Results of Questionnaire EOWG Weekly Survey – 27 April 2015

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email address: shawn@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2015-04-24 to 2015-05-18.

17 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Quick Start Tips
  2. Quick Start Tips: Audiences
  3. Quick Start Tips: Topics
  4. Quick Start Tips: Designing
  5. Quick Start Tips: Developing
  6. Quick Start Tips: Authoring
  7. Quick Start Tips: Testing/Evaluating
  8. Quick Start Tips: Advocating
  9. Quick Start Tips: Managing
  10. [OLD] Quickref update
  11. [OLD] Quickref: Sidebars
  12. [OLD] Quickref: Navigation / Back to top link
  13. [OLD] EOWG 2015 Charter

1. Quick Start Tips

The following questions relate to the development of Quick Start Tips. These tips are intended to provide key audiences with a short guide to help them start with accessibility.

Please look at the initial audiences and topics and consider the questions below.

Optional background: Requirements analysis provides purpose, audience, and more.


ChoiceAll responders
I read it 12
I skimmed it 1
I didn't get to it 1

(3 responses didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder Quick Start Tips
Melody Ma I read it
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra I read it
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer I read it
Eric Eggert I read it
Kevin White
Sharron Rush I read it
Jonathan Metz I read it
Vicki Menezes Miller I read it
Sylvie Duchateau I didn't get to it
Wayne Dick I read it
Lydia Harkey I read it
Andrew Arch I read it
Brent Bakken I read it
Shawn Lawton Henry I read it
Paul Schantz I skimmed it

2. Quick Start Tips: Audiences

What are your initial thoughts on the five audiences presented?

Please consider the suggested title for the audience, and whether your feel that other audiences might benefit.

Note that the intention is for a separate set of tips for each of the audiences.


Responder Quick Start Tips: Audiences
Melody Ma Technical Quality Assurance testers should be considered. I was training someone at work the other day with the WAI resources and it was not as straight forward to figure out which of the resources were the most relevant for her since we don't have QA testers as a definitive audience. For example, she was very interested in how to create an accessibility QA test plan with automation.

User Experience Designer is also missing as an audience.
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra Maybe change from role-based (eg. "tips for designers") to task-based (eg. "tips for designing")? This could address roles with overlapping responsibilities, such as "UX Designer", that is sometimes a mix of design and development.
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer It made sense to me although I don't know if in the real world roles are so evenly divided up.
Eric Eggert Initial thought: There are six audiences.

More: I think the audiences are nicely organized and easy distinguishable. I like the titles. We need to make this easy to understand and simple not go into too much detail.
Kevin White
Sharron Rush The titles are fine, but of course others will benefit as well. These are not and I don't think they can be clear dividers, there is much that overlaps. Since the idea is to provide quick tips and early guidance, I don't think this fact of overlap rather than clear bright divisions should be an issue.
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller I like the approach. Simple and straightforward.

Under "Designer", does "interface designer" cover user experience designer?
Where does "Key stakeholder" fit, can it be placed under "Manager"?
Rationale: A "Manager" or stakeholder may not consider himself/herself a "project manager" or "site owner". This would broaden the scope.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick I actually like the presentation as task / function rather than audience.
Lydia Harkey simplicity grabs the attention
Andrew Arch just for consideration:
Brent Bakken I think the defined audiences are good at the moment. Once this is released we can analyze feedback to see if additional audiences should be added or if an audience group needs to be broken out further.
Shawn Lawton Henry quickref prototype currently has:
Front-End Development
User Experience
Content Strategy

I wonder if it makes to synch these somewhat.
Paul Schantz The audiences are fine, but the headers confused me. Instead of audiences like "Designers" or "Authors," I see practices like "Designing" and "Authoring."

3. Quick Start Tips: Topics

The topics are intended to be presented as short bullet points. A short supporting paragraph, example, and section on added benefits may also be included.

1 May Update Note: We agreed on some changes in the EOWG teleconference that are not yet implemented, e.g., having very short descriptions, sometimes examples, not usually the "why" or benefits, and very clearly "sign-posted"/explained specific links.
Kevin will provide updated examples for us to look at.
(So you might want to wait for those examples before commenting on this question.)

What are your thoughts on this approach?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Topics
Melody Ma Need a sample to make a judgement.
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra Suggest "short supporting paragraph" to be only 1-2 sentences, that expand on the bullet-point titles. Not sure if example is needed, and if needed for *every* bullet point. Don't think benefits should be addressed in this resource (scope-creep). Also not always relevant. For example "do a preliminary check using Easy Checks" might not have "additional benefits" (as such), nor need an example. Instead, I think *every bullet-point should have link(s) to further information* (eg. where relevant "showcase stories" for benefits, business case, Easy Checks, etc.). Keep this resource a simple sign-post to existing resources, rather than try to re-develop existing content.
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer Seems to make sense but hard to say until I see an initial mockup or version.
Eric Eggert I like keeping this as short as possible. Some points could point to other information in WAI (Tutorials, Easy Checks…). But only one link per bullet point to keep it really, really simple.
Kevin White
Sharron Rush If each bullet point has a supporting paragraph and example and a section on added benefits, these may not be Quick at all. I think we want to be careful about trying to do too much. I recall that the joys that everyone took in the biz card was it clarity and brevity.
Jonathan Metz Isn't it a bit redundant to recommend that people "Learn more about accessibility?" I mean, isn't that why they're here?

I actually really like pointing roles to our other resources (i.e. "Use Easy Checks for early quick reviews"). Perhaps we can link to them and include more of the resources?
Vicki Menezes Miller I very much like the brevity and style.

"Learn more about accessibility" is in each category. Should this be moved up on the list of topics because one needs to understand accessibility in order to address the issues in each topic.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick The topics are appropriate for the tasks.
Responsibility for creating alternative text should be assigned to the author. Since a pure content author may now know about this there may be some help.
Text alternatives are also a responsibility of the developer, but only in a does it make sense context.
the "click here" example needs a principle. Something like "active text should not require context for understanding" . That is too long but its what is needed.
Lydia Harkey Being Brevity will provide quick answers
Andrew Arch
Brent Bakken I like this approach as it needs to be simple, streamlined and quickly browsed.
Shawn Lawton Henry We should agree on a wording approach. For example, short, imperative statements -- e.g., "Provide sufficient contrast between text and background colors" instead of "Ensure that there is sufficient contrast between text and background colors"
Paul Schantz Short is good. Keep it that way.

4. Quick Start Tips: Designing

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Designer?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Designing
Melody Ma Hover styling doesn't apply to touch devices. Was "active" styling meant?
Missing guidance for images
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- "high contrast" -> "sufficient contrast"?
- "elements have a hover" - is that the WCAG/UAAG requirement, or just a visible focus?
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer Looks good. No additions or suggested drops.
Eric Eggert I needed to Google “salient” – probably a less known word by non-native speakers?

Consider adding:
- Ensure that it is easy to distinguish between page sections
- Provide text alternatives or visible labels for icons
Kevin White
Sharron Rush Images are missing.
Not sure what is meant by "have a hover and focus styling." Are we trying to say to create a common styling so the visual cues are consistent?
Jonathan Metz Just an aside, but palate refers to the roof of the mouth. I agree that some colours are just plain tasteless, but I don't think that's a WCAG requirement.

I would recommend proper spacing of elements should be a consideration (e.g. MS recommends 9mm for each element and 2mm for space between.) This is a best practice for touch but it's important for motor disabilities too.

Also, labelling everything is helpful because the developer might be visually impaired (this is actually the case with a few projects I oversee). It's also a major nag from devs.
Vicki Menezes Miller Guidance on images needs to be added.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick Many of these sound like developer issues.
--Make sure the page will have meaning in many different contexts: read out loud, in large print, with different layouts.
Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch added comments in Wikki
Brent Bakken
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz Added comment to wiki

5. Quick Start Tips: Developing

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Developer?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Developing
Melody Ma Missing guidance for images
Unsure what "Check your code validates" means
Use heading tags semantically
Ensure that site can be navigated by keyboard
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- HTML5 only? SVG? Does this repeat #1?
- Is this the only use for WAI-ARIA?
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer Looks good. No additions or suggested drops.
Eric Eggert Good!
Kevin White
Sharron Rush Something about consistent naming conventions for interactive elements.
Jonathan Metz Perhaps changing "Use HTML5 structural elements" to "Include HTML5 structural elements?" We have no idea what their requirements might be.
Vicki Menezes Miller Guidance on images.
Guidance on tables.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick One new topic:
--Run Easy Checks periodically to ensure basic accessibility
Lydia Harkey New Developers may need additional information that their codes is compatible for mobile, desktop, etc. A developer recently asked if coding different for mobile, desktop, responsive website, etc.
Andrew Arch keyboard navigation
Brent Bakken
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz Some developer topics may be similar to designer topics (this may be unavoidable). Suggest new topic: developers should use tools that test code during the development / build process. This goes hand-in-hand with evaluation by QA testing.

6. Quick Start Tips: Authoring

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Author?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Authoring
Melody Ma
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- Order seems a little arbitrary?
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer No changes.
Eric Eggert - Use the provided tools for formatting lists, quotes and tables
- Provide information on the format and size of non-html links, for example (PDF, 400kb)
Kevin White
Sharron Rush These seem basically sound and this is not the time for word-smithing, is that right? Some of these could be clarified and tersified.

For example "Ensure all pages are provided with a meaningful title" should be something more like "Use informative, unique page titles."

Also "Avoid using complex words and sentence structures" is not always possible. What if my site is a physics curriculum, etc?
Jonathan Metz I believe authors should be responsible for non-text elements that require text (images, charts, etc).
Vicki Menezes Miller Guidance on images.
Structure content.
Guidance on tables.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick The author has responsibility for text-alternatives.
Lydia Harkey Added to wiki
Andrew Arch Added comments in Wiki
Brent Bakken Additional topic:
- When authoring content, provide consistent layout, format, and language between pages when appropriate.
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz

7. Quick Start Tips: Testing/Evaluating

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Evaluator?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Testing/Evaluating
Melody Ma
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer
Eric Eggert
Kevin White
Sharron Rush "Run evaluation sessions with real people" not sure what this is suggesting?

and do we want to suggest that the WCAG-EM Report Tool is the only way? or do we say that or a similar or equivalent tool?
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick
Lydia Harkey Provide option for testers to provide contact information.
Added to wiki
Andrew Arch Added comments in Wiki
Brent Bakken Additional topic:
- Definitions of the conformance levels (A, AA, AAA) and what it would mean for an organization to conform to a specified level.
- Types of testing/evaluating: e.g. conformance, usability, AT usability, quality assurance, spot check, end user, user acceptance, etc
- Reporting - sample report examples, data and topics to include in reporting, official documentation report like VPATs
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz

8. Quick Start Tips: Advocating

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Advocate?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Advocating
Melody Ma "Create accessibility awareness presentation" is too prescriptive. Should be more like "Create awareness for accessibility through presentation and outreach"
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- think "advocate" might be different than "champion"? that is, an "external view" rather than an internal one.

For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- "Check early and throughout"?
- tools list?
- accessibility support?
- seems a little generic
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer No changes.
Eric Eggert Like this!

(Only the Learn more about accessibility is a bit vague…)
Kevin White
Sharron Rush I want more time on this one...I think it is murky as it is now but have no good suggestions at this time.
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick Learn about national and provincial law and their relationship to WCAG
Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch
Brent Bakken Additional topic:
- Organizational advocate strategies
- Data points and current research for advocates to use within their organization to build buy-in
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz

9. Quick Start Tips: Managing

What are your general thoughts on the topics presented for the Manager?

Are there any topics missing? Are there any that you would suggest dropping?


Responder Quick Start Tips: Managing
Melody Ma
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra For now (didn't get to review it in detail yet):
- "Appoint at least one accessibility specialist" seems to specific and there isn't really any resource that you can point to from this bullet.
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer No changes.
Eric Eggert Perfect from my view, really good work!
Kevin White
Sharron Rush Add: Align accessibility rationale with general corporate policies. (or it may belong in Advocate)
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller Link to the legal framework upfront?
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick What kind of managers? What level of technical expertise. It seems difficult to make this tenable unless there are well edited access paths.

Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch
Brent Bakken Additional topic:
- Data points and current research for managers to use within their organization to build buy-in
- Developing and assigning priority & severity ratings matrix to accessibility efforts to drive development/remediation timelines and cost
- Bridging the language/communication barrier between developers, content, personnel managers, and business managers - resource for translating language back and forth to reduce/mitigate confusion and misunderstanding
Shawn Lawton Henry
Paul Schantz

10. [OLD] Quickref update

The following questions relate to the development of the quick reference “How to Meet WCAG 2.0” (quickref).

Please look at the current version of the mockup and the changes described on this page, and consider the questions below.

Note: If you brought up an issue during the 24 April teleconference, you do not need to repeat it here. However, feel free to add clarification if you wish, or add comments about different issues.


ChoiceAll responders
I reviewed it 9
I skimmed it 3
I didn't get to it 1

(4 responses didn't contain an answer to this question)


Responder [OLD] Quickref update
Melody Ma I reviewed it
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra I reviewed it
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer I reviewed it
Eric Eggert I reviewed it
Kevin White I reviewed it
Sharron Rush I reviewed it
Jonathan Metz I skimmed it
Vicki Menezes Miller I reviewed it
Sylvie Duchateau I didn't get to it
Wayne Dick I reviewed it
Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch I skimmed it
Brent Bakken I reviewed it
Shawn Lawton Henry I skimmed it
Paul Schantz

11. [OLD] Quickref: Sidebars

What are your initial thoughts on the new sidebars?

Do you think it is helpful to have the functionality split this way?


Responder [OLD] Quickref: Sidebars
Melody Ma All the different elements like "Hidden items" and the repeated "only" makes the page very noisy.

The new sidebar close and hamburger menu functionality is confusing. Research shows that most people don't understand what the hamburger symbol means.

This layout doesn't work on mobile.
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra Works very well conceptually. The scrolling behavior of the navigation bar might need to be looked at more carefully when the content is fully populated.
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer Each category is clear but there are quite a number of filters. But they're unobtrusive enough so that they don't get in the way of using the document.
Eric Eggert (Editor)
Kevin White I can certainly see the value of them. However, I would be slightly concerned that these add considerable visual noise to the page.

Just thinking about usage; the overview is more immediately and continuously useful than the filters. Filters will be used but not necessarily all the time. I wonder if there is a way to have them as a pop-over, drop-down, type thing rather than taking up page space.
Sharron Rush Yes, I like the new sidebars although they are somewhat formidable when both are expanded
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller I like the sidebars with the following observations:
Left: OK, but perhaps the functionality may be tricky for some users. Once more links/information is added, I'll get a better feel and be able to provide more feedback.
Right: I like the categorization. I find the repeated words "only" add noise to the page.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick See 200% and 300% enlargement.
At 200% the page is unusable starting from a base font of 12px.
At 300% it is impossible.
So it fails SC 1.4.4 and the minimum readability requirement for people with low vision as classified by the WHO.
Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch quick reaction - looks very busy
Brent Bakken I like the search functionality better back in the top banner. When you close/collapse the left sidebar, the search goes away with it. I would like to be able to close both sidebars so that more content shows, but still be able to use the search at the top banner.
Shawn Lawton Henry really like!

however, I'm not keen on the Search moving down into the left pane. I liked that pane kept simple just for navigation, not for filtering & searching. (also, with search, I don't know what the down arrow button it)
Paul Schantz

12. [OLD] Quickref: Navigation / Back to top link

What are your initial thoughts on the static navigation bar?

Do you consider this more/less/as useful than/as the previous fixed navigation bar?

What do you think of the fixed back to top link on the bottom? Consider that this page is going to be really long.


Responder [OLD] Quickref: Navigation / Back to top link
Melody Ma Either is good. If it's the "back to top link", then it's better if it's fixed to the right corner with more obvious background, because it's hard to notice that it's there.
Reinaldo Ferraz
Shadi Abou-Zahra Navigation bar:
1- scroll down until ~SC 1.2 (when the nav bar is expanded)
2- now try to scroll down to SC 1.2.8 *in the nav bar*
ISSUE: You need to scroll all the way down in the page rather than scroll in the nav bar to jump to 1.2.8. Maybe this will improve when there is more content?

Back To Top: I completely missed that until you asked about it. I did look for "back to top" inside the content (also expanded an SC to look for the link there).
Anna Belle Leiserson
Howard Kramer I wish there was a link back to the previous version for comparison.

I like the fixed "back to top" link but didn't notice it until reading this question. Maybe it needs to stand out more.
Eric Eggert (Editor)
Kevin White I think the fixed bar was slightly more useful because of the positioning of search. With the search moved into the left hand panel, a static navigation bar makes much more sense.

Back to top: Good as fixed, although a minor fix (which I am sure is on your list) is to not have it visible when the content is at the top.
Sharron Rush Much prefer the current, static nav bar. back to top is quite useful
Jonathan Metz
Vicki Menezes Miller 1. and 2. : Ok
3. I didn't notice the "Back to top" link until this question was asked.
Sylvie Duchateau
Wayne Dick It takes a lot of space enlarged. Instead of using em units try percent.

Do not let the box or text grow with text enlargement. Do something like make it a image button, and give it a tool tip.
Lydia Harkey
Andrew Arch Quick reaction - Static Nav seems good, but can it be kept at just the x.x level unless expanded by the user? the flashing in out was annoying on first scroll through.
While I generally like back-to-top links, with the static left nav it's not really needed here
Brent Bakken Didn't notice the "back to top" fixed button until I saw this questions. I like it and think it is a great addition. But, can you add a thin dark line on the top border of the button so that you have a better chance to notice that the button is there.
Shawn Lawton Henry I like the nav bar not fixed so it doesn't take up screen real estate.

I like having a fixed back to top link at the bottom; however, it needs more visual separation.
Paul Schantz

13. [OLD] EOWG 2015 Charter

Based on feedback from some of the W3C Advisory Committee, we have updated the EOWG Charter to better explain EOWG's work, especially the deliverables. (Some sections are "boilerplate" or otherwise dictated by W3C Process requirements.) This draft is now more in-line with other W3C charters.

Please look at the updated Draft EOWG Charter and indicate your position on its adoption.

Please complete this question asap, and feel free to do the rest of the survey later.


ChoiceAll responders
I approve the charter as written. 14
I approve the charter and suggest the optional changes explained below. 3
I do not approve the charter unless the following changes are made.
I abstain


Responder [OLD] EOWG 2015 Charter
Melody Ma I approve the charter and suggest the optional changes explained below. I would like to see a more proactive approach to the "promotion" and "community engagement" parts of the charter. Many of the deliverables listed are documentation creation and updates that depend on inbound traffic vs. proactive outreach.
Reinaldo Ferraz I approve the charter as written.
Shadi Abou-Zahra I approve the charter as written.
Anna Belle Leiserson I approve the charter as written.
Howard Kramer I approve the charter as written.
Eric Eggert I approve the charter as written.
Kevin White I approve the charter and suggest the optional changes explained below. Improve understanding and implementing WAI standards: 'Additional additional training curriculum materials, based on resource availability' - repetition of 'additional'

'Working Group's deliverables' should this not be 'Working Groups' deliverables' - multiple working groups, multiple deliverables - happy to be wrong; the apostrophe is one of life's mysteries for me.
Sharron Rush I approve the charter as written.
Jonathan Metz I approve the charter as written.
Vicki Menezes Miller I approve the charter as written.
Sylvie Duchateau I approve the charter as written.
Wayne Dick I approve the charter as written.
Lydia Harkey I approve the charter as written. What does URI in section 8 mean?
Andrew Arch I approve the charter and suggest the optional changes explained below. "1.1 Out of Scope" should be "1.2 Out of Scope"

I didn't see any mention of HTML5 [1] or Digital Publishing [2] :(
[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/html-task-force
[2] http://www.w3.org/dpub/IG/wiki/Main_Page

Do the additional team resources listed (Kevin and Eric) have funding through the duration of this Charter? If not, I would like to see that specified for full transparency.

Separate from the Charter - we need to find a way (small task forces?) to keep WAI materials up-to-date as we have an increasing library of resources.
Brent Bakken I approve the charter as written. Thank you for defining the "review" terminology in the deliverables table.
Shawn Lawton Henry I approve the charter as written.
Paul Schantz I approve the charter as written. This is a LOT of deliverables for two years!

More details on responses

  • Anna Belle Leiserson: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 00:46 (UTC)
  • Howard Kramer: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 03:33 (UTC)
  • Eric Eggert: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 10:18 (UTC)
  • Kevin White: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 16:04 (UTC)
  • Sharron Rush: last responded on 30, April 2015 at 22:49 (UTC)
  • Jonathan Metz: last responded on 1, May 2015 at 01:55 (UTC)
  • Vicki Menezes Miller: last responded on 1, May 2015 at 11:01 (UTC)
  • Sylvie Duchateau: last responded on 4, May 2015 at 11:17 (UTC)
  • Wayne Dick: last responded on 6, May 2015 at 23:19 (UTC)
  • Lydia Harkey: last responded on 7, May 2015 at 01:05 (UTC)
  • Andrew Arch: last responded on 7, May 2015 at 12:41 (UTC)
  • Brent Bakken: last responded on 7, May 2015 at 20:42 (UTC)
  • Shawn Lawton Henry: last responded on 8, May 2015 at 01:14 (UTC)
  • Paul Schantz: last responded on 8, May 2015 at 04:11 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Eric Velleman
  2. Kazuhito Kidachi
  3. Jedi Lin
  4. David Sloan
  5. Mary Jo Mueller
  6. Bill Kasdorf
  7. Cristina Mussinelli
  8. Kevin Rydberg
  9. Ahmath Bamba MBACKE
  10. Adina Halter
  11. Laura Keen
  12. Sarah Pulis
  13. Bill Tyler
  14. Gregorio Pellegrino
  15. Ruoxi Ran
  16. Jennifer Chadwick
  17. Sean Kelly
  18. Muhammad Saleem
  19. Sarah Lewthwaite
  20. Daniel Montalvo
  21. Jade Matos Carew
  22. Sonsoles López Pernas
  23. Greta Krafsig
  24. Jayne Schurick
  25. Billie Johnston
  26. Michele Williams
  27. Shikha Nikhil Dwivedi
  28. Brian Elton
  29. Julianna Rowsell
  30. Tabitha Mahoney
  31. Fred Edora
  32. Rabab Gomaa
  33. Marcelo Paiva
  34. Eloisa Guerrero
  35. Leonard Beasley
  36. Frankie Wolf
  37. Supriya Makude
  38. Aleksandar Cindrikj
  39. Angela Young

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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