Results of Questionnaire ISSUE-205: Define what author guidance and/or methods should be provided to those that wish to create accessible text editors using canvas as a rendering surface - Straw Poll for Objections

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: pcotton@microsoft.com, rubys@intertwingly.net, mjs@apple.com, mike@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2012-05-29 to 2012-06-07.

2 answers have been received.

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  1. Objections to the Change Proposal to support creation of accessible text editors in Canvas.
  2. Objections to the Change Proposal that discourages creation of text editors using Canvas.

1. Objections to the Change Proposal to support creation of accessible text editors in Canvas.

We have a Change Proposal to modify existing the Canvas 2D API to include APIs that allow a screen magnifier to track caret and selection change movements to support the creation of accessible text editors in Canvas. If you have strong objections to adopting this Change Proposal, please state your objections below.

Keep in mind, you must actually state an objection, not merely cite someone else. If you feel that your objection has already been adequately addressed by someone else, then it is not necessary to repeat it.


Responder Objections to the Change Proposal to support creation of accessible text editors in Canvas.
Richard Schwerdtfeger
Janina Sajka

2. Objections to the Change Proposal that discourages creation of text editors using Canvas.

We have a Change Proposal that proposes to maintain the advise that authors not attempt to create text editors in Canvas. If you have strong objections to adopting this Change Proposal, please state your objections below.

Keep in mind, you must actually state an objection, not merely cite someone else. If you feel that your objection has already been adequately addressed by someone else, then it is not necessary to repeat it.


Responder Objections to the Change Proposal that discourages creation of text editors using Canvas.
Richard Schwerdtfeger I object to having this text in the HTML5 spec. as it states that authors should not do rich text editing using canvas because it is technicall hard. Yet, LibreOffice has already built a rich text editor in canvas that supports multiple languages. Furthermore, the fact that it has been done successfully and that the company advocating this change proposal is the largest producer of rich text editing products brings into question, for me, the motivation for making this change proposal.

If it were not technically feasible to produce a rich text editor in canvas or it were proven that we could not produce an accessible rich text editor with canvas then those arguments would be grounds for having this text in the document. Given that LibreOffice, written in HTML5 canvas, is available and that chairs have not ruled that the chairs have not ruled on http://www.w3.org/html/wg/wiki/ChangeProposals/CaretSelectionRevised and because the combined hit testing change proposal has not yet been submitted and reviewed it is premature to state that rich text editing cannot be made accessible.

On these ground I object to this change proposal.
Janina Sajka As already noted, this stricture has not worked. There's no evidence this will change. We have not heard that LibreOffice will withdraw, nor have we any evidence that some author will not ask something as simple as "Enter your name here:" in canvas.
So, if the WG cannot prevent text editing in canvas, it should recognize that a11y will be harmed if the technology to support assistive technologies
is excluded. Please do not undermine a11y over an unwinnable preference.

More details on responses

  • Richard Schwerdtfeger: last responded on 4, June 2012 at 15:00 (UTC)
  • Janina Sajka: last responded on 8, June 2012 at 02:38 (UTC)

Everybody has responded to this questionnaire.

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