer In.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="source" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:NameString" ElementTypeReference nillable="true" NillableElement >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Transfer In Source
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The organisation from which a Transfer In originates.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides details of the organisation the Transfer In has come from.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded maxOccurs="unbounded" ElementMinOccurs0MaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a money in transaction on the contract.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Required if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "Yes". (Contract must be for unit-linked or unitised product).
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Dependency: Omitted if /ce:m_content/ce:response_scope/ce:fund_details_supplied is "No".
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitAlteration" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Any unit transaction, not explicitly defined within the Transaction History Standard, that either reduces or increases the number of units held in a fund.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which the Unit Alteration was applied.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Records the date the Unit Alteration took place.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="reason" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:FreeText" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Alteration Reason
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A proprietary Product Provider description of the reason for a Unit Alteration.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides the reason for the Unit Alteration.
<xsd:choice ComplexTypeSequenceChoice SequenceChoice maxOccurs="unbounded" ChoiceMaxOccursUnbounded >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="buy_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Buy Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the purchase of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction purchasing units as a result of a unit alteration on the contract.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ChoiceElement ElementTypeReference name="sell_fund_transaction" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequenceChoice ElementTypeReference type="ce:FundTransaction" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Sell Fund Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which involves the sale of units in a unit-linked fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for details of the fund transaction selling units as a result of a unit alteration on the contract.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="UnitTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="unit_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A classification of units held in a fund.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the type of units being traded within this transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="number_of_units" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DecimalAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Units Traded
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The quantity of units of a fund exchanged in a fund unit transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the number of units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount associated with a fund unit trade.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the amount involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitPrice" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount allocated on a given date to a single unit of a fund for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Unit Price allocated to the units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: Must be quoted in the currency in which the fund is priced.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a price is assigned to a fund unit for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: The allocation date of the price of the units involved in this transaction.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ExternalAssetUnitTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The specific trade of units within a fund transaction.
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="number_of_units" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:DecimalAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Number of Units Traded
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The quantity of units of a fund exchanged in a fund unit transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the number of units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="amount" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MonetaryAmount" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Transaction Amount
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount associated with a fund unit trade.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: States the amount involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:UnitPrice" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A monetary amount allocated on a given date to a single unit of a fund for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Unit Price allocated to the units involved in this Unit Transaction.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Note: Must be quoted in the currency in which the fund is priced.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="price_date" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:Date" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Unit Price Date
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: The date on which a price is assigned to a fund unit for the purposes of exchange or valuation.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: The allocation date of the price of the units involved in this transaction.
<xsd:complexType GlobalComplexType name="ExternalAssetTransaction" IdentifierName GlobalComplexType >
<xsd:sequence ComplexTypeSequence >
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="asset_description" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:MediumDescription" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Description
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Description of an Asset held under a Plan.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Provides a description of the asset against which the transaction is taking place. This will contain sufficient detail of the asset for identification purposes.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="asset_type" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:AssetType" ElementTypeReference >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Type
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: Classification of an asset held under a SIPP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Indicates the type of asset against which the transaction is being actioned.
<xsd:element ComplexTypeSequence SequenceElement ElementTypeReference name="asset_transaction_detail" IdentifierName ComplexTypeSequence ElementTypeReference type="ce:AssetTransactionDetail" ElementTypeReference minOccurs="0" ElementMinOccurs0 >
<xsd:annotation DocumentationElement >
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Business Term: Asset Transaction
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Definition: A transaction which specifically relates to a particular asset held under a SIPP.
<xsd:documentation DocumentationElement >
Purpose: Placeholder for further details of any share or fund transactions being applied as part of the Asset Transaction.

This document was produced by the W3C XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Working Group. Comments on this document may be sent to the public public-xsd-databinding-comments@w3.org mailing list (public archive).