W3C Architecture Domain Web Servcies Architecture WG

Web Services Architecture WG Issues Document

Last update: 11-Jul-2002

Issues regarding Web Services Architecture and the documents produced buy the Web Services Architecture Working Group should be reported to www-wsa-comments@w3.org (public archives).

Comments on this list should be sent to the www-ws-arch@w3.org mailing list (Archives).

Summary List of Outstanding Issues

id Status Spec Topic Class Req Title
1 Active none what is a priori knowledge? med none what is a priori knowledge?
3 Active none What does " identities of communicating parties" mean? med AR006.2.1 What does " identities of communicating parties" mean?
2 Active none Should SOAP envelope include the target URI? med none Should SOAP envelope include the target URI?
5 Active none Editorial request: don't use POST to do GET in examples med none don't use POST to do GET in examples
4 Active REQ Editorial request: Please clearly explain notations med none ws-arch-scenarios: what does the blue line mean?

Detailed List of Issues

id Spec Req Topic Class Status Raised By Owner
1 none none what is a priori knowledge? med Active XMLP WG unassigned
Title: what is a priori knowledge?
Description: see email
Proposal: none
Resolution: none
2 none none Should SOAP envelope include the target URI? med Active XMLP WG unassigned
Title: Should SOAP envelope include the target URI?
Description: see email
Proposal: none
Resolution: none
3 none AR006.2.1 What does " identities of communicating parties" mean? med Active Daniel Weitzner unassigned
Title: What does " identities of communicating parties" mean?
Description: see email
Proposal: none
Resolution: none
4 REQ none Editorial request: Please clearly explain notations med Active Dan Connolly unassigned
Title: ws-arch-scenarios: what does the blue line mean?
Description: see email
Proposal: none
Resolution: none
5 none none Editorial request: don't use POST to do GET in examples med Active Dan Connolly unassigned
Title: don't use POST to do GET in examples
Description: see email
Proposal: none
Resolution: none

Table Legend

Issue number
Short title/name of the issue
Document referred to in issue
Short description of issue, possibly including link to origin of issue
Link to Requirement that motivated this issue
Rough topic categorisation, one of: ?
Design or Editorial
One of: Unassigned, Active, Closed, Postponed
Current proposal for resolution of issue, possibly including link to further text
Short description of resolution, possibly including link to a more elaborate description
Raised by
Person who raised the issue
XML Protocol WG Member responsible for the issue

Maintained by Tom Carroll.
Maintained by Dave Hollander.