
Deliverables by month (excluding standard deliverables)

Month Deliverable Workpackage Description lead participant estimated person-months del type security
1 3.3 3 Public website and discussion list for the project (0.2 months, mailing list, Pub.) 2 0.2 mailing list Pub.
3 10.1 10 Public report evaluating existing Free Software/Open Source RDF storage systems. (2 months, report, Pub.) 1 2 report Pub.
3 3.5 3 The Dissemination and Use plan will describe plans for the dissemination of knowledge gained during the work, and the plans for exploitation of the results of the project among the different target groups, for example big industry; content producers, researchers and academics; the Opensource community; developers. Different partners have different connections to these communities. Expected locations for presentation of information about SWAD-Europe will be detailed in the Dissemination and use plan, but are likely to include: WWW conferences; XML Europe and XML International conference series. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
4 3.4 3 Intial workshop report. Initial workshop will bring together participants in Semantic Web activities from Europe and internationally. The report will concentrate on gathering requirements relevant to the work in this project, and assessing the then-current state of the art. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
4 3.6 3 Report of a developer workshop held in a European country by project team members. Developer workshops will be workshops specifically directed at implementation of Semantic Web approaches that improve the functionality of existing and new systems, such as authoring support for accessibility, or improving Web Service search systems. These workshops will build on the results of workpackages to transfer knowledge as fast as possible to the broader European software development community. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
4 2.1 2 Project technical direction plan. A document describing the overall future technical direction of the project, including related technologies, committees and interest group. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
4 4.1 4 Public document describing the then state of the art concerning XML graph serialization syntaxes for example in RDF, Web Ontologies and SOAP. (4 months, report, Pub.) 2 4 report Pub.
5 12.2.1 12.2 Public demonstrator showing the creation, storage, query and display of RDF annotations for a specific schema, and enabling access to the data using multiple clients but a common protocol and schema (9 months, demonstrator, Pub.) 2 9 demonstrator Pub.
5 10.2 10 Public report on mapping data from RDBMS. This will describe current best practice on using existing RDBMS or other storage systems for general Semantic Web data. (2 months, report, Pub.) 1 2 report Pub.
6 12.1.1 12.1 Report describing chosen demonstrators and rationale (3 months, report, Pub.) 4 3 report Pub.
6 5.1 5 Public report on the state of the art in deployed tools/techniques on schema technology. This report will address: annotating syntactic (XML) schemas to include mapping information that shows how XML structures relate to their equivalent as RDF graphs; Schematron; Meaning Definition Language (MDL); Representation of the XML Infoset and Post-Schema Validation Infoset (PSVI) in RDF; Schema Adjunct Framework; XML Schema 1.* requirements; RELAX-NG; (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
6 12.2.2 12.2 Reportdetailing the method of creating the annotation server and client demonstration, including the protocol and schema. This will form a detailed 'how to' document. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
6 7.1 7 Public document comparing existing RDF API functionality (2 months, report, Pub.) 1 2 report Pub.
8 4.2 4 Public design specification describing the architecture of a working SOAP-based "Semantic Web Service", e.g. showing the use of W3C's XML Protocol and Web Service specifications to describe, discover and communicate with remote RDF/Semantic Web query or inference services. The design document will be backed up by working examples. (6 months, report, Pub.) 2 6 report Pub.
8 3.7 3 Report of a developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
8 7.2 7 Public report comparing existing RDF query language functionality, documenting different scenarios and users for RDF query languages (for example scripters, programmers; data, schema) (2 months, report, Pub.) 1 2 report Pub.
8 12.1.2 12.1 Requirements specification for opendemonstrator 1 derived from analysis in report on chosen demonstrators (3 months, specification, Pub.) 4 3 specification Pub.
10 5.2 5 Public release of a Free Software / Open Source XSLT, Schematron or other schema language-based implementation that shows how lightweight, free tools can be used to extract Semantic Web information models from "colloquial" XML that was originally produced without targeting the Semantic Web or RDF. (12 months, software, Pub.) 2 12 software Pub.
10 10.1 10 A Free Software/Open Source RDF storage system along, with report and documentation on implementation issues found, for a developer audience. (6 months, software, Pub.) 1 6 software Pub.
12 7.3 7 Public release of reference implementation of an RDF API which may build upon existing implementations. Open Source/free software. (6 months, software, Pub.) 1 2 report Pub.
12 2.2 2 Technical report from SWAD-Europe for W3C groups, summarising findings of implementation and research with emphasis on their relevance to current and planned W3C standardization activities. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
12 3.9 3 Report of a developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, report, Pub.) 3 2 report Pub.
12 9.1 9 Publication of a W3C note on the use of Semantic Web to support the creation of accessible Web content (6 months, report, Pub.) 2 6 report Pub.
14 12.1.3 12.1 Free software/Open source Open demonstrator 1 made public (8 months, demonstrator, Pub.) 4 8 demonstrator Pub.
14 8.2 8 Public discussion document relating an RDF thesaurus schema to at least two more complex RDF ontologies (2 months, report, Pub) 3 2 report Pub.
14 12.3.1 12.3 Public release of Transformation Library to convert content from XML formats to an RDF representation and vice versa (3 months, software, Pub.) 2 3 software Pub.
15 5.3 5 Public RDF/XML Test cases for RDF Logic, Web Ontology and Maths content. A set of RDF/XML test cases illustrating the combination of MathML content with RDF and Web Ontology (eg. DAML) content; these tests will draw on use cases and be presented in a form consistent with the techniques adopted by W3C Semantic Web Activity Working Groups, and with the W3C Quality Assurance Activity. (6 months, test cases, Pub.) 2 6 test cases Pub.
15 3.10 3 Public Report summarising findings from developer outreach (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
16 12.1.4 12.1 Public report on lessons learned as feedback to tool developers from Demonstrator 1 (3 months, report, Pub.) 4 3 report Pub.
16 3.11 3 Report of a developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, workshop, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
16 12.4.1 12.4 An Open Source/Free Software demonstration of searching a large scale Semantic Web system via simple keywords returning data from multiple sources. The results will indicate information provenance within a dynamically generated interface using appropriate metaphors such as the portal style. (6 months, demonstrator, Pub.) 1 6 demonstrator Pub.
16 8.1 8 Public draft of an ISO-compatible RDF thesaurus schema (6 months, specification, Pub.) 3 6 specification Pub.
16 7.4 7 Public release of a "strawman" query language implementation incorporating current best practice, which may use or build upon existing implementations. Open Source/free software. (6 months, software, Pub.) 1 6 software Pub.
18 12.3.2 12.3 Public release of modified tools able to incorporate transformation toolkits (2 months, software, Pub.) 2 2 software Pub.
18 12.1.5 12.1 Public requirements specification for open demonstrator 2 derived from analysis in report on chosen demonstrators (2 months, report, Pub.) 4 2 report Pub.
18 2.3 2 Public report on direction from Advisory Group meetings. The meetings will be held twice a year in an appropriate location. The discussions and architectural decisions made in the meeting will be summarised in this document. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
18 8.3 8 Public discussion document showing a schema supporting multilingual thesaurus terms and including a revised RDF Thesaurus Schema extended to encode multilingual information (2 months, report, Pub) 1 2 report Pub.
20 6.1 6 Public release of service illustrating the extraction of semantic data from "colloquial" XML. (6 months, prototype, Pub.) 5 6 prototype Pub.
20 3.12 3 Report of a developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, workshop, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
20 8.4 8 Public discussion document showing cross-mapping between thesauri (2 months, report, Pub) 3 2 report Pub.
20 9.2 9 Incorporation of techniques developed in updates to W3C Notes "Techniques for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines", "Techniques for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines", "Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" and possibly the W3C document currently in draft form as "XML Accessibility Guidelines". Report on incorporation and feedback from working groups responsible. (4 months, report, Pub.) 2 4 report Pub.
21 6.2 6 Public release of service illustrating use cases for combining MathML, RDF and Web Ontology. (6 months, prototype, Pub.) 5 6 prototype Pub.
22 6.3 6 Public online documentation for both prototypes, with pointers into relevant literature. (2 months, report, Pub.) 5 2 report Pub.
23 11.1 11 A public report giving implementation experience and advice on the integration of legacy authentication systems with Semantic Web technologies (6 months, report, Pub.) 3 6 report Pub.
23 8.5 8 Public discussion document showing encoding of classification schemes (2 months, report, Pub) 3 2 report Pub.
24 9.3 9 Report on implementation of Semantic Web techniques to assist in authoring: finding images via the semantic web for a person with vision impairment, and finding descriptions of images via semantic web to streamline process of adding descriptive text. (4 months, prototype / report, Pub.) 2 4 prototype/report Pub.
24 3.13 3 Report of a developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, workshop, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
24 8.6 8 Public discussion document showing encoding of thesaurus schema using DAML+oil (2 months, report, Pub) 3 2 report Pub.
24 12.1.6 12.1 Free Software/open source Open Demonstrator 2 made public (8 months, demonstrator, Pub.) 4 8 demonstrator Pub.
25 8.7 8 Free software/open source Public research prototype incorporating one or more of the aspects of RDF thesaurus extensions: DAML+OIL schema extensions, multilingual thesaurus terms, encoding of classification schemes, cross-mapping between thesauri. (6 months, prototype, Pub.) 3 6 prototype Pub.
26 11.2 11 Release of an Open Source/FreeSoftware toolkit that implements signature chaining, capability handling and proof-based trust using RDF. (25 months, software, Pub.) 3 25 software Pub.
26 12.1.7 12.1 Public report on lessons learnt as feedback to tool developers from Demonstrator 2. (3 months, report, Pub.) 4 2 report Pub.
27 8.8 8 Public report showing existing information scientists how to migrate from their current systems to RDF based semantic web ones, with examples. (2 months, report, Pub.) 3 2 report Pub.
28 3.14 3 Developer workshop in a European country by project team members. (2 months, workshop, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
28 12.1.8 12.1 Public report on lessons learned from the two demonstrators as feedback to tool developers, incorporating information about how the demonstrator was created and the tools used. (3 months, report, Pub.) 4 3 report Pub.
29 3.16 3 The final workshop report will concentrate on gathering the results to date of work done by the participants, and outline directions which future research should investigate that are beyond the expected scope of this project. (2 month, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.
29 3.15 3 The Technology Implementation Plan (TIP) will assess the practical commercial application of tools and information in the project and semantic web technologies outside the project, and detail lessons learned so that third party users of Semantic Web technologies get a clear idea of the benefits and limitations of semantic web technologies used both outside and inside the project. Expected locations for presentation of information about SWAD-Europe will be detailed in the Dissemination and use plan, but are likely to include: WWW conferences; XML Europe and XML International conference series. (2 months, report, Pub.) 2 2 report Pub.