Results of Questionnaire EOWG Weekly Survey - 11 April 2016

The results of this questionnaire are available to anybody. In addition, answers are sent to the following email addresses: shawn@w3.org,shadi+EOsurvey@w3.org

This questionnaire was open from 2016-04-11 to 2016-04-14.

8 answers have been received.

Jump to results for question:

  1. Resolutions of 8 April
  2. How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button Icon
  3. How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button Functionality
  4. Accessible UI Components List: Submission Criteria

1. Resolutions of 8 April

summary | by responder | by choice

Please read the 8 April EOWG teleconference meeting minutes. Indicate your approval or concerns with the resolution(s) passed at that meeting. The summary and the link to the full minutes is on the 2016 Minutes wiki page.


ChoiceAll responders
I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them! 6
I have reviewed the minutes and agree to the Resolutions passed. 2
I have reviewed the minutes but have concerns with the Resolutions, and I explain them below.
I have not read the minutes yet, and have put the date for my review into the comments box.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Resolutions of 8 AprilComments
Susan Hewitt
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • I have reviewed the minutes and agree to the Resolutions passed.
If "RESOLUTION: we are all happy with the placement of the expand all button." is #5
Brent Bakken
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
James Green
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
Howard Kramer
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • I have reviewed the minutes and agree to the Resolutions passed.
Eric Eggert
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
Sharron Rush
  • I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!

View by choice

I was in the teleconference and I'm OK with them!
  • Susan Hewitt
  • Brent Bakken
  • James Green
  • Howard Kramer
  • Eric Eggert
  • Sharron Rush
I have reviewed the minutes and agree to the Resolutions passed.
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
I have reviewed the minutes but have concerns with the Resolutions, and I explain them below.
I have not read the minutes yet, and have put the date for my review into the comments box.

2. How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button Icon

summary | by responder | by choice

During the Meeting, we discussed the simplification of the Expand/Collapse all section button by using plus (+) and minus (–) icons. (Discussion)

Review the implementation here: w3c.github.io/wai-wcag-quickref/


ChoiceAll responders
I accept it as is. 8
I accept it with suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
I am not comfortable with it for the following reasons.
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button IconComments
Susan Hewitt
  • I accept it as is.
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • I accept it as is.
Brent Bakken
  • I accept it as is.
James Green
  • I accept it as is.
Howard Kramer
  • I accept it as is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • I accept it as is.
Eric Eggert
  • I accept it as is.
Sharron Rush
  • I accept it as is.

View by choice

I accept it as is.
  • Susan Hewitt
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Brent Bakken
  • James Green
  • Howard Kramer
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Eric Eggert
  • Sharron Rush
I accept it with suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
I am not comfortable with it for the following reasons.
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain.

3. How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button Functionality

summary | by responder | by choice

The button now expands the detailed WCAG Success Criteria Description to allow users to search through those as well, using the browser search. The aim is that the button functionality is as clear as possible and should not be confused with the filter status text (in top bar) nor with the show techniques for individual Success Criteria buttons. (Rationale/Discussion: Naming of Status bar message and Expand/Collapse buttons · Issue #123)

Review the implementation here: w3c.github.io/wai-wcag-quickref/


ChoiceAll responders
I accept it as is. 7
I accept it with suggestions in the detailed section questions below. 1
I am not comfortable with it for the following reasons.
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain.

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref): Button FunctionalityComments
Susan Hewitt
  • I accept it as is.
Love both button changes.
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • I accept it as is.
Brent Bakken
  • I accept it as is.
James Green
  • I accept it as is.
Howard Kramer
  • I accept it as is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • I accept it as is.
Eric Eggert
  • I accept it as is.
Sharron Rush
  • I accept it with suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
This is an improvement for sure, thanks. Nevertheless I feel a bit too close to it to know if this will be clear to those who approach for the first time. Have we thought about having more information about "How to Use the QuickRef," more than the expandable paragraph that is currently available? Maybe a longer paragraph or overview - even on another page? Or maybe we table this for user testing at the F2F next month.

View by choice

I accept it as is.
  • Susan Hewitt
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Brent Bakken
  • James Green
  • Howard Kramer
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Eric Eggert
I accept it with suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
  • Sharron Rush
I am not comfortable with it for the following reasons.
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain.

4. Accessible UI Components List: Submission Criteria

summary | by responder | by choice

During the Meeting, we discussed the inclusion of the WordPress accessibility-ready tag and the general structure of the submission criteria. (Discussion)

Review the proposal here on the Github wiki: Submission criteria


ChoiceAll responders
I like it as is. 5
I have put suggestions in the detailed section questions below. 1
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain. 2

Skip to view by choice.

View by responder


Responder Accessible UI Components List: Submission CriteriaComments
Susan Hewitt
  • I like it as is.
Shawn Lawton Henry
  • I abstain.
Brent Bakken
  • I have put suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
I like the submission criteria as is.

[mild] The following suggestion is completely up to the editors discretion. Consider switching the last two statements about "W3C reserves the right..." & "Submissions by creators/..." Just flows better in my opinion.
James Green
  • I like it as is.
Howard Kramer
  • I like it as is.
Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • I like it as is.
Eric Eggert
  • I abstain.
Sharron Rush
  • I like it as is.

View by choice

I like it as is.
  • Susan Hewitt
  • James Green
  • Howard Kramer
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra
  • Sharron Rush
I have put suggestions in the detailed section questions below.
  • Brent Bakken
I have not been able to get to this, will review by the date below.
I abstain.
  • Shawn Lawton Henry
  • Eric Eggert

More details on responses

  • Susan Hewitt: last responded on 12, April 2016 at 21:48 (UTC)
  • Shawn Lawton Henry: last responded on 13, April 2016 at 20:44 (UTC)
  • Brent Bakken: last responded on 13, April 2016 at 20:50 (UTC)
  • James Green: last responded on 14, April 2016 at 02:48 (UTC)
  • Howard Kramer: last responded on 14, April 2016 at 04:42 (UTC)
  • Shadi Abou-Zahra: last responded on 14, April 2016 at 11:44 (UTC)
  • Eric Eggert: last responded on 14, April 2016 at 12:13 (UTC)
  • Sharron Rush: last responded on 14, April 2016 at 14:09 (UTC)


The following persons have not answered the questionnaire:

  1. Eric Velleman
  2. Andrew Arch
  3. Sylvie Duchateau
  4. Kazuhito Kidachi
  5. Jedi Lin
  6. David Sloan
  7. Mary Jo Mueller
  8. Vicki Menezes Miller
  9. Reinaldo Ferraz
  10. Bill Kasdorf
  11. Cristina Mussinelli
  12. Kevin White
  13. Kevin Rydberg
  14. Ahmath Bamba MBACKE
  15. Adina Halter
  16. Laura Keen
  17. Sarah Pulis
  18. Bill Tyler
  19. Gregorio Pellegrino
  20. Ruoxi Ran
  21. Sean Kelly
  22. Muhammad Saleem
  23. Sarah Lewthwaite
  24. Daniel Montalvo
  25. Jade Matos Carew
  26. Sonsoles López Pernas
  27. Greta Krafsig
  28. Jayne Schurick
  29. Michele Williams
  30. Shikha Nikhil Dwivedi
  31. Brian Elton
  32. Julianna Rowsell
  33. Tabitha Mahoney
  34. Fred Edora
  35. Rabab Gomaa
  36. Eloisa Guerrero
  37. Leonard Beasley
  38. Frankie Wolf
  39. Supriya Makude
  40. Aleksandar Cindrikj
  41. Angela Young

Send an email to all the non-responders.

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