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Author: Joseph Reagle

Date: 13 November 2002

Audience: Members at Open Spectrum hosted by Harvard Law School

Issue: Introduction to W3C


Considering Standards Organizations



World Wide Web Consortium's Mission

"... to lead the Web to its full potential."

W3C's Role: Vision, Design, Standards, Guidelines

Goals and Principles: Accessibility, Meaning, Trust, Interoperability,Evolvability, Decentralization, Cooler Multimedia, Implementable

Developing Standards and Guidelines at W3C (1)

Developing Standards and Guidelines at W3C (2)

Organization of the World Wide Web Consortium

Starting W3C Activities

Technology development cycle:

W3C: The Domains and Activities

W3C Domains, Activities and Groups (July 2002)

The Technology Layering

W3C Specifications as building blocks