Results of Questionnaire Researcher Survey for Silver - Accessibility Guidelines

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: dsloan@paciellogroup.com

This questionnaire was open from 2017-01-09 to 2017-02-28.

24 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Previously Published on Digital Accessibility or WCAG?
  2. Relevant Data to Silver?
  3. Publish in 2017?
  4. Student Projects: Willingness?
  5. Student Projects: types of Student projects
  6. Student Projects: Preferred Timeline
  7. User research projects
  8. Background Research
  9. Restrictions

1. Previously Published on Digital Accessibility or WCAG?

Have you published research in this area?

We don't need a lot of detail in this area yet, but you can add information in the Comment field for this question, if you want.


ChoiceAll responders
yes 21
no 3


Responder Previously Published on Digital Accessibility or WCAG? Comments on previously published research
Michael Crabb yes Key contributions include:
[J1] Crabb, M., & Hanson, V. L. (2016). An Analysis of Age, Technology Usage, and Cognitive Characteristics Within Information Retrieval Tasks. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS).
[C1] Crabb, M. Hanson, V.L. The Use of Age, Technology Usage, and Cognitive Characteristics in Relation to Perceived Disorientation and Reported Website Ease of Use. In ASSETS’14 Proceedings of the 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
Abi Roper yes Conference publications on the accessibility of technology for adults with language difficulties (aphasia)
Tyson McMillan yes Assessing the Accessibility of Web 2.0
Tyson McMillan, Ph.D., Lin Lin
The American Society for Information Science & Technology
November 2009
This study examines the accessibility of Web 2.0 websites to the visually impaired. Web accessibility standards are established to maximize the ability of those with impairments to navigate the web. Various computer tools exist to evaluate web HTML content against existing accessibility standards. Using a weighted metric-based formula called the Web Accessibility Barrier (WAB) score, this study adopted an experimental design and compared 88 randomly selected Web 2.0 websites against 88 randomly selected Web 1.0 websites. The study found that Web 2.0 websites are significantly less accessible than Web 1.0 websites. Details of the analysis, evaluation, discussion, and recommendations are included in the paper.
Michael Heron yes
Bob Dodd yes Robert Dodd. 2008. 20 years on: the Dexter Model of Hypertext and its impact on web accessibility. SIGACCESS Access. Comput. 90 (January 2008), 3-15. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1340779.1340780

Robert Dodd, Dr. Steve Green, and Dr. Elaine Pearson. 2008. The CISNA model of accessible adaptive hypermedia. In Proceedings of the 2008 international cross-disciplinary conference on Web accessibility (W4A) (W4A '08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 27-36. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1368044.1368052

Robert Dodd, Steve Green, and Elaine Pearson. 2009. User capability in an adaptive world. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMM international workshop on Media studies and implementations that help improving access to disabled users (MSIADU '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 79-88. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1631097.1631110

Robert Dodd. 2006. Self-adapting user interfaces as assistive technology for handheld mobile devices. In Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (Assets '06). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 297-298. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1168987.1169064
Eleanor Loiacono yes I have been publishing in the area of IT accessibility since 2003.
Tristen Breitenfeldt yes See my work on the Universal Design For eLearning (UDEL) Framework, published at www.tristenb.com/udel
Stanley Lam yes Published in CSUN Journal, Review Committee Member for ICCHP
Shea Tanis yes Research in access to technology and barriers to access to technology for people with cognitive disabilities.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp no
Phillip Deaton yes Human Computer Interaction International
Peter McNally yes Not recently. It the mid to late 90s I published a lot on accessibility on hypermedia while working on an EU funded project in the UK. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=274516&jmp=cit&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE#CIT
Scott Hollier yes Journal publications:
• McGrath, A., Hollier, S, & Leigh, G. (2016). The integration of captioned multimedia and auditory access technologies for deaf and hard of hearing students in mainstream classrooms. Special Education Perspectives, 25(1), 18-30.
• Brown, J., & Hollier, S. (2015). The challenges of Web accessibility: The technical and social aspects of a truly universal Web. First Monday, 20(9).
• Conway, V., Brown, J., Hollier, S. & Nicholl, C. (2012). Web Accessibility: a Comparative Analysis of Australian National and State/Territory Library Websites. The Australian Library Journal, 61(3), -188.

Conference papers:
• Brown, J. & Hollier, S. (2015). Web Accessibility, Litigation and Complaint Mechanisms. Proceedings of the International Conference of Internet Computing and Big Data, Las Vegas: Nevada. July 27-30, 2015.
• Brown, J. & Hollier, S. (2015). Web accessibility and security: an analysis of online security mechanisms and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. Proceedings of the International Conference of Internet Computing and Big Data, Las Vegas: Nevada. July 27-30, 2015.
• Hollier, S., & Brown, J. (2014). Web accessibility implications and responsibilities: an Australian election case study. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, Swinburne University, Victoria 9-11 July, 2014.
• Wood, D. and Hollier, S. (2014) ‘The new accessibility panic’ Remaining challenges to the achievement of Australia’s National Transition Strategy. Web for All (W4A) 2014. Seoul, South Korea.
• Permvattana, R. and Hollier, S. (2013) where e-learning models and social media collide: supporting the future education of blind and VI learners. E-learning symposium. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
• Wood, D. and Hollier, S. (2013) ‘Bring your own problems’ the path to WCAG 2.0 conformance through industry based training. Web for All (W4A) 2013. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
• Brown, J., Hollier, S., & Conway, V. (2013). Australia’s National Transition Strategy: first stage implementation report. ICSEA 2013: The Eight International Conference on Software Engineering Advances.
• Permvattana, R., Murray, I. and Hollier, S. (2006) Innovations in Tertiary Online for Students who are Blind or Vision Impaired. 7th International ITHET conference. Sydney, Australia.
• Hollier, S. and Murray, I. (2004) The Evolution of E-Inclusion. IFIP World Computer Congress. Toulouse, France.
• Hollier, S. (2004) Digital Disability. IFIP World Computer Congress. Toulouse, France.
• Murray, I. and Hollier, S. (2004) A Computing Education for the Vision Impaired Pathways. Alice Springs, Australia.

Hollier, S. (2006) The Disability Divide: A Study into the Impact of Computing and Internet-related Technologies on People who are Blind or Vision Impaired. Curtin University. Perth.
Reade Lowell no
Klaus Miesenberge yes Several EU-Projects on Evaluation Methodology and education
Andi Saptono yes
Takayuki Watanabe yes 1) T. Watanabe: International and national standard harmonization and achievement effort of web accessibility in Japan, Newsletter, ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, 04 30-42, September, 2012.
2) T. Watanabe: Experimental evaluation of usability and accessibility of heading elements, A Disability and rehabilitation. Assistive technology, 4, 236-247, July, 2009.
2) T. Watanabe and M. Umegaki: Capability survey of user agents with the UAAG 1.0 test suite and its impact on Web accessibility, Universal Access in the Information Society, 6(3) 221-232, November, 2007.
3) T. Watanabe: Japanese Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and International Standard Harmonization, Proceedings of 3rd Int. Conference Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CD-ROM), 2005.
Nancy Alajarmeh yes Accessibility to the doing of math
Universal Design
Gregg Vanderheiden yes
Stephanie Wilson yes Yes, conference and journal publications, primarily on designing technology that is accessible to people with aphasia.
Howard Fooksman no I have presented at workshops and regional conferences, but am in the first year of my doctoral work, and have not had the opportunity to publish yet.
David Swallow yes I have published research on web accessibility. My research primarily concerns web developers and how best to support them in the development of accessible websites. Selected publications include:

Swallow, D., Petrie, H., & Power, C. (2016). Understanding and Supporting Web Developers: Design and Evaluation of a Web Accessibility Information Resource (WebAIR). Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 229, 482. IOS Press.

Swallow, D. (2015). Improving Accessibility Support for Web Developers. In INTERACT 2015 Adjunct Proceedings: 15th IFIP TC. 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 14-18 September 2015, Bamberg, Germany (Vol. 22, p. 55). University of Bamberg Press.

Swallow, D., Power, C., Petrie, H., Bramwell-Dicks, A., Buykx, L., Velasco, C.A., Parr, A., & Connor, J.O. (2014). Speaking the Language of Web Developers: Evaluation of a Web Accessibility Information Resource (WebAIR). In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 348-355). Springer International Publishing.

Power, C., Petrie, H., Swallow, D., Murphy, E., Gallagher, B., & Velasco, C. A. (2013). Navigating, discovering and exploring the web: strategies used by people with print disabilities on interactive websites. In IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 667-684). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Power, C., Freire, A., Petrie, H., & Swallow, D. (2012). Guidelines are only half of the story: accessibility problems encountered by blind users on the web. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 433-442). ACM.

Power, C., Petrie, H., Freire, A. P., & Swallow, D. (2011). Remote evaluation of WCAG 2.0 techniques by web users with visual disabilities. In International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 285-294). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Petrie, H., Power, C., Swallow, D., Velasco, C.A. Gallagher, B., Magennis, M., Murphy, E., Collin, S., & Down, K. (2011). The value chain for web accessibility: challenges and opportunities. In Proceedings of Accessible Design In the Digital World 2011. University of York.
Mi-soo Kwon yes
Sukil KIm yes

2. Relevant Data to Silver?

Have you produced research data that might be of relevance to Silver's research activity

If yes, please give details of this data, and conditions of reuse.


ChoiceAll responders
yes 13
no 11


Responder Relevant Data to Silver? Conditions/license for access and reuse
Michael Crabb no
Abi Roper yes Some stakeholder interview data and also reported levels of digital technology use for adults with aphasia. This has been gathered across a number of projects. I am not aware of any specific restrictions on reuse.
Tyson McMillan no
Michael Heron yes Heron, M.J. (2015b). A Case Study Into the Accessibility of Text-Parser Based Interaction. The Seventh ACM SIGHCI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. Duisburg, Germany. [Available online at http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N93958].

Tyack, C., Camic, P., Heron, M.J., Hulbert, S. (2015). Viewing art on a touchscreen computer for people with dementia and their carers: a mixed-methods study. Journal of Applied Gerontology. [Available online from http://create.canterbury.ac.uk/14021/].

Spiel, K., Bertel, S., Heron, M.J. (2014). Navigation and Immersion of Blind Players in Text-Based Games. The Computer Games Journal 3 (2a). pp. 132-154. [Available online at http://tcjg.weebly.com/spiel-et-al.html]

Heron, M.J., Hanson, V.L, & Ricketts, I. (2013a). The Technical Design of the ACCESS Framework. The Fifth ACM SIGHCI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems. London, England. [Available online at http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N71670]

Heron, M.J., Hanson, V.L, & Ricketts, I. (2013b). Accessibility Support for Older Adults with the ACCESS Framework. The International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. Seattle, Washington. [Available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10447318.2013.768139?journalCode=hihc20#.UYlZAbXvsyg]

Heron, M.J., Hanson, V.L, & Ricketts, I. (2013c). Open Source and Accessibility: Advantages and Limitations. The Journal of Interaction Science. 1(1). Cambridge, England. [Available online at http://www.journalofinteractionscience.com/content/1/1/2]

Vickers, S., Istance, H., Heron, M.J. (2013). Accessible Gaming for People with Physical and Cognitive Disabilities: A Framework for Dynamic Adaptation. Conference of Human Computer Interaction 2013. Seattle, Washington. [Available online at http://dl.acm.org/authorize?N71672]

Heron, M.J (2012). Inaccessible Through Oversight: The Need for Inclusive Game Design. The Computer Games Journal 1(1). Glasgow, Scotland. [Available online at http://tcjg.weebly.com/heron.html]
Bob Dodd no
Eleanor Loiacono yes I have conducted and published research regarding website accessibility. Some of the research looks at cross sectors comparisions (specifically the Fortune 100), effects of legislation, and testing current models within IS with accessibility in mind.

A brief list of my publications include:

Loiacono, E., Djamasbi, S., and Kiryazov*, T. “Factors that Affect Visually Impaired Users' Acceptance of Audio and Music Websites” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2013, Volume 71, Issue 3, pp. 321-334.

Loiacono, E., and Djamasbi, S. "Corporate Website Accessibility: Does Legislation Matter?” The Universal Access in the Information Society, 2011, Volume 11, Issue 5, pp. 1-10.

Loiacono, E., Romano, N., and McCoy, S. "The State of Corporate Website Accessibility." Communications of the ACM, 2009, Volume 52, Issue 9, pp. 128-132.

Loiacono, E., and McCoy, S. “Website Accessibility: A Cross-Sector Comparison.” The Universal Access in the Information Society, 2005, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 393-399.

Loiacono, E. “Cyberaccess: Corporate Homepage Accessibility.” Communications of the ACM, December 2004, Volume 47, Issue 12, pp. 82-87. (Access at: cacm.acm.org/magazines/2004/12/6352-cyberaccess).

Tristen Breitenfeldt yes The Universal Design For eLearning (UDEL) Framework can be used in its entirety or in part, provided that my name is given attribution.
Stanley Lam no
Shea Tanis yes Understanding choice-making and the impact of unintended cognitive representations for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities through images in a web-based curriculum.
We have also published on the rights of people with cognitive disabilities to technology and information access.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp no
Phillip Deaton no
Peter McNally no
Scott Hollier yes
* 2012 research study for Media Access Australia focused on the social media usage of people with disabilities around access to key web portals, apps and third-party apps. May be a little old now but included 49 participants and the resource was adopted by the US Federal government. Details at www.mediaaccess.org.au/socialmedia the report is titled 'SociABILITY'.
Reade Lowell no
Klaus Miesenberge yes Cognitive Accessibility - what was done in the Research and Development Working Group could be of relevance here.
Andi Saptono no
Takayuki Watanabe yes I have submitted an communication paper on W4A 2017, which title is "Communication Model of Web Accessibility." (At the moment, I don't know if this article is accepted)

Abstract: WCAG 2.0 plays an important role on Web accessibility. Evaluation of Web accessibility is carried out to conform to WCAG 2.0 and authors and evaluators consult specific techniques to achieve Web accessibility. Web accessibility, however, is a communication problem. The current paper tries to draw holistic view of Web accessibility in terms of communication model, which is derived from semiotics. Based on this model, gap between authors and users, importance of users’ goal, importance of context, evaluation of the right part of the model (user side), and intelligent Web content are discussed.

I'm happy if this paper is useful for Silver's research activity and gets feedback from your activity.

Nancy Alajarmeh no
Gregg Vanderheiden yes it is all cited in WCAG with links
Stephanie Wilson yes Interview data giving the views of people with aphasia about several software applications; qualitative observational data of the use of several software applications by people with aphasia; quantitative data on the use of technology by people with aphasia.

Some of this data has not yet been published and we would not want it to be made publically available until this has happened.
Howard Fooksman no
David Swallow yes I have potentially useful stakeholder interview data on web developers and their working practices, including their use of WCAG and other resources. Some of the data has already been published in the publications listed above. There are, however, some reuse concerns over the unpublished data that might prevent me from making it available.
Mi-soo Kwon yes
Sukil KIm yes KWCAG2.1/National Standard/Open to public for free
KS X 5001 Series/National Standard/Open to public
KS X 9211/National Standard/Open to public

3. Publish in 2017?

Do you expect to publish research in this area in 2017? Please give details in the comment field below


ChoiceAll responders
Yes 9
Maybe 10
No 5


Responder Publish in 2017? Comment on publication schedule and topics
Michael Crabb Yes Aiming to publish on topics of game accessibility late in 2017 and also UX of accessibility services throughout year as research topics are completed.
Abi Roper Maybe Intended journal article reporting study findings regarding digital accessibility of specialized computer therapy tools for aphasia.
Tyson McMillan Maybe I am always striving to contribute to the research community via substantive scholarly research.
Michael Heron Yes Planning to publish work on tactile accessibility of physical gaming products. One paper written, one in production.
Bob Dodd No
Eleanor Loiacono Yes I am currently working on research that pertains to accessibility and expect to publish in 2017.
Tristen Breitenfeldt No
Stanley Lam No
Shea Tanis Maybe Publishing research results from an OSERS funded research on the development of a cognitively accessibly curriculum for students with significant disabilities to self-direct their own employment.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp Yes Accessibility as Community Engaged Scholarship
Phillip Deaton Yes Accessibility as community engaged scholarship; theoretical
Peter McNally Maybe Nothing planned at the moment, but I am always looking for new ideas. Maybe I could publish research in conjunction with the work coming out the Silver project.
Scott Hollier Yes * About to commence a six month research project on the implications of Internet of Things access in an education setting. Results due late 2017, may be of interest.
Reade Lowell Maybe
Klaus Miesenberge Maybe Certification of persons and web pages
Andi Saptono Yes I am planning to publish our result on utilizing data mining techniques to identify understandability issue on the internet
Takayuki Watanabe Maybe 1) user surveys (mostly interviews) with Japanese blind users to identify how they use Web with Japanese screenreaders (not JAWS, not NVDA) .
2) Surveys (mostly interviews) with Japanese Web accessibility consultants to know how they use WCAG.
3) Experiments to compare WCAG-based heuristic/expert evaluation and user test-based evaluation.
Nancy Alajarmeh Yes Accessibility to arabic content on the web
Accessibility to the doing of math
Gregg Vanderheiden Maybe
Stephanie Wilson Yes 1. Planned journal submission (with Abi Roper) on technology use by people with aphasia.
2. Planned journal or conference submission on accessibility of specific apps for people with aphasia.
Howard Fooksman No
David Swallow Maybe I am currently writing up my PhD thesis and expect to publish research in this area later in 2017.
Mi-soo Kwon Maybe
Sukil KIm No

4. Student Projects: Willingness?

Would you be willing to use Silver research questions/activities as a basis for student projects?


ChoiceAll responders
yes 17
no 7


Responder Student Projects: Willingness? Comments on Willingness
Michael Crabb yes Should have ~7 honours projects and ~4 masters projects this year. Am willing to contribute a high percentage of these towards Silver research activities.
Abi Roper no I do not personally manage any students at present so would not be able to offer this.
Tyson McMillan yes As a full Professor at a Community College, I am proud to say that community colleges are willing and able to still contribute to scholarly research efforts. What a wonderful opportunity this would be for my students.
Michael Heron yes
Bob Dodd no
Eleanor Loiacono yes WPI has a project based curriculum and so there are two types of projects: Interactive Qualifying Projects (IQPs) and Major Qualifying Projects (MQPs).

The Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) is one of the most distinctive elements of the WPI Plan and WPI’s signature project-based curriculum, giving every WPI student the experience of working in interdisciplinary teams to solve a problem or need that lies at the intersection of science and society.

The MQP is a capstone experience. The MQP helps students put the theory of what they've learned into practice to tackle real-life scenarios and issues, often sponsored by corporations or other external organizations.

I have advised many of these over the years. I have published research conducted via these groups at high level IS journals. Students and I have presented this work at various conferences.
Tristen Breitenfeldt no I am not a student nor an educator.
Stanley Lam yes
Shea Tanis yes We have Coleman Fellows that we may be able to involve in research activities if it aligns with the student's interests and goals.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp yes Yes
Phillip Deaton yes
Peter McNally yes As my role at the User Experience Center, I manage some graduate students in the Human Factors in Information Design (MS HFID) program. If the opportunity arises I would be willing to engage graduate students in a related project.
Scott Hollier yes I hold and Adjunct position with Edith Cowan Univesity and currently supervising a PhD candidate. I've been invited to oversee some more postgraduate student projects in 2017 so there may be an opportunity.
Reade Lowell yes I work in industry, so I'm not sure if this is particularly relevant to me, but depending on the timing and scope of the project, I would be willing to support/mentor/advise students who are using Silver research questions as a basis for projects.
Klaus Miesenberge yes
Andi Saptono yes
Takayuki Watanabe yes I'm concerned about schedule.
Japanese 1st term term begins in April and ends in July. February and March is vacation. This timeline doesn't much your schedule.
In addition to that, students are not familiar with Web accessibility (because I teach Information design and HCI), it takes some time to start a research.
Nancy Alajarmeh yes If asked to do so
Gregg Vanderheiden no over committed now
Stephanie Wilson yes I regularly supervise projects undertaken by students on BSc Computer Science and MSc Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCID) at City. Students on the MSc HCID take a module on "Inclusive Design" - projects based on Silver research activities might be particularly suitable for this group and I would be keen to pursue this.

I also have one or two PhD students who might be interested in a short-term project.
Howard Fooksman yes
David Swallow no I no longer work in an academic institution and would therefore be unable to be involved in this capacity.
Mi-soo Kwon no
Sukil KIm no

5. Student Projects: types of Student projects

summary | by responder | by choice

If yes (that you are willing to use Silver research questions or activities as a basis for student projects), please indicate the type of project you would be willing to run:


ChoiceAll responders
Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course 10
Activity as part of a taught course in a MOOC
Supervised individual research project 14
Other (please give details in comment field) 4

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Student Projects: types of Student projectsComments on Other Projects
Michael Crabb
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
Abi Roper
Tyson McMillan
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
Michael Heron
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
  • Other (please give details in comment field)
We have possibilities of bringing students in as reswarch interns
Bob Dodd
Eleanor Loiacono
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
  • Other (please give details in comment field)
As mentioned above, WPI is a project-based curriculum and has two distinct projects: the IQP, MQP, and data science projects.

The Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) is one of the most distinctive elements of the WPI Plan and WPI’s signature project-based curriculum, giving every WPI student the experience of working in interdisciplinary teams to solve a problem or need that lies at the intersection of science and society.

The MQP is a capstone experience. The MQP helps students put the theory of what they've learned into practice to tackle real-life scenarios and issues, often sponsored by corporations or other external organizations.

WPI has a data science program of which I am on the faculty steering committee. So, I would be able to engage a data science student or team to help analyze large datasets.

I have advised many of IQPs and MQPs over the years (see http://eleanorloiacono.weebly.com/projects.html). I have published research conducted via these groups at high level IS journals. Students and I have presented this work at various conferences.
Tristen Breitenfeldt N/A
Stanley Lam
  • Supervised individual research project
Shea Tanis
  • Other (please give details in comment field)
Our Coleman Fellows come to us from various disciplines (i.e. computer science, psychology, engineering etc.). We have varied relationships with students based upon their customized fellowship. We would engage with our fellows as they enter to involve them in related projects.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Supervised individual research project
Phillip Deaton
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
Peter McNally
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
This will not happen in 2017, however occasionally I have a taught a UX certificate course on accessibility. Not sure when I will be teaching it again, but I would be willing to incorporate Silver research/activities in my class when it is taught again.
Scott Hollier
  • Supervised individual research project
Reade Lowell
  • Supervised individual research project
Klaus Miesenberge
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
  • Other (please give details in comment field)
bachelor, master or PhD work
Andi Saptono
  • Supervised individual research project
Takayuki Watanabe
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
I want to start research with senior students as a graduation thesis, which starts in April and ends in December.
Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Supervised individual research project
Gregg Vanderheiden
Stephanie Wilson
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
Howard Fooksman
  • Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Supervised individual research project
David Swallow
Mi-soo Kwon
Sukil KIm

View by choice

Activity as part of a taught course in an undergraduate or postgraduate module or course
  • Michael Crabb
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Takayuki Watanabe
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • Howard Fooksman
Activity as part of a taught course in a MOOC
Supervised individual research project
  • Michael Crabb
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Andi Saptono
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • Howard Fooksman
Other (please give details in comment field)
  • Michael Heron
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Shea Tanis
  • Klaus Miesenberge

6. Student Projects: Preferred Timeline

What is your preferred timeline for running student projects? (This should include a date by which you need to have a project description ready, and expected duration of the project)


Responder Student Projects: Preferred Timeline
Michael Crabb Honours projects will need to be in place by late February/early March. Masters projects late March, early April
Abi Roper
Tyson McMillan Having all relevant details in preparation for my 2nd 8 week classes of Spring 2017 would be wonderful: 03/20/17 to 05/11/17

I also am prepared to participate in projects during the 1st 8 week semester block per the the timeline: 01/17/17 to 03/09/17
Michael Heron September - May, in line with our honours project period.
Bob Dodd
Eleanor Loiacono The best time to settle on project topics are in spring, by March. This will allow projects to start the following August.
Tristen Breitenfeldt N/A
Stanley Lam No preference.
Shea Tanis This would have to be negotiated, but we generally would run a semester long project. We have also worked with our partnering University Faculty to engage students in projects over the period of a semester long course.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp There are researchers available at all times
Phillip Deaton My classses run in the fall semester, student researchers available year round.
Peter McNally
Scott Hollier 12-18 months if part of a longer study
Reade Lowell No preferred timeline.
Klaus Miesenberge My lecture on accessible web/software development ist March - June. Small items to be worked on here.
Supervised work (practical programming, bachelor, master, PhD) is flexible
Andi Saptono August 2017, for approximately 4 months.
Takayuki Watanabe I want to start research with senior students as a graduation thesis, which starts in April and ends in December. I want to discuss with students to design experiments and make some preparation in February and May (during spring vacation).
Nancy Alajarmeh Between March and December if short term. Longer if needed
Gregg Vanderheiden
Stephanie Wilson MSc students:
I would need to provide a project description by the 1st March 2017 at the latest. Students select a project by the 7th April and write a project proposal by the 23rd April 2017.
They will not start the project work until the end of June. Full-time students have 3 months and submit by the 24th Sept 2017. Part-time students submit by the 7th Jan 2018.

PhD students:
This is a bit more flexible. It might be possible to run 1 or 2 projects between March and July 2017.
Howard Fooksman None
David Swallow
Mi-soo Kwon
Sukil KIm

7. User research projects

summary | by responder | by choice

Which of the following project types would you be interested in running or contributing to?


ChoiceAll responders
Surveys of specific stakeholder groups 20
Stakeholder interviews 19
Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports) 16
Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details) 9

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder User research projectsOther user research projects
Michael Crabb
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
Abi Roper
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
Tyson McMillan
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Research that evaluates the effectiveness of various computer tools that help with web navigation and accessibility: JAWS etc...
Michael Heron
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Bob Dodd
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Eleanor Loiacono
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
I am intersted in looking at theory building within this field (adding to the literature in IS that has focused on "typical user" for so long and analysis of "big" datasets that may help our understanding of accessibility and the needs of users.
Tristen Breitenfeldt
Stanley Lam
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Of the options listed, I am most interested in helping to analyze received reports, or perhaps even helping compile a "meta-study" of all participant studies.
Shea Tanis
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
There is still very little known about information representations that are accessible to the broad range of people with cognitive disabilities - particularly people with little to no literacy skills. Also comparing accessibility needs of those with cognitive disabilities to those with sensory disabilities is greatly needed as some of the sensory accessibility standards create barriers for those with cognitive disabilities.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Usability testing for persons with disabilities against specific theoretical or preexisting criterion
Phillip Deaton
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Usability testing with persons with disabilities against specific theoretical or pre-existing criterion.
Peter McNally
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Usability testing of WCAG documentation
Scott Hollier
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
Reade Lowell
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Usability testing research related to comprehension of WCAG criteria.
Klaus Miesenberge
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
Tool support and example development.
Andi Saptono
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Takayuki Watanabe
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)

I, however, want to start my research with user interviews as an "Understand and specify the context of use" of ISO 9241-210 to identify "Specify the user and organizational requirements".
Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Gregg Vanderheiden
Stephanie Wilson
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
I am also interested in projects that involve conducting observational studies of how people use technology in practice. Clearly, this is particularly relevant for the stakeholder group that we have been focusing on recently - people with aphasia - who can find it challenging to participate in surveys and interviews.
Howard Fooksman
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
David Swallow
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Mi-soo Kwon
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
Sukil KIm
  • Surveys of specific stakeholder groups

View by choice

Surveys of specific stakeholder groups
  • Michael Crabb
  • Abi Roper
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Shea Tanis
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Takayuki Watanabe
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • Howard Fooksman
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
  • Sukil KIm
Stakeholder interviews
  • Michael Crabb
  • Abi Roper
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Shea Tanis
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Andi Saptono
  • Takayuki Watanabe
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • Howard Fooksman
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
Self-reporting of WCAG use (recruitment of participants and analysis of reports)
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Shea Tanis
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Andi Saptono
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
Are there other user research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (please give details)
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Shea Tanis
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Takayuki Watanabe
  • Stephanie Wilson

8. Background Research

summary | by responder | by choice

Which of the following project types would you be interested in running or contributing to?


ChoiceAll responders
Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness 15
Review of secondary research 14
Analysis of WCAG 18
Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG) 19
Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details) 5

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Background ResearchOther background research projects
Michael Crabb
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Abi Roper
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Tyson McMillan
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Michael Heron
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Bob Dodd
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Eleanor Loiacono
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
I am also interested in primary research to test recommendations and gain insight into user preferences.
Tristen Breitenfeldt
  • Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
eLearning accessibility for both education and corporate uses.
Stanley Lam
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
I am quite interested in contributing to background research in some way, whether by conducting reviews or analysis.
Shea Tanis
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
  • Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
Usability testing with persons with disabilities
Phillip Deaton
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
  • Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
Usability testing with persons with disabilities
Peter McNally
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Scott Hollier
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Reade Lowell
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Klaus Miesenberge
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
  • Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
Certification shemes.
Andi Saptono
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Takayuki Watanabe
  • Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
I'm sorry I cannot understand this question.
Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Gregg Vanderheiden I am completely over committed for the next 4 years. My contributions will therefore be limited to occasional review and to providing think pieces.

I don't think we can get to creating guidelines for what we will have in 10 years by conducting experiments. We are going to need to look at where things are going and work off of principles of accessibility -- and include the potential new approaches to it that will be emerging.

This will be a big challenge.
Stephanie Wilson
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
Howard Fooksman
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
David Swallow
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Mi-soo Kwon
  • Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Review of secondary research
  • Analysis of WCAG
  • Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
Sukil KIm
  • Analysis of WCAG

View by choice

Literature review of research into WCAG’s effectiveness
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Andi Saptono
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Howard Fooksman
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
Review of secondary research
  • Abi Roper
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Andi Saptono
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
Analysis of WCAG
  • Michael Crabb
  • Abi Roper
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Andi Saptono
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Stephanie Wilson
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
  • Sukil KIm
Analysis of adaptations of WCAG (e.g. rewritten versions of WCAG, other guidelines based on WCAG)
  • Michael Crabb
  • Abi Roper
  • Tyson McMillan
  • Michael Heron
  • Bob Dodd
  • Eleanor Loiacono
  • Stanley Lam
  • Shea Tanis
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Peter McNally
  • Scott Hollier
  • Reade Lowell
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Andi Saptono
  • Nancy Alajarmeh
  • Howard Fooksman
  • David Swallow
  • Mi-soo Kwon
Are there other background research projects you think Silver should undertake as part of its research? (Please give details)
  • Tristen Breitenfeldt
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp
  • Phillip Deaton
  • Klaus Miesenberge
  • Takayuki Watanabe

9. Restrictions

Silver currently has a statement of Expectations, including copyright and intellectual property conditions under which participation and contribution of new data will be covered.

Do you anticipate any difficulties contributing work under these conditions as currently defined by Silver?

If yes, please give details of your difficulties, including alternative conditions under which you’d be prepared to contribute work not already in the public domain.


ChoiceAll responders
yes 3
no 21


Responder RestrictionsDifficulties and alternatives
Michael Crabb no
Abi Roper no I am an early career researcher so don't know the ins and outs of IP very well. I'm not aware of any issues with this but would need to research further to guarantee there would be no difficulties.
Tyson McMillan no
Michael Heron no
Bob Dodd no
Eleanor Loiacono no Though I don't foresee any difficulties with meeting deadlines, the ability to find students for projects requires lead time and a solid description of the specific project.
Tristen Breitenfeldt no N/A
Stanley Lam no
Shea Tanis yes Consultation with our University regarding the outlined expectations would need to be performed in light of the particular research to be executed. We work with vulnerable populations and thus have a rigorous IRB process that would need to be followed and researchers are subject to the IRB timeline. Thus, this would need to be kept in mind when agreeing to deliverables.
Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp yes
Phillip Deaton yes
Peter McNally no
Scott Hollier no
Reade Lowell no Would need to double check with my employer, but don't anticipate any difficulties.
Klaus Miesenberge no
Andi Saptono no
Takayuki Watanabe no I'm OK if I can publish original paper based on my research.
Nancy Alajarmeh no
Gregg Vanderheiden no
Stephanie Wilson no However, individual students would also need to agree.
Howard Fooksman no
David Swallow no
Mi-soo Kwon no
Sukil KIm no

More details on responses

  • Michael Crabb: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 09:57 (UTC)
  • Abi Roper: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 11:28 (UTC)
  • Tyson McMillan: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 11:30 (UTC)
  • Michael Heron: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 11:53 (UTC)
  • Bob Dodd: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 14:01 (UTC)
  • Eleanor Loiacono: last responded on 16, January 2017 at 14:38 (UTC)
  • Tristen Breitenfeldt: last responded on 17, January 2017 at 01:17 (UTC)
  • Stanley Lam: last responded on 17, January 2017 at 05:49 (UTC)
  • Shea Tanis: last responded on 17, January 2017 at 14:32 (UTC)
  • Brooke Suzanne Knapp Brooke Suzanne Knapp : last responded on 17, January 2017 at 15:33 (UTC)
  • Phillip Deaton: last responded on 17, January 2017 at 15:33 (UTC)
  • Peter McNally: last responded on 17, January 2017 at 18:17 (UTC)
  • Scott Hollier: last responded on 18, January 2017 at 03:32 (UTC)
  • Reade Lowell: last responded on 18, January 2017 at 05:19 (UTC)
  • Klaus Miesenberge: last responded on 18, January 2017 at 07:28 (UTC)
  • Andi Saptono: last responded on 20, January 2017 at 17:33 (UTC)
  • Takayuki Watanabe: last responded on 22, January 2017 at 07:55 (UTC)
  • Nancy Alajarmeh: last responded on 22, January 2017 at 18:08 (UTC)
  • Gregg Vanderheiden: last responded on 22, January 2017 at 18:50 (UTC)
  • Stephanie Wilson: last responded on 23, January 2017 at 00:08 (UTC)
  • Howard Fooksman: last responded on 23, January 2017 at 15:21 (UTC)
  • David Swallow: last responded on 23, January 2017 at 16:36 (UTC)
  • Mi-soo Kwon: last responded on 3, February 2017 at 06:38 (UTC)
  • Sukil KIm: last responded on 7, February 2017 at 09:05 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Janina Sajka
  2. Shadi Abou-Zahra
  3. Makoto Ueki
  4. Peter Korn
  5. Bruce Bailey
  6. Jeanne F Spellman
  7. Wilco Fiers
  8. Alastair Campbell
  9. Léonie Watson
  10. David Sloan
  11. Mary Jo Mueller
  12. John Kirkwood
  13. Detlev Fischer
  14. Matt Garrish
  15. Chris Loiselle
  16. John Rochford
  17. Sarah Horton
  18. JaEun Jemma Ku
  19. Rachael Bradley Montgomery
  20. Francis Storr
  21. Aparna Pasi
  22. Ruoxi Ran
  23. Charles Adams
  24. Arthur Soroken
  25. David Fazio
  26. Daniel Montalvo
  27. Caryn Pagel
  28. Todd Libby
  29. Julia Chen
  30. Rain Breaw Michaels
  31. Jaunita George
  32. Suji Sreerama

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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