Six Degrees of Separation SVG/IMDB demo

The basic idea is to play the Kevin Bacon game live using real data and with an interface in SVG. The demo has instructions - I hope it is easy to work out how to drive the thing. Here is the link:

Note that this is running from my personal web server. I don't want it to be there for long as all the IMDB requests are being proxied (security restriction on the Adobe SVG viewer).

Here is a screenshot (click for full size):

What technologies are used:

Random Notes

Unfortunately, I'm scraping the IMDB data without their permission. I'm not sure exactly how evil this is - one could consider it as just another way to view the HTML data. However, it doesn't mention them, and it doesn't load their ads, so I guess they wouldn't be happy. You can buy their data from them, but I'm sure it is pricey. Anyone know someone at IMDB? If they see the demo they might consider providing it as a service!

Update: I'm sending an email to IMDB right now.

I'm going to start using RDF for the results. This makes more sense, and will hopefully make it easier to use the crappy Javascript code to do something else.

There are a lot of bugs in the code (eg. sometimes if you delete a node that has not been expanded, you get an error). I know about most of them but just haven't fixed them. You are welcome to do it yourself. In fact, you are welcome to do whatever you want with the code.

Dean Jackson - $Date: 2002/05/29 15:56:10 $